diff --git a/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/e2e_p2p_network.test.ts b/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/e2e_p2p_network.test.ts
index 7c782e6edf9..cf414d6df7f 100644
--- a/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/e2e_p2p_network.test.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/e2e_p2p_network.test.ts
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ describe('e2e_p2p_network', () => {
     numTxs: number,
   ): Promise<NodeContext> => {
     const rpcConfig = getRpcConfig();
-    const pxeService = await createPXEService(node, rpcConfig, {}, true);
+    const pxeService = await createPXEService(node, rpcConfig, true);
     const keyPair = ConstantKeyPair.random(new Grumpkin());
     const completeAddress = CompleteAddress.fromPrivateKeyAndPartialAddress(keyPair.getPrivateKey(), Fr.random());
diff --git a/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/fixtures/utils.ts b/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/fixtures/utils.ts
index 978147ab5e0..3ac20b8339f 100644
--- a/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/fixtures/utils.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/end-to-end/src/fixtures/utils.ts
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ export async function setupPXEService(
   logger: DebugLogger;
 }> {
   const pxeServiceConfig = getPXEServiceConfig();
-  const pxe = await createPXEService(aztecNode, pxeServiceConfig, {}, useLogSuffix);
+  const pxe = await createPXEService(aztecNode, pxeServiceConfig, useLogSuffix);
   const wallets = await createAccounts(pxe, numberOfAccounts);
diff --git a/yarn-project/foundation/src/serialize/buffer_reader.ts b/yarn-project/foundation/src/serialize/buffer_reader.ts
index 1b8749d6358..b54a2d1b52b 100644
--- a/yarn-project/foundation/src/serialize/buffer_reader.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/foundation/src/serialize/buffer_reader.ts
@@ -31,8 +31,16 @@ export class BufferReader {
    * @param bufferOrReader - A Buffer or BufferReader to initialize the BufferReader.
    * @returns An instance of BufferReader.
-  public static asReader(bufferOrReader: Buffer | BufferReader) {
-    return Buffer.isBuffer(bufferOrReader) ? new BufferReader(bufferOrReader) : bufferOrReader;
+  public static asReader(bufferOrReader: Uint8Array | Buffer | BufferReader): BufferReader {
+    if (bufferOrReader instanceof BufferReader) {
+      return bufferOrReader;
+    }
+    const buf = Buffer.isBuffer(bufferOrReader)
+      ? bufferOrReader
+      : Buffer.from(bufferOrReader.buffer, bufferOrReader.byteOffset, bufferOrReader.byteLength);
+    return new BufferReader(buf);
diff --git a/yarn-project/key-store/package.json b/yarn-project/key-store/package.json
index bbcdabc0de8..a19af464fd2 100644
--- a/yarn-project/key-store/package.json
+++ b/yarn-project/key-store/package.json
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
   "dependencies": {
     "@aztec/circuits.js": "workspace:^",
     "@aztec/foundation": "workspace:^",
+    "@aztec/kv-store": "workspace:^",
     "@aztec/types": "workspace:^",
     "tslib": "^2.4.0"
diff --git a/yarn-project/key-store/src/test_key_store.ts b/yarn-project/key-store/src/test_key_store.ts
index 865fb9d75ee..65d64fd0231 100644
--- a/yarn-project/key-store/src/test_key_store.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/key-store/src/test_key_store.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-import { GrumpkinPrivateKey } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
+import { GrumpkinPrivateKey, GrumpkinScalar, Point } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
 import { Grumpkin } from '@aztec/circuits.js/barretenberg';
+import { AztecKVStore, AztecMap } from '@aztec/kv-store';
 import { KeyPair, KeyStore, PublicKey } from '@aztec/types';
 import { ConstantKeyPair } from './key_pair.js';
@@ -9,30 +10,27 @@ import { ConstantKeyPair } from './key_pair.js';
  * It should be utilized in testing scenarios where secure key management is not required, and ease-of-use is prioritized.
 export class TestKeyStore implements KeyStore {
-  private accounts: KeyPair[] = [];
-  constructor(private curve: Grumpkin) {}
+  #keys: AztecMap<string, Buffer>;
-  public addAccount(privKey: GrumpkinPrivateKey): PublicKey {
-    const keyPair = ConstantKeyPair.fromPrivateKey(this.curve, privKey);
-    // check if private key has already been used
-    const account = this.accounts.find(a => a.getPublicKey().equals(keyPair.getPublicKey()));
-    if (account) {
-      return account.getPublicKey();
-    }
+  constructor(private curve: Grumpkin, database: AztecKVStore) {
+    this.#keys = database.createMap('key_store');
+  }
-    this.accounts.push(keyPair);
+  public async addAccount(privKey: GrumpkinPrivateKey): Promise<PublicKey> {
+    const keyPair = ConstantKeyPair.fromPrivateKey(this.curve, privKey);
+    await this.#keys.setIfNotExists(keyPair.getPublicKey().toString(), keyPair.getPrivateKey().toBuffer());
     return keyPair.getPublicKey();
-  public createAccount(): Promise<PublicKey> {
+  public async createAccount(): Promise<PublicKey> {
     const keyPair = ConstantKeyPair.random(this.curve);
-    this.accounts.push(keyPair);
-    return Promise.resolve(keyPair.getPublicKey());
+    await this.#keys.set(keyPair.getPublicKey().toString(), keyPair.getPrivateKey().toBuffer());
+    return keyPair.getPublicKey();
   public getAccounts(): Promise<PublicKey[]> {
-    return Promise.resolve(this.accounts.map(a => a.getPublicKey()));
+    const range = Array.from(this.#keys.keys());
+    return Promise.resolve(range.map(key => Point.fromString(key)));
   public getAccountPrivateKey(pubKey: PublicKey): Promise<GrumpkinPrivateKey> {
@@ -48,13 +46,13 @@ export class TestKeyStore implements KeyStore {
    * @param pubKey - The public key of the account to retrieve.
    * @returns The KeyPair object associated with the provided key.
-  private getAccount(pubKey: PublicKey) {
-    const account = this.accounts.find(a => a.getPublicKey().equals(pubKey));
-    if (!account) {
+  private getAccount(pubKey: PublicKey): KeyPair {
+    const privKey = this.#keys.get(pubKey.toString());
+    if (!privKey) {
       throw new Error(
         'Unknown account.\nSee docs for context: https://docs.aztec.network/dev_docs/contracts/common_errors#unknown-contract-error',
-    return account;
+    return ConstantKeyPair.fromPrivateKey(this.curve, GrumpkinScalar.fromBuffer(privKey));
diff --git a/yarn-project/key-store/tsconfig.json b/yarn-project/key-store/tsconfig.json
index 1820488d409..76107a492b5 100644
--- a/yarn-project/key-store/tsconfig.json
+++ b/yarn-project/key-store/tsconfig.json
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
     "tsBuildInfoFile": ".tsbuildinfo"
   "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../kv-store"
+    },
       "path": "../circuits.js"
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/.eslintrc.cjs b/yarn-project/kv-store/.eslintrc.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e659927475c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require('@aztec/foundation/eslint');
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/README.md b/yarn-project/kv-store/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37c15c72f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# KV Store
+The Aztec KV store is an implementation of a durable key-value database with a pluggable backend. THe only supported backend right now is LMDB by using the [`lmdb-js` package](https://github.com/kriszyp/lmdb-js).
+This package exports a number of primitive data structures that can be used to build domain-specific databases in each node component (e.g. a PXE database or an Archiver database). The data structures supported:
+- singleton - holds a single value. Great for when a value needs to be stored but it's not a collection (e.g. the latest block header or the length of an array)
+- array - works like a normal in-memory JS array. It can't contain holes and it can be used as a stack (push-pop mechanics).
+- map - a hashmap where keys can be numbers or strings
+- multi-map - just like a map but each key holds multiple values. Can be used for indexing into other data structures
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/package.json b/yarn-project/kv-store/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8aea043378d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+  "name": "@aztec/kv-store",
+  "version": "0.1.0",
+  "type": "module",
+  "exports": "./dest/index.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "build": "yarn clean && tsc -b",
+    "build:dev": "tsc -b --watch",
+    "clean": "rm -rf ./dest .tsbuildinfo",
+    "formatting": "run -T prettier --check ./src && run -T eslint ./src",
+    "formatting:fix": "run -T eslint --fix ./src && run -T prettier -w ./src",
+    "test": "NODE_NO_WARNINGS=1 node --experimental-vm-modules $(yarn bin jest) --passWithNoTests",
+    "start": "DEBUG='aztec:*' && node ./dest/bin/index.js"
+  },
+  "inherits": [
+    "../package.common.json"
+  ],
+  "jest": {
+    "preset": "ts-jest/presets/default-esm",
+    "moduleNameMapper": {
+      "^(\\.{1,2}/.*)\\.[cm]?js$": "$1"
+    },
+    "testRegex": "./src/.*\\.test\\.(js|mjs|ts)$",
+    "rootDir": "./src",
+    "workerThreads": true
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@aztec/foundation": "workspace:^",
+    "lmdb": "^2.9.1"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@jest/globals": "^29.5.0",
+    "@types/jest": "^29.5.0",
+    "@types/node": "^18.7.23",
+    "jest": "^29.5.0",
+    "jest-mock-extended": "^3.0.3",
+    "ts-jest": "^29.1.0",
+    "ts-node": "^10.9.1",
+    "typescript": "^5.0.4"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "dest",
+    "src",
+    "!*.test.*"
+  ],
+  "types": "./dest/index.d.ts",
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">=18"
+  }
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/index.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a71333f9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export * from './interfaces/array.js';
+export * from './interfaces/map.js';
+export * from './interfaces/singleton.js';
+export * from './interfaces/store.js';
+export * from './lmdb/store.js';
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/array.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/array.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e2492204212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/array.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * An array backed by a persistent store. Can not have any holes in it.
+ */
+export interface AztecArray<T> {
+  /**
+   * The size of the array
+   */
+  length: number;
+  /**
+   * Pushes values to the end of the array
+   * @param vals - The values to push to the end of the array
+   * @returns The new length of the array
+   */
+  push(...vals: T[]): Promise<number>;
+  /**
+   * Pops a value from the end of the array.
+   * @returns The value that was popped, or undefined if the array was empty
+   */
+  pop(): Promise<T | undefined>;
+  /**
+   * Gets the value at the given index. Index can be in the range [-length, length - 1).
+   * If the index is negative, it will be treated as an offset from the end of the array.
