- Changed: Now getting
from Maven Repository and disabled proguard obfuscation - Changed: Simplified the
view by now using a simple dialog, which fixed API Issues - Changed: Now using only one
to prevent Issues when launching - Changed: Ensured consistency for status names so that developers know which one triggers
- Updated: Improved translations for Dutch, Russian, Norwegian Bokmål, Ukrainian and German
- Updated: Improved version names and removed problematic OEM / Samsung Permissions
- Updated: Improved notification creation and now compiling with and against API 23
- Updated: Improved the version name display and made info dialogs easier dismissable
- Updated: Moved comments, TODO and Issues from a huge number of files into GitHub Issues
- Updated: Pimped our
a bit, About-Screen shows Build-Number and GIT-SHA - Updated: Grouped dependencies in
and added descriptions for new developers - Updated: Removed
for now since we don't use it, tweaked the status text-views - Added: Enforcing coding guidelines with
rules, added Index toCONTRIBUTING.md
- Added: Dependency injection to inject views, resources and custom objects into everything
- Fixed: Crash when pressing
and app quitting when retrieving OpenCellID key - Fixed: Background dialogs now work properly so that our app does not close right away
- Fixed: Several smaller improvements to stabilize menu, About-Fragment is now an Activity
- Fixed: Added permission
to fix launch Issues
- Changed: Slimmed down permissions to the bare necessary ones to ensure peace for us privacy geeks
- Changed: Moving towards a more usable and polished interface by adding a bit Material Design
- Changed: Versioning from manually editing
to using currentcommitId
- Changed: Replaced deprecated
Apache HttpClient
- Changed: Resized documentation button in About Fragment to fit screen for more devices
- Changed: Now loading
as Maven dependency, renamed app module toAIMSICD
- Updated: Invalid
is now shown if saved value is higher than 511 (PSC
max value) - Updated: Now using Gradle Wrapper 2.9 and cleaned up
implementation - Updated: Now using a logging interface and better logging in Activities and Services
- Updated: Cleaned Proguard rules, several
improvements with updated links and guides - Removed: Purged unused
- Removed: Purged ProgressBar since it was accessed in a very strange way, will be replaced soon
- Removed: Purged obsolete and redundant things from our
- Added: New translation for Ukrainian and Norwegian Bokmål, improved Japanese and Spanish
- Added: Gradle magic to also build a system app using system permissions and be included in ROMs
- Fixed: Calling
on background thread (nolooper.prepare
) andShowToast
lint error - Fixed: Gradle build fixed, ommiting missing translations while assembling release
- Fixed:
gets assigned, preventing duplicate location reports - Fixed: Antenna Map Viewer does not crash any more after fixing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- Fixed: Simplified version display in About Fragment, improved
and fixedbuildnumbers
- Fixed: Ensured OpenCellID string consistency so that everyone know which database is meant
- Changed: We're now back from a huge break and intend to improve our project in all areas!
- Updated: Improved Japanese, French, Russian German and Czech translations, added Lithuanian
- Updated: Formatted both comments and code, working torwards an easier code structure
- Updated: RootShell library pushed to version 1.3, thanked smarek in
for saving us - Removed: Unused imports, unused class-global variables and dual
calls - Removed: Unnecessary
call and unusedcount
variable - Added: New vibration options in new menu
) - Fixed: Phone will no longer vibrate every few seconds on status changes (set it yourself)
- Fixed: Issue where
was called indoInBackground
- Fixed: Handled unchecked type of
return - Fixed: Avoided NPE on
- Changed: Improved code quality and better error handling
- Added: Animated updates on "Phone/SIM Details" page
- Fixed: Resolved many security and performance issues [#613]
- Updated: Old formatting updates for cleaner code structure
- Added: Database support for BtsLoc table in
- Added: Translations for Japanese, Albanian, Spanish and Polish
- Updated: Finally found a WHISTLEBLOWER, removed position from SEEKING ;-)
- Added: New language translation into Dutch
- Updated: Cleaned up marker info layout (needs more items and work to be done)
- Updated:
is now usingtoEventLog()
, fixed typo intoEventlog
- Added: Simplified placeholder for
- Moved: Vibration code now resides in
for better maintainance
- Updated: Minor formatting of
- Updated: Improved
to ignore Android Studio Navigation editor temp files - Updated: Improved Japanese and German translations, comments for
- Updated: Refactored string for Type-0 SMS in
to improve its detection - Added: Implemented
and updated existing comments - Added: ProgressBar and updated SQL for
- Fixed: Made ProgressBar in
and logs work again
- Reverted: Removed code for rechecking cell after OCID download after failed tests
- Updated: Refreshed Inflater data and comments in
