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base repository: AztecProtocol/aztec-packages
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 8b5ea85d6b475d2f15456001d52b537e7f279514
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head repository: AztecProtocol/aztec-packages
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compare: 64f296e9fcdce4f2f338a3e9a9a42d142ffab99e
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Showing with 187 additions and 94 deletions.
  1. +187 −94 yarn-project/simulator/src/avm/avm_tree.ts
281 changes: 187 additions & 94 deletions yarn-project/simulator/src/avm/avm_tree.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -148,11 +148,18 @@ export class AvmEphemeralForest {
// This only works for the public data tree
const treeId = MerkleTreeId.PUBLIC_DATA_TREE;
const tree = this.treeMap.get(treeId)!;
const { preimage, index, update }: PreimageWitness<PublicDataTreeLeafPreimage> = await this.getLeafOrLowLeafInfo(
const [leafOrLowLeafInfo, pathAbsentInEphemeralTree] = await this._getLeafOrLowLeafInfo<
typeof treeId,
>(treeId, slot);
const { preimage, index, update } = leafOrLowLeafInfo;
const siblingPath = await this.getSiblingPath(treeId, index);

if (pathAbsentInEphemeralTree) {
// Since we have never seen this before - we should insert it into our tree as it is about to be updated.
this.treeMap.get(treeId)!.insertSiblingPath(index, siblingPath);

if (update) {
const updatedPreimage = cloneDeep(preimage);
const existingPublicDataSiblingPath = siblingPath;
@@ -223,7 +230,7 @@ export class AvmEphemeralForest {
if (foundIndex === -1) {
// New element, we splice it into the correct location
const spliceIndex =
keys[i], => x[0]),
) + 1;
@@ -243,15 +250,20 @@ export class AvmEphemeralForest {
async appendNullifier(nullifier: Fr): Promise<IndexedInsertionResult<NullifierLeafPreimage>> {
const treeId = MerkleTreeId.NULLIFIER_TREE;
const tree = this.treeMap.get(treeId)!;
const { preimage, index, update }: PreimageWitness<NullifierLeafPreimage> = await this.getLeafOrLowLeafInfo(
const [leafOrLowLeafInfo, pathAbsentInEphemeralTree] = await this._getLeafOrLowLeafInfo<
typeof treeId,
>(treeId, nullifier);
const { preimage, index, update } = leafOrLowLeafInfo;
const siblingPath = await this.getSiblingPath(treeId, index);

if (update) {
throw new Error('Not allowed to update a nullifier');
if (pathAbsentInEphemeralTree) {
// Since we have never seen this before - we should insert it into our tree as it is about to be updated.
this.treeMap.get(treeId)!.insertSiblingPath(index, siblingPath);

assert(!update, 'Nullifier already exists in the tree. Cannot update a nullifier!');

// We are writing a new entry
const insertionIndex = tree.leafCount;
const updatedLowNullifier = cloneDeep(preimage);
@@ -312,17 +324,17 @@ export class AvmEphemeralForest {

* This is wrapper around treeId to get values in the indexedUpdates map
* This is wrapper around treeId to get values in the indexedUpdates map.
* Should only be called if we know the value exists.
private getIndexedUpdates<ID extends IndexedTreeId, T extends IndexedTreeLeafPreimage>(treeId: ID, index: bigint): T {
private getIndexedUpdate<ID extends IndexedTreeId, T extends IndexedTreeLeafPreimage>(treeId: ID, index: bigint): T {
const updates = this.indexedUpdates.get(treeId);
if (updates === undefined) {
throw new Error('No updates found');
assert(updates !== undefined, `No updates exist in the ephemeral ${MerkleTreeId[treeId]} tree.`);
const preimage = updates.get(index);
if (preimage === undefined) {
throw new Error('No updates found');
updates !== undefined,
`No update exists in the ephemeral ${MerkleTreeId[treeId]} tree for leafIndex ${index}.`,
return preimage as T;