+   *
+   * @param index - The index to get the value from
+   * @returns The value at the given index or undefined if the index is out of bounds
+   */
+  at(index: number): T | undefined;
+  /**
+   * Updates the value at the given index. Index can be in the range [-length, length - 1).
+   * @param index - The index to set the value at
+   * @param val - The value to set
+   * @returns Whether the value was set
+   */
+  setAt(index: number, val: T): Promise<boolean>;
+  /**
+   * Iterates over the array with indexes.
+   */
+  entries(): IterableIterator<[number, T]>;
+  /**
+   * Iterates over the array.
+   */
+  values(): IterableIterator<T>;
+  /**
+   * Iterates over the array.
+   */
+  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/map.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/map.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8de773837b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/map.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * A map backed by a persistent store.
+ */
+export interface AztecMap<K extends string | number, V> {
+  /**
+   * Gets the value at the given key.
+   * @param key - The key to get the value from
+   */
+  get(key: K): V | undefined;
+  /**
+   * Checks if a key exists in the map.
+   * @param key - The key to check
+   * @returns True if the key exists, false otherwise
+   */
+  has(key: K): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Sets the value at the given key.
+   * @param key - The key to set the value at
+   * @param val - The value to set
+   */
+  set(key: K, val: V): Promise<boolean>;
+  /**
+   * Sets the value at the given key if it does not already exist.
+   * @param key - The key to set the value at
+   * @param val - The value to set
+   */
+  setIfNotExists(key: K, val: V): Promise<boolean>;
+  /**
+   * Deletes the value at the given key.
+   * @param key - The key to delete the value at
+   */
+  delete(key: K): Promise<boolean>;
+  /**
+   * Iterates over the map's key-value entries
+   */
+  entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
+  /**
+   * Iterates over the map's values
+   */
+  values(): IterableIterator<V>;
+  /**
+   * Iterates over the map's keys
+   */
+  keys(): IterableIterator<K>;
+ * A map backed by a persistent store that can have multiple values for a single key.
+ */
+export interface AztecMultiMap<K extends string | number, V> extends AztecMap<K, V> {
+  /**
+   * Gets all the values at the given key.
+   * @param key - The key to get the values from
+   */
+  getValues(key: K): IterableIterator<V>;
+  /**
+   * Deletes a specific value at the given key.
+   * @param key - The key to delete the value at
+   * @param val - The value to delete
+   */
+  deleteValue(key: K, val: V): Promise<void>;
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/singleton.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/singleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43b34aa0ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/singleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Represents a singleton value in the database.
+ */
+export interface AztecSingleton<T> {
+  /**
+   * Gets the value.
+   */
+  get(): T | undefined;
+  /**
+   * Sets the value.
+   * @param val - The new value
+   */
+  set(val: T): Promise<boolean>;
+  /**
+   * Deletes the value.
+   */
+  delete(): Promise<boolean>;
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/store.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/store.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7ccfa3cd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/interfaces/store.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import { AztecArray } from './array.js';
+import { AztecMap, AztecMultiMap } from './map.js';
+import { AztecSingleton } from './singleton.js';
+/** A key-value store */
+export interface AztecKVStore {
+  /**
+   * Creates a new map.
+   * @param name - The name of the map
+   * @returns The map
+   */
+  createMap<K extends string | number, V>(name: string): AztecMap<K, V>;
+  /**
+   * Creates a new multi-map.
+   * @param name - The name of the multi-map
+   * @returns The multi-map
+   */
+  createMultiMap<K extends string | number, V>(name: string): AztecMultiMap<K, V>;
+  /**
+   * Creates a new array.
+   * @param name - The name of the array
+   * @returns The array
+   */
+  createArray<T>(name: string): AztecArray<T>;
+  /**
+   * Creates a new singleton.
+   * @param name - The name of the singleton
+   * @returns The singleton
+   */
+  createSingleton<T>(name: string): AztecSingleton<T>;
+  /**
+   * Starts a transaction. All calls to read/write data while in a transaction are queued and executed atomically.
+   * @param callback - The callback to execute in a transaction
+   */
+  transaction<T extends Exclude<any, Promise<any>>>(callback: () => T): Promise<T>;
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/array.test.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/array.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3058302e87f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/array.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import { Database, open } from 'lmdb';
+import { LmdbAztecArray } from './array.js';
+describe('LmdbAztecArray', () => {
+  let db: Database;
+  let arr: LmdbAztecArray<number>;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    db = open({} as any);
+    arr = new LmdbAztecArray(db, 'test');
+  });
+  it('should be able to push and pop values', async () => {
+    await arr.push(1);
+    await arr.push(2);
+    await arr.push(3);
+    expect(arr.length).toEqual(3);
+    expect(await arr.pop()).toEqual(3);
+    expect(await arr.pop()).toEqual(2);
+    expect(await arr.pop()).toEqual(1);
+    expect(await arr.pop()).toEqual(undefined);
+  });
+  it('should be able to get values by index', async () => {
+    await arr.push(1);
+    await arr.push(2);
+    await arr.push(3);
+    expect(arr.at(0)).toEqual(1);
+    expect(arr.at(1)).toEqual(2);
+    expect(arr.at(2)).toEqual(3);
+    expect(arr.at(3)).toEqual(undefined);
+    expect(arr.at(-1)).toEqual(3);
+    expect(arr.at(-2)).toEqual(2);
+    expect(arr.at(-3)).toEqual(1);
+    expect(arr.at(-4)).toEqual(undefined);
+  });
+  it('should be able to set values by index', async () => {
+    await arr.push(1);
+    await arr.push(2);
+    await arr.push(3);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(0, 4)).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(1, 5)).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(2, 6)).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(3, 7)).toEqual(false);
+    expect(arr.at(0)).toEqual(4);
+    expect(arr.at(1)).toEqual(5);
+    expect(arr.at(2)).toEqual(6);
+    expect(arr.at(3)).toEqual(undefined);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(-1, 8)).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(-2, 9)).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(-3, 10)).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await arr.setAt(-4, 11)).toEqual(false);
+    expect(arr.at(-1)).toEqual(8);
+    expect(arr.at(-2)).toEqual(9);
+    expect(arr.at(-3)).toEqual(10);
+    expect(arr.at(-4)).toEqual(undefined);
+  });
+  it('should be able to iterate over values', async () => {
+    await arr.push(1);
+    await arr.push(2);
+    await arr.push(3);
+    expect([...arr.values()]).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);
+    expect([...arr.entries()]).toEqual([
+      [0, 1],
+      [1, 2],
+      [2, 3],
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('should be able to restore state', async () => {
+    await arr.push(1);
+    await arr.push(2);
+    await arr.push(3);
+    const arr2 = new LmdbAztecArray(db, 'test');
+    expect(arr2.length).toEqual(3);
+    expect([...arr2.values()]).toEqual([...arr.values()]);
+  });
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/array.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/array.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1da3676aac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/array.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import { Database, Key } from 'lmdb';
+import { AztecArray } from '../interfaces/array.js';
+import { LmdbAztecSingleton } from './singleton.js';
+/** The shape of a key that stores a value in an array */
+type ArrayIndexSlot = ['array', string, 'slot', number];
+ * An persistent array backed by LMDB.
+ */
+export class LmdbAztecArray<T> implements AztecArray<T> {
+  #db: Database<T, ArrayIndexSlot>;
+  #name: string;
+  #length: LmdbAztecSingleton<number>;
+  constructor(db: Database<unknown, Key>, arrName: string) {
+    this.#name = arrName;
+    this.#length = new LmdbAztecSingleton(db, `${arrName}:meta:length`);
+    this.#db = db as Database<T, ArrayIndexSlot>;
+  }
+  get length(): number {
+    return this.#length.get() ?? 0;
+  }
+  push(...vals: T[]): Promise<number> {
+    return this.#db.childTransaction(() => {
+      let length = this.length;
+      for (const val of vals) {
+        void this.#db.put(this.#slot(length), val);
+        length += 1;
+      }
+      void this.#length.set(length);
+      return length;
+    });
+  }
+  pop(): Promise<T | undefined> {
+    return this.#db.childTransaction(() => {
+      const length = this.length;
+      if (length === 0) {
+        return undefined;
+      }
+      const slot = this.#slot(length - 1);
+      const val = this.#db.get(slot) as T;
+      void this.#db.remove(slot);
+      void this.#length.set(length - 1);
+      return val;
+    });
+  }
+  at(index: number): T | undefined {
+    if (index < 0) {
+      index = this.length + index;
+    }
+    // the Array API only accepts indexes in the range [-this.length, this.length)
+    // so if after normalizing the index is still out of range, return undefined
+    if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) {
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    return this.#db.get(this.#slot(index));
+  }
+  setAt(index: number, val: T): Promise<boolean> {
+    if (index < 0) {
+      index = this.length + index;
+    }
+    if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) {
+      return Promise.resolve(false);
+    }
+    return this.#db.put(this.#slot(index), val);
+  }
+  *entries(): IterableIterator<[number, T]> {
+    const values = this.#db.getRange({
+      start: this.#slot(0),
+      limit: this.length,
+    });
+    for (const { key, value } of values) {
+      const index = key[3];
+      yield [index, value];
+    }
+  }
+  *values(): IterableIterator<T> {
+    for (const [_, value] of this.entries()) {
+      yield value;
+    }
+  }
+  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T> {
+    return this.values();
+  }
+  #slot(index: number): ArrayIndexSlot {
+    return ['array', this.#name, 'slot', index];
+  }
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/map.test.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/map.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5319e0a26c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/map.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import { Database, open } from 'lmdb';
+import { LmdbAztecMap } from './map.js';
+describe('LmdbAztecMap', () => {
+  let db: Database;
+  let map: LmdbAztecMap<string, string>;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    db = open({ dupSort: true } as any);
+    map = new LmdbAztecMap(db, 'test');
+  });
+  it('should be able to set and get values', async () => {
+    await map.set('foo', 'bar');
+    await map.set('baz', 'qux');
+    expect(map.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
+    expect(map.get('baz')).toEqual('qux');
+    expect(map.get('quux')).toEqual(undefined);
+  });
+  it('should be able to set values if they do not exist', async () => {
+    expect(await map.setIfNotExists('foo', 'bar')).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await map.setIfNotExists('foo', 'baz')).toEqual(false);
+    expect(map.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
+  });
+  it('should be able to delete values', async () => {
+    await map.set('foo', 'bar');
+    await map.set('baz', 'qux');
+    expect(await map.delete('foo')).toEqual(true);
+    expect(map.get('foo')).toEqual(undefined);
+    expect(map.get('baz')).toEqual('qux');
+  });
+  it('should be able to iterate over entries', async () => {
+    await map.set('foo', 'bar');
+    await map.set('baz', 'qux');
+    expect([...map.entries()]).toEqual(
+      expect.arrayContaining([
+        ['foo', 'bar'],
+        ['baz', 'qux'],
+      ]),
+    );
+  });
+  it('should be able to iterate over values', async () => {
+    await map.set('foo', 'bar');
+    await map.set('baz', 'qux');
+    expect([...map.values()]).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(['bar', 'qux']));
+  });
+  it('should be able to iterate over keys', async () => {
+    await map.set('foo', 'bar');
+    await map.set('baz', 'qux');
+    expect([...map.keys()]).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(['foo', 'baz']));
+  });
+  it('should be able to get multiple values for a single key', async () => {
+    await map.set('foo', 'bar');
+    await map.set('foo', 'baz');
+    expect([...map.getValues('foo')]).toEqual(['bar', 'baz']);
+  });
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/map.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/map.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b883b809738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/map.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import { Database, Key } from 'lmdb';
+import { AztecMultiMap } from '../interfaces/map.js';
+/** The slot where a key-value entry would be stored */
+type MapKeyValueSlot<K extends string | number> = ['map', string, 'slot', K];
+ * A map backed by LMDB.
