from utils import io_util, rend_util
from models.frameworks import get_model
from utils.checkpoints import sorted_ckpts
from utils.print_fn import log

import os
import math
import imageio
import functools
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.spatial.transform import Slerp
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

def normalize(vec, axis=-1):
    return vec / (np.linalg.norm(vec, axis=axis, keepdims=True) + 1e-9)

def view_matrix(
        forward: np.ndarray,
        up: np.ndarray,
        cam_location: np.ndarray):
    rot_z = normalize(forward)
    rot_x = normalize(np.cross(up, rot_z))
    rot_y = normalize(np.cross(rot_z, rot_x))
    mat = np.stack((rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, cam_location), axis=-1)
    hom_vec = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])
    if len(mat.shape) > 2:
        hom_vec = np.tile(hom_vec, [mat.shape[0], 1, 1])
    mat = np.concatenate((mat, hom_vec), axis=-2)
    return mat

def poses_avg(poses):
    # center = poses[:, :3, 3].mean(0)
    # forward = poses[:, :3, 2].sum(0)
    # up = poses[:, :3, 1].sum(0)
    # c2w = view_matrix(forward, up, center)

    #######FOR GIRL########
    center = poses[0, :3, 3]
    forward = poses[0, :3, 2]
    up = poses[0, :3, 1]
    c2w = view_matrix(forward, up, center)
    return c2w

def look_at(
    cam_location: np.ndarray,
    point: np.ndarray,
    up=np.array([0., -1., 0.])          # openCV convention
    # up=np.array([0., 1., 0.])         # openGL convention
    # Cam points in positive z direction
    forward = normalize(point - cam_location)     # openCV convention
    # forward = normalize(cam_location - point)   # openGL convention
    return view_matrix(forward, up, cam_location)

def c2w_track_spiral(c2w, up_vec, rads, focus: float, zrate: float, rots: int, N: int, zdelta: float = 0.):
    # TODO: support zdelta
    """generate camera to world matrices of spiral track, looking at the same point [0,0,focus]

        c2w ([4,4] or [3,4]):   camera to world matrix (of the spiral center, with average rotation and average translation)
        up_vec ([3,]):          vector pointing up
        rads ([3,]):            radius of x,y,z direction, of the spiral track
        # zdelta ([float]):       total delta z that is allowed to change 
        focus (float):          a focus value (to be looked at) (in camera coordinates)
        zrate ([float]):        a factor multiplied to z's angle
        rots ([int]):           number of rounds to rotate
        N ([int]):              number of total views

    c2w_tracks = []
    rads = np.array(list(rads) + [1.])

    # focus_in_cam = np.array([0, 0, -focus, 1.])   # openGL convention
    focus_in_cam = np.array([0, 0, focus, 1.])      # openCV convention
    focus_in_world =[:3, :4], focus_in_cam)
    rots = 1
    for theta in np.linspace(0., 2. * np.pi * rots, N+1)[:-1]:
        cam_location =
            c2w[:3, :4],
            # np.array([np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), -np.sin(theta*zrate), 1.]) * rads    # openGL convention
            np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), np.sin(
                theta*zrate), 1.]) * rads        # openCV convention

    center = c2w[:3, 3].reshape(3)
    print("center", center)
    rad = args.rot_rad
    for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, N+1)[:-1]:
        cam_location = np.zeros(3)
        x = center[0] + rad*np.cos(theta)
        y = center[1] + rad*np.sin(theta)
        z = center[2]
        cam_location[0] = x
        cam_location[1] = y
        cam_location[2] = z

        c2w_i = look_at(cam_location, focus_in_world, up=up_vec)
    return c2w_tracks

def smoothed_motion_interpolation(full_range, num_samples, uniform_proportion=1/3.):
    half_acc_proportion = (1-uniform_proportion) / 2.
    num_uniform_acc = max(math.ceil(num_samples*half_acc_proportion), 2)
    num_uniform = max(math.ceil(num_samples*uniform_proportion), 2)
    num_samples = num_uniform_acc * 2 + num_uniform
    seg_velocity = np.arange(num_uniform_acc)
    seg_angle = np.cumsum(seg_velocity)
    # NOTE: full angle = 2*k*x_max + k*v_max*num_uniform
    ratio = full_range / (2.0*seg_angle.max()+seg_velocity.max()*num_uniform)
    # uniform acceleration sequence
    seg_acc = seg_angle * ratio

    acc_angle = seg_acc.max()
    # uniform sequence
    seg_uniform = np.linspace(
        acc_angle, full_range-acc_angle, num_uniform+2)[1:-1]
    # full sequence
    all_samples = np.concatenate(
        [seg_acc, seg_uniform, full_range-np.flip(seg_acc)])
    return all_samples

def visualize_cam_on_circle(intr, extrs, up_vec, c0):

