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82 lines (56 loc) · 3.6 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (56 loc) · 3.6 KB

1. Prerequisite: Install Anaconda Python 3.7

  1. Go to Anaconda Individual Edition site:

  2. Download the 64-bit command line installer for Python 3.7

  3. chmod +x Anaconda3-<version>

  4. ./ -b -t

  5. ~/anaconda3/bin/conda init

  6. If you are using zsh shell, add the following to .zshrc:

     # >>> conda initialize >>>
     # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
     __conda_setup="$('/Users/harold/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
         eval "$__conda_setup"
         if [ -f "/Users/harold/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
             . "/Users/harold/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/"
             export PATH="/Users/harold/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
     unset __conda_setup
     # <<< conda initialize <<<
  7. Start a new shell

2. Optional: Install CPlex

  • You can get a free Community Edition of CPLEX Optimization Studio, with limited solving capabilities in term of problem size.

  • Faculty members, research professionals at accredited institutions can get access to an unlimited version of CPLEX through the IBM® Academic Initiative.

3. Prerequisite: Get code from Github

That is, get this repo.

  1. cd SCLPsolver

4. Prerequisite: Set up an Anaconda environment

An Anaconda environment will allow you to install packages and configure Python for running SCLP. You can activate/deactivate the environment whenever you like, so that the SCLP setup is contained to this project.

  1. Optional: create an Anaconda environment conda create --name SCLP python=3.7
  2. Optional: activate the environment conda activate SCLP

5. Install XCode command line tools

  1. xcode-select --install

6. Prerequisite: Install required packages

  1. Use conda installer. conda install --yes --file sclp_requirements.txt
  2. Install OpenMP. conda install -c conda-forge openmp
  3. If you want to run the Design of Experiments, and you have CPLEX installed, install the CPLEX installer PIP installer pip install -r doe/cplex_integration/cplex_requirements.txt. Note: as of this writing, you cannot use conda install for the doopl package on Mac.

7. Compile cython files

Note: there is now a script for Mac that compiles and runs all of the below steps.

  1. ./

Or do it manually:

  1. cd subroutines/equation_tools
  2. python build_ext --inplace
  3. cd ../lp_tools
  4. python build_ext --inplace
  5. cd ../state_tools
  6. python build_ext --inplace

8. Optional: run tests

  1. cd tests
  2. Generate random re-entrant line problem and solve it using simplex-type algorithm and CPLEX discretization. Note: if you have no CPLEX you should comment all starting from line 70 to the end of the file
    DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/CPLEX_Studio_Community1210/opl/bin/x86-64_osx PYTHONPATH=.. python
  3. Generate random MCQN problem and solve it using simplex-type algorithm and CPLEX discretization. Note: if you have no CPLEX you should comment all starting from line 79 to the end of the file DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/CPLEX_Studio_Community1210/opl/bin/x86-64_osx PYTHONPATH=.. python
  4. For the explanations on parameters and results look to the comments in the code and to the