+ */
+export class LmdbAztecMap<K extends string | number, V> implements AztecMultiMap<K, V> {
+  protected db: Database<V, MapKeyValueSlot<K>>;
+  protected name: string;
+  constructor(rootDb: Database<unknown, Key>, mapName: string) {
+    this.name = mapName;
+    this.db = rootDb as Database<V, MapKeyValueSlot<K>>;
+  }
+  close(): Promise<void> {
+    return this.db.close();
+  }
+  get(key: K): V | undefined {
+    return this.db.get(this.#slot(key)) as V | undefined;
+  }
+  *getValues(key: K): IterableIterator<V> {
+    const values = this.db.getValues(this.#slot(key));
+    for (const value of values) {
+      yield value;
+    }
+  }
+  has(key: K): boolean {
+    return this.db.doesExist(this.#slot(key));
+  }
+  set(key: K, val: V): Promise<boolean> {
+    return this.db.put(this.#slot(key), val);
+  }
+  setIfNotExists(key: K, val: V): Promise<boolean> {
+    const slot = this.#slot(key);
+    return this.db.ifNoExists(slot, () => {
+      void this.db.put(slot, val);
+    });
+  }
+  delete(key: K): Promise<boolean> {
+    return this.db.remove(this.#slot(key));
+  }
+  async deleteValue(key: K, val: V): Promise<void> {
+    await this.db.remove(this.#slot(key), val);
+  }
+  *entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]> {
+    const iterator = this.db.getRange({
+      start: ['map', this.name, 'slot'],
+    });
+    for (const { key, value } of iterator) {
+      if (key[0] !== 'map' || key[1] !== this.name) {
+        break;
+      }
+      const originalKey = key[3];
+      yield [originalKey, value];
+    }
+  }
+  *values(): IterableIterator<V> {
+    for (const [_, value] of this.entries()) {
+      yield value;
+    }
+  }
+  *keys(): IterableIterator<K> {
+    for (const [key, _] of this.entries()) {
+      yield key;
+    }
+  }
+  #slot(key: K): MapKeyValueSlot<K> {
+    return ['map', this.name, 'slot', key];
+  }
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/singleton.test.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/singleton.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de1eefae462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/singleton.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import { open } from 'lmdb';
+import { LmdbAztecSingleton } from './singleton.js';
+describe('LmdbAztecSingleton', () => {
+  let singleton: LmdbAztecSingleton<string>;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    singleton = new LmdbAztecSingleton(open({} as any), 'test');
+  });
+  it('returns undefined if the value is not set', () => {
+    expect(singleton.get()).toEqual(undefined);
+  });
+  it('should be able to set and get values', async () => {
+    expect(await singleton.set('foo')).toEqual(true);
+    expect(singleton.get()).toEqual('foo');
+  });
+  it('overwrites the value if it is set again', async () => {
+    expect(await singleton.set('foo')).toEqual(true);
+    expect(await singleton.set('bar')).toEqual(true);
+    expect(singleton.get()).toEqual('bar');
+  });
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/singleton.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/singleton.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fa4ffe69e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/singleton.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { Database, Key } from 'lmdb';
+import { AztecSingleton } from '../interfaces/singleton.js';
+/** The slot where this singleton will store its value */
+type ValueSlot = ['singleton', string, 'value'];
+ * Stores a single value in LMDB.
+ */
+export class LmdbAztecSingleton<T> implements AztecSingleton<T> {
+  #db: Database<T, ValueSlot>;
+  #slot: ValueSlot;
+  constructor(db: Database<unknown, Key>, name: string) {
+    this.#db = db as Database<T, ValueSlot>;
+    this.#slot = ['singleton', name, 'value'];
+  }
+  get(): T | undefined {
+    return this.#db.get(this.#slot);
+  }
+  set(val: T): Promise<boolean> {
+    return this.#db.put(this.#slot, val);
+  }
+  delete(): Promise<boolean> {
+    return this.#db.remove(this.#slot);
+  }
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/store.ts b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/store.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ede111a875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/src/lmdb/store.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import { EthAddress } from '@aztec/foundation/eth-address';
+import { Logger, createDebugLogger } from '@aztec/foundation/log';
+import { Database, Key, RootDatabase, open } from 'lmdb';
+import { AztecArray } from '../interfaces/array.js';
+import { AztecMap, AztecMultiMap } from '../interfaces/map.js';
+import { AztecSingleton } from '../interfaces/singleton.js';
+import { AztecKVStore } from '../interfaces/store.js';
+import { LmdbAztecArray } from './array.js';
+import { LmdbAztecMap } from './map.js';
+import { LmdbAztecSingleton } from './singleton.js';
+ * A key-value store backed by LMDB.
+ */
+export class AztecLmdbStore implements AztecKVStore {
+  #rootDb: RootDatabase;
+  #data: Database<unknown, Key>;
+  #multiMapData: Database<unknown, Key>;
+  #rollupAddress: AztecSingleton<string>;
+  #log: Logger;
+  constructor(rootDb: RootDatabase, log: Logger) {
+    this.#rootDb = rootDb;
+    this.#log = log;
+    // big bucket to store all the data
+    this.#data = rootDb.openDB('data', {
+      encoding: 'msgpack',
+      keyEncoding: 'ordered-binary',
+    });
+    this.#multiMapData = rootDb.openDB('data_dup_sort', {
+      encoding: 'msgpack',
+      keyEncoding: 'ordered-binary',
+      dupSort: true,
+    });
+    this.#rollupAddress = this.createSingleton('rollupAddress');
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a new AztecKVStore backed by LMDB. The path to the database is optional. If not provided,
+   * the database will be stored in a temporary location and be deleted when the process exists.
+   *
+   * The `rollupAddress` passed is checked against what is stored in the database. If they do not match,
+   * the database is cleared before returning the store. This way data is not accidentally shared between
+   * different rollup instances.
+   *
+   * @param rollupAddress - The ETH address of the rollup contract
+   * @param path - A path on the disk to store the database. Optional
+   * @param log - A logger to use. Optional
+   * @returns The store
+   */
+  static async create(
+    rollupAddress: EthAddress,
+    path?: string,
+    log = createDebugLogger('aztec:kv-store:lmdb'),
+  ): Promise<AztecLmdbStore> {
+    log.info(`Opening LMDB database at ${path || 'temporary location'}`);
+    const rootDb = open({
+      path,
+    });
+    const db = new AztecLmdbStore(rootDb, log);
+    await db.#init(rollupAddress);
+    return db;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a new AztecMap in the store.
+   * @param name - Name of the map
+   * @returns A new AztecMap
+   */
+  createMap<K extends string | number, V>(name: string): AztecMap<K, V> {
+    return new LmdbAztecMap(this.#data, name);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a new AztecMultiMap in the store. A multi-map stores multiple values for a single key automatically.
+   * @param name - Name of the map
+   * @returns A new AztecMultiMap
+   */
+  createMultiMap<K extends string | number, V>(name: string): AztecMultiMap<K, V> {
+    return new LmdbAztecMap(this.#multiMapData, name);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a new AztecArray in the store.
+   * @param name - Name of the array
+   * @returns A new AztecArray
+   */
+  createArray<T>(name: string): AztecArray<T> {
+    return new LmdbAztecArray(this.#data, name);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a new AztecSingleton in the store.
+   * @param name - Name of the singleton
+   * @returns A new AztecSingleton
+   */
+  createSingleton<T>(name: string): AztecSingleton<T> {
+    return new LmdbAztecSingleton(this.#data, name);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Runs a callback in a transaction.