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from tools.vis_camera import draw_camera

    cam_width = 0.2/2     # Width/2 of the displayed camera.
    cam_height = 0.1/2    # Height/2 of the displayed camera.
    scale_focal = 2000        # Value to scale the focal length.

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    # ax.set_aspect("equal")

    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
    # ----------- draw cameras
    min_values, max_values = draw_camera(
        ax, intr, cam_width, cam_height, scale_focal, extrs, True)

    radius = np.linalg.norm(c0)

    # ----------- draw small circle
    angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2., 180)
    rots = R.from_rotvec(angles[:, None] * up_vec[None, :])
    # [180, 3]
    pts = rots.apply(c0)
    # [x, z, -y]
    ax.plot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 2], -pts[:, 1], color='black')

    # ----------- draw sphere
    u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
    x = radius * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
    y = radius * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
    z = radius * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z,  rstride=4, cstride=4,
                    color='grey', linewidth=0, alpha=0.1)

    # ----------- draw axis
    axis = np.array(
        [[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
    X, Y, Z, U, V, W = zip(*axis)
    ax.quiver(X[0], Z[0], -Y[0], U[0], W[0], -V[0], color='red')
    ax.quiver(X[1], Z[1], -Y[1], U[1], W[1], -V[1], color='green')
    ax.quiver(X[2], Z[2], -Y[2], U[2], W[2], -V[2], color='blue')


def visualize_cam_spherical_spiral(intr, extrs, up_vec, c0, focus_center, n_rots, up_angle):
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from tools.vis_camera import draw_camera

    cam_width = 0.2/2     # Width/2 of the displayed camera.
    cam_height = 0.1/2    # Height/2 of the displayed camera.
    scale_focal = 2000        # Value to scale the focal length.

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    # ax.set_aspect("equal")

    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
    # ----------- draw cameras
    min_values, max_values = draw_camera(
        ax, intr, cam_width, cam_height, scale_focal, extrs, True)

    radius = np.linalg.norm(c0)

    # ----------- draw small circle
    # key rotations of a spherical spiral path
    num_pts = int(n_rots * 180.)
    sphere_thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2. * n_rots, num_pts)
    sphere_phis = np.linspace(0, up_angle, num_pts)
    # first rotate about up vec
    rots_theta = R.from_rotvec(sphere_thetas[:, None] * up_vec[None, :])
    pts = rots_theta.apply(c0)
    # then rotate about horizontal vec
    horizontal_vec = normalize(
        np.cross(pts-focus_center[None, :], up_vec[None, :], axis=-1))
    rots_phi = R.from_rotvec(sphere_phis[:, None] * horizontal_vec)
    pts = rots_phi.apply(pts)
    # [x, z, -y]
    ax.plot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 2], -pts[:, 1], color='black')

    # ----------- draw sphere
    u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
    x = radius * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
    y = radius * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
    z = radius * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z,  rstride=4, cstride=4,
                    color='grey', linewidth=0, alpha=0.1)

    # ----------- draw axis
    axis = np.array(
        [[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
    X, Y, Z, U, V, W = zip(*axis)
    ax.quiver(X[0], Z[0], -Y[0], U[0], W[0], -V[0], color='red')
    ax.quiver(X[1], Z[1], -Y[1], U[1], W[1], -V[1], color='green')
    ax.quiver(X[2], Z[2], -Y[2], U[2], W[2], -V[2], color='blue')


def main_function(args):
    do_render_mesh = args.render_mesh is not None
    if do_render_mesh:
        import open3d as o3d

