File tree
2,032 files changed
lines changed- .devcontainer/dev
- .github
- cache-success
- restore-dist
- save-dist
- ci-setup-action
- ensure-builder
- ensure-tester
- ensure-tester-with-images
- run-on-builder
- run-on-tester
- spot-runner-action
- dist
- src
- workflows
- .vscode
- avm-transpiler
- src
- aztec-nargo
- aztec-up
- bin
- barretenberg
- acir_tests
- bash_helpers
- browser-test-app
- flows
- headless-test
- src
- sol-test
- src
- bbup
- cpp
- cmake
- pil
- avm
- vm2
- scripts
- src
- barretenberg
- acir_formal_proofs
- bb
- benchmark
- basics_bench
- client_ivc_bench
- goblin_bench
- ipa_bench
- mega_memory_bench
- pippenger_bench
- protogalaxy_bench
- protogalaxy_rounds_bench
- relations_bench
- simulator_bench
- stdlib_hash
- ultra_bench
- widgets_bench
- boomerang_value_detection
- client_ivc
- commitment_schemes
- gemini
- ipa
- kzg
- shplonk
- small_subgroup_ipa
- utils
- commitment_schemes_recursion
- common
- crypto
- merkle_tree/lmdb_store
- pedersen_commitment
- dsl
- acir_format
- serde
- acir_proofs
- ecc
- batched_affine_addition
- curves
- bn254
- grumpkin
- fields
- groups
- eccvm
- examples
- join_split
- notes/circuit/value
- simple
- flavor
- goblin
- plonk
- composer
- proof_system
- commitment_scheme
- prover
- proving_key
- verifier
- polynomials
- protogalaxy
- relations
- smt_verification
- circuit
- solver
- terms
- srs
- factories
- stdlib
- client_ivc_verifier
- eccvm_verifier
- goblin_verifier
- honk_verifier
- plonk_recursion
- verification_key
- verifier
- primitives
- bigfield
- curves
- field
- group
- safe_uint
- protogalaxy_verifier
- translator_vm_verifier
- stdlib_circuit_builders
- sumcheck
- trace_to_polynomials
- translator_vm
- ultra_honk
- ultra_vanilla_client_ivc
- vm
- avm
- generated
- relations
- recursion
- tests
- trace
- gadgets
- vm2
- common
- constraining
- relations
- testing
- generated
- relations
- simulation
- events
- lib
- testing
- testing
- tracegen
- lib
- world_state_napi
- srs_db
- scripts
- sol
- src/honk
- instance
- keys
- ts
- .yarn/releases
- scripts
- src
- barretenberg
- barretenberg_wasm
- barretenberg_wasm_base
- helpers/browser
- crs/node
- random/browser
- bb-pilcom
- bb-pil-backend
- src
- templates
- bootstrap
- boxes
- .yarn/releases
- boxes
- react
- vanilla
- tests
- vite
- src
- contracts/src
- scripts
- build-images
- build-system
- s3-cache-scripts
- scripts
- ci3
- aws
- docs
- .yarn
- components
- docs
- _protocol-specs
- addresses-and-keys
- example-usage
- bytecode
- calls
- circuits
- contract-deployment
- cryptography
- hashing
- proving-system
- data-publication-and-availability
- decentralization
- gas-and-fees
- l1-smart-contracts
- logs
- pre-compiled-contracts
- private-message-delivery
- public-vm
- gen
- rollup-circuits
- state
- transactions
- aztec
- concepts
- accounts
- circuits
- kernels
- rollup_circuits
- communication
- storage
- state_model
- trees
- wallets
- smart_contracts
- functions
- guides
- developer_guides
- js_apps
- local_env
- running_nodes
- smart_contracts
- testing_contracts
- writing_contracts
- common_patterns
- notes
- portals
- storage
- protocol-specs/public-vm/gen
- reference/developer_references
- smart_contract_reference
- tutorials/codealong/contract_tutorials
- token_bridge
- l1-contracts
- src
- core
- interfaces
- libraries
- RollupLibs
- crypto
- messagebridge
- staking
- governance
- interfaces
- libraries
- proposer
- periphery
- interfaces