+   * @param callback - Function to execute in a transaction
+   * @returns A promise that resolves to the return value of the callback
+   */
+  transaction<T>(callback: () => T): Promise<T> {
+    return this.#rootDb.transaction(callback);
+  }
+  async #init(rollupAddress: EthAddress): Promise<void> {
+    const storedRollupAddress = this.#rollupAddress.get();
+    const rollupAddressString = rollupAddress.toString();
+    if (typeof storedRollupAddress === 'string' && rollupAddressString !== storedRollupAddress) {
+      this.#log.warn(
+        `Rollup address mismatch: expected ${rollupAddress}, found ${storedRollupAddress}. Clearing entire database...`,
+      );
+      await this.#rootDb.clearAsync();
+    }
+    await this.#rollupAddress.set(rollupAddressString);
+  }
diff --git a/yarn-project/kv-store/tsconfig.json b/yarn-project/kv-store/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63f8ab3e9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/kv-store/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  "extends": "..",
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "outDir": "dest",
+    "rootDir": "src",
+    "tsBuildInfoFile": ".tsbuildinfo"
+  },
+  "references": [
+    {
+      "path": "../foundation"
+    }
+  ],
+  "include": ["src"]
diff --git a/yarn-project/package.json b/yarn-project/package.json
index 089ce942376..dd6de60bbd8 100644
--- a/yarn-project/package.json
+++ b/yarn-project/package.json
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
-    "yarn-project-base"
+    "yarn-project-base",
+    "kv-store"
   "prettier": "@aztec/foundation/prettier",
   "devDependencies": {
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/package.json b/yarn-project/pxe/package.json
index b426db2c3ed..b1892b3b1f3 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/package.json
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/package.json
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
       "^(\\.{1,2}/.*)\\.[cm]?js$": "$1"
     "testRegex": "./src/.*\\.test\\.(js|mjs|ts)$",
-    "rootDir": "./src"
+    "rootDir": "./src",
+    "workerThreads": true
   "dependencies": {
     "@aztec/acir-simulator": "workspace:^",
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
     "@aztec/ethereum": "workspace:^",
     "@aztec/foundation": "workspace:^",
     "@aztec/key-store": "workspace:^",
+    "@aztec/kv-store": "workspace:^",
     "@aztec/noir-compiler": "workspace:^",
     "@aztec/noir-protocol-circuits": "workspace:^",
     "@aztec/types": "workspace:^",
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/config/index.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/config/index.ts
index 8c511ce4fa0..e96a5e64519 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/config/index.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/config/index.ts
@@ -12,17 +12,21 @@ export interface PXEServiceConfig {
   l2BlockPollingIntervalMS: number;
   /** L2 block to start scanning from */
   l2StartingBlock: number;
+  /** Where to store PXE data. If not set will store in memory */
+  dataDirectory?: string;
  * Creates an instance of PXEServiceConfig out of environment variables using sensible defaults for integration testing if not set.
 export function getPXEServiceConfig(): PXEServiceConfig {
   return {
+    dataDirectory: DATA_DIRECTORY,
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/contract_tree/index.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/contract_tree/index.ts
index 2c3f9de54dc..8078e310f3d 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/contract_tree/index.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/contract_tree/index.ts
@@ -93,12 +93,7 @@ export class ContractTree {
     const completeAddress = computeCompleteAddress(from, contractAddressSalt, root, constructorHash);
-    const contractDao: ContractDao = {
-      ...artifact,
-      completeAddress,
-      functions,
-      portalContract,
-    };
+    const contractDao = new ContractDao(artifact, completeAddress, portalContract);
     const NewContractConstructor = {
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/index.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/index.ts
index d1306dbafe0..35d4e000a20 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/index.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/index.ts
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-export * from './database.js';
+export * from './pxe_database.js';
 export * from './memory_db.js';
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/kv_pxe_database.test.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/kv_pxe_database.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a9054af0719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/kv_pxe_database.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { EthAddress } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
+import { AztecLmdbStore } from '@aztec/kv-store';
+import { KVPxeDatabase } from './kv_pxe_database.js';
+import { describePxeDatabase } from './pxe_database_test_suite.js';
+describe('KVPxeDatabase', () => {
+  let database: KVPxeDatabase;
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    database = new KVPxeDatabase(await AztecLmdbStore.create(EthAddress.random()));
+  });
+  describePxeDatabase(() => database);
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/kv_pxe_database.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/kv_pxe_database.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e5e27c2b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/kv_pxe_database.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+import { AztecAddress, BlockHeader, CompleteAddress } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
+import { Fr } from '@aztec/foundation/fields';
+import { AztecArray, AztecKVStore, AztecMap, AztecMultiMap, AztecSingleton } from '@aztec/kv-store';
+import { ContractDao, MerkleTreeId, NoteFilter, PublicKey } from '@aztec/types';
+import { NoteDao } from './note_dao.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from './pxe_database.js';
+/** Serialized structure of a block header */
+type SerializedBlockHeader = {
+  /** The tree roots when the block was created */
+  roots: Record<MerkleTreeId, string>;
+  /** The hash of the global variables */
+  globalVariablesHash: string;
+ * A PXE database backed by LMDB.
+ */
+export class KVPxeDatabase implements PxeDatabase {
+  #blockHeader: AztecSingleton<SerializedBlockHeader>;
+  #addresses: AztecArray<Buffer>;
+  #addressIndex: AztecMap<string, number>;
+  #authWitnesses: AztecMap<string, Buffer[]>;
+  #capsules: AztecArray<Buffer[]>;
+  #contracts: AztecMap<string, Buffer>;
+  #notes: AztecArray<Buffer>;
+  #nullifiedNotes: AztecMap<number, boolean>;
+  #notesByContract: AztecMultiMap<string, number>;
+  #notesByStorageSlot: AztecMultiMap<string, number>;
+  #notesByTxHash: AztecMultiMap<string, number>;
+  #notesByOwner: AztecMultiMap<string, number>;
+  #db: AztecKVStore;
+  constructor(db: AztecKVStore) {
+    this.#db = db;
+    this.#addresses = db.createArray('addresses');
+    this.#addressIndex = db.createMap('address_index');
+    this.#authWitnesses = db.createMap('auth_witnesses');
+    this.#capsules = db.createArray('capsules');
+    this.#blockHeader = db.createSingleton('block_header');
+    this.#contracts = db.createMap('contracts');
+    this.#notes = db.createArray('notes');
+    this.#nullifiedNotes = db.createMap('nullified_notes');
+    this.#notesByContract = db.createMultiMap('notes_by_contract');
+    this.#notesByStorageSlot = db.createMultiMap('notes_by_storage_slot');
+    this.#notesByTxHash = db.createMultiMap('notes_by_tx_hash');
+    this.#notesByOwner = db.createMultiMap('notes_by_owner');
+  }
+  async addAuthWitness(messageHash: Fr, witness: Fr[]): Promise<void> {
+    await this.#authWitnesses.set(
+      messageHash.toString(),
+      witness.map(w => w.toBuffer()),
+    );
+  }
+  getAuthWitness(messageHash: Fr): Promise<Fr[] | undefined> {
+    const witness = this.#authWitnesses.get(messageHash.toString());
+    return Promise.resolve(witness?.map(w => Fr.fromBuffer(w)));
+  }
+  async addCapsule(capsule: Fr[]): Promise<void> {
+    await this.#capsules.push(capsule.map(c => c.toBuffer()));
+  }
+  async popCapsule(): Promise<Fr[] | undefined> {
+    const val = await this.#capsules.pop();
+    return val?.map(b => Fr.fromBuffer(b));
+  }
+  async addNote(note: NoteDao): Promise<void> {
+    await this.addNotes([note]);
+  }
+  async addNotes(notes: NoteDao[]): Promise<void> {
+    const newLength = await this.#notes.push(...notes.map(note => note.toBuffer()));
+    for (const [index, note] of notes.entries()) {
+      const noteId = newLength - notes.length + index;
+      await Promise.all([
+        this.#notesByContract.set(note.contractAddress.toString(), noteId),
+        this.#notesByStorageSlot.set(note.storageSlot.toString(), noteId),
+        this.#notesByTxHash.set(note.txHash.toString(), noteId),
+        this.#notesByOwner.set(note.publicKey.toString(), noteId),
+      ]);
+    }
+  }
+  *#getAllNonNullifiedNotes(): IterableIterator<NoteDao> {
+    for (const [index, serialized] of this.#notes.entries()) {
+      if (this.#nullifiedNotes.has(index)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      yield NoteDao.fromBuffer(serialized);
+    }
+  }
+  async getNotes(filter: NoteFilter): Promise<NoteDao[]> {
+    const publicKey: PublicKey | undefined = filter.owner
+      ? (await this.getCompleteAddress(filter.owner))?.publicKey
+      : undefined;
+    const initialNoteIds = publicKey
+      ? this.#notesByOwner.getValues(publicKey.toString())
+      : filter.txHash
+      ? this.#notesByTxHash.getValues(filter.txHash.toString())
+      : filter.contractAddress
+      ? this.#notesByContract.getValues(filter.contractAddress.toString())
+      : filter.storageSlot
+      ? this.#notesByStorageSlot.getValues(filter.storageSlot.toString())
+      : undefined;
+    if (!initialNoteIds) {
+      return Array.from(this.#getAllNonNullifiedNotes());
+    }
+    const result: NoteDao[] = [];
+    for (const noteId of initialNoteIds) {
+      const serializedNote = this.#notes.at(noteId);
+      if (!serializedNote) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const note = NoteDao.fromBuffer(serializedNote);
+      if (filter.contractAddress && !note.contractAddress.equals(filter.contractAddress)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (filter.txHash && !note.txHash.equals(filter.txHash)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (filter.storageSlot && !note.storageSlot.equals(filter.storageSlot!)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (publicKey && !note.publicKey.equals(publicKey)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      result.push(note);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  removeNullifiedNotes(nullifiers: Fr[], account: PublicKey): Promise<NoteDao[]> {
+    const nullifierSet = new Set(nullifiers.map(n => n.toString()));
+    return this.#db.transaction(() => {
+      const notesIds = this.#notesByOwner.getValues(account.toString());
+      const nullifiedNotes: NoteDao[] = [];
+      for (const noteId of notesIds) {
+        const note = NoteDao.fromBuffer(this.#notes.at(noteId)!);
+        if (nullifierSet.has(note.siloedNullifier.toString())) {
+          nullifiedNotes.push(note);
+          void this.#nullifiedNotes.set(noteId, true);
+          void this.#notesByOwner.deleteValue(account.toString(), noteId);
+          void this.#notesByTxHash.deleteValue(note.txHash.toString(), noteId);
+          void this.#notesByContract.deleteValue(note.contractAddress.toString(), noteId);
+          void this.#notesByStorageSlot.deleteValue(note.storageSlot.toString(), noteId);
+        }
+      }
+      return nullifiedNotes;
+    });
+  }
+  getTreeRoots(): Record<MerkleTreeId, Fr> {
+    const roots = this.#blockHeader.get()?.roots;
+    if (!roots) {
