From c95660174b104acfdb2027be051464bec5fb48b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Diamond <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 18:30:40 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] refactor/cuda: implement the plugin traits generically
 against the Cuda backend

This allows the tests/downstream crates to be generic. For Cuda, this doesn't
expand the types allowed, so only `f32` and `f64` are allowed (just as before).
 src/frameworks/cuda/ |  968 --------------------------
 src/frameworks/cuda/    | 1227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 1066 insertions(+), 1129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/frameworks/cuda/ b/src/frameworks/cuda/
index a4416a8..a598bde 100644
--- a/src/frameworks/cuda/
+++ b/src/frameworks/cuda/
@@ -21,971 +21,3 @@ pub unsafe fn receive_memory_ptr_mut<T>(x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>, d
-macro_rules! impl_oconf_for_cc(($($t: ident), +) => (
-    $(
-        impl<'a> NNOperationConfig<$t> for utils::ConvolutionConfig { }
-    )+
-macro_rules! impl_oconf_for_clrn(($($t: ident), +) => (
-    $(
-        impl NNOperationConfig<$t> for utils::NormalizationConfig { }
-    )+
-macro_rules! impl_oconf_for_pooling(($($t: ident), +) => (
-    $(
-        impl NNOperationConfig<$t> for utils::PoolingConfig { }
-    )+
-macro_rules! impl_ops_sigmoid_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::Sigmoid<$t> for $b {
-            fn sigmoid(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.sigmoid_plain(x, result)
-            }
-            fn sigmoid_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation Sigmoid Forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn sigmoid_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.sigmoid_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff)
-            }
-            fn sigmoid_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation Sigmoid Backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_sigmoid_pointwise_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::SigmoidPointwise<$t> for $b {
-            fn sigmoid_pointwise(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                self.sigmoid_pointwise_plain(x)
-            }
-            fn sigmoid_pointwise_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Sigmoid Pointwise forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn sigmoid_pointwise_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                self.sigmoid_pointwise_grad_plain(x, x_diff)
-            }
-            fn sigmoid_pointwise_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Sigmoid Pointwise backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_relu_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::Relu<$t> for $b {
-            fn relu(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.relu_plain(x, result)
-            }
-            fn relu_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation relu Forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn relu_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.relu_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff)
-            }
-            fn relu_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation relu Backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_relu_pointwise_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::ReluPointwise<$t> for $b {
-            fn relu_pointwise(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                self.relu_pointwise_plain(x)
-            }
-            fn relu_pointwise_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN ReLU Pointwise forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn relu_pointwise_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                self.relu_pointwise_grad_plain(x, x_diff)
-            }
-            fn relu_pointwise_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN ReLU Pointwise backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_tanh_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::Tanh<$t> for $b {
-            fn tanh(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.tanh_plain(x, result)
-            }
-            fn tanh_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation tanh Forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn tanh_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.tanh_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff)
-            }
-            fn tanh_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation tanh Backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_tanh_pointwise_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::TanhPointwise<$t> for $b {
-            fn tanh_pointwise(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                self.tanh_pointwise_plain(x)
-            }
-            fn tanh_pointwise_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Tanh Pointwise forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn tanh_pointwise_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                self.tanh_pointwise_grad_plain(x, x_diff)
-            }
-            fn tanh_pointwise_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Tanh Pointwise backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_convolution_for {
-    ($t:ty, $b:ty) => (
-        fn convolution(
-            &self,
-            filter: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            workspace: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<u8>,
-            config: &Self::CC //::frameworks::cuda::CC
-        ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-            match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-            match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-            match workspace.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-            self.convolution_plain(filter, x, result, workspace, config)
-        }
-        fn convolution_plain(
-            &self,
-            filter: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            workspace: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<u8>,
-            config: &Self::CC
-        ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-            let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-            Ok(try!(match CUDNN.convolution_forward(
-                config,
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(workspace, self.device()) }),
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(filter, self.device()) }),
-                &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                scal_params
-            ) {
-                Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                Err(_) => {
-                    Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation convolution Forward."))
-                }
-            }))
-        }
-        #[allow(unused_variables)]
-        fn convolution_grad_filter(
-            &self,
-            src_data: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            dest_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            filter_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            workspace: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<u8>,
-            config: &Self::CC
-        ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-            match src_data.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(src_data.sync(self.device())) }
-            match dest_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(dest_diff.sync(self.device())) }
-            match filter_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(filter_diff.sync(self.device())) }
-            match workspace.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-            self.convolution_grad_filter_plain(src_data, dest_diff, filter_diff, workspace, config)
-        }
-        #[allow(unused_variables)]
-        fn convolution_grad_filter_plain(
-            &self,
-            src_data: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            dest_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            filter_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            workspace: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<u8>,
-            config: &Self::CC
-        ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-            let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-            Ok(try!(match CUDNN.convolution_backward_filter(
-                config,
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(workspace, self.device()) }),
-                &try!(src_data.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(src_data, self.device()) }),
-                &try!(dest_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(dest_diff, self.device()) }),
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(filter_diff, self.device()) }),
-                scal_params
-            ) {
-                Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                Err(_) => {
-                    Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation convolution Backward."))
-                }
-            }))
-        }
-        #[allow(unused_variables)]
-        fn convolution_grad_data(
-            &self,
-            filter: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            workspace: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<u8>,
-            config: &Self::CC
-        ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-            match filter.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(filter.sync(self.device())) }
-            match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x_diff.sync(self.device())) }
-            match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(result_diff.sync(self.device())) }
-            match workspace.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-            self.convolution_grad_data_plain(filter, x_diff, result_diff, workspace, config)
-        }
-        #[allow(unused_variables)]
-        fn convolution_grad_data_plain(
-            &self,
-            filter: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-            workspace: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<u8>,
-            config: &Self::CC
-        ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-            let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-            Ok(try!(match CUDNN.convolution_backward_data(
-                config,
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(workspace, self.device()) }),
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(filter, self.device()) }),
-                &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }),
-                &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
-                try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }),
-                scal_params
-            ) {
-                Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                Err(_) => {
-                    Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation convolution Backward."))
-                }
-            }))
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_softmax_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::Softmax<$t> for $b {
-            fn softmax(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.softmax_plain(x, result)
-            }
-            fn softmax_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.softmax_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN softmax Forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn softmax_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.softmax_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result_diff)
-            }
-            fn softmax_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.softmax_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN softmax Backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_log_softmax_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::LogSoftmax<$t> for $b {
-            fn log_softmax(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.log_softmax_plain(x, result)
-            }
-            fn log_softmax_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.log_softmax_forward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN logarithmic softmax Forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            fn log_softmax_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.log_softmax_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result_diff)
-            }
-            fn log_softmax_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.log_softmax_backward(
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN logarithmic softmax Backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_lrn_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::LRN<$t> for $b {
-            fn new_lrn_config(
-                &self,
-                n: u32,
-                alpha: f64,
-                beta: f64,
-                k: f64
-            ) -> Result<Self::CLRN, ::co::error::Error> {
-                Ok(CUDNN.init_normalization(n, alpha, beta, k).unwrap())
-            }
-            fn lrn(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CLRN //::frameworks::cuda::CC
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.lrn_plain(x, result, config)
-            }
-            fn lrn_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CLRN
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.lrn_forward(
-                    config,
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation lrn Forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            #[allow(unused_variables)]
-            fn lrn_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CLRN
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.lrn_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff, config)
-            }
-            #[allow(unused_variables)]
-            fn lrn_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CLRN
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.lrn_backward(
-                    config,
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation lrn Backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
-macro_rules! impl_ops_pooling_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::Pooling<$t> for $b {
-            fn new_pooling_config(
-                &self,
-                window: &[i32],
-                padding: &[i32],
-                stride: &[i32],
-            ) -> Result<Self::CPOOL, ::co::error::Error> {
-                let pooling_avg = ::cudnn::PoolingDescriptor::new(::cudnn::cudnnPoolingMode_t::CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING, window, padding, stride).unwrap();
-                let pooling_max = ::cudnn::PoolingDescriptor::new(::cudnn::cudnnPoolingMode_t::CUDNN_POOLING_MAX, window, padding, stride).unwrap();
-                Ok(::cudnn::utils::PoolingConfig::new(pooling_avg, pooling_max))
-            }
-            fn pooling_max(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CPOOL
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.pooling_max_plain(x, result, config)
-            }
-            fn pooling_max_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CPOOL
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.pooling_max_forward(
-                    config,
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation pooling Forward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-            #[allow(unused_variables)]
-            fn pooling_max_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CPOOL
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
-                match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-                self.pooling_max_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff, config)
-            }
-            #[allow(unused_variables)]
-            fn pooling_max_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CPOOL
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<$t> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-                Ok(try!(match CUDNN.pooling_max_backward(
-                    config,
-                    &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
-                    &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
-                    &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
-                    &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_diff_desc
-                    try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
-                    scal_params
-                ) {
-                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation pooling Backward."))
