- Changed project ownership to
by @wesleykendall in #17.
- Added Python 3.13 support, dropped Python 3.8. Added Postgres17 support by @wesleykendall in #16.
- Add missing py.typed file by @max-muoto in #15.
- Improve type-checking for public interface by @max-muoto in #14
Support transaction-level locks by @wesleykendall in #13.
for transaction-level advisory locks. Both context manager and functional invocations are supported.
- Django 5.1 support, drop Django 3.2 support by @wesleykendall in #12.
- Fix ReadTheDocs builds. [Wesley Kendall, f1b9c5c]
Django 5.0 compatibility [Wesley Kendall, 5197c72]
Support and test against Django 5 with psycopg2 and psycopg3.
- Added Opus10 branding to docs [Wesley Kendall, 80e8466]
Add Python3.12 support and use Mkdocs for documentation [Wesley Kendall, d706755]
Python 3.12 and Postgres 16 are supported now, along with having revamped docs using Mkdocs and the Material theme.
Python 3.7 support was dropped.
Added Python 3.11, Django 4.2, and Psycopg 3 support [Wesley Kendall, 62c86bf]
Adds Python 3.11, Django 4.2, and Psycopg 3 support along with tests for multiple Postgres versions. Drops support for Django 2.2.
Support PG15 [Wesley Kendall, 31edec7]
PG15 is supported and tested
- Updated with the latest Python project template [Wesley Kendall, 109f794]
Fix PG10-13 issues. [Wesley Kendall, bf2036b]
The waitstart column in the pg_locks view wasn't introduced until Postgres14. If using earlier versions,
will return null for these columns.
Initial release of
[Wesley Kendall, 731e0cc]django-pglock
performs advisory locks, table locks, and helps manage blocking locks. Here's some of the functionality at a glance:pglock.advisory
for application-level locking, for example, ensuring that tasks don't overlap.pglock.model
for locking an entire model.pglock.timeout
for dynamically setting the timeout to acquire a lock.pglock.prioritize
to kill blocking locks for critical code, such as migrations.- The
models for querying active and blocked locks. - The
management command that wraps the models and provides other utilities.