- Fixed: Re-implemented possibility to delete and reset the internal database
- Fixed: Corrected typos in language source file
- Fixed: Improved comments and
- Fixed: Corrected many layout Issues of XML for
- Updated: Improved formatting of
- Updated: Cleanup of
, consider removing old FemtoCell detection code - Added: Implemented code for rechecking cell after OCID download (needs intensive testing)
- Removed: Purged
CID -1
from EventLog, updated comments inAIMSICDDbAdapter.java
- Added: New restart of
after deleting the internal database - Fixed: Ordered navigation drawer and removed unused imports and attributes
- Added: Vibration on no nc_list detection as well as many comments and formatting
- Added: New
query to prevent duplicates in the EvenLog table
- Updated: Refreshed comments and fixed a few minor typos in several source files
- Changed: Placed
on separate lines for easier log reading - Fixed: Refreshed EventLog DBE and formatting to use standard TableLayout
- Fixed: Reformatted
- Fixed: Corrected several DBV Issues, removed old unused and commented out code
- Removed: Purged ProgressBar calls when not visible (e.g. reading/writing CSVs)
- Fixed: Ordered navigation drawer and removed unused imports and attributes
- Fixed: Corrected defaultlocations layout and fixed BTS Measurements in DBV
- Fixed: Corrected typo of
incorrectly labeled asT3213
- Changed: 2nd attempt to fix FC in DBV by commenting out
in all files - Updated: Notes and comments in
have been renewed - Added: Clarified difference between CellId and CID in
- Fixed: Corrected build error in
- Fixed: Corrected Log exceptions to use
- Fixed: Corrected BTS Measurements and defaultlocations DBV layout
- Changed: Failed attempt to add "item" number to table layout
- Updated: Comments added, updated and removed in several files
- Fixed: Now showing
Unique BTS Data
items as intended in DBV - Fixed: Corrected typo of
incorrectly labeled asT3213
- Updated: Improved Japanese and Czech language translations (needs contributors)
- Fixed: OCID download now respects the filter for
again - Fixed: Corrected spelling error to the correct display
- Updated: Improved German language translations
- Added: New
to counteract wrong API for WCDMA cell info - Fixed: API build versions issues for network related items has been resolved
- Fixed: Layout problems with new DBV xml style sheet have been resolved
- Removed: Purged outdated
since no longer needed - Changed: Attempt to reduze the font size in the DB viewer for the
- Changed: Restructured
for easier readbility to our users - Changed: New color scheme within
for cleaner overview - Changed: Reversed logic code for
, changable on where data is imported - Updated: Comments in
- Updated: TAGs and comments in
are now reflecting current state - Updated: Cleaned
- Updated: Improvement to SMS detection of WAP Push SMS messages with a new string
- Updated: TAGs in
and formatting ofDbViewerFragment.java
- Added: New server response codes in OpenCellIdActivity.java, removed old comments
- Added: New EventLog for changing
in GSM case (only had it in CDMA until now) - Added: Minor comments in
to clarify even more table data - Added: More notes and TAGs to work on for
- Fixed: Downgrade of
fixing whitish Icons on Android 5+ - Fixed: Repaired
polling neighbouring cells on unsupported phones - Fixed: Repaired switched
vs data labels of DBV inDBe_import
table - Fixed: Better comments, spellings and formatting in
- Moved:
- Fixed: Repaired OCID crash when getting key, better DBV layout for
- Updated: Minor changes to correct value for
- Updated: from
- Added: New string for database restoration popup added in
- Fixed:
are now works along with our new database - Fixed: Comments in
have been answered to clarify current functionality
- Updated: Shuffling, commenting and formatting of
- Fixed: AIMSICD does not crash anymore when downloading OpenCellID data
- Changed: MAJOR DATABASE OVERHAUL - huge THANKS flies out to banjaxbanjo!
- Changed: Our new database is now pre-compiled, faster, better and uses correct tables
- Updated: Improved French and Polish, minor string changes for Database Viewer labels
- Updated: Enhanced
for another attempt to fix AIMSICD not closing - Updated: French, Polish and Russian translations, added: Czech and Swedish
- Updated: More updates of MWI detection strings with fixes to avoid failing build
- Added: Small note in
to actually finish the started translations - Fixed: Reverted lacells pull request because it caused blockings and exceptions
- Changed: Switched Coverity Scan analysis to
to avoid Travis-CI failures - Updated: Improved French, German and Polish translations (needs more translators)
- Fixed: Corrected Type-0 silent SMS popup display and tried to fix app not closing
- Updated: German translations have been improved upon changes in source strings
- Fixed: Corrected MWI code and removed unnecessary spaces from detection popup
- Updated: German translations have been improved upon changes in source strings
- Removed: Purged E-Mail address to send logfiles to - a better way will come soon!