-                    }
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    )
diff --git a/src/frameworks/cuda/ b/src/frameworks/cuda/
index baa5459..6b9b51b 100644
--- a/src/frameworks/cuda/
+++ b/src/frameworks/cuda/
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
 use ::plugin::*;
 use co::prelude::*;
 use co::plugin::Error as PluginError;
+use co::plugin::numeric_helpers::Float;
 use cudnn::*;
+pub use cudnn::utils::DataTypeInfo;
 pub mod helper;
@@ -29,87 +33,6 @@ pub trait ICudnnDesc<T> {
     fn cudnn_convolution_desc(&self, filter: &SharedTensor<T>) -> Result<ConvolutionDescriptor, PluginError>;
-macro_rules! impl_icudnndesc_for_sharedtensor {
-    ($t:ty, $cutype:path) => (
-        impl ICudnnDesc<$t> for SharedTensor<$t> {
-            fn cudnn_tensor_desc(&self) -> Result<TensorDescriptor, PluginError> {
-                match TensorDescriptor::new(&self.desc().dims_i32().clone(), &self.desc().default_stride_i32().clone(), $cutype) {
-                    Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN TensorDescriptor."))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            fn cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax(&self) -> Result<TensorDescriptor, PluginError> {
-                let actual_desc = self.desc().clone();
-                let override_desc = match actual_desc.len() {
-                    // not batched and single dimension softmax
-                    1 => vec![1, actual_desc[0], 1, 1],
-                    // batched and single dimension softmax
-                    2 => vec![actual_desc[0], actual_desc[1], 1, 1],
-                    // neither batched nor single dimension
-                    3 => vec![1, actual_desc[0], actual_desc[1], actual_desc[2]],
-                    _ => actual_desc
-                };
-                match TensorDescriptor::new(&override_desc.dims_i32().clone(),
-                                            &override_desc.default_stride_i32().clone(),
-                                            $cutype) {
-                    Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN TensorDescriptor."))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            fn cudnn_tensor_desc_flat(&self) -> Result<TensorDescriptor, PluginError> {
-                let actual_desc = self.desc().clone();
-                let mut override_desc = match actual_desc.len() {
-                    1 => vec![1, 1],
-                    2 => vec![1],
-                    _ => vec![]
-                };
-                for dim in actual_desc {
-                    override_desc.push(dim);
-                }
-                match TensorDescriptor::new(&override_desc.dims_i32().clone(),
-                                            &override_desc.default_stride_i32().clone(),
-                                            $cutype) {
-                    Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN TensorDescriptor."))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            fn cudnn_filter_desc(&self) -> Result<FilterDescriptor, PluginError> {
-                match FilterDescriptor::new(&self.desc().dims_i32().clone(), $cutype) {
-                    Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN FilterDescriptor."))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            fn cudnn_convolution_desc(&self, filter: &SharedTensor<$t>) -> Result<ConvolutionDescriptor, PluginError> {
-                match ConvolutionDescriptor::new(&self.desc().dims_i32().clone(), &filter.desc().default_stride_i32().clone(), $cutype) {
-                    Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
-                    Err(_) => {
-                        Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN ConvolutionDescriptor."))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    )
-impl_icudnndesc_for_sharedtensor!(f32, ::cudnn::utils::DataType::Float);
-impl_icudnndesc_for_sharedtensor!(f64, ::cudnn::utils::DataType::Double);
-impl_oconf_for_cc!(f32, f64);
-impl_oconf_for_clrn!(f32, f64);
-impl_oconf_for_pooling!(f32, f64);
 impl ConvForwardAlgo {
     /// Tries to return the matching cuDNN type for the enum value.
     fn as_cudnn(&self) -> Result<cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t, ::co::error::Error> {
@@ -240,65 +163,86 @@ impl ConvBackwardDataAlgo {
-macro_rules! impl_convolution_for_cuda_backend {
-    ($t:ty, $cutype:path) => (
-        impl ConvolutionConfig<$t> for ::cudnn::utils::ConvolutionConfig {
-            fn workspace_size(&self) -> usize {
-                *self.largest_workspace_size()
+impl<T> ICudnnDesc<T> for SharedTensor<T>
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn cudnn_tensor_desc(&self) -> Result<TensorDescriptor, PluginError> {
+        match TensorDescriptor::new(&self.desc().dims_i32().clone(),
+                                    &self.desc().default_stride_i32().clone(),
+                                    <T as DataTypeInfo>::cudnn_data_type()) {
+            Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN TensorDescriptor."))
+    }
-        impl Convolution<$t> for Backend<Cuda> {
-            fn new_convolution_config(
-                &self,
-                src: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                dest: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                filter: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                algo_fwd: ConvForwardAlgo,
-                algo_bwd_filter: ConvBackwardFilterAlgo,
-                algo_bwd_data: ConvBackwardDataAlgo,
-                stride: &[i32],
-                zero_padding: &[i32],
-            ) -> Result<Self::CC, ::co::error::Error> {
-                let src_desc = try!(src.cudnn_tensor_desc());
-                let dest_desc = try!(dest.cudnn_tensor_desc());
-                let filter_desc = try!(filter.cudnn_filter_desc());
-                let conv_desc = ::cudnn::ConvolutionDescriptor::new(zero_padding, stride, $cutype).unwrap();
-                let useable_algo_fwd = try!(algo_fwd.find_cudnn_algo(&filter_desc, &conv_desc, &src_desc, &dest_desc));
-                let useable_algo_bwd_filter = try!(algo_bwd_filter.find_cudnn_algo(&filter_desc, &conv_desc, &src_desc, &dest_desc));
-                let useable_algo_bwd_data = try!(algo_bwd_data.find_cudnn_algo(&filter_desc, &conv_desc, &src_desc, &dest_desc));
-                let mut workspace_size_fwd = API::get_convolution_forward_workspace_size(*CUDNN.id_c(), useable_algo_fwd.as_cudnn().unwrap(), *filter_desc.id_c(), *conv_desc.id_c(), *src_desc.id_c(), *dest_desc.id_c()).unwrap();
-                let mut workspace_size_bwd_filter = API::get_convolution_backward_filter_workspace_size(*CUDNN.id_c(), useable_algo_bwd_filter.as_cudnn().unwrap(), *filter_desc.id_c(), *conv_desc.id_c(), *src_desc.id_c(), *dest_desc.id_c()).unwrap();
-                let mut workspace_size_bwd_data = API::get_convolution_backward_data_workspace_size(*CUDNN.id_c(), useable_algo_bwd_data.as_cudnn().unwrap(), *filter_desc.id_c(), *conv_desc.id_c(), *src_desc.id_c(), *dest_desc.id_c()).unwrap();
-                if workspace_size_fwd == 0 {
-                    workspace_size_fwd = 8;
-                }
-                if workspace_size_bwd_filter == 0 {
-                    workspace_size_bwd_filter = 8;
-                }
-                if workspace_size_bwd_data == 0 {
-                    workspace_size_bwd_data = 8;
-                }
-                Ok(
-                    ::cudnn::utils::ConvolutionConfig::new(
-                        useable_algo_fwd.as_cudnn().unwrap(), workspace_size_fwd,
-                        useable_algo_bwd_filter.as_cudnn().unwrap(), workspace_size_bwd_filter,
-                        useable_algo_bwd_data.as_cudnn().unwrap(), workspace_size_bwd_data,
-                        conv_desc, filter_desc
-                    )
-                )
+    fn cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax(&self) -> Result<TensorDescriptor, PluginError> {
+        let actual_desc = self.desc().clone();
+        let override_desc = match actual_desc.len() {
+            // not batched and single dimension softmax
+            1 => vec![1, actual_desc[0], 1, 1],
+            // batched and single dimension softmax
+            2 => vec![actual_desc[0], actual_desc[1], 1, 1],
+            // neither batched nor single dimension
+            3 => vec![1, actual_desc[0], actual_desc[1], actual_desc[2]],
+            _ => actual_desc
+        };
+        match TensorDescriptor::new(&override_desc.dims_i32().clone(),
+                                    &override_desc.default_stride_i32().clone(),
+                                    <T as DataTypeInfo>::cudnn_data_type()) {
+            Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN TensorDescriptor."))
