issues Search Results · repo:chaosforgeorg/doomrl language:Lua
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inchaosforgeorg/doomrl (press backspace or delete to remove)Timestamp : 3/10/2025 21:26:42 Error level : FATAL EXCEPTION Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000100032666 : EInOutError : File not open $0000000100032666 ...
- 3
- Opened 15 days ago
- #253
- [ ] setup timer based on nuke timings
- [ ] provide a few warnings
- [ ] provide visual feedback? level name red?
- [ ] increase move speed, damage and cut XP in half
- [ ] double the timer, ...
Effort: Low
- Opened 16 days ago
- #252
0998a on linux debian 12 with transplanted
I don t know what caused it but here s the save.
- 2
- Opened 20 days ago
- #245
I applied a tech mod on acid boots, and the acid resistance went to 110%. Nothing is visibly broken, but this has the
potential for bugs. The underlying algorithm probably didn t expected that.
- 4
- Opened 27 days ago
- #240
either make a sticky or move development related stuff here( bugs, betas, changes etc). It s a bad idea to have two
places, it should be just one.
- 3
- Opened 29 days ago
- #239
you use a technical mod on a nuke. Now, if you die, it automatically detonates (the kills are still counted).
It should come with a maniacal laughter, predator style. ...
- 3
- Opened on Feb 23
- #238
If you use T first you get extra resistances, if you then use B, you get a fireproof armor with the extra resistances.
If You use B first, the resistances are the same. If then you use T you get a fireproof ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 23
- #237
add an image and the licenses in the linux download. The image is for a desktop shortcut. The license is for packaging
(end users package binaries, not distros).
this image is great: install/install_small.bmp ...
- Opened on Feb 21
- #235
for example cacodemons smear blood after them, as if they walked in it.
Effort: Low
- 1
- Opened on Feb 17
- #233

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