+      throw new Error(`Tree roots not set`);
+    }
+    return {
+      [MerkleTreeId.ARCHIVE]: Fr.fromString(roots[MerkleTreeId.ARCHIVE]),
+      [MerkleTreeId.CONTRACT_TREE]: Fr.fromString(roots[MerkleTreeId.CONTRACT_TREE].toString()),
+      [MerkleTreeId.L1_TO_L2_MESSAGES_TREE]: Fr.fromString(roots[MerkleTreeId.L1_TO_L2_MESSAGES_TREE].toString()),
+      [MerkleTreeId.NOTE_HASH_TREE]: Fr.fromString(roots[MerkleTreeId.NOTE_HASH_TREE].toString()),
+      [MerkleTreeId.PUBLIC_DATA_TREE]: Fr.fromString(roots[MerkleTreeId.PUBLIC_DATA_TREE].toString()),
+      [MerkleTreeId.NULLIFIER_TREE]: Fr.fromString(roots[MerkleTreeId.NULLIFIER_TREE].toString()),
+    };
+  }
+  async setBlockHeader(blockHeader: BlockHeader): Promise<void> {
+    await this.#blockHeader.set({
+      globalVariablesHash: blockHeader.globalVariablesHash.toString(),
+      roots: {
+        [MerkleTreeId.NOTE_HASH_TREE]: blockHeader.noteHashTreeRoot.toString(),
+        [MerkleTreeId.NULLIFIER_TREE]: blockHeader.nullifierTreeRoot.toString(),
+        [MerkleTreeId.CONTRACT_TREE]: blockHeader.contractTreeRoot.toString(),
+        [MerkleTreeId.L1_TO_L2_MESSAGES_TREE]: blockHeader.l1ToL2MessagesTreeRoot.toString(),
+        [MerkleTreeId.ARCHIVE]: blockHeader.archiveRoot.toString(),
+        [MerkleTreeId.PUBLIC_DATA_TREE]: blockHeader.publicDataTreeRoot.toString(),
+      },
+    });
+  }
+  getBlockHeader(): BlockHeader {
+    const value = this.#blockHeader.get();
+    if (!value) {
+      throw new Error(`Block header not set`);
+    }
+    const blockHeader = new BlockHeader(
+      Fr.fromString(value.roots[MerkleTreeId.NOTE_HASH_TREE]),
+      Fr.fromString(value.roots[MerkleTreeId.NULLIFIER_TREE]),
+      Fr.fromString(value.roots[MerkleTreeId.CONTRACT_TREE]),
+      Fr.fromString(value.roots[MerkleTreeId.L1_TO_L2_MESSAGES_TREE]),
+      Fr.fromString(value.roots[MerkleTreeId.ARCHIVE]),
+      Fr.ZERO, // todo: private kernel vk tree root
+      Fr.fromString(value.roots[MerkleTreeId.PUBLIC_DATA_TREE]),
+      Fr.fromString(value.globalVariablesHash),
+    );
+    return blockHeader;
+  }
+  addCompleteAddress(completeAddress: CompleteAddress): Promise<boolean> {
+    return this.#db.transaction(() => {
+      const addressString = completeAddress.address.toString();
+      const buffer = completeAddress.toBuffer();
+      const existing = this.#addressIndex.get(addressString);
+      if (typeof existing === 'undefined') {
+        const index = this.#addresses.length;
+        void this.#addresses.push(buffer);
+        void this.#addressIndex.set(addressString, index);
+        return true;
+      } else {
+        const existingBuffer = this.#addresses.at(existing);
+        if (existingBuffer?.equals(buffer)) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        throw new Error(
+          `Complete address with aztec address ${addressString} but different public key or partial key already exists in memory database`,
+        );
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  getCompleteAddress(address: AztecAddress): Promise<CompleteAddress | undefined> {
+    const index = this.#addressIndex.get(address.toString());
+    if (typeof index === 'undefined') {
+      return Promise.resolve(undefined);
+    }
+    const value = this.#addresses.at(index);
+    return Promise.resolve(value ? CompleteAddress.fromBuffer(value) : undefined);
+  }
+  getCompleteAddresses(): Promise<CompleteAddress[]> {
+    return Promise.resolve(Array.from(this.#addresses).map(v => CompleteAddress.fromBuffer(v)));
+  }
+  estimateSize(): number {
+    const notesSize = Array.from(this.#getAllNonNullifiedNotes()).reduce((sum, note) => sum + note.getSize(), 0);
+    const authWitsSize = Array.from(this.#authWitnesses.values()).reduce(
+      (sum, value) => sum + value.length * Fr.SIZE_IN_BYTES,
+      0,
+    );
+    const addressesSize = this.#addresses.length * CompleteAddress.SIZE_IN_BYTES;
+    const treeRootsSize = Object.keys(MerkleTreeId).length * Fr.SIZE_IN_BYTES;
+    return notesSize + treeRootsSize + authWitsSize + addressesSize;
+  }
+  async addContract(contract: ContractDao): Promise<void> {
+    await this.#contracts.set(contract.completeAddress.address.toString(), contract.toBuffer());
+  }
+  getContract(address: AztecAddress): Promise<ContractDao | undefined> {
+    const contract = this.#contracts.get(address.toString());
+    return Promise.resolve(contract ? ContractDao.fromBuffer(contract) : undefined);
+  }
+  getContracts(): Promise<ContractDao[]> {
+    return Promise.resolve(Array.from(this.#contracts.values()).map(c => ContractDao.fromBuffer(c)));
+  }
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.test.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.test.ts
index 077f705167a..f505efa4a79 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.test.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.test.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { AztecAddress, Fr } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
 import { MemoryDB } from './memory_db.js';
 import { randomNoteDao } from './note_dao.test.js';
+import { describePxeDatabase } from './pxe_database_test_suite.js';
 describe('Memory DB', () => {
   let db: MemoryDB;
@@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ describe('Memory DB', () => {
     db = new MemoryDB();
+  describePxeDatabase(() => db);
   describe('NoteDao', () => {
     const contractAddress = AztecAddress.random();
     const storageSlot = Fr.random();
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.ts
index 4f2849b42e5..641603b0210 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/memory_db.ts
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import { createDebugLogger } from '@aztec/foundation/log';
 import { MerkleTreeId, NoteFilter } from '@aztec/types';
 import { MemoryContractDatabase } from '../contract_database/index.js';
-import { Database } from './database.js';
 import { NoteDao } from './note_dao.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from './pxe_database.js';
  * The MemoryDB class provides an in-memory implementation of a database to manage transactions and auxiliary data.
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import { NoteDao } from './note_dao.js';
  * The class offers methods to add, fetch, and remove transaction records and auxiliary data based on various filters such as transaction hash, address, and storage slot.
  * As an in-memory database, the stored data will not persist beyond the life of the application instance.
-export class MemoryDB extends MemoryContractDatabase implements Database {
+export class MemoryDB extends MemoryContractDatabase implements PxeDatabase {
   private notesTable: NoteDao[] = [];
   private treeRoots: Record<MerkleTreeId, Fr> | undefined;
   private globalVariablesHash: Fr | undefined;
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export class MemoryDB extends MemoryContractDatabase implements Database {
    * @param messageHash - The message hash.
    * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of field elements representing the auth witness.
-  public getAuthWitness(messageHash: Fr): Promise<Fr[]> {
+  public getAuthWitness(messageHash: Fr): Promise<Fr[] | undefined> {
     return Promise.resolve(this.authWitnesses[messageHash.toString()]);
@@ -113,9 +113,8 @@ export class MemoryDB extends MemoryContractDatabase implements Database {
     return roots;
-  public setTreeRoots(roots: Record<MerkleTreeId, Fr>) {
+  private setTreeRoots(roots: Record<MerkleTreeId, Fr>) {
     this.treeRoots = roots;
-    return Promise.resolve();
   public getBlockHeader(): BlockHeader {
@@ -135,9 +134,9 @@ export class MemoryDB extends MemoryContractDatabase implements Database {
-  public async setBlockHeader(blockHeader: BlockHeader): Promise<void> {
+  public setBlockHeader(blockHeader: BlockHeader): Promise<void> {
     this.globalVariablesHash = blockHeader.globalVariablesHash;
-    await this.setTreeRoots({
+    this.setTreeRoots({
       [MerkleTreeId.NOTE_HASH_TREE]: blockHeader.noteHashTreeRoot,
       [MerkleTreeId.NULLIFIER_TREE]: blockHeader.nullifierTreeRoot,
       [MerkleTreeId.CONTRACT_TREE]: blockHeader.contractTreeRoot,
@@ -145,6 +144,8 @@ export class MemoryDB extends MemoryContractDatabase implements Database {
       [MerkleTreeId.ARCHIVE]: blockHeader.archiveRoot,
       [MerkleTreeId.PUBLIC_DATA_TREE]: blockHeader.publicDataTreeRoot,
+    return Promise.resolve();
   public addCompleteAddress(completeAddress: CompleteAddress): Promise<boolean> {
@@ -154,8 +155,10 @@ export class MemoryDB extends MemoryContractDatabase implements Database {
         return Promise.resolve(false);
-      throw new Error(
-        `Complete address with aztec address ${completeAddress.address.toString()} but different public key or partial key already exists in memory database`,
+      return Promise.reject(
+        new Error(
+          `Complete address with aztec address ${completeAddress.address.toString()} but different public key or partial key already exists in memory database`,
+        ),
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/database.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/pxe_database.ts
similarity index 88%
rename from yarn-project/pxe/src/database/database.ts
rename to yarn-project/pxe/src/database/pxe_database.ts
index 72f50a1c576..0c7f1551770 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/database.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/pxe_database.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { NoteDao } from './note_dao.js';
  * A database interface that provides methods for retrieving, adding, and removing transactional data related to Aztec
  * addresses, storage slots, and nullifiers.
-export interface Database extends ContractDatabase {
+export interface PxeDatabase extends ContractDatabase {
    * Add a auth witness to the database.
    * @param messageHash - The message hash.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export interface Database extends ContractDatabase {
    * @param messageHash - The message hash.
    * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of field elements representing the auth witness.
-  getAuthWitness(messageHash: Fr): Promise<Fr[]>;
+  getAuthWitness(messageHash: Fr): Promise<Fr[] | undefined>;
    * Adding a capsule to the capsule dispenser.
@@ -79,17 +79,6 @@ export interface Database extends ContractDatabase {
   getTreeRoots(): Record<MerkleTreeId, Fr>;
-  /**
-   * Set the tree roots for the Merkle trees in the database.
-   * This function updates the 'treeRoots' property of the instance
-   * with the provided 'roots' object containing MerkleTreeId and Fr pairs.
-   * Note that this will overwrite any existing tree roots in the database.
-   *
-   * @param roots - A Record object mapping MerkleTreeIds to their corresponding Fr root values.
-   * @returns A Promise that resolves when the tree roots have been successfully updated in the database.
-   */
-  setTreeRoots(roots: Record<MerkleTreeId, Fr>): Promise<void>;
    * Retrieve the stored Block Header from the database.
    * The function returns a Promise that resolves to the Block Header.
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/pxe_database_test_suite.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/pxe_database_test_suite.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69eaff032b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/database/pxe_database_test_suite.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import { AztecAddress, BlockHeader, CompleteAddress } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
+import { Fr, Point } from '@aztec/foundation/fields';
+import { MerkleTreeId, NoteFilter, randomTxHash } from '@aztec/types';
+import { NoteDao } from './note_dao.js';
+import { randomNoteDao } from './note_dao.test.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from './pxe_database.js';
+ * A common test suite for a PXE database.
