issues Search Results · repo:jogiet/MOLOSS language:OCaml
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injogiet/MOLOSS (press backspace or delete to remove)Hello,
When I was parsing some of your results, I detect something strange. The output when it is unsatisfiable is c
You should change it into s UNSATISFIABLE in order to unify ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 29, 2017
- #7
I will use Moloss in an article, but to cite it, I need something that can not change during the time. It would be nice
to have a release like Moloss 1.0. Like this, if someone is not sure about ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 27, 2017
- #6
I find another bug related to the model-output. Again does not seems to be something big, just a display problem. Here
is the StackTrace:
c (p100) ((~ (p101)) ([r1] (((~ (p101)) | (p100)) ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 24, 2017
- #5
I tested moloss on a formula and I detect a bug in the model returned.
bash$ ./test.intohylo --get-model
c (p100) ((~ (p101)) (((~ (p101)) | (p100)) (((~ (p102)) | (p101)) (((~ (p103)) ...
- 3
- Opened on Nov 22, 2017
- #4
One good feature for a solver is the ability to be compiled as a static executable. Do you think it is possible to add
such feature ?
Because I compile moloss on my machine and tried to run it on our ...
- 11
- Opened on Nov 16, 2017
- #3
There is a problem with the installation. Installing Opam, Ocaml and everything is ok.
But then when I type make here is the following problem:
valentinmontmirail@Ubuntu:~/moloss/$ make
ocamlfind query ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 15, 2017
- #2
It is not really an issue but more a proposition of a feature. If you want this solver to be used in comparison with
others solvers, it is worth it to standardize the input.
Here is the BNF grammar ...
- 9
- Opened on Nov 8, 2017
- #1

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