- First, check that you have the necessary tools installed.
- Go to https://my.telegram.org/apps and register a new app.
- Clone the repository recursively by using
git clone --recursive https://github.com/UnigramDev/Unigram.git
. - Create a new file inside
and name itConstants.Secret.cs
namespace Telegram
public static partial class Constants
static Constants()
ApiId = your_api_id;
ApiHash = "your_api_hash";
AppChannel = "Telegram channel username used for in-app updates";
AppCenterId = "AppCenter ID used for crash data";
BingMapsApiKey = "Bing Maps API key used for map previews";
- Replace
with the data obtained from step 2.
Unigram uses NuGet for managed dependencies and vcpkg for unmanaged ones. Run the following commands to clone vcpkg:
> git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
> cd vcpkg
> git checkout cd5e746ec203c8c3c61647e0886a8df8c1e78e41
> ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
Now that vcpkg is ready, you must customize the ffmpeg port to be built with all the flags needed by the app:
- Navigate to
- Open
- Locate
and replace it with the following:
--disable-everything --enable-protocol=file --enable-libopus --enable-libvpx --enable-decoder=gif --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-decoder=hevc --enable-decoder=libvpx_vp8 --enable-decoder=libvpx_vp9 --enable-decoder=mpeg4 --enable-decoder=msmpeg4v2 --enable-decoder=msmpeg4v3 --enable-decoder=opus --enable-decoder=vorbis --enable-encoder=libopus --enable-parser=h264 --enable-parser=hevc --enable-parser=mpeg4video --enable-parser=opus --enable-parser=vorbis --enable-demuxer=gif --enable-demuxer=h264 --enable-demuxer=hevc --enable-demuxer=matroska --enable-demuxer=m4v --enable-demuxer=mov --enable-demuxer=ogg --enable-muxer=ogg --enable-muxer=opus
Now that everything is properly configured go back to the terminal and enter the following:
> ./vcpkg.exe install ffmpeg[opus,vpx]:$arch$-uwp lz4:$arch$-uwp openssl:$arch$-uwp zlib:$arch$-uwp libogg:$arch$-uwp opus:$arch$-uwp boost-regex:$arch$-uwp
> ./vcpkg.exe integrate install
Make sure to replace $arch$
with either x64
, x86
or arm64
depending on your build target.
In order to communicate with Telegram servers, Unigram uses TDLib. Here is complete instruction for TDLib binaries building, taken from the official documentation:
- Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio. Enable C++ and Windows 10 SDK support while installing.
- Download and install CMake; choose "Add CMake to the system PATH" option while installing.
- Download and install Git.
- Download and unpack PHP. Add the path to php.exe to the PATH environment variable.
- Download and install 7-Zip archiver. Add the path to 7z.exe to the PATH environment variable.
- Close and re-open PowerShell if the PATH environment variable was changed.
- Run these commands in PowerShell to build TDLib and to install it to td/tdlib:
> git clone https://github.com/tdlib/td.git
> cd td
> git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
> cd vcpkg
> git checkout cd5e746ec203c8c3c61647e0886a8df8c1e78e41
> ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
> ./vcpkg.exe install gperf:x86-windows openssl:arm-uwp openssl:arm64-uwp openssl:x64-uwp openssl:x86-uwp zlib:arm-uwp zlib:arm64-uwp zlib:x64-uwp zlib:x86-uwp
> cd ..
> cd example/uwp
> powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass ./build.ps1 -vcpkg_root ../../vcpkg -nupkg
The resulting .nupkg file must be copied into Unigram\Libraries.
Unigram uses VLC to play videos and audio in the app. This is required because the system provided media player doesn't meet the app quality expectations.
You can freely use the pre-built NuGet packages VideoLAN.LibVLC.UWP
and LibVLCSharp
provided by VLC, however we ship the app with binaries built by us,
as we disable all the features that we don't need to save a bit of disk space:
- Clone VLC repository in
and check out branch3.0.x
. - Apply the patch located in
Unigram repository\Libraries\vlc
- Make sure to have docker installed on your machine
- Open the terminal and run the following commands:
docker run -it -v C:\Source\vlc:/vlc registry.videolan.org/vlc-debian-llvm-uwp:20200706065223`
cd ../vlc
extras/package/win32/build.sh -a x86_64 -z -r -u -w -D=C:/Source/vlc
When the building is complete, the NuGet package can be manually created.
For reference, this is the list of VLC plugins currently needed by Unigram to properly work:
- access\libimem_plugin.dll
- audio_filter\libaudio_format_plugin.dll # .MP3/.M4A/.OGG/.FLAC
- audio_filter\libsamplerate_plugin.dll
- audio_filter\libscaletempo_plugin.dll
- audio_filter\libtrivial_channel_mixer_plugin.dll # .OGG
- audio_filter\libugly_resampler_plugin.dll
- audio_mixer\libfloat_mixer_plugin.dll
- audio_output\libwasapi_plugin.dll
- audio_output\libwinstore_plugin.dll
- codec\libavcodec_plugin.dll
- codec\libd3d11va_plugin.dll
- codec\libflac_plugin.dll # .FLAC
- codec\libmpg123_plugin.dll # .MP3
- codec\libopus_plugin.dll # .OGG
- demux\libes_plugin.dll # .MP3
- demux\libflacsys_plugin.dll # .FLAC
- demux\libmp4_plugin.dll
- demux\libogg_plugin.dll # .OGG
- packetizer\libpacketizer_flac_plugin.dll # .FLAC
- packetizer\libpacketizer_mpegaudio_plugin.dll # .MP3
- stream_filter\libcache_read_plugin.dll
- stream_filter\librecord_plugin.dll
- stream_filter\libskiptags_plugin.dll # .MP3
- text_renderer\libtdummy_plugin.dll
- video_chroma\libswscale_plugin.dll
- video_chroma\libyuvp_plugin.dll
- video_output\libdirect3d11_plugin.dll
Unigram uses WebRTC for calls and video chats. Since WebRTC doesn't currently support UWP, you must use our fork to build it.
- Click on Start Menu → Visual Studio 2019 → x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022.
- Navigate to .\Unigram\Libraries\webrtc
- Execute
. This will clone WebRTC source code toC:\webrtc
, and it will take a while (~1.5h) - Execute
.\build-m108.cmd "$arch$" "$config$"
. Replace$arch$
with eitherx64
depending on your build target.$config$
can be set to eitherrelease
Since compiling WebRTC is time and resources consuming, it is possible to build the app without calls support:
- Locate Telegram > References and remove
from the list. - From Telegram > Properties > Build, remove
directive. - Exclude from the project the following files:
- Controls/Cells/GroupCallParticipantGridCell.xaml
- Views/Calls/*
The following tools and SDKs are mandatory for the project development:
- Visual Studio 2022, with
- .NET desktop development
- Desktop development with C++
- Universal Windows Platform deveopment
- Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22621.0)
- TDLib for Universal Windows Platform
If the code fails to build make sure to create a new issue or to open a pull request.