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Jefferson Abreu Martinez AbreuHD
I work with technologies such as C#, Python, React, and DevOps. My projects include advanced web scraping integrations and tools to improve development.

@DoubleByte-Software Dominican Republic

Kyle Sexton kyle-sexton

@melodic-software Kansas City, MO

Leonardo Moreno lmorenoBet
Software Engineer

Bet Technology Sydney

Cihat Aydın cihataydin
Software Developer, Mathematician, Chess Player


Dan Blumenfeld DanBlumenfeld

Tobii DynaVox Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Lê Thắng thanglele
Thanglele_ @thuyloi University

Thuyloi University Ha Noi

Eric Williams ewilliams0305
Mostly dotnet, some fun with flutter, a dash of go


Eric 25Ericcheong
Always thinking about what is out there!


Atahan atahanceylan
Software Craftsman

Konplan s.r.o. Prague

Damian Hickey damianh

@DuendeSoftware The Hague, Netherlands.

Vitor Luiz Rubio vitorrubio
Just another developer passionated by coding

São Paulo

Sami Diab Samidjo

Beirut, Lebanon

Lasse Jonassen arllasjn
IT Specialist @ AFI

Arla Foods Videbæk

Christian Escopete codexethanium

Codex Business Solutions Inc. PH

Amiri Business Solutions, Ltd amiriltd
.NET on the Back end, Typescript on the Front end. Passionate about Oauth, IAM, and everything else in between!

Amiri Business Solutions, Ltd Newark, NJ

Divyesh Bhandari divyeshio
Inquisitive Programmer! | Perf Nerd | 🇮🇳

NashTech Global India

Joud Shaieb Shaieb524
SE with a solid background in AI in academic and professional fields, aiming to master web development and Solutions Architectures with the integration of AI.

AHOY Technology Dubai, UAE.