- Removed: Purged invitation to send logfiles for every single detection event
- Added: New table for detection tests of Type-0 silent SMS and MWI in Special SMS
- Fixed: Declared Message Waiting Indicator strings correctly in our detection code
- Updated: Enhanced Type-0 silent SMS detection with main buffer to logcat scraper
- Updated: Translations via Weblate are now finally getting pulled in automatically
- Updated: Thanked thechangelog in our
for their public announcements - Added: Translations into English, German, French, Polish, Japanese and Russian
- Removed: Commented out unused imports and re-ordered variable declarations
- Updated: Shortened badge of
Development Status
for better display - Added: More clarifying code comments in
- Fixed: Cleanup of timestamp code in
- Fixed: AIMSICD Status-Icons are now shown correctly in colored style on Android 5+
- Added: New Log items for MCC and MNC parameters when downloading OCID for debugging
- Fixed: Reformatted 23 char limitation of Log TAG with our standard TAG, mTAG + "text"
- Fixed: Corrected MiscUtils TAGs and nulls in CellTracker and improved some formatting
- Fixed: Silenced even more XPrivacy logcat spam in DebugLogs
- Fixed: Comments in
have been fixed to reflect code changes - Fixed: Silenced some spammy XPrivacy items using
XPrivacy/XRuntime:S Xposed:S
- Added: Weblate translations badge added to our
for people to see progress - Fixed: AIMSICD should now start again properly on previously complaining devices
- Updated:
now reflect the latest awesome additions by our new developers - Fixed: Small string fixes and translation improvements to move our new Weblate.
- Fixed: Now truncating measured and used Lat/Lon GPS coordinates in
- Changed: Timeout value in
has been increased to 80 seconds - Fixed: Repaired OCIDCSV parsing which obviously temporarily broke during development
- Added: Buildozer Buildnumber to has been added to About View for development builds
- Changed: mTAG has been changed as requested to
- Added: Small warning within code to not remove commented out stuff without prior asking
- Updated: Log calls updated to common TAGs, added doublepoints and removed whitespaces
- Changed: Customized build script in
to override CoverityScan limits - Changed: Made toast property static and non-final, splitting toast creation for
- Removed: Commented out
until this libray has reived some code improvements - Fixed: Toasts are now displayed in the ccorrect position and duration to really read them
- Added: Toasts are now being cancelled on new toast to prevent overlapping of toasts
- Fixed: Info box toasts are now shown longer by adding a new singleton toaster
- Changed: Context property changed to
- Removed: Purged
prefix ofappContext
as it is not needed anymore
- Changed: Help toast has been changed to long toast in
- Updated: Refactored OpenCellId activity for better code quality and error handling
- Updated: A few more wording improvements for our
and additions inCREDITS
- Changed: Removed references and links to organizations not supporting our project
- Changed: Improved
to use proper class nameSmsDetectionDbHelper
- Added: Refresh Rate is now shown on menu entry in
without opening it - Fixed: Made buttons in
menu reappear and fixed code for shrinked buttons - Fixed: Resolved reappearance of too many unnecessary database open/close operations
- Updated: Slight translation updates of strings due to previous menu changes
- Changed: Removed unused imports and shrinked some buttons in
menu - Fixed: Resolved UI Issue in
Database Viewer
and corrected button link naming
- Changed: Removed old copyright and code of unused Femtocell toggle button
- Added: New
for friendly timestamp from a logcat string - Fixed: Endlessly receiving the same detected SMS has finally come to an end
- Fixed: Exception on UI and database has been fixed (possibly just tentative)
- Updated: Better RIL/API support with refreshed
parser - Updated: Increased timeout of OCID download to avoid retrieval errors
- Added: New feature to read OCID data from generated lacells.db as well
- Fixed: Resolved WIN DEATH when using Advanced User Preferences
- Fixed: Startup crash fixed with
- Changed: Moved hardcoding of OCDB download path to static variable
- Updated: Refactored OCID CSV parsing and truncated GPS coordinates
- Updated: Improved menu translations in
Navigation Drawer
for better understanding
- Removed: Purged unused imports and unnecessary
calls - Removed: Purged public modifier from interface methods
- Changed: Switched CoverityScan analysis to branch
to analyze current code - Changed: Replaced deprecated
- Changed: Closed some database cursors and replaced
for TextViews - Updated: License header has been unified across all source files to ensure proper GPL
- Updated: Refactored
for easier reading - Updated: Refactored redundant parsing from get OCID API request
- Added: Default
has been implemented intoSimpleDateFormat
constructor - Added: Now using parent view instead of null when inflating layouts
- Added: French translations as well as
analysis for detecting leaks - Fixed: Minor translation and punctuation improvements in several translation string files
- Fixed: Corrected filename of CSV loaded in into
- Added: New WAP Push Detection and corresponding popup as well as custom strings
