Page::Story is a series of functions that parses text data with Lady Aleena's unique markup.
Sample lines note: The sample lines below will have spaces at the beginnings of the lines. Those spaces must be removed or the lines will all be returned as paragraphs.
Lines starting with a 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, or 6
will create headings.
1 Heading level one
2 Heading level two
3 Heading level three
4 Heading level four
5 Heading level five
6 Heading level six
Should the number be followed, without spaces, by an n
, it will be returned with the noclear
1n Heading level one with noclear class
2n Heading level two with noclear class
3n Heading level three with noclear class
4n Heading level four with noclear class
5n Heading level five with noclear class
6n Heading level six with noclear class
If a +
is the last character of the string, links to Google and Wikipedia will follow directly after the heading.
1 Topic +
Normal paragraghs do not have any line notation.
Lines starting with >NUM
will be printed with an indent class.
>1 will have "indent_01" class.
>2 will have "indent_02" class.
>10 will have "indent_10" class.
Lines starting with stanza
will be a paragraph with line breaks in it, broken at |
. They will be given the stanza
class. This is helpful for poetry.
stanza This line will break|So you can eat cake.
Lines starting with the words as
, by
, from
, and with
will be paragraphs with the author
1 Some Person
as Some Other Person
1 Some Book
by Some Author
bq Some item
from Some Source
1 Main Author
with Some Other Author or Authors
Lines starting with bq
will be block quotes.
bq This is a block quote from Lady Aleena.
Lines starting with :
will be grouped into a <pre>
: This line will be preformatted.
: So will this one.
Lines starting with :|
will give the pre
tag a class.
:| perl
The above will give the pre
tag the class perl
<pre class="perl">
Lines starting with *
or #
return a list. They can be mixed.
Lines starting with *
will return an unordered list. Lines starting with *|
are setting the class of the list.
* Red
* Green
* Blue
Lines starting with #
will return an ordered list. Lines starting with #|
are setting the class of the list.
# First
# Second
# Third
Should the #
be followed by a number, the list will begin at that number.
#2 Second
# Third
# Fourth
* Red
* Green
* Blue
*# First
*# Second
*# Third
Lines starting with |
are tables
- the table's id||
- the table's class(es)|!
- the table's caption|^
- the rows that go into the table's thead. These rows will be header cells.|=
- the rows that go into the tables' tfoot. These rows will start with a header cell.|*
- rows that are just headings|+
- rows that have a header for the first cell|-
- normal rows
|# table-id
|| table-class
|! Table caption
|^ thead 1 | thead 2 | thead 3
|= tfoot header | tfoot 2 cell | tfoot 3 cell
|* sub header | sub header | sub header
|+ row header | row cell | row cell
|- row cell | row cell | row cell
Lines that are only br
or hr
will be a line break or horizontal rule respectively.
A line can have normal HTML on it.
<p>A paragraph.</p>
Lines that begin with &
will be code brought into the story with the doc magic
& hash key
Page::Story depends on List::Util, Page::Columns, Page::HTML, Page::Line, Page::Link::External, Page::Story::Inline, Fancy::Join::Grammatical, and Util::Convert.
Lady Aleena
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.
Copyright © 2020, Lady Aleena (
. All rights reserved.