In this page you can find info about:
- Creating a base CardList
- Use your custom layout for each row
- Cards with different inner layouts
- Swipe and DismissableManager
- Swipe and Undo in
- Swipe and Undo with a custom UndoBar
- Swipe and custom OnScrollListener
- How to use an external adapter
- Using a cursor adapter
- Using a CardList in MultiChoiceMode
- Using a CardList in MultiChoiceMode and CursorAdapter
- CardList with Drag and Drop:
- SectionedCardList
- Style
Creating a CardListView
is pretty simple.
First, you need an XML layout that will display the CardListView
Then create an Array of Card
ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>();
//Create a Card
Card card = new Card(getContext());
//Create a CardHeader
CardHeader header = new CardHeader(getContext());
//Add Header to card
Last create a CardArrayAdapter
, get a reference to the CardListView
from your code and set your adapter.
CardArrayAdapter mCardArrayAdapter = new CardArrayAdapter(getActivity(),cards);
CardListView listView = (CardListView) getActivity().findViewById(;
if (listView!=null){
This CardListView
uses for each row the row-list layout res/layout/native_list_card_layout.xml
Card Library provides 2 built-in row-list layouts.
For the CardViewNative
For the CardView
You can customize the layout used for each item in ListView using the attr: card:list_card_layout_resourceID="@layout/my_layout
card:list_card_layout_resourceID="@layout/native_list_card_thumbnail_layout" />
In your row-list layout you can use your CardViewNative
with all its features and its possibilities.
Example native_list_card_thumbnail_layout.xml
You can build your layout, but need to have:
- a
with the IDlist_cardId
If you want to use cards with different inner layouts you have to:
- set the number of different cards in your adapter with
// Provide a custom adapter.
// It is important to set the viewTypeCount
// You have to provide in your card the type value with {@link Card#setType(int)} method.
CardArrayAdapter mCardArrayAdapter = new CardArrayAdapter(getActivity(),cards);
- set the type inside your cards with
MyCard card2= new MyCard(getActivity());
card2.setType(2); //Very important with different inner layout
You can also override the setType
method in your Card
public class CardExample extends Card{
public int getType() {
//Very important with different inner layouts
return 2;
Moreover you can extend CardArrayAdapter
and provide your logic.
* With multiple inner layouts you have to set the viewTypeCount with {@link CardArrayAdapter#setInnerViewTypeCount(int)}.
* </p>
* An alternative is to provide your CardArrayAdapter where you have to override this method:
* </p>
* public int getViewTypeCount() {}
* </p>
* You have to provide in your card the type value with {@link Card#setType(int)} method.
public class MyCardArrayAdapter extends CardArrayAdapter{
* Constructor
* @param context The current context.
* @param cards The cards to represent in the ListView.
public MyCardArrayAdapter(Context context, List<Card> cards) {
super(context, cards);
public int getViewTypeCount() {
return 3;
You can see the example in 'ListDifferentInnerBaseFragment'.
If you want to enable the swipe action, you can customize the card swipe direction.
Cards in a CardListView can be swiped left, right or both. The default, if not set, is both.
To change the default behaviour you can set:
mCardArrayAdapter.setDismissable(new RightDismissableManager());
public class RightDismissableManager extends DefaultDismissableManager{
public SwipeDirection getSwipeDirectionAllowed() {
return SwipeDirection.RIGHT;
If you want to enable the swipe action with an Undo Action you have to:
- enable the swipe action on the single Cards
//Create a Card
Card card = new CustomCard(getActivity());
//Enable a swipe action
- provide a id for each card
- enable the undo action on the List
CardArrayAdapter mCardArrayAdapter = new CardArrayAdapter(getActivity(),cards);
//Enable undo controller!
- include the undo bar in your layout. You can use the build-in layout `res/layout/list_card_undo_message.xml'.
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
<!-- You can customize this layout.
You need to have in your layout a `CardView` with the ID `list_cardId` -->
<!-- Include undo message layout -->
<include layout="@layout/list_card_undo_message"/>
The library provides also these undo layouts (check the images below):
- `res/layout/list_card_undo_material_message.xml'
- `res/layout/list_card_undo_materialmobile_message.xml'
It is not mandatory. You can set a Card.OnSwipeListener
to listen the swipe action.