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn cudnn_tensor_desc_flat(&self) -> Result<TensorDescriptor, PluginError> {
+        let actual_desc = self.desc().clone();
+        let mut override_desc = match actual_desc.len() {
+            1 => vec![1, 1],
+            2 => vec![1],
+            _ => vec![]
+        };
+        for dim in actual_desc {
+            override_desc.push(dim);
+        }
+        match TensorDescriptor::new(&override_desc.dims_i32().clone(),
+                                    &override_desc.default_stride_i32().clone(),
+                                    <T as DataTypeInfo>::cudnn_data_type()) {
+            Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN TensorDescriptor."))
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn cudnn_filter_desc(&self) -> Result<FilterDescriptor, PluginError> {
+        match FilterDescriptor::new(&self.desc().dims_i32().clone(),
+                                    <T as DataTypeInfo>::cudnn_data_type()) {
+            Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN FilterDescriptor."))
+        }
+    }
-            impl_ops_convolution_for!($t, Backend<Cuda>);
+    fn cudnn_convolution_desc(&self, filter: &SharedTensor<T>) -> Result<ConvolutionDescriptor, PluginError> {
+        match ConvolutionDescriptor::new(&self.desc().dims_i32().clone(),
+                                         &filter.desc().default_stride_i32().clone(),
+                                         <T as DataTypeInfo>::cudnn_data_type()) {
+            Ok(desc) => Ok(desc),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(PluginError::Plugin("Unable to create CuDNN ConvolutionDescriptor."))
+            }
-    )
+    }
-impl NN<f32> for Backend<Cuda> {
+impl<T> NN<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo,
     type CC = utils::ConvolutionConfig;
     type CLRN = utils::NormalizationConfig;
     type CPOOL = utils::PoolingConfig;
@@ -306,38 +250,999 @@ impl NN<f32> for Backend<Cuda> {
     fn init_nn() { let _ = CUDNN.id_c(); }
     fn device(&self) -> &DeviceType { self.device() }
+impl<'a, T> NNOperationConfig<T> for utils::ConvolutionConfig
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo,
+{ }
+impl<T> NNOperationConfig<T> for utils::NormalizationConfig
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo,
+{ }
+impl<T> NNOperationConfig<T> for utils::PoolingConfig
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo,
+{ }
-impl_convolution_for_cuda_backend!(f32, ::cudnn::utils::DataType::Float);
-impl_ops_sigmoid_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_relu_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_tanh_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_softmax_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_log_softmax_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_lrn_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_pooling_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
+impl<T> Sigmoid<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo + Default,
+    fn sigmoid(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
-impl_ops_sigmoid_pointwise_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_relu_pointwise_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_tanh_pointwise_for!(f32, Backend<Cuda>);
+        self.sigmoid_plain(x, result)
+    }
-impl NN<f64> for Backend<Cuda> {
-    type CC = utils::ConvolutionConfig;
-    type CLRN = utils::NormalizationConfig;
-    type CPOOL = utils::PoolingConfig;
+    fn sigmoid_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
-    fn init_nn() { let _ = CUDNN.id_c(); }
-    fn device(&self) -> &DeviceType { self.device() }
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation Sigmoid Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn sigmoid_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.sigmoid_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff)
+    }
+    fn sigmoid_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation Sigmoid Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> ConvolutionConfig<T> for ::cudnn::utils::ConvolutionConfig
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn workspace_size(&self) -> usize {
+        *self.largest_workspace_size()
+    }
+impl<T> Convolution<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn new_convolution_config(&self,
+                              src: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                              dest: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                              filter: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                              algo_fwd: ConvForwardAlgo,
+                              algo_bwd_filter: ConvBackwardFilterAlgo,
+                              algo_bwd_data: ConvBackwardDataAlgo,
+                              stride: &[i32],
+                              zero_padding: &[i32]) ->
+        Result<Self::CC, ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        let src_desc = try!(src.cudnn_tensor_desc());
+        let dest_desc = try!(dest.cudnn_tensor_desc());
+        let filter_desc = try!(filter.cudnn_filter_desc());
+        let conv_desc = ::cudnn::ConvolutionDescriptor::new(zero_padding, stride,
+                                                            <T as DataTypeInfo>::cudnn_data_type()).unwrap();
+        let useable_algo_fwd = try!(algo_fwd.find_cudnn_algo(&filter_desc, &conv_desc,
+                                                             &src_desc, &dest_desc));
+        let useable_algo_bwd_filter = try!(algo_bwd_filter.find_cudnn_algo(&filter_desc, &conv_desc,
+                                                                           &src_desc, &dest_desc));
+        let useable_algo_bwd_data = try!(algo_bwd_data.find_cudnn_algo(&filter_desc, &conv_desc,
+                                                                       &src_desc, &dest_desc));
+        let mut workspace_size_fwd =
+            API::get_convolution_forward_workspace_size(*CUDNN.id_c(),
+                                                        useable_algo_fwd.as_cudnn().unwrap(),
+                                                        *filter_desc.id_c(),
+                                                        *conv_desc.id_c(),
+                                                        *src_desc.id_c(),
+                                                        *dest_desc.id_c())
+            .unwrap();
+        let mut workspace_size_bwd_filter =
+            API::get_convolution_backward_filter_workspace_size(*CUDNN.id_c(),
+                                                                useable_algo_bwd_filter.as_cudnn().unwrap(),
+                                                                *filter_desc.id_c(),
+                                                                *conv_desc.id_c(),
+                                                                *src_desc.id_c(),
+                                                                *dest_desc.id_c())
+            .unwrap();
+        let mut workspace_size_bwd_data =
+            API::get_convolution_backward_data_workspace_size(*CUDNN.id_c(),
+                                                              useable_algo_bwd_data.as_cudnn().unwrap(),
+                                                              *filter_desc.id_c(),
+                                                              *conv_desc.id_c(),
+                                                              *src_desc.id_c(),
+                                                              *dest_desc.id_c())
+            .unwrap();
+        if workspace_size_fwd == 0 {
+            workspace_size_fwd = 8;
+        }
+        if workspace_size_bwd_filter == 0 {
+            workspace_size_bwd_filter = 8;
+        }
+        if workspace_size_bwd_data == 0 {
+            workspace_size_bwd_data = 8;
+        }
+        Ok(
+            ::cudnn::utils::ConvolutionConfig::new(
+                useable_algo_fwd.as_cudnn().unwrap(), workspace_size_fwd,
+                useable_algo_bwd_filter.as_cudnn().unwrap(), workspace_size_bwd_filter,
+                useable_algo_bwd_data.as_cudnn().unwrap(), workspace_size_bwd_data,
+                conv_desc, filter_desc
+            )
+        )
+    }
+    fn convolution(&self,
+                   filter: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                   x: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                   result: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                   workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                   config: &Self::CC) -> //::frameworks::cuda::CC
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        match workspace.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.convolution_plain(filter, x, result, workspace, config)
+    }
+    fn convolution_plain(&self,
+                         filter: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+                         x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+                         result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+                         workspace: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<u8>,
+                         config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.convolution_forward(
+            config,
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(workspace, self.device()) }),
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(filter, self.device()) }),
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation convolution Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_filter(&self,
+                               src_data: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                               dest_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                               filter_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                               workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                               config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        match src_data.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(src_data.sync(self.device())) }
+        match dest_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(dest_diff.sync(self.device())) }
+        match filter_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(filter_diff.sync(self.device())) }
+        match workspace.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.convolution_grad_filter_plain(src_data, dest_diff, filter_diff, workspace, config)
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_filter_plain(&self,
+                                     src_data: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                     dest_diff: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                     filter_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                                     workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                                     config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.convolution_backward_filter(
+            config,
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(workspace, self.device()) }),
+            &try!(src_data.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(src_data, self.device()) }),
+            &try!(dest_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(dest_diff, self.device()) }),
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(filter_diff, self.device()) }),
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation convolution Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_data(&self,
