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01b4fae · Jun 7, 2022


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File metadata and controls

359 lines (284 loc) · 14.6 KB


(👷 目前此專案內的 EnumExtension 使用了 Unity API,但將所有 UnsafeUtility.SizeOf 替換為 Unsafe.SizeOf 就能在 .NET 使用)

又一個狀態機 Framework,為了幫助寫出更好的 code 而精心打造。

基本概念是將業務邏輯從 Class 中移出並拆分為不同的狀態(State) Class,讓原始 Class 變成單純的資料及參照物件。

請注意:這是一個被動狀態機(Passive StateMachine),本身不會有任何動作,需要從外部推動運作。


  • 避免在開發中面對無關程式碼,輕鬆創建、編輯物件行為並除錯
  • 利用外部的事件(Event)與參數(Parameter)物件來跟外部程式碼整合溝通
  • 具備 Component 機制 (Dependency Injection)
  • 精心設計的介面提供最佳的開發體驗


  • class StateMachine: 狀態機,負責管理 T 的狀態物件
  • class StateMachine.State: 所有狀態物件的基底類別
  • interface IComponentUser: 實作此介面的狀態支援 Component 機制 (Dependency Injection)
  • interface IEventReceiverState<T, E>: 實作此介面的狀態可接受油狀態機轉發的 E 型別事件物件



假設我們要製作遊戲,且現在要使用這個框架實作主要系統流程。讓我們從定義 Game 開始:

public partial class Game
    StateMachine<Game> _stateMachine;
    public Game()
        _stateMachine = new StateMachine<Game>(this);
        _stateMachine.SetComponent<ILogger, SimpleLogger>(new SimpleLogger());
        _stateMachine.ChangeState<Init>(); // 設定初始狀態

    /// <summary>
    /// 假設以 60 fps 呼叫
    /// </summary>
    public void Update () => _stateMachine.Update();

    // 這些成員會在其他範例中被使用
    public void SetupStuff () {}
    public async Task SetupAsyncStuff () {}
    public void ExitGame () {}

此框架不需要你的主題 T 繼承自特定類別,只需要找個地方 new 出一個 StateMachine<T> 就好;建議選項是在主題 T 內部宣告。

使用此框架不需要對現有程式碼做出大幅改動,即使不是一個新建而空蕩的類別,也只需要新增一個 StateMachine 宣告就能開始採用 StatePattern。


  • 其是 partial 類別,這是因為 Game 的狀態類別是以子類別的形式宣告在其中,並被分隔到不同的檔案中`
    • 這是建議作法,因為這樣子狀態就能存取主題的私有類別
  • 有一行 SetComponent 陳述句。這就是此框架的 Dependency Injection 功能。下方有更完整的介紹
  • 在狀態機被 new 出來之後,馬上執行了 ChangeState
    • 此框架提供兩種 ChangeState: 泛型(Genric) 及狀態實例
    • 在此範例中呼叫了泛型版本。一個 Init 會被自動 new 出來並且被狀態機快取


再來看看 Init 狀態的定義:

public partial class Game
    public class Init : StateMachine<Game>.State
        Task _setupTask; // Just for example 
        public override void OnEntered(StateMachine<Game> machine, StateMachine<Game>.State previous, Game subject, object parameter = null)
            _setupTask = subject.SetupAsyncStuff();

        public override void OnLeaving(StateMachine<Game> machine, StateMachine<Game>.State next, Game subject, object parameter = null) {}

        public override void Update(StateMachine<Game> machine, Game subject)
            if (_setupTask.IsCompleted)
                Logger.Log("Init completed!");

每個狀態(State)都衍生自 StateMachine.State,必須實作三個方法:

  • OnEntered:每當狀態機剛切換到該狀態時執行
  • Update:每當狀態機的 Update() 被呼叫時執行
  • OnLeaving:每當狀態機要從該狀態切換到其他狀態時執行

