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System documentation for stprov

This document describes a tool for provisioning host-specific configuration to a System-Transparency booted platform. Refer to the stprov manual for detailed usage of the implemented tool.


stprov is a System Transparency provisioning tool designed to lock down initial trust in a platform. The platform to be provisioned is assumed to have a poor management interface. For example, it may be a remote web console that does not support copy-paste. The platform is further assumed to use the same stboot image as several other platforms. In other words, it needs to be provisioned with its own host-specific configuration to become useful.

The stprov architecture is composed of two parts:

  1. Local: client-side that the operator runs on, e.g., a provisioning laptop.
  2. Remote: server-side that the operator runs on the platform to provision.

As alluded to above, the operator's user interface to the platform is poor. Therefore, the input and output needed in the remote part is kept to a minimum. This amounts to configuring the network and setting up a secure channel to the operator's local system that has reliable input and output.

An example deployment that makes use of stprov is shown below. The operator accesses a new platform through a remote management interface that allows mounting a provisioning ISO. When booted, the ISO drops into a terminal where the operator can use the stprov-remote program to configure the network and start an HTTPS service. The operator completes the provisioning by connecting to this service using stprov-local. After provisioning, the platform's EFI NVRAM contains a host configuration, a hostname, and an SSH hostkey. The SSH hostkey can, e.g., be used by an OS package to provide SSH host authentication.

graph LR
    subgraph DC ["Trusted network"]
        mserver("Management server")
        platform1("Provisioned platform")
        platform2("Provisioned platform")
        platform3("Unprovisioned platform")

    classDef hidden display: none;

    operator -- "Web interface" --> mserver

    mserver -.- platform1
    mserver -.- platform2
    mserver -- "mount ISO over LAN<br>run stprov-remote" --> platform3

    platform1 -. "public internet" .-o router1
    platform2 -. "public internet" .-o router2
    platform3 -- "HTTPS service<br>for provisioning" --o router3
    operator -- "stprov-local connects"--o router3

How to make stprov run

The stprov-local program is simple to just run on the operator's own system.

The stprov-remote program is typically embedded in a provisioning ISO, or as an OS package in stboot's initramfs for use in so-called provisioning mode. It is not within the scope of this document to describe creation of these artifacts, but the reader may find stmgr helpful for creating such artifacts. In lack of other good documentation, considering peeking at the stprov and stboot CI.

Provisioned configuration

The following configuration is provisioned by stprov-remote:

  • Host configuration: primarily used by stboot to network-boot an OS package. It can also be used by OS packages to configure their networks.
  • Hostname: an arbitrary hostname that OS packages may use.

The following configuration is provisioned with the help of stprov-local:

  • SSH hostkey: a cryptographic identity that OS packages may use.

The SSH hostkey is derived from entropy provided by the operator (local) and the platform's own entropy (remote). In more detail, HKDF is used to derive a unique secret from 128-bits of local and remote entropy. HKDF is then used again to derive an SSH hostkey deterministically from that.

All configuration is written to EFI NVRAM, see the EFI variables reference.

Provisioning flow

The operator first gains access to the platform's console where the stprov program is available, see how to make stprov run and the setting described in the introduction. This is the starting point of the below figure.


participant operator
participant platform

operator->>platform: (1) stprov remote dhcp|static [Options]

platform->>platform: (1.1) Configure and verify network
platform->>platform: (1.2) Write host configuration
platform->>platform: (1.3) Write hostname

operator->>platform: (2) stprov remote run [Options]
platform->>platform: (2.1) Start HTTPS service

First, a static or a dynamic network configuration is applied with stprov-remote based on relevant options like IP address, default gateway, and hostname. If configuration succeeds, a host configuration and hostname is committed to EFI NVRAM. Provisioning optionally ends here if the SSH hostkey is not essential.

Second, the stprov-remote program is used again to start an HTTPS server that awaits further input from stprov-local. Important options here include a one-time password used to establish a mutually authenticated HTTPS session, as well as an enumeration of allowed networks that the operator can connect from.

At this point the operator can start using their local console for continued provisioning. In other words, the below interactions take place over HTTPS rather than the platform's built-in or remotely-accessible console.


participant operator
participant platform

operator->>operator: (3) stprov local [Options]
operator->>platform: (3.1) Add 128-bits of entropy
operator->>platform: (3.2) Commit

platform->>platform: (2.2) Sample 128-bits of entropy, HKDF
platform->>platform: (2.3) Derive and write SSH hostkey

platform->>operator: (3.3) Receive platform information

As shown above, stprov-local contributes with entropy that stprov-remote mixes into its key derivations. The operator is prompted to review the changes before generating and committing the derived SSH hostkey to EFI NVRAM on the platform. The returned platform information notably includes the SSH hostkey fingerprint.

Client-server API

The exchanges between stprov-local and stprov-remote take place using an HTTP API. It is not in scope of this document's revision to describe it in detail. The short summary would be that stprov-remote has HTTP endpoints that accept JSON key-value pairs. Output is also encoded as JSON key-value pairs (if any).

Interested readers can find more details in the stprov API package.

Security considerations

The provisioning itself hinges on the platform's management interface being secure. On one side of the spectrum is a management interface requiring real physical presence. On the other side of the spectrum is the type of management interface described in the introduction; where a web interface is used to connect to a management server, which in turn may send commands in plaintext over a LAN to the platform. A detailed analysis is out of scope because it is deployment specific. What can be said is that a passive on-LAN attacker may trivially learn the operator's one-time password. This makes the entropy provided by stprov-local deterministic, and so reduces the entropy of any generated key material to the platform's own entropy source. An active on-LAN attacker at this early stage would completely undermine the provisioning.

An on-path or Internet attacker cannot do much, expect for disturbing the provisioning with dropped packets or connecting from non-allowed networks (and failing). Even adversarial connections from an allowed network with a correct one-time password would be detectable due to logging in stprov's UX. The difficulty of brute-forcing the one-time password after-the-fact depends on its entropy. Operators should pick a one-time password that is hard to guess. A predictable one-time password is similar to a passive on-LAN attacker above.

Access to EFI-NVRAM is assumed to be hard, both if physical attacks happen to be possible or as the platform is operated with stboot after provisioning. If this assumption does not hold, the platforms configuration may be revealed and/or tampered with. Tampering could result in denial-of-service e.g., due to an invalid configuration. Leaked cryptographic secrets could result in machine-in-the-middle attacks and additional information disclosure.

Future work

A non-exhaustive list:

  • Support for other storage mediums than EFI NVRAM?
  • Provisioning of additional configuration useful for OS packages?
  • Provisioning related to remote attestation?
  • Provisioning of UEFI Secure Boot keys?
  • Use of a platform's TPM to encrypt provisioned secrets at rest?