    assert 1 < args.rot_percentile <= 100
    model, trainer, render_kwargs_train, render_kwargs_test, render_fn = get_model(args, [
                                                                                   480, 270])
    if args.load_pt is None:
        # automatically load '' or ''
        ckpt_file = sorted_ckpts(os.path.join(
  , 'ckpts'))[-1]
        ckpt_file = args.load_pt"=> Use ckpt:" + str(ckpt_file))
    state_dict = torch.load(ckpt_file, map_location=args.device)

    if args.use_surface_render:
        assert args.use_surface_render == 'sphere_tracing' or args.use_surface_render == 'root_finding'
        from models.ray_casting import surface_render
        render_fn = functools.partial(
            surface_render, model=model, ray_casting_algo=args.use_surface_render)

    if args.alter_radiance is not None:
        state_dict = torch.load(args.alter_radiance, map_location=args.device)
        radiance_state_dict = {}
        for k, v in state_dict['model'].items():
            if 'radiance_net' in k:
                newk = k.replace('radiance_net.', '')
                radiance_state_dict[newk] = v

    from dataio import get_data
    dataset = get_data(args, downscale=args.downscale)

    (_, model_input, ground_truth) = dataset[0]
    intrinsics = model_input["intrinsics"].cuda()
    H, W = (dataset.H, dataset.W)
    # NOTE: fx, fy should be scalec with the same ratio. Different ratio will cause the picture itself be stretched.
    #       fx=intrinsics[0,0]                   fy=intrinsics[1,1]
    #       cy=intrinsics[1,2] for H's scal      cx=intrinsics[0,2] for W's scale
    if args.H is not None:
        intrinsics[1, 2] *= (args.H/dataset.H)
        H = args.H
    if args.H_scale is not None:
        H = int(dataset.H * args.H_scale)
        intrinsics[1, 2] *= (H/dataset.H)

    if args.W is not None:
        intrinsics[0, 2] *= (args.W/dataset.W)
        W = args.W
    if args.W_scale is not None:
        W = int(dataset.W * args.W_scale)
        intrinsics[0, 2] *= (W/dataset.W)"=> Rendering resolution @ [{} x {}]".format(H, W))

    c2ws = torch.stack(dataset.c2w_all, dim=0).data.cpu().numpy()

    # -----------------
    # Spiral path
    #   original nerf-like spiral path
    # -----------------
    # if args.camera_path == 'spiral':
    #     c2w_center = poses_avg(c2ws)
    #     up = c2ws[:, :3, 1].sum(0)
    #     #For fangzhou, use 85 for larger rad
    #     rads = np.percentile(np.abs(c2ws[:, :3, 3]), 85, 0)
    #     focus_distance = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(c2ws[:, :3, 3], axis=-1))
    #     render_c2ws = c2w_track_spiral(c2w_center, up, rads, focus_distance*0.8, zrate=0.0, rots=1, N=args.num_views)
    ##########FOR GIRL########
    if args.camera_path == 'spiral':
        c2w_center = poses_avg(c2ws)
        up = c2ws[:, :3, 1].sum(0)
        rads = np.percentile(np.abs(c2ws[:, :3, 3]), args.rot_percentile, 0)
        focus_distance = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(c2ws[:, :3, 3], axis=-1))
        render_c2ws = c2w_track_spiral(
            c2w_center, up, rads, focus_distance*0.8, zrate=0.0, rots=1, N=args.num_views)

    # -----------------
    #   assume three input views are on a small circle, then generate a spherical spiral path based on the small circle
    # -----------------
    # elif args.camera_path == 'spherical_spiral':
    #     up_angle = np.pi / 3.
    #     n_rots = 2.2

    #     view_ids = args.camera_inds.split(',')
    #     assert len(
    #         view_ids) == 3, 'please select three views on a small circle, in CCW order (from above)'
    #     view_ids = [int(v) for v in view_ids]
    #     centers = c2ws[view_ids, :3, 3]
    #     centers_norm = np.linalg.norm(centers, axis=-1)
    #     radius = np.max(centers_norm)
    #     centers = centers * radius / centers_norm
    #     vec0 = centers[1] - centers[0]
    #     vec1 = centers[2] - centers[0]
    #     # the axis vertical to the small circle's area
    #     up_vec = normalize(np.cross(vec0, vec1))