//You can set a SwipeListener.
card.setOnSwipeListener(new Card.OnSwipeListener() {
public void onSwipe(Card card) {
//Do something
Then you can set a Card.OnUndoSwipeListListener
to listen the undo action.
card.setOnUndoSwipeListListener(new OnUndoSwipeListListener() {
public void onUndoSwipe(Card card) {
//Do something
There is also a callback to listener when the Undo controller hides the Undo Bar.
card.setOnUndoHideSwipeListListener(new OnUndoHideSwipeListListener() {
public void onUndoHideSwipe(Card card) {
//Do something
You can customize the undo bar. The easiest way is to copy the styles inside res/values/styles_undo.xml
in your project.
You can see the example in ListGplayUndoCardFragment
You can customize the distance from the edge needed to activate the swipe action, overriding this value in your integers.xml
<integer name="list_card_swipe_distance_divisor">2</integer>
The default value is 2
= half card.
list_card_undo_material_message | list_card_undo_materialmobile_message |
![]() |
![]() |
If you are using a material undobar you can customize these colors overriding them in your project:
<color name="card_undobar_material_text_color">#4CAF50</color>
<color name="card_undobar_material_background_color">#323232</color>
You can provide a custom UndoBar.
This UndoBar has to contains these elements:
A root element with an id attribute
You should use the same Ids provided in the default layout list_card_undo_message
, but if you have to use different ids you can use the CardArrayAdapter.setUndoBarUIElements
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
CardArrayAdapter mCardArrayAdapter = new CardArrayAdapter(getActivity(),cards);
//It is very important to set the UndoBarUIElements before to call the setEnableUndo(true);
mCardArrayAdapter.setUndoBarUIElements(new UndoBarController.DefaultUndoBarUIElements() {
public int getUndoBarId() {
public int getUndoBarMessageId() {
public int getUndoBarButtonId() {
if (mListView!=null){
If you would like to use more ListViews in the same screen, you have to use the code above.
Also you can customize your Undobar message.
You can clone in your res/values/strings.xml
these strings and override them:
<!-- Undo Controller-->
<string name="list_card_undo_title">Undo</string>
<!--<string name="undo_card">Card removed</string>-->
<plurals name="list_card_undo_items">
<item quantity="one">1 card removed</item>
<item quantity="other">%d cards removed</item>
Otherwise you can override the method getMessageUndo
in your UndoBarController.DefaultUndoBarUIElements
//It is very important to set the UndoBarUIElements before to call the setEnableUndo(true);
mCardArrayAdapter.setUndoBarUIElements(new UndoBarController.DefaultUndoBarUIElements(){
public String getMessageUndo(CardArrayAdapter cardArrayAdapter, String[] itemIds, int[] itemPositions) {
//It is only an example
//Pay attention: you can't find the cards with these positions in your arrayAdapter because the cards are removed.
//You have to/can use your id itemIds, to identify your cards.
StringBuffer message=new StringBuffer();
for (int id:itemIds){
Card card =myIdsList.get(id);
return message.toString();
You can also customize the animation of the UndoBar and you can enable a swipe action over it to swipe the undobar off the screen. The default undobar has an alpha animation and no swipe action enabled.
mCardArrayAdapter.setUndoBarUIElements(new UndoBarController.DefaultUndoBarUIElements(){
public SwipeDirectionEnabled isEnabledUndoBarSwipeAction() {
return SwipeDirectionEnabled.TOPBOTTOM; // it enables a swipe action from TOP to BOTTOM
//return SwipeDirectionEnabled.LEFTRIGHT; // it enables a swipe action FROM LEFT RO RIGHT
//return SwipeDirectionEnabled.NONEM // it is the default. No action.
public AnimationType getAnimationType() {
return AnimationType.TOPBOTTOM; // Translation from bottom to top
//return AnimationType.ALPHA; // Default: alpha animator
Migration from 1.6.0 (and previous releases) - to 1.7.0
The 1.7.0 may introduce a breaking change with UndoBar and UndoBarUIElements. To migrate your code you have to:
- rename
if you are using it. - extend
instead of implementing theUndoBarController.UndoBarUIElements()
interface if you are using a custom undo bar.
The CardListView
of cards with swipe action uses a own SwipeOnScrollListener
to ensure that the SwipeDismissListViewTouchListener
is paused during list view scrolling.
If you want to use your custom OnScrollListener
you can use this code:
new SwipeOnScrollListener() {
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
//It is very important to call the super method here to preserve built-in functions
public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
//Do something...
It is very important to call the super.onScrollStateChanged(view,scrollState);
in onScrollStateChanged
method to preserve the built-in functions in swipe actions.
You can use a default AbsListView.OnScrollListener
if you are working with a list of cards without swipe action.
