Thank you for considering contributing to Roofer! There are several ways to contribute to roofer:
- You can create an issue for a bug report or a feature request. Please check if there is already an issue for the same topic before creating a new one. And be clear and concise in your issue description, in case of a bug report describe the steps to reproduce it.
- You can create a pull request to suggest changes to roofer code or the documentation. Before you start working on a pull request, please create an issue to discuss the proposed changes.
If you simply have a question, you can ask it in the Zulip 3DBAG chat. If you are unsure whether you should create an issue or a pull request or would like to discuss an idea, you can ask in the chat as well.
By contributing to Roofer, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the same GPLv3 license as this project.