Instructions to install and start TL-Election in Linux:
git clone
The system consists of 3 different modules.
This module is responsible for receiving the BUs, storing them in a database, and sending them to the TLmanager. It also provides an API for the frontend to access the database and TLManager functions.
In config.json file, it is possible to configure the address and port of MongoDB and TLManager,
In a terminal, run:
cd backend/
npm install
npm start
If you want to execute the backend with an empty database, run:
npm start reset
This module is an API that handles multiple Merkle-Trees. See the documentation.
To start the module, follow the instruction in README.
In the terminal, run:
cd frontend/
npm install
npm start
The prototype supports real data from the Brazilian elections. For more instructions, consult the documentation for real data entry.