- Added: All detection strings will now be added to and loaded from
- Fixed: Small typos in German translation removed, shortened OCID notifications
- Changed: Many German translation improvements for much easier understanding
- Removed: SMS Detection
has been purged since it was not needed anymore - Updated: Improvements across all translation files for better display of notifications
- Updated: SMS Detection improved and moved some functions in
- Updated: Moved some Detection functions to
and added minor comments - Moved: Untranslatable strings have been removed from all existing translation files
- Fixed: Padding issue displaying detected SMS only partially has been resolved
- Added: Translations into German have been started, many string improvements
- Added: New SMS Detection to detect tracking via silent SMS and silent Voice ;-)
- Added: New WIKI entry on how to test your own detection strings in Special SMS
- Updated:
now reflect the latest contributions by our developers - Changed: Tables in the
Database Viewer
will now be loaded automatically - Added: New overlay BTS map legend now clarifies meanings of the map pins
- Moved: App data as been moved to new location (will update automatically)
- Fixed: Strange NPE related to
- Changed: Links within our app have been changed to permanent
links - Added: Donations to encourage developers are now possible via Bountysource
- Removed: Buggy
Toast Extender
for making toasts last longer than 3.5 seconds - Changed: Releases will now be published every Sunday to ease developers lifes
- Moved:
has been moved into sectionTechnical Details
in WIKI - Fixed: Shout-out to @DimaKoz who cleared the mess done with
Toast Extender
- Fixed: Huge thanks to @banjaxbanjo for correctly implementing toast expansion
- Added: Implemented ability to erase the database through
Navigation Drawer
- Updated: Tried to increase the version of the support library (now reverted)
- Updated: Synced
with dependencies for better support - Updated: Unified and resized copyright header within several source files
- Added: Green checkmark now appears when pressing the toggle buttons
- Added: Included AppCompat library in attempt to heal broken Buildozer builds
- Fixed: Purged bug with doubling (and tripling, etc.) markers on the map
- Updated: More improvements of the Russian translations
- Updated: Markers of cell towers are now drawn as immediately as possible
- Added: Progress spinner shows on OCID download in
Antenna Map Viewer
- Fixed: Memory leaks and other warnings were partially eliminated
- Updated: Translation into Russian has been improved
- Updated: Added agilob and DimaKoz into our
for their awesome work - Updated: Improved descriptions of menu and removed unused resources and a dot
- Updated: Translation instructions have been updated to reflect the latest procedure
- Changed: Intensified warning for dropped support for logfiles without a description
- Added: Translation into Russian has been started, improved Polish translations
- Fixed: Nuked error in Database Viewer getting data in languages other than English
- Fixed: Corrected spelling of string name and added small screen improvements
- Changed: Transformed more strings for translation, some cosmetic changes in java code
- Changed: Merged
) for easier translations - Changed: Merged helpers to
and improved polish translation even more - Changed: Files of resources were renamed properly, 'about' fragment has been changed
- Removed: Deleted unused imports (done automatically by Android Studio) and resources
- Added: Task
has been added into.travis.yml
for clean checks
- Updated: Some updates to the translation instructions, a few more changes to come
- Updated: Version of library
as well asREADME
have been updated - Changed: Re-ordered menu to a preferred layout in conjunction with UI/UX redesign
- Added: New Info-Buttons for getting help from within our app and without internet
- Added: Component
has been added to.travis.yml
- Fixed: NPE on
when neighboring cell isnull
- Fixed: Progress bar is now showing correctly again and does not overlap things
- Fixed: Errors with strings after running
in Gradle were fixed
- Added: Translation instructions have been added and updated in
- Fixed: Clarified examples in EventLog and DB Viewer with red
- Changed: Moved strings from a few classes and from
- Added: Enabled app to be translatable and start up in users native system language
- Added: Polish translation and empty
folder for German language files - Fixed: Re-labelled BTS pin-info samples as "0" when being empty (BLUE)
- Updated: Version of the
library for maps has been updated - Fixed: Ability of caching the tiles has been switched on, fixed slow speed
- Updated: Compressed all Images and Icons to make our app even smaller
- Changed: Moved progress bar to overlay content and made it visible for debugging
- Added: Included methods to show and the hide progress bar and added test
- Updated:
have been updated with the wonderful BFG Repo-Cleaner - Removed: Purged
since we don't need it anymore - Changed: Moved check LAC code into
to check on every cell change - Changed: Moved check from
- Fixed: Neighbouring cell list is now also updated outside the MapViewer
- Updated: We've completely cleaned our GitHub repo. Please re-fork us now!