這些方法的 Signature 都又臭又長,但這已經是數次重構之後的成果了。只要善用 IDE、避免手打,這應該不是太大的問題。

我們在 Init 狀態中,把初始化遊戲該做的事情都做一做(範例中假設我們需要的只有同步方法 SetupStuff() 和非同步方法 SetupAsyncStuff()),等到看起來一切都完成了之後,就執行 ChangeState<InMainMenu>

在這個 ChangeState<InMainMenu> 呼叫中,該狀態機會先執行 Init.OnLeaving,再來執行 InMainMenu.OnEntered

需要注意的是這些方法沒有返回值。以 Update() 來說,不是透過返回來切換狀態代表在 ChangeState() 的呼叫之後執行更多陳述句是可行的,但是盡可能在每個 ChangeState() 之後都直接返回結束應該會比較好維護點。



此框架的兩種 ChangeState() 實作都接受一個選用參數 object parameter,這個物件會被一路傳遞到來源/目標狀態物件雙方。這讓狀態物件有機會了解狀態切換的原因。

由於接受的型別是 object,任何物件都可以作為參數。例如,將一個 Exception 傳遞到 Game.Exiting (即將離開遊戲)狀態,我們可以新增一些程式碼來將錯誤的 Stack Trace 上傳到伺服器。

建議作法是對該 object 做 switch:

public class NewGame : StateMachine<Game>.State
    public override void OnEntered(StateMachine<Game> machine, StateMachine<Game>.State previous, Game subject, object parameter = null)
        switch (parameter)
            case NewGameOptions options:
                if (options.hardMode) SetMoney(-9999);

struct NewGameOptions
    public bool hardMode;

    public NewGameOptions(bool hardMode)
        this.hardMode = hardMode;


StateMachine<T> 提供 SendEvent<E>(E ev) 方法,該方法會將 ev 轉發給所有活躍中並且有實作 IEventReceiverState<T, E> 的狀態物件。

IEventReceiverState<T, E> 介面有一個額外的泛型參數 E,也就是說,狀態類別要針對每個關心的事件類別都實作一個 ReceiveEvent()。這個設計較好維護且可以迴避使用 object 作為事件事件參數類別時發生 boxing/unboxing。


  • InternalSignal:一套簡單的 Enum 作為內部通知訊號,例如 MachinePaused(狀態機被暫停)、MachineResumed(狀態機解除暫停).
  • PopupStateStarted:一個 PopupState 開始運作的通知,內含指向該 PopupState 的參照。
  • PopupStateEnded:一個 PopupState 終止的通知,內含指向該 PopupState 的參照。
  • MainStateChanged:狀態機主要 State 已切換的通知,內含指向來源/目標 States 雙方的通知。
  • SideTrackStateChanged:狀態機副 State 已切換的通知,內含副 State 所在通道及指向來源/目標 States 雙方的通知。 (MultiTrackStateMachine)
public class InMainMenu : StateMachine<Game>.State,
                          IEventReceiverState<Game, LoadGameRequest>,
                          IEventReceiverState<Game, InMainMenu.Interaction>
    public void ReceiveEvent(StateMachine<Game> machine, Game subject, LoadGameRequest ev)

    public void ReceiveEvent(StateMachine<Game> machine, Game subject, InMainMenu.Interaction ev)
        switch (ev)
            case Interaction.NewGame:
            case Interaction.Load:
                // LOAD GAME LOGIC
            case Interaction.Exit:

    public enum Interaction

Dependency Injection

public partial class Game
    public class Init : StateMachine<Game>.State, IComponentUser
        [AutoComponent] ILogger Logger { get; set; }
        public void OnComponentSupplied(Type t, object o) {}

States implements IComponentuser interface are delivered the components provided through StateMachine.SetComponent().

This happens when:

  • For ChangeState(State), Components Delivering always happens every time.
  • For ChangeState<S>(), there's a configuration flag that will decide the behavior.
    • (Noted that this generic version use internally newed/cached states)
    • If OnlyInjectsNewForCachedStates is set to true, For every S, Components Delivering happens only at the first time ChangeState<S>() is called. Otherwise, it also happens every time ChangeState<S>() is called.

What exactly does Components Delivering do?

The framework provides auto fill-in functionality and that's what makes it "Dependency Injection" (I don't know, is it?)