    #     # key rotations of a spherical spiral path
    #     sphere_thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2. * n_rots, args.num_views)
    #     sphere_phis = np.linspace(0, up_angle, args.num_views)

    #     if True:
    #         # use the origin as the focus center
    #         focus_center = np.zeros([3])
    #     else:
    #         # use the center of the small circle as the focus center
    #         focus_center =, centers[0]) * up_vec

    #     # first rotate about up vec
    #     rots_theta = R.from_rotvec(sphere_thetas[:, None] * up_vec[None, :])
    #     render_centers = rots_theta.apply(centers[0])
    #     # then rotate about horizontal vec
    #     horizontal_vec = normalize(
    #         np.cross(render_centers-focus_center[None, :], up_vec[None, :], axis=-1))
    #     rots_phi = R.from_rotvec(sphere_phis[:, None] * horizontal_vec)
    #     render_centers = rots_phi.apply(render_centers)

    #     render_c2ws = look_at(
    #         render_centers, focus_center[None, :], up=-up_vec)

    #     if args.debug:
    #         # plot camera path
    #         intr =
    #         extrs = np.linalg.inv(render_c2ws)
    #         visualize_cam_spherical_spiral(
    #             intr, extrs, up_vec, centers[0], focus_center, n_rots, up_angle)

    # ------------------
    # Small Circle Path:
    #   assume three input views are on a small circle, then interpolate along this small circle
    # ------------------
    # elif args.camera_path == 'small_circle':
    #     view_ids = args.camera_inds.split(',')
    #     assert len(
    #         view_ids) == 3, 'please select three views on a small circle, int CCW order (from above)'
    #     view_ids = [int(v) for v in view_ids]
    #     centers = c2ws[view_ids, :3, 3]
    #     centers_norm = np.linalg.norm(centers, axis=-1)
    #     radius = np.max(centers_norm)
    #     centers = centers * radius / centers_norm
    #     vec0 = centers[1] - centers[0]
    #     vec1 = centers[2] - centers[0]
    #     # the axis vertical to the small circle
    #     up_vec = normalize(np.cross(vec0, vec1))
    #     # length of the chord between c0 and c2
    #     len_chord = np.linalg.norm(vec1, axis=-1)
    #     # angle of the smaller arc between c0 and c1
    #     full_angle = np.arcsin(len_chord/2/radius) * 2.

    #     all_angles = smoothed_motion_interpolation(full_angle, args.num_views)

    #     rots = R.from_rotvec(all_angles[:, None] * up_vec[None, :])
    #     centers = rots.apply(centers[0])

    #     # get c2w matrices
    #     render_c2ws = look_at(centers, np.zeros_like(centers), up=-up_vec)

    #     if args.debug:
    #         # plot camera path
    #         intr =
    #         extrs = np.linalg.inv(render_c2ws)
    #         visualize_cam_on_circle(intr, extrs, up_vec, centers[0])
    # -----------------
    # Interpolate path
    #   directly interpolate among all input views
    # -----------------
    # elif args.camera_path == 'interpolation':
    #     # c2ws = c2ws[:25]  # NOTE: [:20] fox taxi dataset
    #     key_rots = R.from_matrix(c2ws[:, :3, :3])
    #     key_times = list(range(len(key_rots)))
    #     slerp = Slerp(key_times, key_rots)
    #     interp = interp1d(key_times, c2ws[:, :3, 3], axis=0)
    #     render_c2ws = []
    #     for i in range(args.num_views):
    #         time = float(i) / args.num_views * (len(c2ws) - 1)
    #         cam_location = interp(time)
    #         cam_rot = slerp(time).as_matrix()
    #         c2w = np.eye(4)
    #         c2w[:3, :3] = cam_rot
    #         c2w[:3, 3] = cam_location
    #         render_c2ws.append(c2w)
    #     render_c2ws = np.stack(render_c2ws, axis=0)
    # ------------------
    # Great Circle Path:
    #   assume two input views are on a great circle, then interpolate along this great circle
    # ------------------
    # elif args.camera_path == 'great_circle':
    #     # to interpolate along a great circle that pass through the c2w center of view0 and view1
    #     view01 = args.camera_inds.split(',')
    #     assert len(
    #         view01) == 2, 'please select two views on a great circle, in CCW order (from above)'
    #     view0, view1 = [int(s) for s in view01]
    #     c0 = c2ws[view0, :3, 3]
    #     c0_norm = np.linalg.norm(c0)
    #     c1 = c2ws[view1, :3, 3]
    #     c1_norm = np.linalg.norm(c1)
    #     # the radius of the great circle
    #     # radius = (c0_norm+c1_norm)/2.
    #     radius = max(c0_norm, c1_norm)
    #     # re-normalize the c2w centers to be on the exact same great circle
    #     c0 = c0 * radius / c0_norm
    #     c1 = c1 * radius / c1_norm
    #     # the axis vertical to the great circle
    #     up_vec = normalize(np.cross(c0, c1))
    #     # length of the chord between c0 and c1
    #     len_chord = np.linalg.norm(c0-c1, axis=-1)
    #     # angle of the smaller arc between c0 and c1
    #     full_angle = np.arcsin(len_chord/2/radius) * 2.