+                             filter: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                             x_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                             result_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                             workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                             config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        match filter.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(filter.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x_diff.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(result_diff.sync(self.device())) }
+        match workspace.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.convolution_grad_data_plain(filter, x_diff, result_diff, workspace, config)
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_data_plain(&self,
+                                   filter: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                   x_diff: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                   result_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                                   workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                                   config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.convolution_backward_data(
+            config,
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(workspace, self.device()) }),
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(filter, self.device()) }),
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }),
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()),
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }),
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(PluginError::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation convolution Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
-impl_convolution_for_cuda_backend!(f64, ::cudnn::utils::DataType::Double);
-impl_ops_sigmoid_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_relu_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_tanh_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_softmax_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_log_softmax_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_lrn_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_pooling_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_sigmoid_pointwise_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_relu_pointwise_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
-impl_ops_tanh_pointwise_for!(f64, Backend<Cuda>);
+impl<T> SigmoidPointwise<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn sigmoid_pointwise(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        self.sigmoid_pointwise_plain(x)
+    }
+    fn sigmoid_pointwise_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Sigmoid Pointwise forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn sigmoid_pointwise_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        self.sigmoid_pointwise_grad_plain(x, x_diff)
+    }
+    fn sigmoid_pointwise_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.sigmoid_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Sigmoid Pointwise backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> Relu<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn relu(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.relu_plain(x, result)
+    }
+    fn relu_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation relu Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn relu_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.relu_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff)
+    }
+    fn relu_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation relu Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> ReluPointwise<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn relu_pointwise(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        self.relu_pointwise_plain(x)
+    }
+    fn relu_pointwise_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN ReLU Pointwise forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn relu_pointwise_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        self.relu_pointwise_grad_plain(x, x_diff)
+    }
+    fn relu_pointwise_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.relu_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN ReLU Pointwise backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> Tanh<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn tanh(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.tanh_plain(x, result)
+    }
+    fn tanh_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation tanh Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn tanh_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.tanh_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff)
+    }
+    fn tanh_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation tanh Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> TanhPointwise<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn tanh_pointwise(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        self.tanh_pointwise_plain(x)
+    }
+    fn tanh_pointwise_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Tanh Pointwise forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn tanh_pointwise_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        self.tanh_pointwise_grad_plain(x, x_diff)
+    }
+    fn tanh_pointwise_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.tanh_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_flat()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(x_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Tanh Pointwise backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> Softmax<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn softmax(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.softmax_plain(x, result)
+    }
+    fn softmax_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.softmax_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN softmax Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn softmax_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.softmax_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result_diff)
+    }
+    fn softmax_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.softmax_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN softmax Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> LogSoftmax<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn log_softmax(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.log_softmax_plain(x, result)
+    }
+    fn log_softmax_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.log_softmax_forward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN logarithmic softmax Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    fn log_softmax_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.log_softmax_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result_diff)
+    }
+    fn log_softmax_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.log_softmax_backward(
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc_softmax()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN logarithmic softmax Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> LRN<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn new_lrn_config(
+        &self,
+        n: u32,
+        alpha: f64,
+        beta: f64,
+        k: f64
+    ) -> Result<Self::CLRN, ::co::error::Error> {
+        Ok(CUDNN.init_normalization(n, alpha, beta, k).unwrap())
+    }
+    fn lrn(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CLRN //::frameworks::cuda::CC
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.lrn_plain(x, result, config)
+    }
+    fn lrn_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CLRN
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.lrn_forward(
+            config,
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation lrn Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    fn lrn_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CLRN
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.lrn_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff, config)
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    fn lrn_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CLRN
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.lrn_backward(
+            config,
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation lrn Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+impl<T> Pooling<T> for Backend<Cuda>
+    where T: Float + Default + DataTypeInfo,
+    fn new_pooling_config(
+        &self,
+        window: &[i32],
+        padding: &[i32],
+        stride: &[i32],
+    ) -> Result<Self::CPOOL, ::co::error::Error> {
+        let pooling_avg = ::cudnn::PoolingDescriptor::new(::cudnn::cudnnPoolingMode_t::CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING, window, padding, stride).unwrap();
+        let pooling_max = ::cudnn::PoolingDescriptor::new(::cudnn::cudnnPoolingMode_t::CUDNN_POOLING_MAX, window, padding, stride).unwrap();
+        Ok(::cudnn::utils::PoolingConfig::new(pooling_avg, pooling_max))
+    }
+    fn pooling_max(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CPOOL
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.pooling_max_plain(x, result, config)
+    }
+    fn pooling_max_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CPOOL
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.pooling_max_forward(
+            config,
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation pooling Forward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    fn pooling_max_grad(
+        &self,
+        x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CPOOL
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        match x.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match x_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result.add_device(self.device()) { _ => try!(x.sync(self.device())) }
+        match result_diff.add_device(self.device()) { _ => () }
+        self.pooling_max_grad_plain(x, x_diff, result, result_diff, config)
+    }
+    #[allow(unused_variables)]
+    fn pooling_max_grad_plain(
+        &self,
+        x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<T>,
+        config: &Self::CPOOL
+    ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
+        let scal_params: ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams<T> = ::cudnn::utils::ScalParams::default();
+        Ok(try!(match CUDNN.pooling_max_backward(
+            config,
+            &try!(x.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x, self.device()) }), //src_data
+            &try!(x_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // src_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(x_diff, self.device()) }), //src_diff_data
+            &try!(result.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr(result, self.device()) }), // dest_data
+            &try!(result_diff.cudnn_tensor_desc()), // dest_diff_desc
+            try!(unsafe { ::frameworks::cuda::helper::receive_memory_ptr_mut(result_diff, self.device()) }), // dest_diff_data
+            scal_params
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+            Err(_) => {
+                Err(::co::plugin::Error::Operation("Unable to execute CUDA cuDNN Activation pooling Backward."))
+            }
+        }))
+    }

From 23f70c3e42591ad4e15e4ac8b8dcf25f188eda12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Diamond <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 18:40:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] feat/native: add an N-dimensional implicit gemm
 convolution algo for the native backend

This algo needs to allocate a few index vectors, however it requires no additional space.
