This repository holds the ViriCiti DevOps assignment. In this project you will find a folder that has a simple HTTP web-server.
Web Server is a simple stateless service that serves a simple HTTP message. You can deploy as many replicas of this service as you like.
For the assignment we would like you to do the following:
- Provision an EKS cluster on AWS with Terraform
- We will provide you with credentials to log into an AWS sandbox account
- Deploy the web-server on the Kubernetes cluster
- Docker Image:
- Make sure the app is reachable from the public internet
- The app has some metrics that can be collected and monitored
If you have any questions about the assignment, the project setup or you're simply stuck, feel free to contact us at and Please do not hesitate for this! We're always ready to help.
Finally, you will present your process, technical decisions and outcome to us. Looking forward to it!
Good luck with the assignment!