chart recommendation decision tree column types, Q,N,O,T
1 COLUMNS Q - histogram, or maybe CDF T - histogram N - bar chart of counts sorted large to small O - bar chart of counts sorted ordinally
2 COLUMNS Q Q - scatterplot, or heatmap if lots of data, or maybe 2 histograms or 2 CDFs Q N - - if 1:1 mapping of Q:N then bar chart sorted large to small - if multiple Q for 1 N then violin plot facet by N, sorted by mean large to small Q O - same as QN but sort ordinally N N - Stacked bar chart of counts sorted large to small, or heatmap of counts sorted w/ clustering N O - Same as N N, but sort by O O O - Same as N N, but sort by O O
Basic chart rec for just Q,N
1 COLUMN Q - histogram N - bar chart
2 COLUMN QQ - scatterplot (maybe w/ dist on axes) QN/NQ - if 1:1 then bar chart, otherwise, violin plots NN - stacked bar chart, or maybe heatmap
3 column QQQ - bubble plot? QQN - scaterplot with color on N QNN - heatmap NNN - faceted/trellis stacked bar chart