- terraform
- test
- fees
- fixtures
- governance
- coin-issuer
- governance
- governance-proposer
- scenario
- slashing
- harnesses
- merkle
- sparta
- staking
- noir
- noir-repo
- .github
- critical_libraries_status
- AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/noir-projects
- noir-lang
- ec
- noir-edwards
- noir_bigcurve
- noir_json_parser
- noir_sort
- sparse_array
- scripts
- workflows
- acvm-repo
- acir/codegen
- acvm_js/test/node
- brillig/src
- brillig_vm/src
- compiler
- noirc_evaluator/src
- brillig/brillig_ir
- ssa/ir
- noirc_frontend/src
- debug
- hir/comptime/interpreter
- lexer
- parser/parser
- tests
- noir_stdlib/src
- array
- field
- test_programs
- compile_success_empty
- acir_inside_brillig_recursion/src
- brillig_cast/src
- brillig_field_binary_operations/src
- brillig_integer_binary_operations/src
- brillig_modulo/src
- brillig_slice_input/src
- is_unconstrained/src
- compile_success_with_bug/underconstrained_value_detector_5425/src
- execution_failure/fold_nested_brillig_assert_fail/src
- execution_success
- array_to_slice_constant_length/src
- bigint/src
- brillig_acir_as_brillig/src
- brillig_arrays/src
- brillig_blake2s/src
- brillig_calls_array/src
- brillig_calls_conditionals/src
- brillig_conditional/src
- brillig_fns_as_values/src
- brillig_identity_function/src
- brillig_nested_arrays/src
- brillig_not/src
- brillig_recursion/src
- brillig_uninitialized_arrays/src
- double_verify_honk_proof
- src
- reference_only_used_as_alias/src
- u16_support/src
- verify_honk_proof
- src
- verify_rollup_honk_proof
- src
- noir_test_success
- brillig_oracle/src
- mock_oracle/src
- out_of_bounds_alignment/src
- tooling
- nargo_cli
- src/cli
- nargo_fmt/src/formatter
- scripts
- noir-projects
- aztec-nr
- authwit/src
- aztec/src
- context
- encrypted_logs
- keys
- macros
- events
- notes
- storage
- note
- oracle
- state_vars
- test/mocks
- mock-protocol-circuits
- noir-contracts
- contracts
- amm_contract/src
- avm_test_contract/src
- contract_class_registerer_contract/src
- contract_instance_deployer_contract
- src
- counter_contract/src
- easy_private_voting_contract/src
- test
- ecdsa_public_key_note/src
- fpc_contract/src
- lending_contract/src
- nft_contract/src
- types
- spam_contract/src
- test_contract
- src
- token_blacklist_contract/src
- token_bridge_contract/src
- token_contract/src
- test
- scripts
- noir-protocol-circuits
- crates
- blob
- src
- empty-nested/src
- empty-nested-simulated
- src
- parity-lib/src/root
- private-kernel-empty/src
- private-kernel-empty-simulated
- src
- private-kernel-init
- private-kernel-inner
- private-kernel-lib/src
- components
- tail_output_composer
- tests
- tail_output_composer_builder
- tail_output_validator_builder
- private-kernel-reset
- private-kernel-tail
- src
- private-kernel-tail-simulated/src
- private-kernel-tail-to-public
- rollup-base-private
- rollup-base-public
- rollup-block-merge
- rollup-block-root
- rollup-block-root-empty/src
- rollup-block-root-single-tx
- src
- rollup-block-root-single-tx-simulated
- src
- rollup-lib/src
- abis
- base
- components
- private_base_rollup_output_composer
- block_merge
- block_root
- components
- merge
- utils
- root
- tests
- rollup-merge
- rollup-root
- types/src
- abis
- accumulated_data
- kernel_circuit_public_inputs
- side_effect
- data
- merkle_tree
- indexed_tree
- proof
- tests
- fixtures
- transaction
- utils
- scripts
- scripts
- scripts
- ci
