The molt CLI can be installed globally with the following command, for example:
deno install --global --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run=git,deno\
--name molt jsr:@molt/cli
Alternatively, you may prefer to run the remote script directly through
deno task
for better security or reproducibility. For example:
"tasks": {
"update": "deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write='~/.local,.' --allow-run=git,deno jsr:@molt/cli",
"update:commit": "deno task -q update --commit"
Usage: molt [source...]
Check updates to dependencies in a Deno project.
-h, --help - Show this help.
-v, --version - Print version info.
-w, --write - Write changes to the local files. (Conflicts: --commit)
-c, --commit - Commit changes to the local git repository. (Conflicts: --write)
--changelog [types] - Print commits for each update. (requires --unstable-kv)
--config <file> - Specify the Deno configuration file.
--dry-run - See what would happen without actually doing it.
--ignore <pattern> - Specify dependencies to ignore.
--only <pattern> - Specify dependencies to check.
--lock <file> - Specify the lock file.
--no-config - Disable automatic loading of the configuration file.
--no-lock - Disable automatic loading of the lock file.
--pre-commit <tasks> - Run tasks before each commit (Depends: --commit)
--prefix <prefix> - Prefix for commit messages (Depends: --commit)
--referrer - Print files that import the dependency.
Molt CLI automatically finds deno.json
or deno.jsonc
and deno.lock
the current working directory.
> molt
📦 @conventional-commits/parser 0.3.0 → 0.4.1 (^0.3.0 → ^0.4.0)
📦 @luca/flag 1.0.0 → 1.0.1
📦 0.222.0 → 0.224.0
You may specify the path to the configuration file explicitly:
> molt --config deno.json
Or as an argument (unrecommended):
> molt deno.json
> molt deps.ts
📦 @conventional-commits/parser 0.3.0 → 0.4.1
📦 @luca/flag 1.0.0 → 1.0.1
📦 0.222.0 → 0.224.0
You may omit the arguments and let molt collect dependencies from all modules
under the current directory if you do NOT manifest any dependency in deno.json
or deno.jsonc
> molt
> molt --write
> molt --commit