    #     all_angles = smoothed_motion_interpolation(full_angle, args.num_views)

    #     # get camera centers
    #     rots = R.from_rotvec(all_angles[:, None] * up_vec[None, :])
    #     centers = rots.apply(c0)

    #     # get c2w matrices
    #     render_c2ws = look_at(centers, np.zeros_like(centers), up=-up_vec)

    #     if args.debug:
    #         # plot camera path
    #         intr =
    #         extrs = np.linalg.inv(render_c2ws)
    #         visualize_cam_on_circle(intr, extrs, up_vec, centers[0])
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Please choose render type between [spiral, interpolation, small_circle, great_circle, spherical_spiral]")"=> Camera path: {}".format(args.camera_path))

    rgb_imgs = []
    depth_imgs = []
    normal_imgs = []
    # save mesh render images
    mesh_imgs = []
    render_kwargs_test['rayschunk'] = args.rayschunk

    if do_render_mesh:"=> Load mesh: {}".format(args.render_mesh))
        geometry =
        vis = o3d.visualization.Visualizer()
        vis.create_window(width=W, height=H, visible=args.debug)
        ctrl = vis.get_view_control()
        # opt = vis.get_render_option()
        # opt.mesh_show_back_face = True

        cam = ctrl.convert_to_pinhole_camera_parameters()
        intr =
        # cam.intrinsic.set_intrinsics(W, H, intr[0,0], intr[1,1], intr[0,2], intr[1,2])
            W, H, intr[0, 0], intr[1, 1], W/2-0.5, H/2-0.5)

    def integerify(img):
        return (img*255.).astype(np.uint8)

    rgb_i = 0
        os.mkdir(os.path.join("out", args.exp_name))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join("out", args.exp_name, "rgb"))
    for c2w in tqdm(render_c2ws, desc='rendering...'):
        rgb_i += 1
        if not args.debug and not args.disable_rgb:
            rays_o, rays_d, select_inds = rend_util.get_rays(torch.from_numpy(
                c2w).float().cuda()[None, ...], intrinsics[None, ...], H, W, N_rays=-1)
            with torch.no_grad():
                # NOTE: detailed_output set to False to save a lot of GPU memory.
                rgb, depth, extras = render_fn(
                    rays_o, rays_d, show_progress=True,
                    require_nablas=True, calc_normal=True, detailed_output=False, **render_kwargs_test)
                depth =, W, 1).numpy()
                depth = depth/depth.max()
                rgb_img = integerify(, W, 3).numpy())
                if args.save_images:

                        f"out/{args.exp_name}/rgb", '{:05d}.png'.format(rgb_i)), rgb_img)

                if args.use_surface_render:
                    normals = extras['normals_surface']
                    normals = extras['normals_volume']
                normals =, W, 3).numpy()
                # if True:
                #     # (c2w^(-1) @ n)^T = n^T @ c2w^(-1)^T = n^T @ c2w
                #     normals = normals @ c2w[:3, :3]

        if do_render_mesh:
            extr = np.linalg.inv(c2w)
            cam.extrinsic = extr
            if not args.debug:
                rgb_mesh = vis.capture_screen_float_buffer(do_render=True)

