A Helm chart for deploying Sigstore scaffold chart that is opinionated for OpenShift
This wrapper chart builds on top of the Scaffold chart from the Sigstore project to both simplify and satisfy the requirements for deployment within an OpenShift
Refer to the quick-start to install Sigstore components on OpenShift with the upstream Sigstore OIDC Issuer URL, quickstart quide
For a quick no-fail path to installing a Sigstore stack with RH SSO, follow quick start
The chart enhances the scaffold chart by taking care of the following:
- Provision Namespaces
- Configure
to enable access to theanyuid
SecurityContextConstraint - Inject Fulcio root and Rekor signing keys
Similar to any Helm dependency, values from the upstream scaffold
chart can be customized by embedding the properties
within the scaffold
property similar to the following:
name: fulcio-system
create: false
The installer and the quick start with RedHat SSO script include the creation of the necessary secrets:
- Fulcio root CA certificate and signing keys
- More information in requirements-keys-certs.md
- OpenID Token Issuer endpoint
- The public Sigstore OIDC Issuer URL
is configured in the absence of any other OIDC provider. - Keycloak/RHSSO requirements can be followed and deployed in OpenShift with keycloak-example.md
- The public Sigstore OIDC Issuer URL
To add configuration options to the TAS installation, either provide a custom values.yaml
or provide available flags to the tas-install
Here are the available options for use with tas-install
. For any other customization, you may provide a values.yaml
with necessary
$ ./tas-install install -h
Installs Trusted Artifact Signer (TAS) on a Kubernetes cluster.
This command performs a series of actions:
1. Initializes the Kubernetes client to interact with your cluster
2. Sets up necessary certificates
3. Configures secrets
4. Deploys TAS to openshift
tas-installer install [flags]
--chart-location string /local/path/to/chart or oci://registry/repo location of Helm chart (default "./charts/trusted-artifact-signer")
--chart-version string Version of the Helm chart (default "0.1.29")
-h, --help help for install
--oidc-client-id string Specify the OIDC client ID
--oidc-issuer-url string Specify the OIDC issuer URL e.g for keycloak: https://[keycloak-domain]/auth/realms/[realm-name]
--oidc-type string Specify the OIDC type
--values string path to custom values file for chart configuration
Global Flags:
--kubeconfig string Specify the kubeconfig path (default "/Users/somalley/.kube/config")
Helm values files are available in the examples directory that provides a baseline to work off of. It can be customized based on an individual target environment. Perform the following modifications to the example values file to curate the deployment of the chart:
Modify the OIDC Issuer URL in the fulcio config section of the values file as necessary.
Perform any additional customizations as desired
For real-time analytics through Grafana, refer to our enable-grafana-monitoring.md guide.
Follow this to sign and/or verify artifacts.
Kubernetes: >= 1.19.0-0
Repository | Name | Version |
https://sigstore.github.io/helm-charts | scaffold(scaffold) | 0.6.32 |
Key | Description | Type | Default |
configs.clientserver.consoleDownload | This can only be enabled if the OpenShift CRD is registered. | bool | true |
configs.clientserver.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
configs.clientserver.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
configs.clientserver.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/client-server-rhel9" |
configs.clientserver.image.version | string | "sha256:07b1c06290706873ee55e39bad5804ea1d7574b01909adf97d67495ad919f9a1" |
configs.clientserver.name | string | "tas-clients" |
configs.clientserver.namespace | string | "trusted-artifact-signer-clientserver" |
configs.clientserver.namespace_create | bool | true |
configs.clientserver.route | Whether to create the OpenShift route resource | bool | true |
configs.cosign_deploy.enabled | bool | false |
configs.cosign_deploy.image | Image containing the cosign binary as well as environment variables with the base domain injected. | object | {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"registry.redhat.io","repository":"rhtas-tech-preview/cosign-rhel9","version":"sha256:f4c2cec3fc1e24bbe094b511f6fe2fe3c6fa972da0edacaf6ac5672f06253a3e"} |
configs.cosign_deploy.name | Name of deployment | string | "cosign" |
configs.cosign_deploy.namespace | string | "cosign" |
configs.cosign_deploy.namespace_create | bool | true |
