- Experimental music composer: e.g. a person using NiN fragments to make some musical piece
- Experimental music listener: someone who listens to a composed piece
- Experimental musicologist: interested in the musicological ideas exposed by NiN
- Musicology technologist: interested in the technology used to realize NiN ideas
As a Composer I want to assemble a musical piece from fragments generated by the NiN system so that I can make music
As a Composer I want to add a new fragment to my my partially assembled piece so that I can pursue creative implulses while composing
As a Composer I want the system to suggest a compatible fragment for a particular place in a composition so that it is easier to choose (musically?) appriopriate fragments
As a Composer I want to be able to hear the fragments befiore I select them so that I can choose appropriately
As a Composer I want to be able to hear the entire piece, or parts thereof so that I can hear and judge the results of my creativity
As a Composer I want to be able to easily access fragments I've selected or created previously so that I don't have to start from scratch every time I work with the system
As a Composer I want to be able to assemble collections of fragments so that I can return to or share previous themes that I've worked with
As a Composer I want to be able to publish a "DMO" created with nin-remixer so that the results of my creativity can be used by other [compositional/musical] tools
As a Composer I want to find and select collections of fragments so that so that they are available to me to use in the nin-remixer interface
As a @@@ I want @@@ so that @@@
As a @@@ I want @@@ so that @@@