From 71386d6b5f78b095e049716a36817bd695784f91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ricardo Signes Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 19:32:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] import pathogen v2.4 --- .vim/autoload/pathogen.vim | 337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 220 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-) diff --git a/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim b/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim index 2e295da..59a75c1 100644 --- a/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim +++ b/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim @@ -1,44 +1,56 @@ " pathogen.vim - path option manipulation " Maintainer: Tim Pope -" Version: 2.0 +" Version: 2.4 " Install in ~/.vim/autoload (or ~\vimfiles\autoload). " " For management of individually installed plugins in ~/.vim/bundle (or -" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `call pathogen#infect()` to your .vimrc -" prior to `filetype plugin indent on` is the only other setup necessary. +" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `execute pathogen#infect()` to the top of your +" .vimrc is the only other setup necessary. " -" The API is documented inline below. For maximum ease of reading, -" :set foldmethod=marker +" The API is documented inline below. if exists("g:loaded_pathogen") || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_pathogen = 1 -" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a directory name to invoke -" pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() (defaults to "bundle"), or a full path -" to invoke pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(). Afterwards, -" pathogen#cycle_filetype() is invoked. -function! pathogen#infect(...) abort " {{{1 - let source_path = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle' - if source_path =~# '[\\/]' - call pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(source_path) - else - call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(source_path) - endif +" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a relative path to invoke +" pathogen#interpose() (defaults to "bundle/{}"), or an absolute path to invoke +" pathogen#surround(). Curly braces are expanded with pathogen#expand(): +" "bundle/{}" finds all subdirectories inside "bundle" inside all directories +" in the runtime path. +function! pathogen#infect(...) abort + for path in a:0 ? filter(reverse(copy(a:000)), 'type(v:val) == type("")') : ['bundle/{}'] + if path =~# '^\%({\=[$~\\/]\|{\=\w:[\\/]\).*[{}*]' + call pathogen#surround(path) + elseif path =~# '^\%([$~\\/]\|\w:[\\/]\)' + call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')') + call pathogen#surround(path . '/{}') + elseif path =~# '[{}*]' + call pathogen#interpose(path) + else + call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')') + call pathogen#interpose(path . '/{}') + endif + endfor call pathogen#cycle_filetype() -endfunction " }}}1 + if pathogen#is_disabled($MYVIMRC) + return 'finish' + endif + return '' +endfunction " Split a path into a list. -function! pathogen#split(path) abort " {{{1 +function! pathogen#split(path) abort if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif + if empty(a:path) | return [] | endif let split = split(a:path,'\\\@"),'!isdirectory(v:val)')) && (!filereadable(dir.sep.'doc'.sep.'tags') || filewritable(dir.sep.'doc'.sep.'tags')) - helptags `=dir.'/doc'` - endif +function! pathogen#helptags() abort + let sep = pathogen#slash() + for glob in pathogen#split(&rtp) + for dir in map(split(glob(glob), "\n"), 'v:val.sep."/doc/".sep') + if (dir)[0 : strlen($VIMRUNTIME)] !=# $VIMRUNTIME.sep && filewritable(dir) == 2 && !empty(split(glob(dir.'*.txt'))) && (!filereadable(dir.'tags') || filewritable(dir.'tags')) + silent! execute 'helptags' pathogen#fnameescape(dir) + endif + endfor endfor -endfunction " }}}1 +endfunction command! -bar Helptags :call pathogen#helptags() -" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath. -function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) "{{{1 - let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp)) - let file = findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count) - if file ==# '' - return '' +" Execute the given command. This is basically a backdoor for --remote-expr. +function! pathogen#execute(...) abort + for command in a:000 + execute command + endfor + return '' +endfunction + +" Section: Unofficial + +function! pathogen#is_absolute(path) abort + return a:path =~# (has('win32') ? '^\%([\\/]\|\w:\)[\\/]\|^[~$]' : '^[/~$]') +endfunction + +" Given a string, returns all possible permutations of comma delimited braced +" alternatives of that string. pathogen#expand('/{a,b}/{c,d}') yields +" ['/a/c', '/a/d', '/b/c', '/b/d']. Empty braces are treated as a wildcard +" and globbed. Actual globs are preserved. +function! pathogen#expand(pattern, ...) abort + let after = a:0 ? a:1 : '' + if a:pattern =~# '{[^{}]\+}' + let [pre, pat, post] = split(substitute(a:pattern, '\(.\{-\}\){\([^{}]\+\)}\(.*\)', "\\1\001\\2\001\\3", ''), "\001", 1) + let found = map(split(pat, ',', 1), '') + let results = [] + for pattern in found + call extend(results, pathogen#expand(pattern)) + endfor + elseif a:pattern =~# '{}' + let pat = matchstr(a:pattern, '^.*{}[^*]*\%($\|[\\/]\)') + let post = a:pattern[strlen(pat) : -1] + let results = map(split(glob(substitute(pat, '{}', '*', 'g')), "\n"), '') else - return fnamemodify(file,':p') + let results = [a:pattern] endif -endfunction " }}}1 + let vf = pathogen#slash() . 'vimfiles' + call map(results, 'v:val =~# "\\*" ? v:val.after : isdirectory(v:val.vf.after) ? v:val.vf.after : isdirectory(v:val.after) ? v:val.after : ""') + return filter(results, '!empty(v:val)') +endfunction + +" \ on Windows unless shellslash is set, / everywhere else. +function! pathogen#slash() abort + return !exists("+shellslash") || &shellslash ? '/' : '\' +endfunction + +function! pathogen#separator() abort + return pathogen#slash() +endfunction + +" Convenience wrapper around glob() which returns a list. +function! pathogen#glob(pattern) abort + let files = split(glob(a:pattern),"\n") + return map(files,'substitute(v:val,"[".pathogen#slash()."