+ * @param getDatabase - A function that returns a database instance.
+ */
+export function describePxeDatabase(getDatabase: () => PxeDatabase) {
+  let database: PxeDatabase;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    database = getDatabase();
+  });
+  describe('Database', () => {
+    describe('auth witnesses', () => {
+      it('stores and retrieves auth witnesses', async () => {
+        const messageHash = Fr.random();
+        const witness = [Fr.random(), Fr.random()];
+        await database.addAuthWitness(messageHash, witness);
+        await expect(database.getAuthWitness(messageHash)).resolves.toEqual(witness);
+      });
+      it("returns undefined if it doesn't have auth witnesses for the message", async () => {
+        const messageHash = Fr.random();
+        await expect(database.getAuthWitness(messageHash)).resolves.toBeUndefined();
+      });
+      it.skip('refuses to overwrite auth witnesses for the same message', async () => {
+        const messageHash = Fr.random();
+        const witness = [Fr.random(), Fr.random()];
+        await database.addAuthWitness(messageHash, witness);
+        await expect(database.addAuthWitness(messageHash, witness)).rejects.toThrow();
+      });
+    });
+    describe('capsules', () => {
+      it('stores and retrieves capsules', async () => {
+        const capsule = [Fr.random(), Fr.random()];
+        await database.addCapsule(capsule);
+        await expect(database.popCapsule()).resolves.toEqual(capsule);
+      });
+      it("returns undefined if it doesn't have capsules", async () => {
+        await expect(database.popCapsule()).resolves.toBeUndefined();
+      });
+      it('behaves like a stack when storing capsules', async () => {
+        const capsule1 = [Fr.random(), Fr.random()];
+        const capsule2 = [Fr.random(), Fr.random()];
+        await database.addCapsule(capsule1);
+        await database.addCapsule(capsule2);
+        await expect(database.popCapsule()).resolves.toEqual(capsule2);
+        await expect(database.popCapsule()).resolves.toEqual(capsule1);
+      });
+    });
+    describe('notes', () => {
+      let owners: CompleteAddress[];
+      let contractAddresses: AztecAddress[];
+      let storageSlots: Fr[];
+      let notes: NoteDao[];
+      const filteringTests: [() => NoteFilter, () => NoteDao[]][] = [
+        [() => ({}), () => notes],
+        [
+          () => ({ contractAddress: contractAddresses[0] }),
+          () => notes.filter(note => note.contractAddress.equals(contractAddresses[0])),
+        ],
+        [() => ({ contractAddress: AztecAddress.random() }), () => []],
+        [
+          () => ({ storageSlot: storageSlots[0] }),
+          () => notes.filter(note => note.storageSlot.equals(storageSlots[0])),
+        ],
+        [() => ({ storageSlot: Fr.random() }), () => []],
+        [() => ({ txHash: notes[0].txHash }), () => [notes[0]]],
+        [() => ({ txHash: randomTxHash() }), () => []],
+        [() => ({ owner: owners[0].address }), () => notes.filter(note => note.publicKey.equals(owners[0].publicKey))],
+        [
+          () => ({ contractAddress: contractAddresses[0], storageSlot: storageSlots[0] }),
+          () =>
+            notes.filter(
+              note => note.contractAddress.equals(contractAddresses[0]) && note.storageSlot.equals(storageSlots[0]),
+            ),
+        ],
+        [() => ({ contractAddress: contractAddresses[0], storageSlot: storageSlots[1] }), () => []],
+      ];
+      beforeEach(() => {
+        owners = Array.from({ length: 2 }).map(() => CompleteAddress.random());
+        contractAddresses = Array.from({ length: 2 }).map(() => AztecAddress.random());
+        storageSlots = Array.from({ length: 2 }).map(() => Fr.random());
+        notes = Array.from({ length: 10 }).map((_, i) =>
+          randomNoteDao({
+            contractAddress: contractAddresses[i % contractAddresses.length],
+            storageSlot: storageSlots[i % storageSlots.length],
+            publicKey: owners[i % owners.length].publicKey,
+          }),
+        );
+      });
+      beforeEach(async () => {
+        for (const owner of owners) {
+          await database.addCompleteAddress(owner);
+        }
+      });
+      it.each(filteringTests)('stores notes in bulk and retrieves notes', async (getFilter, getExpected) => {
+        await database.addNotes(notes);
+        await expect(database.getNotes(getFilter())).resolves.toEqual(getExpected());
+      });
+      it.each(filteringTests)('stores notes one by one and retrieves notes', async (getFilter, getExpected) => {
+        for (const note of notes) {
+          await database.addNote(note);
+        }
+        await expect(database.getNotes(getFilter())).resolves.toEqual(getExpected());
+      });
+      it('removes nullified notes', async () => {
+        const notesToNullify = notes.filter(note => note.publicKey.equals(owners[0].publicKey));
+        const nullifiers = notesToNullify.map(note => note.siloedNullifier);
+        await database.addNotes(notes);
+        await expect(database.removeNullifiedNotes(nullifiers, notesToNullify[0].publicKey)).resolves.toEqual(
+          notesToNullify,
+        );
+        await expect(
+          database.getNotes({
+            owner: owners[0].address,
+          }),
+        ).resolves.toEqual([]);
+        await expect(database.getNotes({})).resolves.toEqual(notes.filter(note => !notesToNullify.includes(note)));
+      });
+    });
+    describe('block header', () => {
+      it('stores and retrieves the block header', async () => {
+        const blockHeader = BlockHeader.random();
+        blockHeader.privateKernelVkTreeRoot = Fr.zero();
+        await database.setBlockHeader(blockHeader);
+        expect(database.getBlockHeader()).toEqual(blockHeader);
+      });
+      it('retrieves the merkle tree roots from the block', async () => {
+        const blockHeader = BlockHeader.random();
+        await database.setBlockHeader(blockHeader);
+        expect(database.getTreeRoots()).toEqual({
+          [MerkleTreeId.NOTE_HASH_TREE]: blockHeader.noteHashTreeRoot,
+          [MerkleTreeId.NULLIFIER_TREE]: blockHeader.nullifierTreeRoot,
+          [MerkleTreeId.CONTRACT_TREE]: blockHeader.contractTreeRoot,
+          [MerkleTreeId.L1_TO_L2_MESSAGES_TREE]: blockHeader.l1ToL2MessagesTreeRoot,
+          [MerkleTreeId.ARCHIVE]: blockHeader.archiveRoot,
+          [MerkleTreeId.PUBLIC_DATA_TREE]: blockHeader.publicDataTreeRoot,
+        });
+      });
+      it('rejects getting merkle tree roots if no block set', () => {
+        expect(() => database.getTreeRoots()).toThrow();
+      });
+    });
+    describe('addresses', () => {
+      it('stores and retrieves addresses', async () => {
+        const address = CompleteAddress.random();
+        await expect(database.addCompleteAddress(address)).resolves.toBe(true);
+        await expect(database.getCompleteAddress(address.address)).resolves.toEqual(address);
+      });
+      it('silently ignores an address it already knows about', async () => {
+        const address = CompleteAddress.random();
+        await expect(database.addCompleteAddress(address)).resolves.toBe(true);
+        await expect(database.addCompleteAddress(address)).resolves.toBe(false);
+      });
+      it.skip('refuses to overwrite an address with a different public key', async () => {
+        const address = CompleteAddress.random();
+        const otherAddress = new CompleteAddress(address.address, Point.random(), address.partialAddress);
+        await database.addCompleteAddress(address);
+        await expect(database.addCompleteAddress(otherAddress)).rejects.toThrow();
+      });
+      it('returns all addresses', async () => {
+        const addresses = Array.from({ length: 10 }).map(() => CompleteAddress.random());
+        for (const address of addresses) {
+          await database.addCompleteAddress(address);
+        }
+        const result = await database.getCompleteAddresses();
+        expect(result).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(addresses));
+      });
+      it("returns an empty array if it doesn't have addresses", async () => {
+        expect(await database.getCompleteAddresses()).toEqual([]);
+      });
+      it("returns undefined if it doesn't have an address", async () => {
+        expect(await database.getCompleteAddress(CompleteAddress.random().address)).toBeUndefined();
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.test.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.test.ts
index d766a04c336..a317c24cddd 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.test.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.test.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 import { AcirSimulator } from '@aztec/acir-simulator';
-import { Fr, MAX_NEW_COMMITMENTS_PER_TX } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
+import { EthAddress, Fr, MAX_NEW_COMMITMENTS_PER_TX } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
 import { Grumpkin } from '@aztec/circuits.js/barretenberg';
 import { pedersenHash } from '@aztec/foundation/crypto';
 import { Point } from '@aztec/foundation/fields';
 import { ConstantKeyPair } from '@aztec/key-store';
+import { AztecLmdbStore } from '@aztec/kv-store';
 import {
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ import {
 import { jest } from '@jest/globals';
 import { MockProxy, mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
-import { Database, MemoryDB } from '../database/index.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../database/index.js';
+import { KVPxeDatabase } from '../database/kv_pxe_database.js';
 import { NoteDao } from '../database/note_dao.js';
 import { NoteProcessor } from './note_processor.js';
@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ const TXS_PER_BLOCK = 4;
 describe('Note Processor', () => {
   let grumpkin: Grumpkin;
-  let database: Database;
+  let database: PxeDatabase;
   let aztecNode: ReturnType<typeof mock<AztecNode>>;
   let addNotesSpy: any;
   let noteProcessor: NoteProcessor;
@@ -114,8 +116,8 @@ describe('Note Processor', () => {
     owner = ConstantKeyPair.random(grumpkin);
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    database = new MemoryDB();
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    database = new KVPxeDatabase(await AztecLmdbStore.create(EthAddress.random()));
     addNotesSpy = jest.spyOn(database, 'addNotes');
     aztecNode = mock<AztecNode>();
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.ts
index 0f07830436f..436085df589 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/note_processor/note_processor.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { Timer } from '@aztec/foundation/timer';
 import { AztecNode, KeyStore, L1NotePayload, L2BlockContext, L2BlockL2Logs } from '@aztec/types';
 import { NoteProcessorStats } from '@aztec/types/stats';
-import { Database } from '../database/index.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../database/index.js';
 import { NoteDao } from '../database/note_dao.js';
 import { getAcirSimulator } from '../simulator/index.js';
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export class NoteProcessor {
     public readonly publicKey: PublicKey,
     private keyStore: KeyStore,
-    private db: Database,
+    private db: PxeDatabase,
     private node: AztecNode,
     private startingBlock: number,
     private simulator = getAcirSimulator(db, node, keyStore),
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/create_pxe_service.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/create_pxe_service.ts
index 04eddd7db48..f2942d8a800 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/create_pxe_service.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/create_pxe_service.ts
@@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
 import { Grumpkin } from '@aztec/circuits.js/barretenberg';
 import { TestKeyStore } from '@aztec/key-store';
-import { AztecNode, KeyStore } from '@aztec/types';
+import { AztecLmdbStore } from '@aztec/kv-store';
+import { AztecNode } from '@aztec/types';
+import { join } from 'path';
 import { PXEServiceConfig } from '../config/index.js';
-import { Database, MemoryDB } from '../database/index.js';
+import { KVPxeDatabase } from '../database/kv_pxe_database.js';
 import { PXEService } from './pxe_service.js';
- * Optional information for creating an PXEService.