By default, all setter properties (even private ones) marked with [AutoComponent] will be filled in, given a component of matching type is provided. After a successful fill-in, OnComponentSupplied is called once for that one component filled in.

You can mark a state with [DisableAutoComponents] and it will disable the auto fill-in for that state, instead, it simply calls OnComponentSupplied for every component provided and leave the rest to you.

If an IComponentuser state is not marked with [DisableAutoComponents] but no [AutoComponent] is found, it's treated like it's marked with [DisableAutoComponents].

As you may have noticed, in this example it is an ILogger while in the first example code snippet, it's SetComponent<ILogger, SimpleLogger>, and the [AutoComponent] here is an ILogger. So you know that it allows some polymorphism here.

  • The signature is SetComponent<PT, CT> (CT obj) where CT : PT; as long as PT isAssignableFrom CT it'd work. For example, SimpleLogger implements ILogger so it works, if SimpleLogger is derived from BaseLogger, then SetComponent<BaseLogger, SimpleLogger> will works for [AutoComponent] BaseLogger logger { get; set; }.


PopupStates are like fire-and-forget states, there's no state transition. There's no limit on how many & what type of PopupStates is active at the same time.

It's a good fit for something related to the subject but is simple/transient. For example, debuffs in RPG games.

To some degree, it also allows multi states at the same time. But if you really need that, consider trying out MultiTrackStateMachine which has "SideTracks" alongside the main State.

(It's inspired by... Moodlets, from Sims4, when something happens your sim gets a mood; A mood is of some type of emotion and has a reason; The mood ends after some time or due to something happens.)

Debug The Transitions

To log state transitions, subscribe to the string delegate StateMachine<T>.DebugOutput.


  • The abstract methods in States are so annoying! How would I type all those for every state?

    This is actually the simplest yet most usable interface I figured. I personally use IDE (VSCode + Omnisharp) to populate stuff in less than a second so it's not a deal IMO.

  • Why States are sub-classes of StateMachines?

    The framework is built around generic, I explored the design several times and there's no better option for this framework until I find a better solution of nested generic parameters.

  • What is Context? What is Target?

    Context and Target indicate the same thing: the subject controlled by the state machine, to the states, it's Context; to the state machine, it's the Target.

  • Is StateMachine thread-safe?

    It's not. At the moment I believe the best multi-threaded usage will be like every StateMachine only gets updated by 1 thread (One thread to many machines).


Double Jumping

This example shows how to easily create a double-jump behavior with only 3 states.

public class Jumping : StateMachine<Movement>.State
    bool isDoubleJumping;
    public override void OnEntered(StateMachine<Movement> machine, StateMachine<Movement>.State previous, Movement subject, object parameter = null)
        isDoubleJumping = previous is Jumping;
        switch (parameter)
            case JumpParameter jp:
                subject.Velocity += new Vector3(0, 1000, 0) * jp.JumpMultiplier;
            case null:
                subject.Velocity += new Vector3(0, 1000, 0);
    public override void Update(StateMachine<Movement> machine, Movement subject)

        if (subject.GroundCheck())

        if (subject.CurrentInput.Jump)
            machine.ChangeState<Jumping>(); // Jump again

        if (subject.Velocity.y < 0)

public class Grounded : StateMachine<Movement>.State
    public override void OnEntered(StateMachine<Movement> machine, StateMachine<Movement>.State previous, Movement subject, object parameter = null)
    public override void Update(StateMachine<Movement> machine, Movement subject)
        if (subject.Velocity.y < 0)
        if (subject.CurrentInput.Jump)

public class Falling : StateMachine<Movement>.State
    bool isDoubleJumped;
    public override void OnEntered(StateMachine<Movement> machine, StateMachine<Movement>.State previous, Movement subject, object parameter = null)
        isDoubleJumped = previous is Jumping && parameter is bool b == true;
    public override void Update(StateMachine<Movement> machine, Movement subject)

        if (subject.GroundCheck())

        if (!isDoubleJumped && subject.CurrentInput.Jump)
            machine.ChangeState<Jumping>(); // Jump again