- logs
- tests
- bootstrap
- spartan
- aztec-network
- files/config
- templates
- values
- metrics
- grafana_dashboards
- terraform
- values
- releases
- testnet
- terraform
- deploy-metrics
- deploy-release
- gke-cluster
- yarn-project
- .yarn
- patches
- plugins/@yarnpkg
- releases
- accounts
- src/testing
- archiver
- src
- archiver
- kv_archiver_store
- memory_archiver_store
- test
- aztec
- src
- bin
- cli
- cmds
- aztec-faucet
- aztec-node
- src/aztec-node
- aztec.js
- src
- api
- contract
- fee
- rpc_clients
- utils
- wallet
- bb-prover
- src
- bb
- prover
- test
- verifier
- wasm
- blob-sink
- src
- blobstore
- client
- server
- types
- bot
- src
- builder
- circuit-types
- src
- epoch-helpers
- interfaces
- l2_block_downloader
- logs
- l1_payload
- notes
- p2p
- prover_coordination
- stats
- test
- tx
- validator
- circuits.js
- src
- contract
- interfaces
- fees
- hash
- keys
- scripts
- structs
- __snapshots__
- avm
- blobs
- kernel
- rollup
- trees
- tests
- types
- cli
- src
- cmds
- contracts
- devnet
- infrastructure
- l1
- misc
- pxe
- utils
- cli-wallet
- src
- bin
- cmds
- storage
- utils
- options
- end-to-end
- results
- scripts
- native-network
- src
- benchmarks
- composed
- devnet
- e2e_blacklist_token_contract
- e2e_cross_chain_messaging
- e2e_deploy_contract
- e2e_fees
- e2e_nested_contract
- e2e_p2p
- e2e_prover
- e2e_token_contract
- fixtures
- guides
- prover-coordination
- public-testnet
- sample-dapp
- spartan
- web
- entrypoints
- epoch-cache
- ethereum
- scripts
- src
- test
- foundation
- src
- abi
- blob
- config
- fields
- json-rpc/server
- log
- promise
- queue
- retry
- serialize
- sleep
- string
- testing
- files
- timer
- trees
- wasm
- ivc-integration
- src
- key-store
- kv-store
- src
- indexeddb
- interfaces
- lmdb
- stores
- l1-artifacts
- scripts
- merkle-tree
- src
- noir-contracts.js
- scripts
- noir-protocol-circuits-types
- src
- artifacts
- client
- conversion
- entrypoint
- client
- execution
- scripts
- utils
- client
- server
- p2p
- src
- bootstrap
- client
- mem_pools
- attestation_pool
- tx_pool
- mocks
- msg_validators
- attestation_validator
- block_proposal_validator
- epoch_proof_quote_validator
- tx_validator
- service
- services
- discv5
- libp2p
- peer-scoring
- reqresp
- rate_limiter
- tx_validator
- p2p-bootstrap
- proof-verifier
- protocol-contracts
- src
- auth-registry
- bundle
- class-registerer
- fee-juice
- instance-deployer
- multi-call-entrypoint
- router
- scripts
- prover-client
- src
- block_builder
- mocks
- orchestrator
- prover-agent
- prover-client
- proving_broker
- prover_cache
- proving_broker_database
- test
- prover-node
- src
- job
- prover-cache
- prover-coordination
- test
- pxe
- src
- database
- kernel_oracle
- kernel_prover
- hints
- test
- note_decryption_utils
- pxe_service
- test
- simulator
- simulator_oracle
- utils
- scripts
- sequencer-client
- src
- client
- publisher
- sequencer
- slasher
- test
- tx_validator
- simulator
- src
- acvm
- oracle
- avm
- fixtures
- journal
- opcodes
- client
- common
- providers
- public
- fixtures
- telemetry-client
- src
- txe
- src
- node
- oracle
- txe_service
- util
- types
- validator-client
- src
- duties
- world-state
- src
- instrumentation
- native
- synchronizer
- test
- world-state-db
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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3 |
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