Some libraries use a own adapter as ListViewAnimations
In this case you can use this code:
Pay attention. You can use this method, if your ownAdapter calls the mCardArrayAdapter#getView() method.
Creating a CardListView
is pretty simple.
First, you need an XML layout that will display the CardListView
Then create your CardCursorAdapter
You have to extend the CardCursorAdapter
and override the getCardFromCursor
public class MyCursorCardAdapter extends CardCursorAdapter {
public MyCursorCardAdapter(Context context) {
protected Card getCardFromCursor(Cursor cursor) {
MyCursorCard card = new MyCursorCard(super.getContext());
//Create a CardHeader
CardHeader header = new CardHeader(super.getContext());
//Set the header title
//Add Header to card
return card;
private void setCardFromCursor(MyCursorCard card,Cursor cursor) {
Last create your MyCursorCardAdapter
instance, get a reference to the CardListView
from your code and set your adapter.
MyCursorCardAdapter mAdapter = new MyCursorCardAdapter(getActivity());
CardListView mListView = (CardListView) getActivity().findViewById(;
if (mListView != null) {
With the this type of cursor, currently you can't use the swipe and undo actions.
If you would like to have a CardList
with a MultiChoiceMode built-in feature you can use a CardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter
This class extends CardArrayAdapter
and preserves all its features.
First of all you have to create your CardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter extending the base class and implementing the missing methods.
public class MyCardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter extends CardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter {
public MyCardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter(Context context, List<Card> cards) {
super(context, cards);
public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
//It is very important to call the super method
super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu);
mActionMode=mode; // to manage mode in your Fragment/Activity
//If you would like to inflate your menu
MenuInflater inflater = mode.getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(, menu);
return true;
public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
return false;
public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) {
if (item.getItemId() == {
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Share;" + formatCheckedCard(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return true;
if (item.getItemId() == {
return true;
return false;
public void onItemCheckedStateChanged(ActionMode mode, int position, long id, boolean checked, CardView cardView, Card card) {
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Click;" + position + " - " + checked, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
private void discardSelectedItems(ActionMode mode) {
ArrayList<Card> items = getSelectedCards();
for (Card item : items) {
private String formatCheckedCard() {
SparseBooleanArray checked = mCardListView.getCheckedItemPositions();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < checked.size(); i++) {
if (checked.valueAt(i) == true) {
sb.append("\nPosition=" + checked.keyAt(i));
return sb.toString();
It is very important, if you override the onCreateActionMode()
method, to call the super.onCreateActionMode()
Then you have to implement this onLongClickListener
in your cards:
card.setOnLongClickListener(new Card.OnLongCardClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(Card card, View view) {
return mCardArrayAdapter.startActionMode(getActivity());
Finally get a reference to the CardListView
from your code and set your adapter.
MyCardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter mCardGridArrayAdapter = new MyCardArrayMultiChoiceAdapter(getActivity(), cards);
CardListView listView = (CardListView) getActivity().findViewById(;
if (listView!=null){
When an item is clicked and the action mode was already active, changes the selection state of the clicked item, just as if it had been long clicked.
As you can see in code above use ArrayList<Card> items = getSelectedCards();
to get the selected cards.
You need to implement the onItemCheckedStateChanged
method if you would like to handle the click on a Card.
If you would like to customize the sentence "item selected", you can do it in your project overriding these strings in res/values-XX/strings.xml
<!-- Card selected item with CAB -->
<plurals name="card_selected_items">
<item quantity="one">1 item selected</item>
<item quantity="other">%d items selected</item>
You can see an example in ListGplayCardCABFragment
If you would like to have a CardList
with a CursorAdapter and a MultiChoiceMode built-in feature you can use a CardCursorMultiChoiceAdapter
This class extends CardCursorAdapter
and preserves all its features.
All considerations, written above, are valid.
public class MyCardCursorMultiChoiceAdapter extends CardCursorMultiChoiceAdapter {
public MyCardCursorMultiChoiceAdapter(Context context) {
protected Card getCardFromCursor(Cursor cursor) {
MyCursorCard card = new MyCursorCard(super.getContext());
//Implement you code here
//It is very important.
//You have to implement this onLongClickListener in your cards to enable the multiChoice
card.setOnLongClickListener(new Card.OnLongCardClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(Card card, View view) {
return startActionMode(getActivity());
You can see an example in ListGplayCursorCardCABFragment
The SectionedCardAdapter
allow to display a CardList
with Sections.
