a.) Be aware of fire alarm and safety signs. Follow the instructions in case of an emergency.
b.) Be aware of the building evacuation procedure.
c.) Be aware of where lab safety equipment is and how to use it.
d.) Do not eat in the lab.
e.) Do not drink in the lab.
f.) Report all injuries.
g.) Be aware of all rules.
h.) Clean area when done. (If cleaning equipment is not available, report missing material.)
a.) Wear safety gear when using equipment. (safety glasses, gloves, masks, etc.)
b.) Only use equipment you are permitted to use.
c.) Properly record check-out and check-in of equipment.
c.) Unplug equipment and properly store when done.
d.) Report any missing, malfunctioning, or damaged equipment.
e.) Do not interrupt someone using equipment.
Never use any machine unless you have been trained on its operation by a lab staff member and are aware of its safe use. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask a staff member. Report any malfunctioning equipment to lab staff. Do not use any equipment that is not working properly. Notify others by placing an out of order sign at the machine. Turn off devices
All students and researchers in the Advanced Telerobotics Research (ATR) Laboratory must gain the skills they need to create a safe laboratory environment.
Report accidents and injuries immediately to _____. Wear safety glasses when cutting wires, trimming component leads and soldering. If you are new to soldering, look at several of the many tutorials on soldering on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qps9woUGkvI www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5Sb21qbpEQ www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYz5nIHH0iY
Do not touch the tip of a soldering iron to find out if it is hot.
Do not melt a ball of solder on the soldering iron tip and then move the tip over to the joint you want to solder. If the ball of solder drops, you will have molten droplets of solder splattering.
When soldering, use a fume extractor to remove and filter the fumes.
YouTube video on solder fumes: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVaN3vTXY9E.
Some oscilloscope inputs are floating, meaning they are completely isolated from the mains power supply. For these oscilloscopes one can safely make measurements on the main power supply. Other oscilloscopes may have their ground connection connected to the mains power supply. Consequently, one has to be very careful with these oscilloscopes when making measurements on the main power supply, otherwise one may inadvertently create a short. For a particular oscilloscope one may not know how the oscilloscope ground is connected, so a good rule to follow is to avoid making measurements on the mains power supply with an oscilloscope. The safest method is to us an isolation transformer.
Always wear shoes, make sure shoes have not slip soles.
Some components can explode, burst into flames and get hot, so be careful
Electrolytic capacitors are polarized, which means they have a “++ side and a “-“ side. They can burst open or even explode when they are place in a circuit incorrectly.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnPQCZ0Sfsg
Tantalum electrolytic capacitors (if used incorrectly) can cause fire.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW0a9d_vWoc.
Never exceed the voltage rating for electrolytic capacitors, as they may explode. YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WheLp0RdLQ
Some LEDs can “pop” or burst open and even catch fire if they are used without current-limiting resistors or the current-limiting resistor is too small
YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXEZtePxa0U
Some components in a circuit can get quite hot even though they are functioning properly. For example, linear voltage regulator ICs is often bolted to heat sink to cool them down. Without a heat sink some of these ICs will get hot enough to cause severe burns.
Be prepared. Read and fully comprehend the lab procedure as set forth in the lab manual before you begin any experiment. If you do not understand the procedure, see _________.
Think safety. Work deliberately and carefully. No horseplay
Know the hazards of any materials or machinery you are working with. The laboratory manual and/or instructor will review specific safety issues on individual experiments before you perform any tests.
All participants must wear appropriate safety equipment. Safety goggles must be worn anytime any laboratory experiment is being performed. Additional safety equipment must be utilized based on specific experiment requirements.
All participants wear appropriate laboratory attire. No open toed shoes; no loose fitting clothing; jewelry should be removed; long hair should be tied back
No food or beverage at the workbench.
Know emergency procedures. Make note of fire escape routes and emergency phone locations.
Report any perceived safety hazards. Immediately report any spills, equipment malfunctions, injuries or other perceived safety hazards to_________.
Keep your work area clean.
Never worked when you are tired, stressed, or unable to work carefully
Never interrupt, distract, or walk directly behind a person operating a machine
Never place hands or other body parts in the area of any cutting head, blade, drill, pinch-point, or other moving, rotating or cutting device/tool. Remove all hand tools, accessory devices, and other foreign objects from the immediate work area before beginning to operate any equipment
Ensure that all safety mechanisms such as guards, shields, and light curtains are operating correctly and securely in place prior to operating any equipment
Aisles, exits, and access to emergency equipment must be kept clear at all times
Appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn while in certain lab environments (see table for each lab requirement). Unless otherwise specified, appropriate attire must always be observed while in the labs:
Footwear must, at minimum, cover the entire foot, be secure to the foot on all sides, and provide a stable working posture. Shoes such as sandals, clogs, ballerina flats, and heels are not acceptable
Long hair, including beards, must be tied back such that it is kept away from the front of the face and neck. A good rule-of-thumb is that if hair is long enough to tie back, do so
No loose clothing may be worn in the shop, including ties, scarves, and loose sleeves
Remove jewelry before beginning work, including rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and watches
Gloves should be worn when handling extremely hot or hazardous materials but must never be worn when operating a machine with moving parts
Do not wear corded headphones and/or listening to portable music players. Cords can potentially get caught in machinery and it is important that you are able to hear Lab staff at all times while in the lab environment
Cell phones and other personal electronic devices must not be used when working at any machine
Keeping the labs clean and well maintained is important to the health and safety of everyone in the lab. It is the responsibility of all users to clean up after themselves and dispose of all waste appropriately. Keep your work area clean both while working and when you have finished working in the area. Never use compressed air to clean machinery, skin or clothing. Students are required to clean up using vacuums, brooms and dust pans Clean up any spilled liquids. If it is a potentially hazardous or oily liquid, then contact Lab staff so that they may respond with the appropriate measures.