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59 lines (50 loc) · 4.07 KB

File metadata and controls

59 lines (50 loc) · 4.07 KB

Change Log

Version 0.3 (2018-04-02)

Note: All extensions have moved into the androidx.core.* package.

  • New: Canvas.withMatrix extension for manipulating a Canvas after concatenating a matrix.
  • New: Add start and end parameters for narrowing Spanned.getSpans lookup.
  • New: Extensions to PreferenceGroup to treat it more like a collection of Preferences.
  • New: View.announceForAccessibility extensions which takes a resource ID instead of a string.
  • New: Spannable.set operator extensions for adding a span with an IntRange or starting and ending index.
  • New: Context.toast extension for showing simple Toasts.
  • New: Uri.toFile extension to extract a File from the Uri path.
  • New: String.parseAsHtml extension which calls Html.fromHtml on the string.
  • New: Spanned.toHtml extension calls Html.toHtml on the supplied Spanned instance.
  • Fix: Correct a logic bug in Path.flatten which would cause it omit some segments.
  • Fix: Move updateLayoutParams extension from ViewGroup to View.
  • Fix: Move File.toUri extension into 'net' package.
  •* overloads accepting a TimeUnit and Duration have been removed.
  • SparseBooleanArray.removeAt has been removed as the function has been added directly on the type.
  • Extensions to java.time types have been removed.

Version 0.2 (2018-02-28)

  • New: File.toUri extension for Uri.fromFile.
  • New: TypedArray.getResourceIdOrThrow extension for ensuring an attribute value is set before calling getResourceId.
  • New: TypedArray.use extension for automatically recycling a TypedArray after the supplied lambda was executed.
  • New: ViewGroup.children extension returns a Sequence<View> for lazily iterating.
  • New: View.isVisible, View.isInvisible, and View.isGone mutable properties allow toggling a view's visibility between two corresponding values.
  • New: String.toColorInt extension parses a hexidecimal color into its integer representation.
  • New: Locale.layoutDirection extension exposes the layout direction of the locale instance.
  • New: lruCache function allows easy creation of an LruCache without subclassing.
  • New: CharSequence.toSpanned and CharSequence.toSpannable extensions for convenient conversion.
  • New: Spanned.getSpans reified extension simplifies extracting spans of a particular type.
  • New: Spannable.plusAssign and Spannable.minusAssign extensions allow using += or -= to add or remove spans, respectively, from the entire spannable.
  • New: Spannable.clearSpans convenience extension to remove all spans.
  • New: SpannableStringBuilder.strikeThrough and SpannableStringBuilder.scale for use inside buildSpannedString.
  • New: SpannableStringBuilder.inSpans overload for a single span to reduce overhead for the common case.
  • New: SharedPreferences.edit now has a commit argument which defaults to false. Set to true for using commit() to complete the edit.
  • New: String.htmlEncode extension for escaping HTML entities in the string.
  • New: CharSequence.trimmedLength extension returns the number of characters if whitespace was trimmed.
  • New: CharSequence.isDigitsOnly extension indicates whether only digits comprise the sequence.
  • New: ViewGroup.updateLayoutParams extension allows modification of layout parameters and automatically applies any changes.
  • New: Extensions to Menu to treat it more like a collection of MenuItems.
  • Fix: Correct Sparse* extensions to treat all negative numbers as a missing entry, not just -1.
  • Fix: doOnLayout now checks for isLayoutRequested and schedules its lambda after layout when true.
  • Fix: Include @Px annotations on pixel-based arguments.
  • Some existing functions were marked as inline where appropriate.
  • Extensions to java.time types are deprecated with no replacement (other than the normal functions that they call). This library is focused on extensions for the android.* packages only.

Version 0.1 (2018-02-05)

Initial release.