- CLIC and the IC Faculty are proud to present the 5th edition of IC Boost Day, a day dedicated to your future career in Computer and Communication Sciences! Take part in mock coding interviews and CV reviews, join various talks and meet plenty of EPFL IC alumni! They will be here to answer all the questions you may have as a future EPFL alumnus, both during specific “meetup sessions” or during our famous networking lunch! ICBD is a unique opportunity to prepare for your professional future in the world of computer science and engineering.
+ CLIC and the IC Faculty are proud to present the 5th edition of IC Boost Day, a day dedicated to your future career in Computer and Communication Sciences!
+ Take part in mock coding interviews and CV reviews, join various talks and meet plenty of EPFL IC alumni!
+ They will be here to answer all the questions you may have as a future EPFL alumnus, both during specific “meetup sessions”
+ or during our famous networking lunch! ICBD is a unique opportunity to prepare for your professional future in the world of computer science and engineering.