- */
-interface CreatePXEServiceOptions {
-  /**
-   * A secure storage for cryptographic keys.
-   */
-  keyStore?: KeyStore;
-  /**
-   * Storage for the PXE.
-   */
-  db?: Database;
  * Create and start an PXEService instance with the given AztecNode.
  * If no keyStore or database is provided, it will use TestKeyStore and MemoryDB as default values.
@@ -33,7 +22,6 @@ interface CreatePXEServiceOptions {
 export async function createPXEService(
   aztecNode: AztecNode,
   config: PXEServiceConfig,
-  { keyStore, db }: CreatePXEServiceOptions = {},
   useLogSuffix: string | boolean | undefined = undefined,
 ) {
   const logSuffix =
@@ -43,10 +31,18 @@ export async function createPXEService(
         : undefined
       : useLogSuffix;
-  keyStore = keyStore || new TestKeyStore(new Grumpkin());
-  db = db || new MemoryDB(logSuffix);
+  const pxeDbPath = config.dataDirectory ? join(config.dataDirectory, 'pxe_data') : undefined;
+  const keyStorePath = config.dataDirectory ? join(config.dataDirectory, 'pxe_key_store') : undefined;
+  const l1Contracts = await aztecNode.getL1ContractAddresses();
+  const keyStore = new TestKeyStore(
+    new Grumpkin(),
+    await AztecLmdbStore.create(l1Contracts.rollupAddress, keyStorePath),
+  );
+  const db = new KVPxeDatabase(await AztecLmdbStore.create(l1Contracts.rollupAddress, pxeDbPath));
   const server = new PXEService(keyStore, aztecNode, db, config, logSuffix);
   await server.start();
   return server;
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/pxe_service.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/pxe_service.ts
index 37f4eb7dcb3..f4cf6eb29d9 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/pxe_service.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/pxe_service.ts
@@ -50,12 +50,11 @@ import {
-  toContractDao,
 } from '@aztec/types';
 import { PXEServiceConfig, getPackageInfo } from '../config/index.js';
 import { ContractDataOracle } from '../contract_data_oracle/index.js';
-import { Database } from '../database/index.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../database/index.js';
 import { NoteDao } from '../database/note_dao.js';
 import { KernelOracle } from '../kernel_oracle/index.js';
 import { KernelProver } from '../kernel_prover/kernel_prover.js';
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ export class PXEService implements PXE {
     private keyStore: KeyStore,
     private node: AztecNode,
-    private db: Database,
+    private db: PxeDatabase,
     private config: PXEServiceConfig,
     logSuffix?: string,
   ) {
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ export class PXEService implements PXE {
     const completeAddress = CompleteAddress.fromPrivateKeyAndPartialAddress(privKey, partialAddress);
     const wasAdded = await this.db.addCompleteAddress(completeAddress);
     if (wasAdded) {
-      const pubKey = this.keyStore.addAccount(privKey);
+      const pubKey = await this.keyStore.addAccount(privKey);
       this.synchronizer.addAccount(pubKey, this.keyStore, this.config.l2StartingBlock);
       this.log.info(`Registered account ${completeAddress.address.toString()}`);
       this.log.debug(`Registered account\n ${completeAddress.toReadableString()}`);
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ export class PXEService implements PXE {
   public async addContracts(contracts: DeployedContract[]) {
-    const contractDaos = contracts.map(c => toContractDao(c.artifact, c.completeAddress, c.portalContract));
+    const contractDaos = contracts.map(c => new ContractDao(c.artifact, c.completeAddress, c.portalContract));
     await Promise.all(contractDaos.map(c => this.db.addContract(c)));
     for (const contract of contractDaos) {
       const portalInfo =
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/test/pxe_service.test.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/test/pxe_service.test.ts
index e265d99a898..e55560280a0 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/test/pxe_service.test.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/pxe_service/test/pxe_service.test.ts
@@ -2,19 +2,22 @@ import { Grumpkin } from '@aztec/circuits.js/barretenberg';
 import { L1ContractAddresses } from '@aztec/ethereum';
 import { EthAddress } from '@aztec/foundation/eth-address';
 import { TestKeyStore } from '@aztec/key-store';
+import { AztecLmdbStore } from '@aztec/kv-store';
 import { AztecNode, INITIAL_L2_BLOCK_NUM, L2Tx, PXE, mockTx } from '@aztec/types';
 import { MockProxy, mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
-import { MemoryDB } from '../../database/memory_db.js';
+import { KVPxeDatabase } from '../../database/kv_pxe_database.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../../database/pxe_database.js';
 import { PXEServiceConfig } from '../../index.js';
 import { PXEService } from '../pxe_service.js';
 import { pxeTestSuite } from './pxe_test_suite.js';
-function createPXEService(): Promise<PXE> {
-  const keyStore = new TestKeyStore(new Grumpkin());
+async function createPXEService(): Promise<PXE> {
+  const kvStore = await AztecLmdbStore.create(EthAddress.random());
+  const keyStore = new TestKeyStore(new Grumpkin(), kvStore);
   const node = mock<AztecNode>();
-  const db = new MemoryDB();
+  const db = new KVPxeDatabase(kvStore);
   const config: PXEServiceConfig = { l2BlockPollingIntervalMS: 100, l2StartingBlock: INITIAL_L2_BLOCK_NUM };
   // Setup the relevant mocks
@@ -39,13 +42,14 @@ pxeTestSuite('PXEService', createPXEService);
 describe('PXEService', () => {
   let keyStore: TestKeyStore;
   let node: MockProxy<AztecNode>;
-  let db: MemoryDB;
+  let db: PxeDatabase;
   let config: PXEServiceConfig;
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    keyStore = new TestKeyStore(new Grumpkin());
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    const kvStore = await AztecLmdbStore.create(EthAddress.random());
+    keyStore = new TestKeyStore(new Grumpkin(), kvStore);
     node = mock<AztecNode>();
-    db = new MemoryDB();
+    db = new KVPxeDatabase(kvStore);
     config = { l2BlockPollingIntervalMS: 100, l2StartingBlock: INITIAL_L2_BLOCK_NUM };
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator/index.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator/index.ts
index 0ffc34a35ef..64abb774d20 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator/index.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator/index.ts
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ import { AcirSimulator } from '@aztec/acir-simulator';
 import { KeyStore, StateInfoProvider } from '@aztec/types';
 import { ContractDataOracle } from '../contract_data_oracle/index.js';
-import { Database } from '../database/database.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../database/pxe_database.js';
 import { SimulatorOracle } from '../simulator_oracle/index.js';
  * Helper method to create an instance of the acir simulator.
