The master
branch of hosted in GitHub is the local version of LBLRTM. Releases are in "Releases" and have tags. At AER, we have a single clone accessible to everyone for the purpose of having builds to which we can all point (/nas/project/rc/rc1/lblrtm_local_version
, with PGI and Intel builds), but this clone IS NOT FOR DEVELOPMENT! For developing the model, please refer to the Development section.
"Incoming" is no more. If you have contrbutions to make, branch off of master, make your edits, push to your branch, then create a merge request as soon as your commit has been pushed. Owners and/or maintainers will then execute the merge if it is acceptable. The development steps are (new users must generate an SSH Key and add it to their GitHub account):
git clone --recursive
git branch your_branch
git checkout your_branch
... (file modifications)
git commit -a -m 'made some changes to LBLRTM' # be more specific than this
git push origin your_branch
Merging and pulling should be done in the web interface.
Document this model at will. FAQ_LBLRTM.doc
has been removed from version control (and its PDF cousin will be gone, too) and converted to Markdown format and is now the top-level
. This README is the first place we should consider placing general information. Things for specific projects or special cases should have their own page in the Wiki.
A few of our repositories are dependent on each other. Contributors are encouraged to peruse the Wiki pages of LBLRTM, aer_rt_utils, and cross-section for guidance on new releases of each repository and its associated submodules. Essentially, each release of code base should be linked to specific releases of its submodules, and not the master
branches (assuming we know the submodule releases work with the given repository).
Releases should be done in the following order (submodules in parentheses):
- aer_rt_utils
- cross-sections
- LNFL (aer_rt_utils)
- LBLRTM (aer_rt_utils, cross-sections)
- MT_CKD (aer_rt_utils, LBLRTM)
Since LNFL and LBLRTM are not dependent on each other, the order of these two releases does not matter.