 src/frameworks/native/ |  69 +------
 src/frameworks/native/    | 334 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/frameworks/native/ b/src/frameworks/native/
index d411978..49cd522 100644
--- a/src/frameworks/native/
+++ b/src/frameworks/native/
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
 use co::plugin::numeric_helpers::Float;
 use co::memory::MemoryType;
-#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct ConvolutionConfig;
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
 pub struct NormalizationConfig;
@@ -278,66 +275,12 @@ macro_rules! impl_ops_tanh_for {
-macro_rules! impl_ops_convolution_for {
-    ($t:ident, $b:ty) => (
-        impl ::plugin::Convolution<$t> for $b {
-            fn new_convolution_config(
-                &self,
-                src: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                dest: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                filter: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                stride: &[i32],
-                zero_padding: &[i32]
-            ) -> Result<Self::CC, ::co::error::Error> {
-                unimplemented!();
-                Ok(helper::ConvolutionConfig)
-            }
-            fn convolution(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CC
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                unimplemented!();
-                Ok(())
-            }
-            fn convolution_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CC
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                unimplemented!();
-                Ok(())
-            }
-            fn convolution_grad(
-                &self,
-                x: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CC
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                unimplemented!();
-                Ok(())
-            }
-            fn convolution_grad_plain(
-                &self,
-                x: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                x_diff: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result: &::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                result_diff: &mut ::co::tensor::SharedTensor<$t>,
-                config: &Self::CC
-            ) -> Result<(), ::co::error::Error> {
-                unimplemented!();
-                Ok(())
-            }
-        }
-    );
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct ConvolutionConfig {
+    pub filter_shape: Vec<usize>,
+    pub stride: Vec<i32>,
+    pub padding: Vec<i32>,
diff --git a/src/frameworks/native/ b/src/frameworks/native/
index 1e70e9a..bf2c3c7 100644
--- a/src/frameworks/native/
+++ b/src/frameworks/native/
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ use co::prelude::*;
 use co::Error;
 use co::plugin::Error as PluginError;
+use std::ops::*;
 pub mod helper;
-impl_oconf_for_cc!(f32, f64);
-impl_oconf_for_clrn!(f32, f64);
-impl_oconf_for_pooling!(f32, f64);
-impl NN<f32> for Backend<Native> {
+impl<T> NN<T> for Backend<Native>
+    where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
     type CC = helper::ConvolutionConfig;
     type CLRN = helper::NormalizationConfig;
     type CPOOL = helper::PoolingConfig;
@@ -24,30 +24,324 @@ impl NN<f32> for Backend<Native> {
     fn init_nn() { }
     fn device(&self) -> &DeviceType { self.device() }
+impl<'a, T> NNOperationConfig<T> for helper::ConvolutionConfig
+    where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+{ }
+impl<'a, T> ConvolutionConfig<T> for helper::ConvolutionConfig
+    where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+{ }
+impl<T> NNOperationConfig<T> for helper::NormalizationConfig
+    where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+{ }
+impl<T> NNOperationConfig<T> for helper::PoolingConfig
+    where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+{ }
+impl<T> ::plugin::Convolution<T> for Backend<Native>
+    where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+    fn new_convolution_config(&self,
+                              src: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                              dest: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                              filter: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                              algo_fwd: ConvForwardAlgo,
+                              algo_bwd_filter: ConvBackwardFilterAlgo,
+                              algo_bwd_data: ConvBackwardDataAlgo,
+                              stride: &[i32],
+                              zero_padding: &[i32]) -> Result<Self::CC, Error> {
+        match algo_fwd {
+            ConvForwardAlgo::Auto | ConvForwardAlgo::ImplicitGEMM => {
+            },
+            _ => {
+                return Err(Error::Plugin(PluginError::Plugin("Unimplemented.")));
+            },
+        }
+        match algo_bwd_filter {
+            ConvBackwardFilterAlgo::Auto |
+            ConvBackwardFilterAlgo::ImplicitGEMM => {
+            },
+            _ => {
+                return Err(Error::Plugin(PluginError::Plugin("Unimplemented.")));
+            },
+        }
+        match algo_bwd_data {
+            ConvBackwardDataAlgo::Auto |
+            ConvBackwardDataAlgo::ImplicitGEMM => {
+            },
+            _ => {
+                return Err(Error::Plugin(PluginError::Plugin("Unimplemented.")));
+            },
+        }
+        Ok(helper::ConvolutionConfig {
+            filter_shape: filter.desc().clone(),
+            stride: stride.to_vec(),
+            padding: zero_padding.to_vec(),
+        })
+    }
+    fn convolution(&self, filter: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                   input: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                   output: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                   scratch: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                   config: &Self::CC) -> Result<(), Error>
+    {
+        let dev = self.device();
+        let _ = input.add_device(dev);
+        try!(input.sync(dev));
+        let _ = filter.add_device(dev);
+        try!(filter.sync(dev));
+        let _ = output.add_device(dev);
+        try!(output.sync(dev));
+        let _ = scratch.add_device(dev);
+        try!(scratch.sync(dev));
+        self.convolution_plain(filter, input, output, scratch, config)
+    }
+    fn convolution_plain(&self, filter: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                         x: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                         result: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                         _scratch: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                         config: &Self::CC) -> Result<(), Error>
+    {
+        let dev = self.device();
+        let input_dim = x.desc();
+        let input = x.get(dev).unwrap()
+            .as_native().unwrap()
+            .as_slice::<T>();
+        let input_stride = input_dim.default_stride();
+        let output_dim = result.desc().clone();
+        let output = result.get_mut(dev).unwrap()
+            .as_mut_native().unwrap()
+            .as_mut_slice::<T>();
+        let output_stride = output_dim.default_stride();
+        {
+            for o in output.iter_mut() {
+                *o = Default::default();
+            }
+        }
+        let filter_dim = filter.desc();
+        let filter = filter.get(dev).unwrap()
+            .as_native().unwrap()
+            .as_slice::<T>();
+        let filter_stride = filter_dim.default_stride();
+        // sanity check
+        assert!(input_dim[0] == output_dim[0]);
+        assert!(filter_dim[0] == output_dim[1]);
+        assert!(input_dim[1] == filter_dim[1]);
+        println!("input_dim  = `{:?}`", input_dim);
+        println!("filter_dim = `{:?}`", filter_dim);
+        println!("output_dim = `{:?}`", output_dim);
+        // TODO: specializations for spatial input.
+        // recursively sum up elementwise multiplication of the hyperplanes.
+        fn filter_<T>(input: &[T], input_stride: &[usize], input_dim: &[usize],
+                      input_offset: usize, input_idx_base: &[usize],
+                      filter: &[T], filter_stride: &[usize], filter_dim: &[usize],
+                      filter_offset: usize,
+                      padding: &[i32],
+                      depth: usize, depth_end: usize,
+                      acc: Option<T>) -> T
+            where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+        {
+            let mut acc = acc.unwrap_or_default();
+            let p = padding[0] as usize;
+            let input_idx_end = input_dim[0] + 2 * p;
+            let mut input_idx = input_idx_base[0];
+            let mut filter_idx = 0;
+            while filter_idx < filter_dim[0] {
+                let i_offset = input_offset + (input_idx - p) * input_stride[0];
+                let f_offset = filter_offset + filter_idx * filter_stride[0];
+                let v = if input_idx < p || input_idx + 1 > input_idx_end {
+                    Default::default()
+                } else if depth + 1 >= depth_end {
+                    input[i_offset] * filter[f_offset]
+                } else {
+                    filter_(input, &input_stride[1..], &input_dim[1..],
+                            i_offset, &input_idx_base[1..],
+                            filter, &filter_stride[1..], &filter_dim[1..],
+                            f_offset,
+                            &padding[1..], depth + 1, depth_end,
+                            None)
+                };
+                acc = acc + v;
+                input_idx += 1;
+                filter_idx += 1;
+            }
+            return acc;
+        }
+        // depth == 0 is the first level
+        fn conv<T>(input: &[T], input_stride: &[usize], input_dim: &[usize],
+                   top_input_offset: usize, input_offset: usize,
+                   input_idx_base: &mut [usize],
+                   filter: &[T], filter_stride: &[usize], filter_dim: &[usize],
+                   filter_offset: usize,
+                   depth: usize,
+                   padding: &[i32], stride: &[i32],
+                   output: &mut [T], output_stride: &[usize],
+                   output_dim: &[usize],
+                   output_offset: usize)
+            where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+        {
+            let p = padding[depth] as usize;
+            let input_end = input_dim[depth] + 2 * p - (filter_dim[depth]);
+            let mut input_i = 0;
+            let mut output_idx = 0;
+            while output_idx < output_dim[0] {
+                input_idx_base[depth] = input_i;
+                let input_offset = input_offset + input_i * input_stride[depth];
+                let output_offset = output_offset + output_idx * output_stride[0];
+                if depth + 1 < input_dim.len() {
+                    conv(input, input_stride, input_dim, top_input_offset,
+                         input_offset, input_idx_base,
+                         filter, filter_stride, filter_dim, filter_offset,
+                         depth + 1,
+                         padding, &stride[1..], output, &output_stride[1..],
+                         &output_dim[1..], output_offset);
+                } else {
+                    let v = filter_(input, input_stride, input_dim,
+                                    top_input_offset, &input_idx_base[..],
+                                    filter, filter_stride, filter_dim, filter_offset,
+                                    padding, 0, input_dim.len(),
+                                    None);
+                    output[output_offset] = output[output_offset] + v;
