NOTE: For Golang
Make sure your
includes the$GOPATH/bin
directory so that your commands can be easily used. Refer: Install the Go Tools:
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Add Swift Module in Swift Project
- Open Xcode
- Click on File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
- In New Pop Up window paste uplink-swift repository link and Click on next
- Select branch name or version of package and then click on next button.
- Uncheck the checkbox of uplink-swift library and then, click on finish button.
- Using terminal navigate to the location of the uplink-swift library added in project.
- Run following command in the terminal
- In Xcode, General > Frameworks and Libraries Section
- Click on + icon and select storj-swift then click on Add button
NOTE: Storj("") if required then pass location of libuplinkc.dylib. Please refer sample main.swift file for sample.