configs.cosign_deploy.rolebindings | names for rolebindings to add clusterroles to cosign serviceaccounts. The names must match the serviceaccount names in the cosign namespace. | list | ["cosign"] |
configs.ctlog.namespace | string | "ctlog-system" |
configs.ctlog.namespace_create | bool | true |
configs.ctlog.rolebindings | Names for rolebindings to add clusterroles to ctlog serviceaccounts. The names must match the serviceaccount names in the ctlog namespace. | list | ["ctlog","ctlog-createtree","trusted-artifact-signer-ctlog-createctconfig"] |
configs.fulcio.clusterMonitoring.enabled | bool | true |
configs.fulcio.clusterMonitoring.endpoints[0].interval | string | "30s" |
configs.fulcio.clusterMonitoring.endpoints[0].port | string | "2112-tcp" |
configs.fulcio.clusterMonitoring.endpoints[0].scheme | string | "http" |
configs.fulcio.namespace | string | "fulcio-system" |
configs.fulcio.namespace_create | bool | true |
configs.fulcio.rolebindings | Names for rolebindings to add clusterroles to fulcio serviceaccounts. The names must match the serviceaccount names in the fulcio namespace. | list | ["fulcio-createcerts","fulcio-server"] |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.name | string | "" |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.password | password to decrypt the signing key | string | "" |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.private_key | a PEM-encoded encrypted signing key | string | "" |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.private_key_file | file containing a PEM-encoded encrypted signing key | string | "" |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.public_key | signer public key | string | "" |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.public_key_file | file containing signer public key | string | "" |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.root_cert | fulcio root certificate authority (CA) | string | "" |
configs.fulcio.server.secret.root_cert_file | file containing fulcio root certificate authority (CA) | string | "" |
configs.rekor.clusterMonitoring.enabled | bool | true |
configs.rekor.clusterMonitoring.endpoints[0].interval | string | "30s" |
configs.rekor.clusterMonitoring.endpoints[0].port | string | "2112-tcp" |
configs.rekor.clusterMonitoring.endpoints[0].scheme | string | "http" |
configs.rekor.namespace | string | "rekor-system" |
configs.rekor.namespace_create | bool | true |
configs.rekor.rolebindings | names for rolebindings to add clusterroles to rekor serviceaccounts. The names must match the serviceaccount names in the rekor namespace. | list | ["rekor-redis","rekor-server","trusted-artifact-signer-rekor-createtree"] |
configs.rekor.signer | Signer holds secret that contains the private key used to sign entries and the tree head of the transparency log When this section is left out, scaffold.rekor creates the secret and key. | object | {"secret":{"name":"","private_key":"","private_key_file":""}} |
configs.rekor.signer.secret.name | Name of the secret to create with the private key data. This name must match the value in scaffold.rekor.server.signer.signerFileSecretOptions.secretName. | string | "" |
configs.rekor.signer.secret.private_key | Private encrypted signing key | string | "" |
configs.rekor.signer.secret.private_key_file | File containing a private encrypted signing key | string | "" |
configs.segment_backup_job.enabled | bool | false |
configs.segment_backup_job.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
configs.segment_backup_job.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
configs.segment_backup_job.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/segment-backup-job-rhel9" |
configs.segment_backup_job.image.version | string | "sha256:d5b5f7942e898a056d2268083e2d4a45f763bce5697c0e9788d5aa0ec382cc44" |
configs.segment_backup_job.name | string | "segment-backup-job" |
configs.segment_backup_job.namespace | string | "trusted-artifact-signer-monitoring" |
configs.segment_backup_job.namespace_create | bool | false |
configs.segment_backup_job.rolebindings[0] | string | "segment-backup-job" |
configs.trillian.namespace | string | "trillian-system" |
configs.trillian.namespace_create | bool | true |
configs.trillian.rolebindings | names for rolebindings to add clusterroles to trillian serviceaccounts. The names must match the serviceaccount names in the trillian namespace. | list | ["trillian-logserver","trillian-logsigner","trillian-mysql"] |
configs.tuf.namespace | string | "tuf-system" |
configs.tuf.namespace_create | bool | true |