/]$","","")') +endfunction + +" Like pathogen#glob(), only limit the results to directories. +function! pathogen#glob_directories(pattern) abort + return filter(pathogen#glob(a:pattern),'isdirectory(v:val)') +endfunction + +" Remove duplicates from a list. +function! pathogen#uniq(list) abort + let i = 0 + let seen = {} + while i < len(a:list) + if (a:list[i] ==# '' && exists('empty')) || has_key(seen,a:list[i]) + call remove(a:list,i) + elseif a:list[i] ==# '' + let i += 1 + let empty = 1 + else + let seen[a:list[i]] = 1 + let i += 1 + endif + endwhile + return a:list +endfunction " Backport of fnameescape(). -function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) " {{{1 +function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) abort if exists('*fnameescape') return fnameescape(a:string) elseif a:string ==# '-' @@ -194,24 +242,79 @@ function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) " {{{1 else return substitute(escape(a:string," \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<"),'^[+>]','\\&','') endif -endfunction " }}}1 +endfunction -function! s:find(count,cmd,file,lcd) " {{{1 +" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath. +function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) abort + let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp)) + let file = findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count) + if file ==# '' + return '' + else + return fnamemodify(file,':p') + endif +endfunction + +" Section: Deprecated + +function! s:warn(msg) abort + echohl WarningMsg + echomsg a:msg + echohl NONE +endfunction + +" Prepend all subdirectories of path to the rtp, and append all 'after' +" directories in those subdirectories. Deprecated. +function! pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(path) abort + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories('.string(a:path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:path.'/{}').')') + return pathogen#surround(a:path . pathogen#slash() . '{}') +endfunction + +function! pathogen#incubate(...) abort + let name = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle/{}' + call s:warn('Change pathogen#incubate('.(a:0 ? string(a:1) : '').') to pathogen#infect('.string(name).')') + return pathogen#interpose(name) +endfunction + +" Deprecated alias for pathogen#interpose(). +function! pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(...) abort + if a:0 + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles('.string(a:1).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:1.'/{}').')') + else + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() to pathogen#infect()') + endif + return pathogen#interpose(a:0 ? a:1 . '/{}' : 'bundle/{}') +endfunction + +if exists(':Vedit') + finish +endif + +let s:vopen_warning = 0 + +function! s:find(count,cmd,file,lcd) let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&runtimepath)) let file = pathogen#runtime_findfile(a:file,a:count) if file ==# '' return "echoerr 'E345: Can''t find file \"".a:file."\" in runtimepath'" - elseif a:lcd + endif + if !s:vopen_warning + let s:vopen_warning = 1 + let warning = '|echohl WarningMsg|echo "Install scriptease.vim to continue using :V'.a:cmd.'"|echohl NONE' + else + let warning = '' + endif + if a:lcd let path = file[0:-strlen(a:file)-2] execute 'lcd `=path`' - return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(a:file) + return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(a:file) . warning else - return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(file) + return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(file) . warning endif -endfunction " }}}1 +endfunction -function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) " {{{1 - let sep = pathogen#separator() +function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) + let sep = pathogen#slash() let cheats = { \'a': 'autoload', \'d': 'doc', @@ -236,7 +339,7 @@ function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) " {{{1 endfor endfor return sort(keys(found)) -endfunction " }}}1 +endfunction command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Ve :execute s:find(,'edit',,0) command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vedit :execute s:find(,'edit',,0) @@ -247,4 +350,4 @@ command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vtabed command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vpedit :execute s:find(,'pedit',,1) command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vread :execute s:find(,'read',,1) -" vim:set et sw=2: +" vim:set et sw=2 foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^\"\ Section\:'?'>1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^fu'?'a1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^endf'?'s1'\:'=': From 03eea5369e8ac3b7d9432ce7a3083f289cee163e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ricardo Signes Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 19:36:19 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] latest advice is execute, not call, pathogen --- .vimrc | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index f5a8421..cb193a7 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ for disable in split(expand("$VIM_PATHOGEN_DISABLE"), ' ') call add(g:pathogen_disabled, disable) endfor -call pathogen#infect() +execute pathogen#infect() " Loop over every ~/.../src/* repo and source their .vimrc let loop_dots_verbose=0 From 724cd65371d87177f944cc6eb6190cacdd3e6cad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ricardo Signes Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2018 12:33:32 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] do not loop over .bash if there is no .bash otherwise, it fails and if your script is part of bash -e, it exits and you are not going to have a good time --- .bashrc | 5 ++++- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.bashrc b/.bashrc index c8b5b97..38da00a 100644 --- a/.bashrc +++ b/.bashrc @@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ already_looped_bashrcs=1 source ~/.../lib/basics ...sourcedircontents ~/.sh # Common with zsh -...sourcedircontents ~/.bash + +if [ -d ~/.bash ]; then + ...sourcedircontents ~/.bash +fi # Get ~/.../src/your-dots/.bashrc, etc. ...eachsource .bashrc