- Added: Permission
to allow building on phones - Added: Re-created branch
to finally continue work on real Issues
Updated: Renewed buildToolsVersion
across the project to keep them current
- Changed: Replaced
files by gradle dependencies where possible - Changed: Simplified
and made everything much developer-friendly - Changed: Sending debugging logs via our app, now requires a description
- Changed: Moved all large folders into our SpiderOak storage to clean up
- Added: New Style Guide to unify look and feel of our app in the near future
- Added: New section
for special positions - Added: Warning banner to make people aware of possible false alarms
- Updated: Reformatted
to look much better within ourCreditsRoll
- Fixed: Neighbouring Cell List should now get updated outside the MapViewer
- Changed: Simplified
for a much easier entry into development - Added: Enabled automatic builds of internal testing APKs via Buildozer
- Added: New Custom Pop Class in
for popups in About-Tab - Added: Status-Icons in About-Tab are now clickable and show Detailed Explanations
13.03.2015 - WIP-Release v0.1.25-alpha-build-35
- Changed: Tried to fix the progress bar in the
Download Request - Updated: Polished CellTracker from junk comments, added TAGs to Helpers and Device
- Added: New tab strip across the view pager to make it obvious that it can be swiped
- Added: New CreditsRoll with awesome Star Wars theme in the About-Menu of our AIMSICD
- Fixed: NC detection logic and added more Logs to be removed or verbose, once working
- Fixed: Better log function in
and corrected TAG inDeviceAPI17
05.03.2015 - WIP-Release v0.1.25-alpha-build-34
- Updated:
have been updated to reflect the latest changes of UI/UX - Added: Some more small comments for better understanding of the added
- Fixed: Inceremented Database Version to avoid crashes due to changed DB tables
- Updated:
now do also reflect the current list of thanked people - Changed: Replaced dirty
code with neat TinyDB one-liners - Added: Placeholder for the NC Detection (code is commented out, needs testing)
- Added:
Upload result Toast msg as feedback for uploading - Fixed: Spelling mistakes have been corrected, code comments have been updated
- Changed: Replaced get/setProp calls with using the simple TinyDB implementation
- Changed: Alert tag changed to
ALERT: Connected to unknown CID not in DBe_import:
- Added: Link to our WIKI regarding the usage of so many deep-core permissions
- Updated: List of team members has been reviewed to reflect current changes
- Updated: Referenced X-Cell Technologies within our own Glossary of Terms
- Changed: Cleanup of various old junk and unneeded code comments, silenced spam logs on HTC
- Changed: ATCoP timout values from the selector have been adjusted to now also be 10 min
- Removed: ATCoP shell command support has been purged - SecUpwN lost ALL DATA of his phone
- Added: New TinyDB (courtesy of @kcochibili) for easy use of shared & persistent variables
- Added: Logging if no data available for upload, removed
- Added: Button to upload local BTS Data to OCID and fix issues from former commits
- Added: Code for future toggle button for radio buffer in the Debug Logger logcat buffer
- Added: Easily selectable serial device list is now available in AT Command Interface
- Fixed: AT Command Processor Interface has finally been fixed - THANKS to @scintill!