+                }
+                input_i += stride[0] as usize;
+                output_idx += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        fn conv_k_d1<T>(_batch: usize,
+                        input: &[T], input_stride: &[usize], input_dim: &[usize],
+                        input_offset: usize, input_idx_base: &mut [usize],
+                        filter: &[T], filter_stride: &[usize], filter_dim: &[usize],
+                        padding: &[i32], stride: &[i32],
+                        output: &mut [T], output_stride: &[usize],
+                        output_dim: &[usize], output_offset: usize)
+            where T: Add<T, Output = T> + Mul<T, Output = T> + Default + Copy,
+        {
+            for k in 0..filter_dim[0] {
+                let output_offset = output_offset + k * output_stride[0];
+                let filter_offset = k * filter_stride[0];
+                for d1 in 0..input_dim[0] {
+                    let input_offset = input_offset + d1 * input_stride[0];
+                    let filter_offset = filter_offset + d1 * filter_stride[1];
+                    conv(input, &input_stride[1..], &input_dim[1..],
+                         input_offset, input_offset, input_idx_base,
+                         filter, &filter_stride[2..], &filter_dim[2..], filter_offset,
+                         0, padding, stride, output, &output_stride[1..],
+                         &output_dim[1..],
+                         output_offset);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        let mut input_idx = Vec::new();
+        input_idx.resize(input_dim.len() - 2, 0);
+        let mut output_idx = Vec::new();
+        output_idx.resize(output_dim.len(), 0);
+        let batches = input_dim[0];
+        let mut batch = 0;
+        while batch < batches {
+            let input_offset = batch * input_stride[0];
+            let output_offset = batch * output_stride[0];
+            conv_k_d1(batch, input, &input_stride[1..], &input_dim[1..], input_offset,
+                      &mut input_idx[..],
+                      filter, &filter_stride[..], &filter_dim[..],
+                      &config.padding[..], &config.stride[..],
+                      output, &output_stride[1..], &output_dim[1..],
+                      output_offset);
+            batch += 1;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_filter(&self, src_data: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                               dest_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                               filter_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                               workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                               config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_filter_plain(&self, src_data: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                     dest_diff: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                     filter_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                                     workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                                     config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_data(&self, filter: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                             x_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                             result_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                             workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                             config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+    fn convolution_grad_data_plain(&self, filter: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                   x_diff: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                   result_diff: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                                   workspace: &mut SharedTensor<u8>,
+                                   config: &Self::CC) ->
+        Result<(), ::co::error::Error>
+    {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
 impl_ops_sigmoid_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
 impl_ops_relu_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
 impl_ops_tanh_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
-// impl_ops_convolution_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
- impl_ops_softmax_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
- impl_ops_log_softmax_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
+impl_ops_softmax_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
+impl_ops_log_softmax_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
 // impl_ops_lrn_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
-// impl_ops_pooling_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
-impl NN<f64> for Backend<Native> {
-    type CC = helper::ConvolutionConfig;
-    type CLRN = helper::NormalizationConfig;
-    type CPOOL = helper::PoolingConfig;
-    fn init_nn() { }
-    fn device(&self) -> &DeviceType { self.device() }
+impl_ops_pooling_for!(f32, Backend<Native>);
 impl_ops_sigmoid_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
 impl_ops_relu_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
 impl_ops_tanh_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
-// impl_ops_convolution_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
  impl_ops_softmax_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
  impl_ops_log_softmax_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
 // impl_ops_lrn_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
-// impl_ops_pooling_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);
+impl_ops_pooling_for!(f64, Backend<Native>);

From d5ab0d01de20cf8c2aa22dd4106020898cd6f9d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Diamond <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 18:41:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] fix/tests: fix the convolution test for both native and
 Cuda backends

FIX #45
 tests/ | 598 ++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 260 insertions(+), 338 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 434b207..5839029 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,200 +1,241 @@
 extern crate collenchyma_nn as co_nn;
 extern crate collenchyma as co;
-#[cfg(feature = "cuda")]
-mod convolution_spec_cuda {
+use std::iter::repeat;
-    use co::prelude::*;
-    use co_nn::*;
-    use co::plugin::numeric_helpers::{cast, Float};
+use co::prelude::*;
+use co_nn::*;
+use co::plugin::numeric_helpers::{cast, Float};
+pub fn get_native_backend() -> Backend<Native> {
+    Backend::<Native>::default().unwrap()
-    fn get_native_backend() -> Backend<Native> {
-        Backend::<Native>::default().unwrap()
+pub fn write_to_memory<T: Copy>(mem: &mut MemoryType, data: &[T]) {
+    match mem {
+        &mut MemoryType::Native(ref mut mem) => {
+            let mut mem_buffer = mem.as_mut_slice::<T>();
+            for (index, datum) in data.iter().enumerate() {
+                mem_buffer[index] = *datum;
+            }
+        },
+        #[cfg(any(feature = "opencl", feature = "cuda"))]
+        _ => {}
-    fn get_cuda_backend() -> Backend<Cuda> {
-        Backend::<Cuda>::default().unwrap()
+pub fn write_to<T, B, C>(tensor: &mut SharedTensor<T>,
+                         payload: &[T],
+                         backend: Option<&Backend<B>>,
+                         native: &Backend<C>)
+    where T: Copy,
+          B: IFramework + Clone,
+          C: IFramework + Clone,
+    let _ = tensor.add_device(native.device());
+    tensor.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
+    write_to_memory(tensor.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
+    if let Some(backend) = backend {
+        let _ = tensor.add_device(backend.device());
+        tensor.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
+    } else {
+        tensor.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-    fn write_to_memory<T: Copy>(mem: &mut MemoryType, data: &[T]) {
-        match mem {
-            &mut MemoryType::Native(ref mut mem) => {
-                let mut mem_buffer = mem.as_mut_slice::<T>();
-                for (index, datum) in data.iter().enumerate() {
-                    mem_buffer[index] = *datum;
-                }
-            },
-            #[cfg(any(feature = "opencl", feature = "cuda"))]
-            _ => {}
-        }
+pub fn get_memory<T, B, C>(backend: Option<&Backend<B>>,
+                           native: &Backend<C>) -> (SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>,
+                                                    SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<u8>)
+    where T: Float,
+          B: IFramework + Clone,
+          C: IFramework + Clone,
+    let val = cast::<f64, T>(1.0).unwrap();
+    let val2 = cast::<f64, T>(2.0).unwrap();
+    let batch = 4;
+    let w1 = 9;
+    let h1 = 9;
+    let d1 = 3;
+    let k = 6;
+    let f = 3;
+    let w2 = (w1 - f + 0) / 1 + 1;
+    let h2 = (h1 - f + 0) / 1 + 1;
+    let mut x = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(batch, d1, h1, w1)).unwrap();
+    let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut repeat(val).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    payload[0] = val2;
+    write_to(&mut x, payload, backend, native);
+    let mut filter = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(k, d1, f, f)).unwrap();
+    let payload: &[T] = &repeat(val).take(filter.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    write_to(&mut filter, payload, backend, native);
+    let mut result = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
+    let payload: &[T] = &repeat(val2).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    write_to(&mut result, payload, backend, native);
+    let workspace = if let Some(cuda) = backend {
+        SharedTensor::<u8>::new(cuda.device(), &(4)).unwrap()
+    } else {
+        SharedTensor::<u8>::new(native.device(), &(4)).unwrap()
+    };
+    (x, result, filter, workspace)
+pub fn get_grad_memory<T, B, C>(backend: Option<&Backend<B>>,
+                                native: &Backend<C>) -> (SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>,
+                                                         SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>,
+                                                         SharedTensor<T>)
+    where T: Float,
+          B: IFramework + Clone,
+          C: IFramework + Clone,
+    let val = cast::<f64, T>(1f64).unwrap();
+    let val2 = cast::<f64, T>(2f64).unwrap();
+    let batch = 4;
+    let w1 = 9;
+    let h1 = 9;
+    let d1 = 3;
+    let k = 6;
+    let f = 3;
+    let w2 = (w1 - f + 0) / 1 + 1;
+    let h2 = (h1 - f + 0) / 1 + 1;
+    let mut x = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(batch, d1, h1, w1)).unwrap();
+    let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut repeat(val).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    payload[0] = val2;
+    write_to(&mut x, payload, backend, native);
+    let mut x_diff = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
+    let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut repeat(val).take(x_diff.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    payload[0] = val2;
+    write_to(&mut x_diff, payload, backend, native);
+    let mut filter = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(k, d1, f, f)).unwrap();
+    let payload: &[T] = &repeat(val).take(filter.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    write_to(&mut filter, payload, backend, native);
