🔭 I’m currently working on **A MOBILE APPLICATION**
💬 Ask me about **Anything Mobile**
📫 How to reach me **eokdeveloper@gmail.com**
A Bill payment Application, with services such as Electricity Payment, VTU, Mobile data, Cable Tv Subscription etc. Printout of receipt for this application is via a bluetooth thermal printer.
Welcome to Autovendy, Nigeria's premier used car marketplace!
At Autovendy, we connect you with a wide network of trusted dealerships, offering an extensive selection of pre-owned vehicles at competitive prices. Whether you're searching for a compact car, an SUV, or a luxury vehicle, Autovendy makes it easy to find what you need from the comfort of your home.
Welcome to Autovendy Dealership, your ultimate tool for boosting car sales and optimizing dealership operations!
Autovendy Dealership is designed to empower car dealers with the tools they need to manage their operations more efficiently and sell more cars. Whether you're looking to increase inventory turnover, improve customer interactions, or streamline your sales processes, our app is your one-stop solution.
Dream Planet is a one-of-a-kind platform reshaping the entertainment industry by giving creators a public stage and connecting them directly with fans and investors. Musicians, filmmakers, actors, dancers, comedians, writers, and other creatives can now showcase their talents, launch campaigns, and gain the support they need to reach new heights.