- Fixed: False yellow flag has now been fixed by waiting until OCID DB has been downloaded
- Fixed: Ugly setprop log/toast message appearing every 10 seconds has now been resolved
- Fixed: Trivial code shortening in
as well as corrected spelling of some items
- Changed: Debug Log to include radio, removed
flag, increased lines to 500 - Changed: Attempted fix on the AT Command fragment which suffers a freezer bug
- Changed: Attempted fix to false positives of silent SMS detection in
- Changed: Tightened the BBOX from 5 to 2 Km and added it to the Logging as well
- Changed: Adjusted
formatting and changed a few comments - Changed: Reformatted code of SignalStrength table and added a few more comments
- Changed: Cleaned up some code and TAGs as well as ProgressBar in
- Removed: Time from logcat in DebugLogs activity has been purged for cleaner view
- Removed: The spooky Google permission
has been completely purged - Added: Interface to
(but now AT Interface crashes constantly) - Added: Additional case in
- Added:
and super keywords & Logs and posssible ProgressBar fix - Added: Place holders for TP-MMS/SRI and
place holders toDBe_import
- Added: Dummy entry has been written to SilentSMS table, UpperCase of SQL statements
- Added: Comments in
- Added: Tried to add a working
by reflection (still not working) - Added:
to OSM in hoping to fix zoom level - Added: A few more pictures of potential IMSI-Catchers that we've seen in action
- Added: New blog post on Gun.io to introduce our project to more Freelancers
- Fixed: The null deref on unrooted-device exec failure has now been resolved
- Fixed: Shortened DB names and fixed Timestamp of our new EventLog table
- Fixed: Network Information is not shown empty any longer on certain conditions
- Changed: Save EventLog action now takes place in aa more convenient location
- Added: New EventLog table with working DB View of EL-Table and Export of .csv
- Added: New file
and some editing to the table styling - Added: Debugging code to dump full SMS in PDU format and easier string parsing
- Changed: Logcat entry of CID alert moved from
- Added: Some pseudo code to start the detection of checking the BTS for the NC List
- Added: Code comments mentioning possible bug on CDMA SID/MNC Info
- Added: Missing SMS/MMS/WAP etc. Android permissions have now been added
- Added: Non-public (3rd party) Android permissions have been added as well
- Added: OEM / Samsung related permissions and comments on
permissions - Added: Some minor code cosmetics making everything more understandable
- Added: Skipping the re-import of same CIDs into
- Fixed: Missing bonuspack_bubble Error in logcat has been resolved
- Updated: Completed
backup toaimsicd_dump.db
on the SD card - Updated:
is now forcing to use ourdevelopment
branch - Removed: Unused import statements have been purged to clean up the code
- Added:
added for removing bad cells from OCID import table - Added: Several DBe LAC/CID consistency checks via the new
- Added: Boolean (true/false) system property to show status of OCID download
- Added: New columns in
- Added: German public notice to be displayed on all black boards in town
- News-Alert: We are improving things - please work on branch
! - Added:
to the DB backup function to make amonolithic DB dump file - Added: Info message in DebugLogs and attempted to include
- Added: A few more extra comments for developers to check out aand improve
- Fixed: Refactored and cleaned copied
code for debug the E-Mails
- Changed: Reverted
- Changed: Some (code) formatting of
items - Removed: Purged black background line in "Neighboring Cells" window
- Removed: Commented out
in pin info detail to be replaced by ProviderCode - Added: HEX value has been added to
in Cell Strength table (DB Viewer) - Added: Re-introduced the OCID
restriction on CSV data - Added: EventLog has been added to selector in strings - please to improve this!
- Fixed: Name typo in Cell Tracker (
) has been resolved
- Changed: Moved service and receivers to the bottom to make file easier to maintain
- Changed: Error messages are now using
instead ofmsgShort
- Changed: Reduced OCID data radius from 10 to 5 Km, still saturating DB limit
- Removed: Commented out
from Map Viewer pin info XML - Removed: Commented out discovered bug prone to the EventLog table code
- Added: Exception handling for devices where certain providers may not be available
- Added: Handling of rotation for all activities, and removed the forced portrait mode
- Added: Attemppt to add EventLog
- Added: More code comments and placeholders for developers to continue work upon
- Changed:
in OpenStreetMap from 60 to 10 s - Changed:
in OSM from 1000 to 100 meters - Added: Even more code comments, TODO's and code formatting to digg into
- Improved: Teweaked some log messages for a better output and clearer evaluation
- Removed: Commented out "Upload" code in the OCID download request handler
- Changed: Task request strings from
- Added: Lots of code placeholders to import CSV columns from OCID data and display them
- Added: Created
as new SQL to create all new tables in the new structure - Added: Created
which will be used to import the new Databases - Added: More comments and basic code reformat for Database Viewer to support new tables
- Fixed: Clarified "range" vs "samples" confusion in Database Viewer
- Improved: Silenced spammy Samsung Galaxy class debug logcat entries from DebugLog
- Updated: Added
- Fixed: Finally solved
not stopping correctly when pressingQuit
- Fixed: Erased a typo in DebugLog and added even more comments to the current code
- Changed: Reformatted a bunch of code for law and order
- Fixed: Test to fix OCID 503 error with static contect
private static Context context;
- Changed:
-v brief
to-v time
to get timestamps for debugging time critical Issues - Added: Implemented
to ensure we also get verbose messages for better debugging - Added: Picture and link to disguised Cell Towers (just to make you aware that these exist)
- Added: Comments for detection color codes instead of
, etc. - Fixed: Bug report E-Mail address was previously not automatically added (in K-9 Mail)
- Fixed: Lack of notification and tickerText when cellID not existing in the OCID database
- Fixed: Tried to fix too chatty DebugLog
- Updated: Added @d-mariano to our
because he has been of awesome help - Moved: Contact details of the team members have been moved into WIKI for better editing
- Fixed: Minor typos in
have been removed - Fixed: Persistent Service does not have to be checked and unchecked after fresh install
- Improved: Log strings for LAC detection and code layout for better visibility
- Added: Many comments for the pending DB update which will help understanding it
- Fixed: String changes in strings.xml causing DB Viewer failure have been reverted
- Fixed: Missing BTS Issue due to OCID download limitation of 1000 has been resolved
14.01.2015 - WIP-Release v0.1.25-alpha-build-15
- News-Alert: We have gone viral with our official Twitter-Account! Follow and tweet about us!