configs.tuf.rolebindings | names for rolebindings to add clusterroles to tuf serviceaccounts. The names must match the serviceaccount names in the tuf namespace. | list | ["tuf","tuf-secret-copy-job"] |
global.appsSubdomain | DNS name to generate environment variables and consoleCLIDownload urls. By default, in OpenShift, the value for this is apps.$(oc get dns cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.baseDomain }') | string | "" |
rbac.clusterrole | clusterrole to be added to sigstore component serviceaccounts. | string | "system:openshift:scc:anyuid" |
scaffold.copySecretJob.backoffLimit | int | 1000 |
scaffold.copySecretJob.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.copySecretJob.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.copySecretJob.name | string | "copy-secrets-job" |
scaffold.copySecretJob.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.copySecretJob.repository | string | "openshift4/ose-cli" |
scaffold.copySecretJob.serviceaccount | string | "tuf-secret-copy-job" |
scaffold.copySecretJob.version | string | "latest" |
scaffold.ctlog.createcerts.fullnameOverride | string | "ctlog-createcerts" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.backoffLimit | int | 30 |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/createctconfig-rhel9" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.image.version | string | "sha256:10155f8c2b73b12599124895b2db0c9e08b2c3953df7361574fd08467c42fd04" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.initContainerImage.curl.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.initContainerImage.curl.registry | string | "registry.access.redhat.com" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.initContainerImage.curl.repository | string | "ubi9/ubi-minimal" |
scaffold.ctlog.createctconfig.initContainerImage.curl.version | string | "latest" |
scaffold.ctlog.createtree.displayName | string | "ctlog-tree" |
scaffold.ctlog.createtree.fullnameOverride | string | "ctlog-createtree" |
scaffold.ctlog.createtree.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.ctlog.createtree.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.ctlog.createtree.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/createtree-rhel9" |
scaffold.ctlog.createtree.image.version | string | "sha256:8a80def74e850f2b4c73690f86669a1fe52c1043c175610750abb4644e63d4ab" |
scaffold.ctlog.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.ctlog.forceNamespace | string | "ctlog-system" |
scaffold.ctlog.fullnameOverride | string | "ctlog" |
scaffold.ctlog.namespace.create | bool | false |
scaffold.ctlog.namespace.name | string | "ctlog-system" |
scaffold.ctlog.server.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.ctlog.server.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.ctlog.server.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/ct-server-rhel9" |
scaffold.ctlog.server.image.version | string | "sha256:6124a531097c91bf8c872393a6f313c035ca03eca316becd3c350930d978929f" |
scaffold.fulcio.createcerts.enabled | bool | false |
scaffold.fulcio.createcerts.fullnameOverride | string | "fulcio-createcerts" |
scaffold.fulcio.createcerts.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.fulcio.createcerts.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.fulcio.createcerts.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/createcerts-rhel9" |
scaffold.fulcio.createcerts.image.version | string | "sha256:0ac3fa62bd38a5e098d60aa06bf1dc960e2567c5caa68bf415c7372efc08ee8f" |
scaffold.fulcio.ctlog.createctconfig.logPrefix | string | "sigstorescaffolding" |
scaffold.fulcio.ctlog.enabled | bool | false |
scaffold.fulcio.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.fulcio.forceNamespace | string | "fulcio-system" |
scaffold.fulcio.namespace.create | bool | false |
scaffold.fulcio.namespace.name | string | "fulcio-system" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.fullnameOverride | string | "fulcio-server" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/fulcio-rhel9" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.image.version | string | "sha256:0421d44d2da8dd87f05118293787d95686e72c65c0f56dfb9461a61e259b8edc" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.ingress.http.annotations."route.openshift.io/termination" | string | "edge" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.ingress.http.className | string | "" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.ingress.http.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.fulcio.server.ingress.http.hosts[0].host | string | "fulcio.appsSubdomain" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.ingress.http.hosts[0].path | string | "/" |