@@ -337,100 +349,160 @@ export class AvmEphemeralForest {
return updates.has(index);

private searchForKey(key: Fr, arr: Fr[]): number {
// We are looking for the index of the largest element in the array that is less than the key
let start = 0;
let end = arr.length;
// Note that the easiest way is to increment the search key by 1 and then do a binary search
const searchKey = key.add(Fr.ONE);
while (start < end) {
const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
if (arr[mid].cmp(searchKey) < 0) {
// The key + 1 is greater than the arr element, so we can continue searching the top half
start = mid + 1;
} else {
// The key + 1 is LT or EQ the arr element, so we can continue searching the bottom half
end = mid;
// We either found key + 1 or start is now at the index of the largest element that we would have inserted key + 1
// Therefore start - 1 is the index of the element just below - note it can be -1 if the first element in the array is
// greater than the key
return start - 1;

* This gets the low leaf preimage and the index of the low leaf in the indexed tree given a value (slot or nullifier value)
* If the value is not found in the tree, it does an external lookup to the merkleDB
* Get the leaf or low leaf preimage and its index in the indexed tree given a key (slot or nullifier value).
* If the key is not found in the tree, it does an external lookup to the underlying merkle DB.
* @param treeId - The tree we are looking up in
* @param key - The key for which we are look up the low leaf for.
* @param key - The key for which we are look up the leaf or low leaf for.
* @param T - The type of the preimage (PublicData or Nullifier)
* @returns The low leaf preimage and the index of the low leaf in the indexed tree
* @returns The leaf or low leaf info (preimage & leaf index).
async getLeafOrLowLeafInfo<ID extends IndexedTreeId, T extends IndexedTreeLeafPreimage>(
treeId: ID,
key: Fr,
): Promise<PreimageWitness<T>> {
const [leafOrLowLeafInfo, _] = await this._getLeafOrLowLeafInfo<ID, T>(treeId, key);
return leafOrLowLeafInfo;

* Internal helper to get the leaf or low leaf preimage and its index in the indexed tree given a key (slot or nullifier value).
* If the key is not found in the tree, it does an external lookup to the underlying merkle DB.
* Indicates whethe the sibling path is absent in the ephemeral tree.
* @param treeId - The tree we are looking up in
* @param key - The key for which we are look up the leaf or low leaf for.
* @param T - The type of the preimage (PublicData or Nullifier)
* @returns [
* preimageWitness - The leaf or low leaf info (preimage & leaf index),
* pathAbsentInEphemeralTree - whether its sibling path is absent in the ephemeral tree (useful during insertions)
* ]
async _getLeafOrLowLeafInfo<ID extends IndexedTreeId, T extends IndexedTreeLeafPreimage>(
treeId: ID,
key: Fr,
): Promise<[PreimageWitness<T>, /*pathAbsentInEphemeralTree=*/ boolean]> {
const bigIntKey = key.toBigInt();
// In this function, "min" refers to the leaf with the
// largest key <= the specified key in the indexedUpdates.
// In other words, the leaf with the "next lowest" key in indexedUpdates.

// First, search the indexed updates (no DB fallback) to find
// the leafIndex of the leaf with the largest key <= the specified key.
const minIndexedLeafIndex = this._getLeafIndexOrNextLowestInIndexedUpdates(treeId, key);
if (minIndexedLeafIndex === -1n) {
// No leaf is present in the indexed updates that is <= the key,
// so retrieve the leaf or low leaf from the underlying DB.
const leafOrLowLeafPreimage: PreimageWitness<T> = await this._getLeafOrLowLeafWitnessInExternalDb(
return [leafOrLowLeafPreimage, /*pathAbsentInEphemeralTree=*/ true];
} else {
// A leaf was found in the indexed updates that is <= the key
const minPreimage: T = this.getIndexedUpdate(treeId, minIndexedLeafIndex);
if (minPreimage.getKey() === bigIntKey) {
// the index found is an exact match, no need to search further
const leafInfo = { preimage: minPreimage, index: minIndexedLeafIndex, update: true };
return [leafInfo, /*pathAbsentInEphemeralTree=*/ false];
} else {
// We are starting with the leaf with largest key <= the specified key
// Starting at that "min leaf", search for specified key in both the indexed updates
// and the underlying DB. If not found, return its low leaf.
const leafOrLowLeafInfo = await this._searchForLeafOrLowLeaf<ID, T>(
// We did not find it - this is unexpected... the leaf OR low leaf should always be present
assert(leafOrLowLeafInfo !== undefined, 'Could not find leaf or low leaf. This should not happen!');
return [leafOrLowLeafInfo, /*pathAbsentInEphemeralTree=*/ false];

