A linux system in a single binary (Stuffed with strange things)
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This project has not been completed and may not work properly.
Library | Project | Description |
blkid | util-linux | used to find block devices |
mount | util-linux | mount anything |
fdisk | util-linux | for partition manager |
kmod | kmod | load kernel modules |
readline | readline | builtin initshell support |
gtk3 | gtk | GUI on GTK-3 for debugging |
sdl2 | sdl | GUI on SDL2 for debugging |
libdrm | libdrm | GUI on DRM |
lvgl | lvgl | GUI support |
wqy | wenquanyi | WQY-MicroHei Font for GUI |
fontawesone | fontawesone | Font Awesome Font for GUI |
freetype2 | freetype | GUI load TrueType fonts |
lodepng | lodepng | GUI load png pictures |
nanosvg | nanosvg | GUI load svg pictures |
libjpeg | libjpeg | GUI load jpeg pictures |
vncserver | libvnc | GUI over VNC Server |
hivex | libguestfs | Windows Registry/BCD Edit |
json-c | json-c | JSON Format Support |
mxml | mxml | XML Format Support |
lua | lua | Lua Scripting Engine |
stb | stb | Single File Libraries |
libtsm | libtsm | Terminal Emulator Support |
regexp | regexp | Regular Expression Support |
zlib | zlib | Deflate compression |
libufdt | aosp | For dtb overlay merge |
libfdt | dtc | For dtb process |
Project | Description | URL |
busybox | some builtin commands | https://www.busybox.net |
coreutils | some builtin commands | https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/ |
util-linux | some builtin commands and block lookup / mount | https://github.com/karelzak/util-linux |
lv_drivers | fbdev, drm, gtk driver for LVGL GUI | https://github.com/lvgl/lv_drivers |
lv_sim_eclipse_sdl | sdl2 driver for LVGL GUI | https://github.com/lvgl/lv_sim_eclipse_sdl |
lv_demos | gui benchmark | https://github.com/lvgl/lv_demos |
lv_lib_freetype | freetype2 true type fonts load | https://github.com/lvgl/lv_lib_freetype |
lv_lib_png | png image load | https://github.com/lvgl/lv_lib_png |
edk2-libc | builtin libc implement | https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-libc |
musl | builtin libc implement | https://musl.libc.org/ |
kmod | some builtin commands and modules load / unload | https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git |
papirus | GUI icons | https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme |
Build guide and examples: Docs