+    let mut result = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
+    let payload: &[T] = &repeat(val).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    write_to(&mut result, payload, backend, native);
+    let mut result_diff = SharedTensor::<T>::new(native.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
+    if let Some(cuda) = backend {
+        result_diff.add_device(cuda.device()).unwrap();
-    fn get_memory<T: Float, B: IFramework + Clone, C: IFramework + Clone>(backend: &Backend<B>, native: &Backend<C>) -> (SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<u8>){
-        let val = cast::<f64, T>(1f64).unwrap();
-        let val2 = cast::<f64, T>(2f64).unwrap();
-        let batch = 4;
-        let w1 = 9;
-        let h1 = 9;
-        let d1 = 3;
-        let k = 6;
-        let f = 3;
-        let w2 = (w1 - f + 0) / 1;
-        let h2 = (h1 - f + 0) / 1;
-        let mut x = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, d1, h1, w1)).unwrap();
-        let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(val).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-        payload[0] = val2;
-        x.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        x.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-        write_to_memory(x.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-        x.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
-        let mut filter = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(k, d1, f, f)).unwrap();
-        let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val).take(filter.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-        filter.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        filter.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-        write_to_memory(filter.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-        filter.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
-        let mut result = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-        let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val2).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-        result.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        result.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-        write_to_memory(result.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-        result.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
-        let workspace = SharedTensor::<u8>::new(backend.device(), &(4)).unwrap();
-        (x, result, filter, workspace)
+    (x, x_diff, result, result_diff, filter)
+pub fn create_conv_config<T, B>(backend: &B, x: &SharedTensor<T>, result: &SharedTensor<T>,
+                                filter: &mut SharedTensor<T>) -> Result<<B as co_nn::NN<T>>::CC,
+                                                                        co::error::Error>
+    where B: co_nn::Convolution<T>,
+    backend.new_convolution_config(x, result, filter,
+                                   ConvForwardAlgo::ImplicitGEMM,
+                                   ConvBackwardFilterAlgo::ImplicitGEMM,
+                                   ConvBackwardDataAlgo::ImplicitGEMM,
+                                   &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0))
+pub fn check_conv<T>(device: &DeviceType, mut result: SharedTensor<T>)
+    where T: Float + ::std::fmt::Debug,
+    use std::iter::repeat;
+    result.sync(device).unwrap();
+    let mem = result
+        .get(device)
+        .unwrap()
+        .as_native()
+        .unwrap();
+    let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut repeat(cast::<f64, T>(27.0f64).unwrap())
+        .take(result.capacity())
+        .collect::<Vec<T>>();
+    let desc = result.desc();
+    for i in 0..desc[desc.len() - 2] - 1 {
+        let idx = i * desc[desc.len() - 1] * desc[desc.len() - 2];
+        println!("payload offset @ i = {:?}: {:?}",
+                 i, idx);
+        payload[idx] =
+            cast::<f64, T>(28.0).unwrap();
-    #[allow(dead_code)]
-    fn get_grad_memory<T: Float, B: IFramework + Clone, C: IFramework + Clone>(backend: &Backend<B>, native: &Backend<C>) -> (SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>){
-        let val = cast::<f64, T>(1f64).unwrap();
-        let val2 = cast::<f64, T>(2f64).unwrap();
-        let batch = 4;
-        let w1 = 9;
-        let h1 = 9;
-        let d1 = 3;
-        let k = 6;
-        let f = 3;
-        let w2 = (w1 - f + 0) / 1;
-        let h2 = (h1 - f + 0) / 1;
-        let mut x = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, d1, h1, w1)).unwrap();
-        let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(val).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-        payload[0] = val2;
-        x.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        x.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-        write_to_memory(x.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-        x.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
-        let mut x_diff = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-        let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(val).take(x_diff.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-        payload[0] = val2;
-        x_diff.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        x_diff.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-        write_to_memory(x_diff.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-        x_diff.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
-        let mut filter = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(k, d1, f, f)).unwrap();
-        let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val).take(filter.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-        filter.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        filter.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-        write_to_memory(filter.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-        filter.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
-        let mut result = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-        let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-        result.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        result.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-        write_to_memory(result.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-        result.sync(backend.device()).unwrap();
-        let mut result_diff = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-        result_diff.add_device(native.device()).unwrap();
-        (x, x_diff, result, result_diff, filter)
+    /*for (i, (v1, v2)) in mem.as_slice::<f32>().iter().zip(payload.iter()).enumerate() {
+        assert!(*v1 == *v2, "i = {:?}", i);
+    }*/
+    assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<T>());
+#[cfg(feature = "cuda")]
+mod convolution_spec_cuda {
+    use super::*;
+    use co::prelude::*;
+    use co_nn::*;
+    use co::plugin::numeric_helpers::{Float};
+    pub fn get_cuda_backend() -> Backend<Cuda> {
+        Backend::<Cuda>::default().unwrap()
-    #[test]
-    fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_cuda_for_f32() {
+    fn convolution<T>(plain: bool)
+        where T: Float + ::std::fmt::Debug + frameworks::cuda::DataTypeInfo,
+    {
         let backend = get_cuda_backend();
         let native = get_native_backend();
-        let (mut x, mut result, mut filter, mut workspace) = get_memory::<f32, Cuda, Native>(&backend, &native);
-        let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, ConvForwardAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardFilterAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardDataAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-        match backend.convolution(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result, &mut workspace, &conf) {
-            Ok(_) => {
-                result.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-                if let Some(mem) = result.get(native.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-                    let mut payload: &mut [f32] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f32).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
-                    payload[0] = 28f32;
-                    assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f32>());
-                }
-            },
-            Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
+        let (mut x, mut result, mut filter, mut workspace) =
+            get_memory::<T, Cuda, Native>(Some(&backend), &native);
+        let conf = create_conv_config(&backend, &x, &result, &mut filter)
+            .unwrap();
+        if !plain {
+            backend.convolution(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result,
+                                &mut workspace, &conf)
+                .unwrap();
+        } else {
+            backend.convolution_plain(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result,
+                                      &mut workspace, &conf)
+                .unwrap();
+        check_conv(native.device(), result);
-    fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_cuda_for_f64() {
-        let backend = get_cuda_backend();
-        let native = get_native_backend();
-        let (mut x, mut result, mut filter, mut workspace) = get_memory::<f64, Cuda, Native>(&backend, &native);
-        let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, ConvForwardAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardFilterAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardDataAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-        match backend.convolution(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result, &mut workspace, &conf) {
-            Ok(_) => {
-                result.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-                if let Some(mem) = result.get(native.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-                    let mut payload: &mut [f64] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f64).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f64>>();
-                    payload[0] = 28f64;
-                    assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f64>());
-                }
-            },
-            Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
-        }
+    fn convolution_f32() {
+        convolution::<f32>(false);
-    fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_cuda_for_f32_plain() {
-        let backend = get_cuda_backend();
-        let native = get_native_backend();
-        let (mut x, mut result, mut filter, mut workspace) = get_memory::<f32, Cuda, Native>(&backend, &native);
-        let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, ConvForwardAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardFilterAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardDataAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-        match backend.convolution_plain(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result, &mut workspace, &conf) {
-            Ok(_) => {
-                result.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-                if let Some(mem) = result.get(native.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-                    let mut payload: &mut [f32] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f32).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
-                    payload[0] = 28f32;
-                    assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f32>());
-                }
-            },
-            Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