- Changed: Color of text for credits of OpenStreetMaps changed within Antenna Map Viewer
- Removed: Deprecated Screenshots have been purged to clean up our repository
- Added: Leaked screenshots of IMSI-Catcher Software has been added to Glossary of Terms
- Added: Logcat-Alert when new Cell is not in OCID DB - which is likely an IMSI-Catcher
- Removed: Purged unnecessary and misplaced folder containing older map pins
- Changed: Merged
to show it in our App in the future - Updated: Some smaller changes made to descriptions in
- Added: We are now officially to be found on Hackaday, awaiting more developers
- Fixed: App should now not automatically restart once
has been pressed
- Improved: AIMSICD now stores data straight in DB instead of waiting too long
- Updated: Some more string changes as well as a hint on Insecure Service Area
- Changed: Better zooming available with max zoom level
in Antenna Map Viewer - Added: osmbonuspack dependency to interact with OpenStreetMap data in our App
- Added: Basic clustering implementation for correct sizing of the new map pins
- Added: Scale bar and compass have been implemented into the Antenna Map Viewer
- Added: Copyright for OpenStreetMaps and THANK YOU to @ziem added to
- Fixed: App now really quits all activities when pressing the
button - Fixed: Having to check and uncheck Persistent Service in Preferences is solved
- Fixed: dBm values were considered positive when they were negative is solved
- Fixed: Many smaller fixes and enhancements for the
- Removed: Button for Anonymous Donations has been removed as it is not needed
- Changed: Switched from RootTools to RootShell to slim down and refresh code
- Updated: Many smaller updates of strings for even more clearness on meanings
- Added: New map pins to reflect new connection defintions from the Map Viewer
- Improved: Log View will be immediately cleared when pressing button
- Improved: Shorter time taken to plot OpenCellId markers on map
- Removed: Hybrid and Satellite Maps have been removed to avoid bugs
- Changed: Refactored code out of
for easier maintenance - Added: More location providers added to improve location acquire time
- Added:
zero-padding has been implemented
- Improved: Checked App against spelling errors and also erase some
- Removed: Bad map options have been disabled by commenting out code
- Changed: Many text string changes for clarification and simplicity
- Changed: Signal strength and date strings changed in DBV for clarity
- Changed: LAC detection strings have also been simplified in the log
- Added: Placeholders for upcoming UI/UX redesign have been added
06.01.2015 - WIP-Release v0.1.25-alpha-build-9
- Improved: Better saving of timestamp for signal detection
- Changed: Re-adjusted some levels for Signal Strength Tracker
- Added: Implemented Database Viewer for measured Cell Signal Strength
- Added: Some more code documentation to understand the current changes
- Fixed: Cell signal strength should now be viewable in Database Viewer
- Changed: Logging changed from changed
(4 rows deleted to avoid errors) - Added: Logging for CellID to ChangingLAC, found new Cell that is not in OCID
- Added: Logging for Cell updating in local DB & Cell inserted into local DB
- Added: Logging for deleting Cell from local DB
- News-Alert: It has been proven that IMSI-Catchers are currently being deployed and used at all demonstrations for and against PEGIDA in Germany to identify participants and spy on their mobile phones!
- Remember: If you're going to participate in ANY demonstration, LEAVE YOUR PHONE AT HOME!
