The MTGJSON documentation website uses the VuePress framework with some tricks of our own.
- Vue
- VuePress
- Markdown
- Accessibility
- Node
- npm
- n
- imagemin
- imagemin-webp
Files/Directories were omitted that do not help understand this current project structure.
├── app.json # Configuration for Heroku review apps. Used to Heroku PR deployments
├── check-version.js # Ensures the developer environment is correct
├── static.json # Configuration for Heroku build. Used for Heroku PR deployments
├── __coverage__ # GENERATED and GIT ignored. Coverage for unit tests
├── __tests__ # Unit tests
├── utils # Build utils run before site generation
│ ├── output/ # General purpose util output directory
│ ├── generate-contributors.js # Utility to generate a github contributors file
│ ├── generate-version-atom.js # Utility to generate a version atom of the site
│ ├── migrate-schema-to-markdown.js # DEPRECATED. Utility to generate markdown pages from a schema
│ └── regenerate-schema.js # DEPRECATED. Utility to add new fields to JSON schemas
└── docs # Home directory, outputs to `/dist`
├── # Acts like a route entry point
├── **/* # Directories and their route entry point
└── .vuepress # Main source files for the application
├── config.js # Main VuePress configuration
├── config.sidebar.js # Function to render the sidebar
├── enhanceApp.js # Attach configuration to Vue before build time
├── store.js # Vuex store for Vue to pseudo-prefetch API data
├── public/ # Available to the app home directory
│ ├── favicons/ # All favicon images
│ ├── images/ # All application images
│ │ ├── assets/ # MTGJSON specific images
│ │ ├── avatars/ # User/supporters avatar images
│ │ └── **/* # Any other image
│ └── robots.txt # For crawlers to index/not index certain pages
├── src # Helper data and functions
│ ├── resources/ # JSON that powers parts of the site
│ │ ├── contributors.json # Contributors data from github
│ │ └── supporters.json # Project Patrons/Supporters
│ ├── schemas/ # DEPRECATED. Saved for posterity
│ │ └── *.schema.json # Specific schema that match API data
│ └── scripts/ # Helper JS functions
│ └── * # Any javascript helper function
└── theme # Visuals
├── components/ # Vuepress default Vue components (Beware!)
├── global-components/ # Vuepress custom Vue components
│ ├── DownloadButtonsList.vue # Rendres a download field using a buttons list (not used)
│ ├── DownloadList.vue # Download decks/sets list
│ ├── DownloadNativeSelect.vue # Renders a download field using a native selection for a download
│ ├── DownloadSelect.vue # Renders a download field using a custom selection for a download (not used)
│ ├── DownloadSorter.vue # Sorter for downloads
│ ├── ExampleField.vue # Render examples from EnumValues.json
│ ├── NavMeta.vue # Header logo and version
│ ├── PropertyToggler.vue # Toggler for optional documentation properties
│ ├── Supporters.vue # Contributors/Patrons/Supporters for homepage
│ └── ThemeSwitcher.vue # Toggler for light/dark theme
├── layouts/ # What the application will render at a top level
│ ├── 404.vue # 404 layout
│ └── Layout.vue # Main layout
└── styles/ # SCSS/Stylus
├── *.scss # Styles
└── palette.styl # Stylus requirement for VuePress, DO NOT REMOVE
Explaining the configuration as a whole would be best served by directly linking to the VuePress documentation.
Use: To serve has as static routing of the application.
Purpose: All markdown files should be
. That file will act as the singleindex.html
for a directory.
The structure of a file is simple. Frontmatter on top, everything else below it.
- Frontmatter is written in JSON (with strings).
- Markdown is written to a high-level of specification and should not be manipulated.
- Vue components are imported by placing them in a Markdown file.
- Plugins are provided by the VuePress community and can add syntactical sugar to rendering elements, such as Table of Contents.
Frontmatter is configuration that begins each markdown file to define meta data for that "route". Such configuration is HTML Head data, Vue component data and state, and Plugin configuration.
You can also change configuration of VuePress by overwriting variables within the front matter, such a title, description, etc.
Remember: Frontmatter goes at the top of any Markdown file.
"title": "Card", # Meta title of page
"schema": "card", # Powers certain Vue components
"meta": [ # Head meta properties
"name": "description",
"content": "Card (Set) Data Model documentation.",
"name": "og:description",
"content": "Card (Set) Data Model documentation.",
"name": "keywords",
"content": "mtg, magic: the gathering, mtgjson, json, card (set)",
"feed": {
"enable": "true" # Include this for atom/rss XML
An example of a property field structure in Markdown:
> ### artist
> The name of the artist that illustrated the card art.
> **Type:** `string`
> **Introduced:** `v4.0.0`
> **Tags:** <i>optional</i>
You can also use the <ExampleField type='<Enum Name>'
component to render examples provided the enum values exist in the EnumValues.json file. See a Markdown file for an example. This requires some frontmatter updates where the "schema"
property have a value that equates to an EnumValues.json property.
We use Vuex to fetch data from MTGJSON API's in order to fill our application data. However, we only do this during the first render so the application and API remains as performant as possible.
Because Vue backs this entire application we can inject some helpers in to Vue to be accessed in our components.
We use Jest and we do our best.