The @acpaas-ui/context
package manages meta tags and other SEO properties and provides a link to the redux state.
npm install @acpaas-ui/context --save
Import the ContextModule
in app.module.ts:
import { ContextModule, ContextService } from '@acpaas-ui/context';
imports: [
export class AppModule {
constructor(private ContextService: ContextService) {}
If you want to sync the selected meta tags with the redux state using the @angular-redux/store
module, import the ContextStoreModule
as well:
import { ContextModule, ContextStoreModule } from '@acpaas-ui/context';
imports: [
and add the contextReducer
to your store (use the IContext
interface for typechecking):
import { contextReducer as context } from '@acpaas-ui/context';
export const rootReducer = combineReducers<AppState>({
You can set defaults and other options for the module by using the forRoot() option in the imoport section:
imports: [
useTitleSuffix: true,
defaults: {
titleSuffix: ' | ACPaaS UI'
Available options:
(boolean, default:false
): add an optional title suffixextendTitle
(boolean, default:false
): append parent page titles (when using router context)titleDelimiter
(string, default:|
): the separator to use whenextendTitle
is truedefaults
(IContext, default:{}
): default values for the meta tagsrouterContext
(boolean, default:true
): listen for meta data on the route changes
You can set tags on routes using the data
property. The ContextService
will subscribe to the router and pick up these tags automatically.
const ROUTES: Routes = [
path: 'home',
component: HomePage,
data: {
meta: {
page: 'home',
title: 'Home page',
description: 'Description of the home page',
metatags: 'Angular2, meta, seo'
You can set tags manually in your components as well. This is useful for async data or generic routes. You can use loadContext
method on either the ContextService
(without redux) or the ContextActionCreator
(with redux), both have the same API.
import { ContextActionCreator } from 'aui-service-context';
providers: [
export class ContactPage implements OnInit {
constructor(private contextAction: ContextActionCreator) {}
public ngOnInit() {
title: 'New title'
Available tags: Exceptions are added for title, description & favIcon tags and the most used tags are available in the IContext interface. You are free to use whichever tag you need however.
- title
- titleSuffix
- description
- favIcon
- canonical
- og:url
- og:type
- og:title
- og:description
- og:image
- fb:app_id
- og:locale
- og:locale:alternate
- og:see_also
- og:updated_time
- twitter:card
- twitter:site
- twitter:creator