issues Search Results · repo:super3/IRC-Bot language:PHP
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(50 ms)43 results
insuper3/IRC-Bot (press backspace or delete to remove)There are 2 Welcome messages during connect to 13.04.2016 - 04:37:15 [ LOG ]
NOTICE Auth :Welcome to HackerzVoice! 13.04.2016 - 04:37:15 [ LOG ] ...
- Opened on Apr 13, 2016
- #71
so i got it running like i want.... thou i discovered a nasty thing... it puts everything in the log including passwords
to freenode etc...
so is there a settings that starts the log after i am in the ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 9, 2015
- #68
so i did as instructed...
Copy Upstart script to folder and make appropriate changes.
sudo cp bin/phpbot404.conf /etc/init/
changed the conf file....
then from same dir as conf....
start phpbot404 ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 9, 2015
- #67
Right now the autoloader freaks out if it doesn t find the file as it expects every class to be loaded from within the
phpbot404.php file. If you want to initialise a class from a command, it won t work; ...
- 6
- Opened on Jan 9, 2015
- #66
I get an error when i start... error below
my config file:
?php return array( server = , port = 6667, name = phpbot , password = , nick = phpbot , channels =
array( #marlin-firmware ...
- 3
- Opened on Jan 9, 2015
- #65
Right now we re getting things like $this- arguments without using proper methods like getArguments.
This is, AFAIK, violating the OOP structure and makes it more difficult to fix bugs.
Consider the ...
- Opened on Jan 5, 2015
- #59
Perhaps it would be nice if functions could be executed on a certain interval. E.g. get the latest Github commits every
hour and display them. Or clean up logs every day.
The principle would be the same ...
- 3
- Opened on Jan 4, 2015
- #55
I ve written a help command, which is more extensive than the regular This is the commands the bot has welcome message.
My implementation goes a bit further than listing the commands; !help without arguments ...
- Opened on Jan 4, 2015
- #51
Right now, if your command allows both no and 1 argument, you have to set it to -1 (because 1 will error out with no
arguments), allowing more than one argument to be passed, requiring you to validate ...
- 4
- Opened on Jan 4, 2015
- #50
Right now the bot crashes on almost any error that occurs. I have a !exec command up that handles executing PHP code
(only by me), but I have to triple-check my code because the bot will crash if anything ...
- Opened on Jan 4, 2015
- #49

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