is a collection of libraries to help you work with the RiotGames API, and things like DDragon, LCU , etc.
All packages are available through NuGet.
Package | NuGet | Description |
Kunc.RiotGames.Core |
Core package for other packages. | |
Kunc.RiotGames.Api |
Client for the Riot Games API. | |
Kunc.RiotGames.Lol.DataDragon |
Simple client for League of Legends DataDragon. | |
Kunc.RiotGames.Lol.GameClient |
Simple client for League of Legends Game Client API | |
Kunc.RiotGames.Lol.LeagueClientUpdate |
Simple client for interacting with the League of Legends LCU. | |
Kunc.RiotGames.Lor.DeckCodes |
Encode/Decode Legends of Runeterra decks to/from simple strings. | |
Kunc.RiotGames.Lor.GameClient |
Simple client for Legends of Runeterra Game Client API |
var api = RiotGamesApi.Create(x => x.ApiKey = "RGAPI-...");
var lolDataDragon = LolDataDragon.Create();
string bigRegion = Regions.EUROPE;
string smallRegion = Regions.EUN1;
var riotId = "AoshiW#IRON";
AccountDto? account = await api.RiotAccountV1.GetAccountByRiotIdAsync(bigRegion, riotId);
SummonerDto summoner = await api.LolSummonerV4.GetSummonerByPuuidAsync(smallRegion, account!.Puuid);
Console.WriteLine($"Account: {account.GetRiotId()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Region: {smallRegion}");
Console.WriteLine($"Level: {summoner.Level}");
LeagueEntryDto[] entries = await api.LolLeagueV4.LeagueEntriesForSummonerAsync(smallRegion, summoner.Puuid);
foreach (var entry in entries)
Console.WriteLine($"{entry.QueueType}: {entry.ToRank()}");
const int count = 5;
ChampionMasteryDto[] masteries = await api.LolChampionMasteryV4.GetAllChampionMasteryEntriesAsync(smallRegion, account.Puuid);
Dictionary<string, ChampionBaseDto> champions = await lolDataDragon.GetChampionsBaseAsync("latest", "en_US");
Console.WriteLine($"Top {count} champions:");
foreach (var mastery in masteries.Take(count))
var champion = champions.First(c => c.Value.Key == mastery.ChampionId).Value;
Console.WriteLine($"{champion.Name,-13} Level:{mastery.ChampionLevel,3}, Points:{mastery.ChampionPoints,7}");
Account: AoshiW#IRON
Region: eun1
Level: 591
RankedFlexSR: Gold I 56LP
RankedSolo5x5: Gold II 86LP
Top 5 champions:
Zoe Level: 63, Points: 693502
Soraka Level: 40, Points: 443427
Heimerdinger Level: 29, Points: 335509
Cassiopeia Level: 12, Points: 144221
Morgana Level: 11, Points: 137580
isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.