(8.2/cli/Dockerfile) - No blackfire and Xdebug. Used for our internal CI Jenkins
Please refer to the official library on docker hub.
- Please see the original maintainer of the image that we use Monsieur Biz
- Additionally we added XDEBUG version depending on the PHP supported version
version: "3"
images: diglin/php:7.0-fpm
- ./src:/var/www:cached
- ./src/.composer:/var/www/.composer:cached
- ./docker/php/php-fpm.conf:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf
- mariadb # if relevant
From a linux host like Ubuntu with amd64 architecture (if you do from an other OS like OSX, docker will use the amd64/v8 architecture and your image can't be used on a Debian host)
For example with PHP 8.2:
cd php/8.2/cli
docker build -t diglin/php:8.2-cli . # ./ is where is located the Dockerfile
docker run diglin/php:8.2-cli php -r "phpinfo();" # to test if all ok
docker push diglin/php:8.2-cli
On a debian with amd64 architecture:
cd php/8.2/cli
docker build -t diglin/php:8.2-cli-amd64 . # ./ is where is located the Dockerfile
docker run diglin/php:8.2-cli-amd64 php -r "phpinfo();" # to test if all ok
docker push diglin/php:8.2-cli-amd64
The whole team of diglin maintains these images.
To the Monsieur Biz Team for sharing their docker repo.