* Helper to search for the leaf with the specified key in the indexedUpdates
* and return its leafIndex.
* If not present, return the leafIndex of the largest leaf <= the specified key
* (the leafIndex of the next lowest key).
* If no entry exists in indexedUpdates <= the specified key, return -1.
* @returns - The leafIndex of the leaf with the largest key <= the specified key.
private _getLeafIndexOrNextLowestInIndexedUpdates<ID extends IndexedTreeId>(treeId: ID, key: Fr): bigint {
const keyOrderedVector = this.indexedSortedKeys.get(treeId)!;

const vectorIndex = this.searchForKey(
const indexInVector = indexOrNextLowestInArray(
key, => x[0]),
// We have a match in our local updates
let minPreimage = undefined;

if (vectorIndex !== -1) {
const [_, leafIndex] = keyOrderedVector[vectorIndex];
minPreimage = {
preimage: this.getIndexedUpdates(treeId, leafIndex) as T,
index: leafIndex,
// This can probably be done better, we want to say if the minInfo is undefined (because this is our first operation) we do the external lookup
const start = minPreimage?.preimage;
const bigIntKey = key.toBigInt();

// If we don't have a first element or if that first element is already greater than the target key, we need to do an external lookup
// The low public data witness is in the previous tree
if (start === undefined || start.getKey() > key.toBigInt()) {
// This function returns the leaf index to the actual element if it exists or the leaf index to the low leaf otherwise
const { index, alreadyPresent } = (await this.treeDb.getPreviousValueIndex(treeId, bigIntKey))!;
const preimage = await this.treeDb.getLeafPreimage(treeId, index);

// Since we have never seen this before - we should insert it into our tree, as we know we will modify this leaf node
const siblingPath = await this.getSiblingPath(treeId, index);
if (indexInVector !== -1) {
const [_, leafIndex] = keyOrderedVector[indexInVector];
return leafIndex;
} else {
// no leaf <= the specified key was found
return -1n;

// Perform an insertion of the existing sibling path just to cache it in the ephemeral tree
// This pair of operations should NOT change the root.
const rootBeforeInsertion = this.treeMap.get(treeId)!.getRoot();
this.treeMap.get(treeId)!.insertSiblingPath(index, siblingPath);
this.treeMap.get(treeId)!.updateLeaf(this.hashPreimage(preimage as T), index);
const rootAfterInsertion = this.treeMap.get(treeId)!.getRoot();
'Inserting an existing sibling path (caching it) in the ephemeral tree should not update the root',
* Query the external DB to get leaf if present, low leaf if absent
private async _getLeafOrLowLeafWitnessInExternalDb<ID extends IndexedTreeId, T extends IndexedTreeLeafPreimage>(
treeId: ID,
key: bigint,
): Promise<PreimageWitness<T>> {
// "key" is siloed slot (leafSlot) or siloed nullifier
const previousValueIndex = await this.treeDb.getPreviousValueIndex(treeId, key);
previousValueIndex !== undefined,
`${MerkleTreeId[treeId]} low leaf index should always be found (even if target leaf does not exist)`,
const { index: leafIndex, alreadyPresent } = previousValueIndex;

const lowPublicDataPreimage = preimage as T;
const leafPreimage = await this.treeDb.getLeafPreimage(treeId, leafIndex);
leafPreimage !== undefined,
`${MerkleTreeId[treeId]} low leaf preimage should never be undefined (even if target leaf does not exist)`,

return { preimage: lowPublicDataPreimage, index: index, update: alreadyPresent };
return { preimage: leafPreimage as T, index: leafIndex, update: alreadyPresent };