-        }
+    fn convolution_f64() {
+        convolution::<f64>(false);
-    fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_cuda_for_f64_plain() {
-        let backend = get_cuda_backend();
-        let native = get_native_backend();
-        let (mut x, mut result, mut filter, mut workspace) = get_memory::<f64, Cuda, Native>(&backend, &native);
-        let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, ConvForwardAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardFilterAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, ConvBackwardDataAlgo::ImplicitGEMM, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-        match backend.convolution_plain(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result, &mut workspace, &conf) {
-            Ok(_) => {
-                result.sync(native.device()).unwrap();
-                if let Some(mem) = result.get(native.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-                    let mut payload: &mut [f64] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f64).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f64>>();
-                    payload[0] = 28f64;
-                    assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f64>());
-                }
-            },
-            Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
-        }
+    fn unsynced_convolution_f32() {
+        convolution::<f32>(true);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn unsynced_convolution_f64() {
+        convolution::<f64>(true);
@@ -274,172 +315,53 @@ Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
 #[cfg(feature = "native")]
-mod convolution_spec_native{
-    // use co::backend::{Backend, BackendConfig};
-    // use co::framework::IFramework;
-    // use co::frameworks::Native;
-    // use co_nn::*;
-    // use co::memory::MemoryType;
-    // use co::tensor::SharedTensor;
-    // use co::plugin::numeric_helpers::{cast, Float};
-    //
-    // fn get_native_backend() -> Backend<Native> {
-    //     let framework = Native::new();
-    //     let hardwares = framework.hardwares();
-    //     let backend_config = BackendConfig::new(framework, hardwares);
-    //     Backend::new(backend_config).unwrap()
-    // }
-    //
-    // fn write_to_memory<T: Copy>(mem: &mut MemoryType, data: &[T]) {
-    //     match mem {
-    //         &mut MemoryType::Native(ref mut mem) => {
-    //             let mut mem_buffer = mem.as_mut_slice::<T>();
-    //             for (index, datum) in data.iter().enumerate() {
-    //                 mem_buffer[index] = *datum;
-    //             }
-    //         },
-    //         #[cfg(any(feature = "opencl", feature = "cuda"))]
-    //         _ => {}
-    //     }
-    // }
-    //
-    // fn get_memory<T: Float, B: IFramework + Clone>(backend: &Backend<B>) -> (SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>){
-    //     let val = cast::<f64, T>(1f64).unwrap();
-    //     let val2 = cast::<f64, T>(2f64).unwrap();
-    //     let batch = 4;
-    //     let w1 = 9;
-    //     let h1 = 9;
-    //     let d1 = 3;
-    //     let k = 6;
-    //     let f = 3;
-    //     let w2 = (w1 - f + 0) / 1;
-    //     let h2 = (h1 - f + 0) / 1;
-    //     let mut x = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, d1, h1, w1)).unwrap();
-    //     let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(val).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-    //     payload[0] = val2;
-    //     write_to_memory(x.get_mut(backend.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-    //
-    //     let mut filter = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(k, d1, f, f)).unwrap();
-    //     let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val).take(filter.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-    //     write_to_memory(filter.get_mut(backend.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-    //
-    //     let mut result = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-    //     let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val2).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-    //     write_to_memory(result.get_mut(backend.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-    //
-    //     (x, result, filter)
-    // }
-    //
-    // #[allow(dead_code)]
-    // fn get_grad_memory<T: Float, B: IFramework + Clone>(backend: &Backend<B>) -> (SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>, SharedTensor<T>){
-    //     let val = cast::<f64, T>(1f64).unwrap();
-    //     let val2 = cast::<f64, T>(2f64).unwrap();
-    //     let batch = 4;
-    //     let w1 = 9;
-    //     let h1 = 9;
-    //     let d1 = 3;
-    //     let k = 6;
-    //     let f = 3;
-    //     let w2 = (w1 - f + 0) / 1;
-    //     let h2 = (h1 - f + 0) / 1;
-    //
-    //     let mut x = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, d1, h1, w1)).unwrap();
-    //     let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(val).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-    //     payload[0] = val2;
-    //     write_to_memory(x.get_mut(backend.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-    //
-    //     let mut x_diff = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-    //     let mut payload: &mut [T] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(val).take(x_diff.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-    //     payload[0] = val2;
-    //     write_to_memory(x_diff.get_mut(backend.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-    //
-    //     let mut filter = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(k, d1, f, f)).unwrap();
-    //     let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val).take(filter.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-    //     write_to_memory(filter.get_mut(backend.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-    //
-    //     let mut result = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-    //     let payload: &[T] = &::std::iter::repeat(val).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<T>>();
-    //     write_to_memory(result.get_mut(backend.device()).unwrap(), payload);
-    //
-    //     let result_diff = SharedTensor::<T>::new(backend.device(), &(batch, k, h2, w2)).unwrap();
-    //
-    //     (x, x_diff, result, result_diff, filter)
-    // }
-    // #[test]
-    // #[ignore]
-    // fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_native_for_f32() {
-    //     let backend = get_native_backend();
-    //     let (mut x, mut result, mut filter) = get_memory::<f32, Native>(&backend);
-    //
-    //     let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-    //     match backend.convolution(&mut x, &mut result, &conf) {
-    //         Ok(_) => {
-    //             if let Some(mem) = result.get(backend.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-    //                 let mut payload: &mut [f32] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f32).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
-    //                 payload[0] = 28f32;
-    //                 assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f32>());
-    //             }
-    //         },
-    //         Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
-    //     }
-    // }
-    //
-    // #[test]
-    // #[ignore]
-    // fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_native_for_f64() {
-    //     let backend = get_native_backend();
-    //     let (mut x, mut result, mut filter) = get_memory::<f64, Native>(&backend);
-    //
-    //     let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-    //     match backend.convolution(&mut x, &mut result, &conf) {
-    //         Ok(_) => {
-    //             if let Some(mem) = result.get(backend.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-    //                 let mut payload: &mut [f64] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f64).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f64>>();
-    //                 payload[0] = 28f64;
-    //                 assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f64>());
-    //             }
-    //         },
-    //         Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
-    //     }
-    // }
-    //
-    // #[test]
-    // #[ignore]
-    // fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_native_for_f32_plain() {
-    //     let backend = get_native_backend();
-    //     let (mut x, mut result, mut filter) = get_memory::<f32, Native>(&backend);
-    //
-    //     let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-    //     match backend.convolution_plain(&mut x, &mut result, &conf) {
-    //         Ok(_) => {
-    //             if let Some(mem) = result.get(backend.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-    //                 let mut payload: &mut [f32] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f32).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
-    //                 payload[0] = 28f32;
-    //                 assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f32>());
-    //             }
-    //         },
-    //         Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
-    //     }
-    // }
-    //
-    // #[test]
-    // #[ignore]
-    // fn it_computes_correct_convolution_on_native_for_f64_plain() {
-    //     let backend = get_native_backend();
-    //     let (mut x, mut result, mut filter) = get_memory::<f64, Native>(&backend);
-    //
-    //     let conf = backend.new_convolution_config(&x, &result, &mut filter, &vec!(1,1), &vec!(0,0)).unwrap();
-    //     match backend.convolution_plain(&mut x, &mut result, &conf) {
-    //         Ok(_) => {
-    //             if let Some(mem) = result.get(backend.device()).unwrap().as_native() {
-    //                 let mut payload: &mut [f64] = &mut ::std::iter::repeat(27f64).take(result.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f64>>();
-    //                 payload[0] = 28f64;
-    //                 assert_eq!(payload, mem.as_slice::<f64>());
-    //             }
-    //         },
-    //         Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); assert!(false) }
-    //     }
-    // }
+mod convolution_spec_native {
+    use super::*;
+    use co::backend::{IBackend};
+    use co::frameworks::Native;
+    use co_nn::*;
+    use co::plugin::numeric_helpers::{Float};
+    fn convolution<T>(plain: bool)
+        where T: Float + ::std::fmt::Debug + frameworks::cuda::DataTypeInfo + Default,
+    {
+        let native = super::get_native_backend();
+        let (mut x, mut result, mut filter, mut workspace) =
+            get_memory::<T, Native, Native>(None, &native);
+        let conf = create_conv_config(&native, &x, &result, &mut filter)
+            .unwrap();
+        if !plain {
+            native.convolution(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result,
+                               &mut workspace, &conf)
+                .unwrap();
+        } else {
+            native.convolution_plain(&mut filter, &mut x, &mut result,
+                                     &mut workspace, &conf)
+                .unwrap();
+        }
+        check_conv(native.device(), result);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn convolution_f32() {
+        convolution::<f32>(false);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn convolution_f64() {
+        convolution::<f64>(false);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn unsynced_convolution_f32() {
+        convolution::<f32>(true);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn unsynced_convolution_f64() {
+        convolution::<f64>(true);
+    }