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Plot from Example Book1.xlsx file


Graphedexcel takes an Excel file and creates a graph data structure with a visual representation.


GraphedExcel can be used in three ways:

  1. As a Python CLI tool, installed from PyPi with pip install graphedexcel (requires Python)
  2. As a Docker container,, exposing the CLI tool, not requiring any python dependencies being installed. (Requires Docker)
  3. As a Python module used within your own code, by importing the graphedexcel module. (Requires Python and some python programming experience)

CLI Tool

# Install it
pip install graphedexcel
# Run it
python -m graphedexcel <path_to_excel_file>

See the command line options below.


GraphedExcel is published to and can be run with the following command:

docker run -v $(pwd):/data /data/myworkbook.xlsx -o /data/myworkbook.png

Where myworkbook.xlsx is sitting in the current directory and the output image will be saved as myworkbook.png, also in the current directory.

The -v flag is used to mount the current directory into the container as /data/

For powershell, use ${pwd} instead of $(pwd) to get the current directory.

Python Module

import graphedexcel as ge

graph,stats = ge.graphbuilder.build_graph_and_stats("Book1.xlsx")
ge.graph_summarizer.print_summary(graph, stats)


Single-cell references in a formula sitting in cell A3 like =A1+A2 is considered a dependency between the node A3 and the nodes A2 and A1.

graph TD
    A3 --> A1
    A3 --> A2

A range defined in a formula like =SUM(B1:B3) is kept as a single node in the graph, but all the containing cells are expanded as dependencies of the range node.

So when a cell, C1 contains =SUM(B1:B3) the graph will look like this:

graph TD
    R --> B1
    R --> B2
    R --> B3
    C1 --> R



Build and run from source


poetry install
poetry run graphedexcel <path_to_excel_file> [options]

Using the CLI tool and its varous options

python -m graphedexcel <path_to_excel_file>

Parameters from --help

usage: graphedexcel [-h] [--as-directed-graph] [--no-visualize]
                    [--layout {spring,circular,kamada_kawai,shell,spectral}]
                    [--config CONFIG] [--output-path OUTPUT_PATH]

Process an Excel file to build and visualize dependency graphs.

positional arguments:
  path_to_excel         Path to the Excel file to process.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --as-directed-graph, -d
                        Treat the dependency graph as directed.
  --no-visualize, -n    Skip the visualization of the dependency
  --layout, -l {spring,circular,kamada_kawai,shell,spectral}
                        Layout algorithm for graph visualization
                        (default: spring).
  --config, -c CONFIG   Path to the configuration file for
                        visualization. See README for details.
  --output-path, -o OUTPUT_PATH
                        Specify the output path for the generated
                        graph image.
  --open-image          Open the generated image after visualization.
  --hide-legends        Do not show legends in the visualization. (Default: False)

Sample output

The following is the output of running the script on the sample docs/Book1.xlsx file.

===  Dependency Graph Summary ===
Cell/Node count                70
Dependency count              100

===  Most connected nodes     ===
Range Madness!A2:A11           22
Range Madness!B2:B11           11
Range Madness!F1               10
Main Sheet!B5                   4
Main Sheet!B22                  4
Detached !A2:A4                 4
Range Madness!B2                4
Range Madness!B3                4
Range Madness!B4                4
Range Madness!B5                4

===  Most used functions      ===
SUM                             4
POWER                           1

Visualizing the graph of dependencies.
This might take a while...

Graph visualization saved to images/.\Book1.xlsx.png

Sample plot

More in docs/images folder.

Sample graph

Customizing Graph Visualization Settings

You can customize the graph visualization settings by passing a path to a JSON configuration file. This allows you to override the default settings with your own preferences.

Look at for the available settings.

Default Settings

The default settings for the graph visualization in the various sizes (from

# Default settings for the graph visualization
base_graph_settings = {
    "node_size": 50,        # the size of the node
    "width": 0.2,           # the width of the edge between nodes
    "edge_color": "black",  # the color of the edge between nodes
    "linewidths": 0,        # the stroke width of the node border
    "with_labels": False,   # whether to show the node labels
    "font_size": 10,        # the size of the node labels
    "cmap": "tab20b",       # the color map to use for coloring nodes
    "fig_size": (10, 10),   # the size of the figure

# Sized-based settings for small, medium, and large graphs
small_graph_settings = {
    "with_labels": False,
    "alpha": 0.8}

medium_graph_settings = {
    "node_size": 30,
    "with_labels": False,
    "alpha": 0.4,
    "fig_size": (20, 20),

large_graph_settings = {
    "node_size": 20,
    "with_labels": False,
    "alpha": 0.2,
    "fig_size": (25, 25),

Custom JSON Configuration

To override these settings, create a JSON file (e.g., graph_settings.json) with the desired settings. Here is an example of a JSON configuration file:

  "node_size": 40,
  "edge_color": "blue",
  "with_labels": true,
  "font_size": 12,
  "alpha": 0.6

Using the Custom Configuration

To use the custom configuration, pass the path to the JSON file as an argument to the script:

python -m graphedexcel myexcel.xlsx --config graph_settings.json

This will render the graph using the custom settings defined in the JSON file.


Just run pytest in the root folder.

poetry run pytest

Bandit Security Tests

To run the Bandit ( security tests, you can use the following command. It will report on medium and high severity safety issues.

poetry run bandit -c pyproject.toml -r . -lll