- Use the installer's
command to install the required signing keys and root certificate for keyless signing and install the sigstore stack.
To build the installer
go build -C tas-installer -o ../tas-install
The installer expects a kubeconfig
file at $HOME/.kube/config
,, or that the flag --kubeconfig /path/to/kubeconfig
is provided.
By default, the fulcio server is configured to use the upstream public OIDC issuer at oauth2.sigstore.dev/auth
. An interactive browser
based flow in which you will authenticate with Google, GitHub, or MicroSoft will be initiated when signing artifacts..
First, the user is prompted for information in order to create rekor and fulcio signing keys as well as the fulcio root certificate.
Then, the Trusted Artifact Signer resources will be created. The stack is ready to use when all jobs have been completed. The job
in the tuf-system
namespace will be the last to complete, and can take several minutes.
./tas-install install
Watch oc get jobs -A
and when the tuf-system
job is complete, the TAS stack should be ready to sign & verify artifacts.
Once complete, move to the Sign & Verify document to test the Sigstore stack.
If there is already a helm release trusted-artifact-signer
installed, the command ./tas-install install
will perform an upgrade.
In this case, it will reuse the signing keys and certificate secrets from the connected cluster's fulcio-system
and rekor-system