The latest release of SIMRES is also available as binary package for Windows and Linux at For system requirements and installation guide, refer to
This is 64 bit binary distribution compiled with gcc 7.5.0
on Ubuntu 18.04
(using Windows Linux Subsystem). Download the archive
unpack it and run perl [target directtory]
The windows 64 bit binary distribution is compiled with mingw-w64
and gfortran
, ver. 8.1.0)). It also contains PGPLOT graphics device for Windows ( compiled with Lazarus FreePascal. The user interface is compiled with Java SDk and requires JRE ver. 1.8 or higher. Download the installer packed in
Unpack and run the installer as usually.
You may need to set exceptions in your antivirus program if it blocks the installer or SIMRES (there have been issues with CyberCapture in Avast AVG).