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The ExternalIO directory contains an example of managing I/O between external client processes and SPDZ parties running SPDZ engines. These instructions assume that SPDZ has been built as per the project readme.

Working Examples

bankers-bonus-client.cpp and act as a client to bankers_bonus.mpc and demonstrates sending input and receiving output as described by Damgård et al. The computation allows up to eight clients to input a number and computes the client with the largest input. You can run the C++ code as follows from the main directory:

make bankers-bonus-client.x
./ bankers_bonus 1
Scripts/ <nparties>
Scripts/ 3
Scripts/<protocol>.sh bankers_bonus-1 &
./bankers-bonus-client.x 0 <nparties> 100 0 &
./bankers-bonus-client.x 1 <nparties> 200 0 &
./bankers-bonus-client.x 2 <nparties> 50 1

<protocol> can be any arithmetic protocol (e.g., mascot) but not a binary protocol (e.g., yao). This should output that the winning id is 1. Note that the ids have to be incremental, and the client with the highest id has to input 1 as the last argument while the others have to input 0 there. Furthermore, <nparties> refers to the number of parties running the computation not the number of clients, and <protocol> can be the name of protocol script. The setup scripts generate the necessary SSL certificates and keys. Therefore, if you run the computation on different hosts, you will have to distribute the *.pem files.

For the Python client, make sure to install gmpy2, and run ExternalIO/ instead of bankers-bonus-client.x.

I/O MPC Instructions

Connection Setup

  1. Listen for clients
  2. Accept client connections
  3. Close client connections

Data Exchange

Only the sint methods used in the example are documented here, equivalent methods are available for other data types. See the reference.

  1. Public value from client
  2. Secret value from client
  3. Reveal secret value to clients

Client-Side Interface

The example uses the Client class implemented in ExternalIO/Client.hpp to handle the communication, see for documentation.