scaffold.fulcio.server.secret | string | "fulcio-secret-rh" |
scaffold.rekor.backfillredis.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.rekor.backfillredis.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.rekor.backfillredis.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/backfill-redis-rhel9" |
scaffold.rekor.backfillredis.image.version | string | "sha256:13299c22ffebc0551077f19578a9ec7b21883ce1c3a04f951e3290bd49c98ee7" |
scaffold.rekor.createtree.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.rekor.createtree.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.rekor.createtree.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/createtree-rhel9" |
scaffold.rekor.createtree.image.version | string | "sha256:8a80def74e850f2b4c73690f86669a1fe52c1043c175610750abb4644e63d4ab" |
scaffold.rekor.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.rekor.forceNamespace | string | "rekor-system" |
scaffold.rekor.fullnameOverride | string | "rekor" |
scaffold.rekor.namespace.create | bool | false |
scaffold.rekor.namespace.name | string | "rekor-system" |
scaffold.rekor.redis.fullnameOverride | string | "rekor-redis" |
scaffold.rekor.server.fullnameOverride | string | "rekor-server" |
scaffold.rekor.server.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.rekor.server.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.rekor.server.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/rekor-server-rhel9" |
scaffold.rekor.server.image.version | string | "sha256:8ee7d5dd2fa1c955d64ab83d716d482a3feda8e029b861241b5b5dfc6f1b258e" |
scaffold.rekor.server.ingress.annotations."route.openshift.io/termination" | string | "edge" |
scaffold.rekor.server.ingress.className | string | "" |
scaffold.rekor.server.ingress.hosts[0].host | string | "rekor.appsSubdomain" |
scaffold.rekor.server.ingress.hosts[0].path | string | "/" |
scaffold.rekor.server.signer | string | "/key/private" |
scaffold.rekor.server.signerFileSecretOptions.privateKeySecretKey | string | "private" |
scaffold.rekor.server.signerFileSecretOptions.secretMountPath | string | "/key" |
scaffold.rekor.server.signerFileSecretOptions.secretMountSubPath | string | "private" |
scaffold.rekor.server.signerFileSecretOptions.secretName | string | "rekor-private-key" |
scaffold.rekor.trillian.enabled | bool | false |
scaffold.trillian.createdb.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.trillian.createdb.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.trillian.createdb.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/createdb-rhel9" |
scaffold.trillian.createdb.image.version | string | "sha256:c2067866e8cd73710bcdb218cb78bb3fcc5b314339a466de2b5af56b3b456be8" |
scaffold.trillian.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.trillian.forceNamespace | string | "trillian-system" |
scaffold.trillian.fullnameOverride | string | "trillian" |
scaffold.trillian.initContainerImage.curl.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.trillian.initContainerImage.curl.registry | string | "registry.access.redhat.com" |
scaffold.trillian.initContainerImage.curl.repository | string | "ubi9/ubi-minimal" |
scaffold.trillian.initContainerImage.curl.version | string | "latest" |
scaffold.trillian.initContainerImage.netcat.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.trillian.initContainerImage.netcat.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/trillian-netcat-rhel9" |
scaffold.trillian.initContainerImage.netcat.version | string | "sha256:b9fa895af8967cceb7a05ed7c9f2b80df047682ed11c87249ca2edba86492f6e" |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.fullnameOverride | string | "trillian-logserver" |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/trillian-logserver-rhel9" |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.image.version | string | "sha256:43bfc6b7b8ed902592f19b830103d9030b59862f959c97c376cededba2ac3a03" |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.name | string | "trillian-logserver" |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.portHTTP | int | 8090 |
scaffold.trillian.logServer.portRPC | int | 8091 |
scaffold.trillian.logSigner.fullnameOverride | string | "trillian-logsigner" |
scaffold.trillian.logSigner.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.trillian.logSigner.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.trillian.logSigner.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/trillian-logsigner-rhel9" |
scaffold.trillian.logSigner.image.version | string | "sha256:fa2717c1d54400ca74cc3e9038bdf332fa834c0f5bc3215139c2d0e3579fc292" |
