Sparman is a cli to run and configure Sparky components:
sparkyd (aka sparky worker)
web UI (aka sparky worker UI)
Sparky worker is a background process performing all SparrowCI tasks execution
sparman.raku worker start
sparman.raku worker stop
sparman.raku worker status
Sparky worker UI allows to read worker reports and manage worker jobs. This is intended for SparrowCI operations people
sparman.raku worker_ui start
sparman.raku worker_ui stop
sparman.raku worker_ui status
To pass environmental variables to services, use --env var=val,var2=val ...
For example, to set worker polling timeout to 10 seconds and skip cron jobs:
sparman.raku --env SPARKY_TIMEOUT=10,SPARKY_SKIP_CRON=1 worker start
Logs are available at the following locations:
Sparky Woker UI - ~/.sparky/sparky-web.log
Sparky Woker - ~/.sparky/sparkyd.log