It doesn't extend the CardArrayAdapter
, it works with a CardArrayAdapter
You can use it with our CardArrayAdapter without changing your code:
//Standard array
CardArrayAdapter mCardArrayAdapter = new CardArrayAdapter(getActivity(),cards);
// Define your sections
List<GplayCardSection> sections = new ArrayList<GplayCardSection>();
sections.add(new CardSection(1,"Section 1"));
sections.add(new CardSection(3,"Section 2"));
GplayCardSection[] dummy = new GplayCardSection[sections.size()];
//Define your Sectioned adapter
SectionedCardAdapter mAdapter = new SectionedCardAdapter(getActivity(), mCardArrayAdapter);
CardListView listView = (CardListView) getActivity().findViewById(;
if (listView!=null){
//Use the external adapter.
You have to follow these steps:
- Define your sections using the
class. - Define your
- Set the externalAdapter to your
This code uses a default layout for the sections res/layout/base_section_layout
Using the code new CardSection(1,"Section 1"))
you define the position (in the original array) where the section will be inserted and a title to be displayed.
It doesn't change the positions in the original array!
You can customize your CardSection using your favorite layout.
It is very easy o obtain it you have to extend the SectionedCardAdapter:
- defining the layout to be used in the constructor and
- overriding the
* Sectioned adapter
public class MySectionedAdapter extends SectionedCardAdapter {
* Define your layout in the constructor
public MySectionedAdapter(Context context, CardArrayAdapter cardArrayAdapter) {
super(context, R.layout.carddemo_gplay_section_layout,cardArrayAdapter);
* Override this method to customize your layout
protected View getSectionView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) {
//Override this method to customize your section's view
//Get the section
MyCardSection section = (MyCardSection) getCardSections().get(position);
if (section != null ) {
//Set the title
TextView title = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
if (title != null)
//Set the button
TextView buttonMore = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
if (buttonMore != null)
return view;
And then use it with the same code described above.
//Standard array
CardArrayAdapter mCardArrayAdapter = new CardArrayAdapter(getActivity(),cards);
// Define your sections
List<MyCardSection> sections = new ArrayList<MyCardSection>();
sections.add(new MyCardSection(1,"Section 1","More"));
sections.add(new MyCardSection(3,"Section 2","Other"));
MyCardSection[] dummy = new MyCardSection[sections.size()];
//Define your Sectioned adapter
MySectionedAdapter mAdapter = new MySectionedAdapter(getActivity(), mCardArrayAdapter);
CardListView listView = (CardListView) getActivity().findViewById(;
if (listView!=null){
//Use the external adapter.
You can extend the CardSection (it is not mandatory) to customize your section model.
* Custom Card section
public class GplayCardSection extends CardSection {
public CharSequence mButtonTxt;
public GplayCardSection(int firstPosition, CharSequence title, CharSequence buttonText) {
super(firstPosition, title);
mButtonTxt = buttonText;
You can update dinamically the CardSections.
//add a single CardSection
mAdapter.addCardSection(new GplayCardSection(6,"New Section","More"));
//add CardSections
List<GplayCardSection> newSections = new ArrayList<GplayCardSection>();
newSections.add(new GplayCardSection(6,"Section 3","Other xx"));
newSections.add(new GplayCardSection(10,"Section 4","Other xx1"));
GplayCardSection[] dummy = new GplayCardSection[newSections.size()];
//Change all card sections
If you would like to add Cards and CardSections dinamically you can use something like this:
ArrayList<Card> newCards = new ArrayList<Card>();
//Add cards to array.....
//Add a CardSection or check the code above to add more CardSections
mAdapter.addCardSection(new GplayCardSection(6,"New Section","More"));
//Don't forget to notify change to your cards adapter
You can customize some properties with your style and drawable files. The quickest way to start with this would be to copy the specific style or drawable in your project and change them.
For the CardViewNative:
These are the main style properties:
: common style applied to the single card itemnative_list_card.base
: style applied for base layoutnative_list_card.thumbnail
: style applied for thumbnail layout
<dimen name="native_list_card_margin_left">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="native_list_card_margin_right">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="native_list_card_margin_bottom">4dp</dimen>
<dimen name="native_list_card_margin_top">4dp</dimen>
For the CardView:
These are the main style properties:
: common style applied to the single card itemlist_card.base
: style applied for base layoutlist_card.thumbnail
: style applied for thumbnail layout
<dimen name="list_card_padding_left">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="list_card_padding_right">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="list_card_padding_bottom">6dp</dimen>
<dimen name="list_card_padding_top">2dp</dimen>