 export function getAcirSimulator(
-  db: Database,
+  db: PxeDatabase,
   stateInfoProvider: StateInfoProvider,
   keyStore: KeyStore,
   contractDataOracle?: ContractDataOracle,
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator_oracle/index.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator_oracle/index.ts
index 2eb485fd287..4b3e21aee64 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator_oracle/index.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/simulator_oracle/index.ts
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import { createDebugLogger } from '@aztec/foundation/log';
 import { KeyStore, L2Block, MerkleTreeId, NullifierMembershipWitness, StateInfoProvider } from '@aztec/types';
 import { ContractDataOracle } from '../contract_data_oracle/index.js';
-import { Database } from '../database/index.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../database/index.js';
  * A data oracle that provides information needed for simulating a transaction.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { Database } from '../database/index.js';
 export class SimulatorOracle implements DBOracle {
     private contractDataOracle: ContractDataOracle,
-    private db: Database,
+    private db: PxeDatabase,
     private keyStore: KeyStore,
     private stateInfoProvider: StateInfoProvider,
     private log = createDebugLogger('aztec:pxe:simulator_oracle'),
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.test.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.test.ts
index 95893f10810..5270b0d7d1e 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.test.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.test.ts
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
-import { BlockHeader, CompleteAddress, Fr, GrumpkinScalar } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
+import { BlockHeader, CompleteAddress, EthAddress, Fr, GrumpkinScalar } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
 import { Grumpkin } from '@aztec/circuits.js/barretenberg';
 import { TestKeyStore } from '@aztec/key-store';
+import { AztecLmdbStore } from '@aztec/kv-store';
 import { AztecNode, INITIAL_L2_BLOCK_NUM, L2Block, MerkleTreeId } from '@aztec/types';
 import { MockProxy, mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
 import omit from 'lodash.omit';
-import { Database, MemoryDB } from '../database/index.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../database/index.js';
+import { KVPxeDatabase } from '../database/kv_pxe_database.js';
 import { Synchronizer } from './synchronizer.js';
 describe('Synchronizer', () => {
   let aztecNode: MockProxy<AztecNode>;
-  let database: Database;
+  let database: PxeDatabase;
   let synchronizer: TestSynchronizer;
   let roots: Record<MerkleTreeId, Fr>;
   let blockHeader: BlockHeader;
-  beforeEach(() => {
+  beforeEach(async () => {
     blockHeader = BlockHeader.random();
     roots = {
       [MerkleTreeId.CONTRACT_TREE]: blockHeader.contractTreeRoot,
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ describe('Synchronizer', () => {
     aztecNode = mock<AztecNode>();
-    database = new MemoryDB();
+    database = new KVPxeDatabase(await AztecLmdbStore.create(EthAddress.random()));
     synchronizer = new TestSynchronizer(aztecNode, database);
@@ -102,9 +104,9 @@ describe('Synchronizer', () => {
     // Manually adding account to database so that we can call synchronizer.isAccountStateSynchronized
-    const keyStore = new TestKeyStore(new Grumpkin());
+    const keyStore = new TestKeyStore(new Grumpkin(), await AztecLmdbStore.create(EthAddress.random()));
     const privateKey = GrumpkinScalar.random();
-    keyStore.addAccount(privateKey);
+    await keyStore.addAccount(privateKey);
     const completeAddress = CompleteAddress.fromPrivateKeyAndPartialAddress(privateKey, Fr.random());
     await database.addCompleteAddress(completeAddress);
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.ts b/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.ts
index 1c557386c18..2346ae7d613 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/src/synchronizer/synchronizer.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { InterruptibleSleep } from '@aztec/foundation/sleep';
 import { AztecNode, INITIAL_L2_BLOCK_NUM, KeyStore, L2BlockContext, L2BlockL2Logs, LogType } from '@aztec/types';
 import { NoteProcessorCaughtUpStats } from '@aztec/types/stats';
-import { Database } from '../database/index.js';
+import { PxeDatabase } from '../database/index.js';
 import { NoteProcessor } from '../note_processor/index.js';
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export class Synchronizer {
   private log: DebugLogger;
   private noteProcessorsToCatchUp: NoteProcessor[] = [];
-  constructor(private node: AztecNode, private db: Database, logSuffix = '') {
+  constructor(private node: AztecNode, private db: PxeDatabase, logSuffix = '') {
     this.log = createDebugLogger(logSuffix ? `aztec:pxe_synchronizer_${logSuffix}` : 'aztec:pxe_synchronizer');
diff --git a/yarn-project/pxe/tsconfig.json b/yarn-project/pxe/tsconfig.json
index 3106fcd762f..c282504efe6 100644
--- a/yarn-project/pxe/tsconfig.json
+++ b/yarn-project/pxe/tsconfig.json
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
       "path": "../acir-simulator"
+    {
+      "path": "../kv-store"
+    },
       "path": "../circuits.js"
diff --git a/yarn-project/types/src/contract_dao.test.ts b/yarn-project/types/src/contract_dao.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5cfa8ea7e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarn-project/types/src/contract_dao.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { CompleteAddress, EthAddress } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
+import { ABIParameterVisibility, ContractArtifact, FunctionSelector, FunctionType } from '@aztec/foundation/abi';
+import { ContractDao } from './contract_dao.js';
+import { randomContractArtifact } from './mocks.js';
+describe('ContractDao', () => {
+  it('serializes / deserializes correctly', () => {
+    const artifact = randomContractArtifact();
+    const dao = new ContractDao(artifact, CompleteAddress.random(), EthAddress.random());
+    expect(ContractDao.fromBuffer(dao.toBuffer())).toEqual(dao);
+  });
+  it('extracts function data', () => {
+    const artifact: ContractArtifact = {
+      name: 'test',
+      functions: [
+        {
+          name: 'bar',
+          functionType: FunctionType.SECRET,
+          isInternal: false,
+          parameters: [
+            {
+              name: 'value',
+              type: {
+                kind: 'field',
+              },
+              visibility: ABIParameterVisibility.PUBLIC,
+            },
+            {
+              name: 'value',
+              type: {
+                kind: 'field',
+              },
+              visibility: ABIParameterVisibility.SECRET,
+            },
+          ],
+          returnTypes: [],
+          bytecode: '0af',
+        },
+      ],
+      events: [],
+    };
+    const dao = new ContractDao(artifact, CompleteAddress.random(), EthAddress.random());
+    expect(dao.functions[0]).toEqual({
+      ...artifact.functions[0],
+      // number representing bar((Field),Field)
+      selector: new FunctionSelector(4138634513),
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/yarn-project/types/src/contract_dao.ts b/yarn-project/types/src/contract_dao.ts
index d07e2d66a58..10cb955d743 100644
--- a/yarn-project/types/src/contract_dao.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/types/src/contract_dao.ts
@@ -1,53 +1,67 @@
 import { CompleteAddress, ContractFunctionDao } from '@aztec/circuits.js';
-import { ContractArtifact, FunctionSelector, FunctionType } from '@aztec/foundation/abi';
+import { ContractArtifact, DebugMetadata, EventAbi, FunctionSelector, FunctionType } from '@aztec/foundation/abi';
 import { EthAddress } from '@aztec/foundation/eth-address';
+import { prefixBufferWithLength } from '@aztec/foundation/serialize';
-import { EncodedContractFunction } from './contract_data.js';
+import { BufferReader, EncodedContractFunction } from './contract_data.js';
  * A contract Data Access Object (DAO).
  * Contains the contract's address, portal contract address, and an array of ContractFunctionDao objects.
  * Each ContractFunctionDao object includes FunctionAbi data and the function selector buffer.
-export interface ContractDao extends ContractArtifact {
-  /**
-   * The complete address representing the contract on L2.
-   */
-  completeAddress: CompleteAddress;
-  /**
-   * The Ethereum address of the L1 contract serving as a bridge for cross-layer interactions.
-   */
-  portalContract: EthAddress;
-  /**
-   * An array of contract functions with additional selector property.
-   */
-  functions: ContractFunctionDao[];
+export class ContractDao implements ContractArtifact {
+  /** An array of contract functions with additional selector property.  */
+  public readonly functions: ContractFunctionDao[];
+  constructor(
+    private contractArtifact: ContractArtifact,
+    /** The complete address representing the contract on L2.  */
+    public readonly completeAddress: CompleteAddress,
+    /** The Ethereum address of the L1 contract serving as a bridge for cross-layer interactions.  */
+    public readonly portalContract: EthAddress,
+  ) {
+    this.functions = contractArtifact.functions.map(f => ({
+      ...f,
+      selector: FunctionSelector.fromNameAndParameters(f.name, f.parameters),
+    }));
+  }
- * Converts the given contract artifact into a ContractDao object that includes additional properties
- * such as the address, portal contract, and function selectors.
- *
- * @param artifact - The contract artifact.
- * @param completeAddress - The AztecAddress representing the contract's address.
- * @param portalContract - The EthAddress representing the address of the associated portal contract.
- * @returns A ContractDao object containing the provided information along with generated function selectors.
- */
-export function toContractDao(
-  artifact: ContractArtifact,
-  completeAddress: CompleteAddress,
-  portalContract: EthAddress,
-): ContractDao {
-  const functions = artifact.functions.map(f => ({
-    ...f,
-    selector: FunctionSelector.fromNameAndParameters(f.name, f.parameters),
-  }));
-  return {
-    ...artifact,
-    completeAddress,
-    functions,
-    portalContract,
-  };
+  get aztecNrVersion() {
+    return this.contractArtifact.aztecNrVersion;
+  }
+  get name(): string {
+    return this.contractArtifact.name;
+  }
+  get events(): EventAbi[] {
+    return this.contractArtifact.events;
+  }
+  get debug(): DebugMetadata | undefined {
+    return this.contractArtifact.debug;
+  }
+  toBuffer(): Buffer {
+    // the contract artifact was originally emitted to a JSON file by Noir
+    // should be safe to JSON.stringify it (i.e. it doesn't contain BigInts)
+    const contractArtifactJson = JSON.stringify(this.contractArtifact);
+    const buf = Buffer.concat([
+      this.completeAddress.toBuffer(),
+      this.portalContract.toBuffer20(),
+      prefixBufferWithLength(Buffer.from(contractArtifactJson, 'utf-8')),
+    ]);
+    return buf;
+  }
+  static fromBuffer(buf: Uint8Array | BufferReader) {
+    const reader = BufferReader.asReader(buf);
+    const completeAddress = CompleteAddress.fromBuffer(reader);
+    const portalContract = new EthAddress(reader.readBytes(EthAddress.SIZE_IN_BYTES));
+    const contractArtifact = JSON.parse(reader.readString());
+    return new ContractDao(contractArtifact, completeAddress, portalContract);
+  }
diff --git a/yarn-project/types/src/keys/key_store.ts b/yarn-project/types/src/keys/key_store.ts
index bce41ab0163..682aa89862e 100644
--- a/yarn-project/types/src/keys/key_store.ts
+++ b/yarn-project/types/src/keys/key_store.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export interface KeyStore {
    * @param privKey - The private key of the account.
    * @returns - The account's public key.
-  addAccount(privKey: GrumpkinPrivateKey): PublicKey;
+  addAccount(privKey: GrumpkinPrivateKey): Promise<PublicKey>;
    * Retrieves the public keys of all accounts stored.
diff --git a/yarn-project/yarn.lock b/yarn-project/yarn.lock
index 935cf87829a..56d05bdb6cd 100644
--- a/yarn-project/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn-project/yarn.lock
@@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ __metadata:
     "@aztec/circuits.js": "workspace:^"
     "@aztec/foundation": "workspace:^"
+    "@aztec/kv-store": "workspace:^"
     "@aztec/types": "workspace:^"
     "@jest/globals": ^29.5.0
     "@types/jest": ^29.5.0
@@ -534,6 +535,23 @@ __metadata:
   languageName: unknown
   linkType: soft
+"@aztec/kv-store@workspace:^, @aztec/kv-store@workspace:kv-store":
+  version: 0.0.0-use.local
+  resolution: "@aztec/kv-store@workspace:kv-store"
+  dependencies:
+    "@aztec/foundation": "workspace:^"
+    "@jest/globals": ^29.5.0
+    "@types/jest": ^29.5.0
+    "@types/node": ^18.7.23
+    jest: ^29.5.0
+    jest-mock-extended: ^3.0.3
+    lmdb: ^2.9.1
+    ts-jest: ^29.1.0
+    ts-node: ^10.9.1
+    typescript: ^5.0.4
+  languageName: unknown
+  linkType: soft
 "@aztec/l1-artifacts@workspace:^, @aztec/l1-artifacts@workspace:l1-artifacts":
   version: 0.0.0-use.local
   resolution: "@aztec/l1-artifacts@workspace:l1-artifacts"
@@ -741,6 +759,7 @@ __metadata:
     "@aztec/ethereum": "workspace:^"
     "@aztec/foundation": "workspace:^"
     "@aztec/key-store": "workspace:^"
+    "@aztec/kv-store": "workspace:^"
     "@aztec/noir-compiler": "workspace:^"
     "@aztec/noir-protocol-circuits": "workspace:^"
     "@aztec/types": "workspace:^"