// We look for the low element by bouncing between our local indexedUpdates map or the external DB
// The conditions we are looking for are:
// (1) Exact Match: curr.nextKey == key (this is only valid for public data tree)
// (2) Sandwich Match: curr.nextKey > key and curr.key < key
// (3) Max Condition: curr.next_index == 0 and curr.key < key
// Note the min condition does not need to be handled since indexed trees are prefilled with at least the 0 element
* Search for the leaf for the specified key.
* Some leaf with key <= the specified key is expected to be present in the ephemeral tree's "indexed updates".
* While searching, this function bounces between our local indexedUpdates and the external DB.
* @param key - The key for which we are look up the leaf or low leaf for.
* @param minPreimage - The leaf with the largest key <= the specified key. Expected to be present in local indexedUpdates.
* @param minIndex - The index of the leaf with the largest key <= the specified key.
* @param T - The type of the preimage (PublicData or Nullifier)
* @details We look for the low element by bouncing between our local indexedUpdates map or the external DB
* The conditions we are looking for are:
* (1) Exact Match: curr.nextKey == key (this is only valid for public data tree)
* (2) Sandwich Match: curr.nextKey > key and curr.key < key
* (3) Max Condition: curr.next_index == 0 and curr.key < key
* Note the min condition does not need to be handled since indexed trees are prefilled with at least the 0 element
private async _searchForLeafOrLowLeaf<ID extends IndexedTreeId, T extends IndexedTreeLeafPreimage>(
treeId: ID,
key: bigint,
minPreimage: T,
minIndex: bigint,
): Promise<PreimageWitness<T> | undefined> {
let found = false;
let curr = minPreimage!.preimage as T;
let curr = minPreimage as T;
let result: PreimageWitness<T> | undefined = undefined;
// Temp to avoid infinite loops - the limit is the number of leaves we may have to read
const LIMIT = 2n ** BigInt(getTreeHeight(treeId)) - 1n;
let counter = 0n;
let lowPublicDataIndex = minPreimage!.index;
let lowPublicDataIndex = minIndex;
while (!found && counter < LIMIT) {
const bigIntKey = key;
if (curr.getKey() === bigIntKey) {
// We found an exact match - therefore this is an update
found = true;
@@ -444,18 +516,14 @@ export class AvmEphemeralForest {
else {
lowPublicDataIndex = curr.getNextIndex();
if (this.hasLocalUpdates(treeId, lowPublicDataIndex)) {
curr = this.getIndexedUpdates(treeId, lowPublicDataIndex)!;
curr = this.getIndexedUpdate(treeId, lowPublicDataIndex)!;
} else {
const preimage: IndexedTreeLeafPreimage = (await this.treeDb.getLeafPreimage(treeId, lowPublicDataIndex))!;
curr = preimage as T;
// We did not find it - this is unexpected
if (result === undefined) {
throw new Error('No previous value found or ran out of iterations');
return result;

@@ -815,3 +883,28 @@ export class EphemeralAvmTree {

* Return the index of the key in the array, or index-1 if they key is not found.
function indexOrNextLowestInArray(key: Fr, arr: Fr[]): number {
// We are looking for the index of the largest element in the array that is less than the key
let start = 0;
let end = arr.length;
// Note that the easiest way is to increment the search key by 1 and then do a binary search
const keyPlus1 = key.add(Fr.ONE);
while (start < end) {
const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
if (arr[mid].cmp(keyPlus1) < 0) {
// The key + 1 is greater than the midpoint, so we can continue searching the top half
start = mid + 1;
} else {
// The key + 1 is LT or EQ the arr element, so we can continue searching the bottom half
end = mid;
// We either found key + 1 or start is now at the index of the largest element that we would have inserted key + 1
// Therefore start - 1 is the index of the element just below - note it can be -1 if the first element in the array is
// greater than the key
return start - 1;