The compiled mapper is a special mapper aggregating specially-crafted mappers marked as compilable that can combine into a new native mapper and execute it.
use Kiboko\Component\FastMap\CompiledMapper;
use Kiboko\Component\FastMap\Compiler\Compiler;
use Kiboko\Component\FastMap\Compiler\StandardCompilationContext;
use Kiboko\Component\FastMap\Mapping\Composite;
use Kiboko\Component\FastMap\Mapping\Field;
use Kiboko\Component\FastMap\PropertyAccess\EmptyPropertyPath;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath;
$input = [
'customerAddress' => [
'name' => 'John P. Doe',
'street' => 'Main Street, 42',
'city' => 'Oblivion',
'postcode' => '12345',
$compiler = new Compiler();
$mapper = new CompiledMapper(
StandardCompilationContext::build(new EmptyPropertyPath(), 'var/mappers/', 'Foo\\BarMapper'),
new Composite\ArrayMapper(
new Field(
new PropertyPath('[customer][name]'),
new Field\ConstantValueMapper('John Doe')
new Field(
new PropertyPath('[address]'),
new Field\ConcatCopyValuesMapper(
', ',
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][name]'),
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][street]'),
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][postcode]'),
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][city]')
$output = $mapper($input, [], new PropertyPath('[address]'));
// array(2) { "customer" => array(1) { "name" => "John Doe" }, "address" => "John P. Doe, Main Street, 42, 12345, Oblivion" }