This code appears to define an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) that is passed an anonymous function as an argument. The anonymous function takes a single parameter, e.
Inside the function, an empty object named t is defined. Then, a function named n is defined. n takes a single parameter, o.
The function n has several conditional statements and function calls inside it. It appears to be a module loader of some sort, possibly for loading JavaScript modules.
There is only one entry point to the module, at the index 858. The code at this index defines an anonymous function and immediately invokes it.
This anonymous function appears to create an iframe element and set its src attribute to a URL pointing to a file named beacon-tv-message.html, which is located in the chrome.runtime.getURL("beacon/beacon-tv-message.html") directory. The iframe element is then appended to the current document's body.
The code also sets up event listeners to listen for a specific message from the chrome.runtime and to remove the iframe element from the document when the message is received or when the chrome.runtime connection is disconnected.
Finally, the code sets up another event listener to listen for clicks on the document, and if the click did not originate from the iframe element, it sends a message to the chrome.runtime and removes the click event listener.
It is not clear what the purpose of this code is without more context.