An ansible playbook to maintain a dokku instance on AWS for Code for Durham.
mkvirtualenv -p `which python3` dokku-setup
pip install -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- An EC2 Keypair: create one from the AWS console, and add it to vars/aws.yml -- share this with other developers that can setup dokku.
- You will also need the vault password for some passwords stored in ansible. Ask another developer for it.
Run the setup.yml ansible script and setup docker-machine to point to the new EC2 instance:
ansible-playbook setup.yml
Note: When cloudformation sets up your server the first time it will used the 'ubuntu' user to connect to the server. Afterward, your admin users will have accounts, you should run this script with one of those user names.
ansible-playbook -u USERNAME_IN_AWS_YML setup.yml
You can modify the variables in var/aws.yml
to access to the server, its
stack, and hostname.
When you run the playbook for an instance that already exists you will need to
supply a username that is configured to administer the server (ansible-playbook -u ADMINUSER setup.yml
), as the ubuntu account will not be accessible after the
initial setup.
To remove the server and all the resources execute the teardown script:
ansible-playbook teardown.yml
There are several that you can take advantage of, see setup.yml for the complete list:
- databases: postgres, mysql, redis.
- docker: dockerfile (for non-root dockerfiles)
- letsencrypt: https
- redirect: setup simple HTTP redirects.
- logspout: log file routing.
Once your dokku server is running, you can deploy apps to it. For example:
ssh ADMINUSER@DOKKU_HOST dokku apps:create python-sample
git clone
cd python-sample
git remote add dokku dokku@DOKKU_HOST:python-sample
git push dokku master