    rgb_imgs = [img for img in rgb_imgs]
    depth_imgs = [integerify(img) for img in depth_imgs]
    normal_imgs = [integerify(img) for img in normal_imgs]
    mesh_imgs = [integerify(img) for img in mesh_imgs]

    if not args.debug:
        if args.outbase is None:
            outbase = args.expname
            outbase = args.outbase
        post_fix = '{}x{}_{}_{}'.format(H, W, args.num_views, args.camera_path)
        if args.use_surface_render:
            post_fix = post_fix + '_{}'.format(args.use_surface_render)
        if not args.disable_rgb:
            imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_rgb.mp4'.format(
                args.exp_name)), rgb_imgs, fps=args.fps, quality=10)
            imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_rgb.gif'.format(
                args.exp_name)), rgb_imgs, fps=args.fps)
            if args.save_depth:
                imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_depth.mp4'.format(
                    args.exp_name)), depth_imgs, fps=args.fps, quality=10)
            if args.save_normal:
                imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_normal.mp4'.format(
                    args.exp_name)), normal_imgs, fps=args.fps, quality=10)
                rgb_and_normal_imgs = [np.concatenate(
                    [rgb, normal], axis=0) for rgb, normal in zip(rgb_imgs, normal_imgs)]
                imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_rgb&normal.mp4'.format(
                    args.exp_name)), rgb_and_normal_imgs, fps=args.fps, quality=10)
        if do_render_mesh:
            imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_mesh_{}.mp4'.format(
                outbase, post_fix)), mesh_imgs, fps=args.fps, quality=10)
            if not args.disable_rgb:
                rgb_and_mesh_imgs = [np.concatenate(
                    [rgb, mesh], axis=0) for rgb, mesh in zip(rgb_imgs, mesh_imgs)]
                imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_rgb&mesh_{}.mp4'.format(
                    outbase, post_fix)), rgb_and_mesh_imgs, fps=args.fps, quality=10)
                if args.save_normal:
                    rgb_and_normal_and_mesh_imgs = [np.concatenate(
                        [rgb, normal, mesh], axis=0) for rgb, normal, mesh in zip(rgb_imgs, normal_imgs, mesh_imgs)]
                    imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join('out', '{}_rgb&normal&mesh_{}.mp4'.format(
                        outbase, post_fix)), rgb_and_normal_and_mesh_imgs, fps=args.fps, quality=10)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Arguments
    # "./configs/neus.yaml"
    parser = io_util.create_args_parser()
    parser.add_argument("--num_views", type=int, default=200)
    parser.add_argument("--render_mesh", type=str, default=None,
                        help='the mesh ply file to be rendered')
    parser.add_argument("--device", type=str,
                        default='cuda', help='render device')
    parser.add_argument("--downscale", type=float, default=1)
    parser.add_argument("--rayschunk", type=int, default=2048)
    parser.add_argument("--save_images", action="store_true",
                        help='whether to save intermediate images, if not, only mp4 and gif will be saved')
    parser.add_argument("--camera_path", type=str, default="spiral",
                        help="choose between [spiral, interpolation, small_circle, great_circle, spherical_spiral]")
    parser.add_argument("--camera_inds", type=str,
                        help="params for generating camera paths", default='11,15')
    parser.add_argument("--load_pt", type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--H", type=int, default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--H_scale", type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--W", type=int, default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--W_scale", type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument("--disable_rgb", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument("--fps", type=int, default=30)
    parser.add_argument("--alter_radiance", type=str, default=None,
                        help='alter the radiance net with another trained ckpt.')
    parser.add_argument("--outbase", type=str, default=None,
                        help='base of output filename')
    parser.add_argument("--use_surface_render", type=str, default=None,
                        help='choose between [sphere_tracing, root_finding]. \n\t Use surface rendering instead of volume rendering \n\t NOTE: way faster, but might not be the original model behavior')

    parser.add_argument("--exp_name", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--rot_rad", type=float, default=0.3,
                        help="rotation radius for spiral camera path")
    # we use 25 for girl, 85 for our fangzhou
    parser.add_argument("--rot_percentile", type=int, default=85,
                        help="in [1, 100], larger value means larger angle")
    parser.add_argument("--save_depth", type=bool, default=True)
    parser.add_argument("--save_normal", type=bool, default=True)

    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
    config = io_util.load_config(args, unknown)