scaffold.trillian.logSigner.name | string | "trillian-logsigner" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.args | list | [] |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.fullnameOverride | string | "trillian-mysql" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.gcp.scaffoldSQLProxy.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.gcp.scaffoldSQLProxy.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/cloudsqlproxy-rhel9" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.gcp.scaffoldSQLProxy.version | string | "sha256:f6879364d41b2adbe339c6de1dae5d17be575ea274786895448ee4277831cb7f" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.image.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/trillian-database-rhel9" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.image.version | string | "sha256:fe4758ff57a9a6943a4655b21af63fb579384dc51838af85d0089c04290b4957" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.livenessProbe.exec.command[0] | string | "mysqladmin" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.livenessProbe.exec.command[1] | string | "ping" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.livenessProbe.exec.command[2] | string | "-h" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.livenessProbe.exec.command[3] | string | "localhost" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.livenessProbe.exec.command[4] | string | "-u" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.livenessProbe.exec.command[5] | string | "$(MYSQL_USER)" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.livenessProbe.exec.command[6] | string | "-p$(MYSQL_PASSWORD)" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.readinessProbe.exec.command[0] | string | "mysqladmin" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.readinessProbe.exec.command[1] | string | "ping" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.readinessProbe.exec.command[2] | string | "-h" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.readinessProbe.exec.command[3] | string | "localhost" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.readinessProbe.exec.command[4] | string | "-u" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.readinessProbe.exec.command[5] | string | "$(MYSQL_USER)" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.readinessProbe.exec.command[6] | string | "-p$(MYSQL_PASSWORD)" |
scaffold.trillian.mysql.securityContext.fsGroup | int | 0 |
scaffold.trillian.namespace.create | bool | false |
scaffold.trillian.namespace.name | string | "trillian-system" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.args[0] | string | "/usr/bin/run-redis" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.args[1] | string | "--bind" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.args[2] | string | "" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.args[3] | string | "--appendonly" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.args[4] | string | "yes" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.image.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.image.repository | string | "rhel9/redis-6" |
scaffold.trillian.redis.image.version | string | "sha256:031a5a63611e1e6a9fec47492a32347417263b79ad3b63bcee72fc7d02d64c94" |
scaffold.tsa.enabled | bool | false |
scaffold.tsa.forceNamespace | string | "tsa-system" |
scaffold.tsa.namespace.create | bool | false |
scaffold.tsa.namespace.name | string | "tsa-system" |
scaffold.tsa.server.fullnameOverride | string | "tsa-server" |
scaffold.tuf.deployment.registry | string | "registry.redhat.io" |
scaffold.tuf.deployment.repository | string | "rhtas-tech-preview/tuf-server-rhel9" |
scaffold.tuf.deployment.version | string | "sha256:413e361de99f09e617084438b2fc3c9c477f4a8e2cd65bd5f48271e66d57a9d9" |
scaffold.tuf.enabled | bool | true |
scaffold.tuf.forceNamespace | string | "tuf-system" |
scaffold.tuf.fullnameOverride | string | "tuf" |
scaffold.tuf.ingress.annotations."route.openshift.io/termination" | string | "edge" |
scaffold.tuf.ingress.className | string | "" |
scaffold.tuf.ingress.http.hosts[0].host | string | "tuf.appsSubdomain" |
scaffold.tuf.ingress.http.hosts[0].path | string | "/" |
scaffold.tuf.namespace.create | bool | false |
scaffold.tuf.namespace.name | string | "tuf-system" |
scaffold.tuf.secrets.ctlog.name | string | "ctlog-public-key" |
scaffold.tuf.secrets.ctlog.path | string | "ctfe.pub" |
scaffold.tuf.secrets.fulcio.name | string | "fulcio-secret-rh" |
scaffold.tuf.secrets.fulcio.path | string | "fulcio-cert" |
scaffold.tuf.secrets.rekor.name | string | "rekor-public-key" |
scaffold.tuf.secrets.rekor.path | string | "rekor-pubkey" |