- Improved:
moved to SpiderOak, repo cleaned to ~35 MB - please refork our project! - Improved: After you have reforked our project, please follow our new instructions in Building
- Changed: Map pins are now round dots and use
instead ofmsgShort
for toaster message - Changed: Persistent service is now disabled at startup by default to avoid dev annoyance
- Added: Minor code comments for easier development (Android Developers: submit your pull requests)
01.01.2015 - WIP-Release v0.1.25-alpha-build-6
- Improved: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! We are going to change Release Cycles for you! ;-)
- Improved: Made
easier to read and updated links, hint me on further improvements! - Changed: Reverted log level in
- Updated: Gave proper credit in
to the latest awesome additions to our team - Added: New directory for external pictures and pictures of photographed IMSI-Catchers
- Added: We now have a fresh Glossary of Terms to make it easier for you to contribute
- Fixed: Cell signal strength has been fixed to not always show 99db
- Fixed:
has been purged
- Improved: LAC is now shown in the InfoWindow on the MapViewer
- Changed: We do NOT support DarkCoin donation at the moment. Discuss #74!
- Added: New
to detect abnormal and suspicious behavior - Added: Notifications about Travis CI builds and GitHub in our internal chats
- Added: More similiar projects arised. We are thankful, but we won't give up!
- Fixed: Looping builds and error messages from Travis CI should be gone now
- Fixed: Several small errors arising with new code have been purged ahead of time
- Improved: Consistent icon usage based on current security status
- Improved: Icon and status-checking moved to dedicated static classes
- Improved: OpenCellId dialog now closes automatically on success
- Improved: MapViewer now defaults to MCC location on startup
- Removed: Debug Log has been purged to make logfiles smaller
- Removed: Some redudant icon update code has been purged
- Changed: Limited log output to 1000 lines to avoid hanging
- Changed: Numerous code comments and changes on DB Viewer tables
- Changed: Base activity class for icon updates moved to Broadcasts
- Changed:
now uses same BaseActivity - Changed: Switched to new Container-Based Infrastructure in Travis CI
- Changed: Many small changes and improvements made to
- Added:
to change RAT and some other things - Added: Example on code comments added to
- Added: Espionage on Norwegian Politicians added to
- Added: Cellular Exploitation talk added to
- Added: New directory
for miscellaneous unrelated items - Added: Comment about origin added to
- Added: Getter function for DBM for future use added to
- Fixed: Missing store banners within our
have been re-added - Fixed: Debugging view has been fixed to not jump up and down
- Fixed: Text labels in Map View and DB Viewer now display correctly
- Fixed: Randomly occuring app crash on map page has been erased
- Improved: OpenCellId error messages now displays for longer period of time
- Improved: Specified UTF-8 charset for requesting key from OpenCellID server
- Changed:
Send Error Log
expanded into menuDebugging
(Work-in-Progress) - Added: Debug Logs screen to view, clear, copy, and e-mail enhanced app logs
- Updated: Work-in-Progress on the General and Technical Overviews in our WIKI
- Updated: Clarified some important contribution instructions in
- Updated: Minor modifications of our
Development Roadmap
to reflect current travel - Updated: Gradle config now uses plugin v1.0.X for latest Gradle and Android Studio
- Changed: Sorted permissions by permission type for better overview and development
- Updated: Build tools in
updated to latest version - Removed: Disabled GAPI which had been used to enable MapViewer without using GPS
- Removed: Erased assertion for title as it might fail on first-launch (e.g. in Travis-CI)
- Added: Test for LAC change detection (low-level) has been implemented
- Added: Dummy instrumentation test for basing future tests on is now integrated
- Added: Null guard has been added on OCID API key to avoid failures without API key
- Added: Ability to request a new OCID key right from the
menu within our App - Added: Granted permission
required bygetNeighboringCellInfo
- Added: Code comments on incorrect Silent SMS detection (working hard to improve this)
- Added: Detailled descriptions of the Status Icons of our App as a Work-in-Progress
- Added: Titles added to download links to notify about prior Aptoide App installation
- Added: Placed
against more failing Travis CI builds - Added: Even more memory to Gradle JVM has been granted to make builds more stable
- Fixed: Crash on startup due to missing check of
value has been resolved
- Changed: Service now does not start up until our Disclaimer has been accepted
- Changed: Disclaimer buttons have been simplified to show "I Agree" and "I Disagree"
- Updated: Fresh screenshots of our currently released App
- Updated: More small updates of our
containing the history on IMSI-Catchers - Updated: Added information about the Secret U.S. Spy Program to our
- Updated: Refreshed badges of our official stores to make the align neatly
- Added: Declared
- Added: AIMSICD Program Modules have been added to our Technical Overview in the WIKI
- Added: Dependency on
to craft a neat HowTo in holo style - Added: New awesome article in German by the 'Piratenpartei' about IMSI-Catchers and us
- Added: Banner in SVG format as well as vertical direction to be used in posts and press
- Added:
to describe what each file is doing and what it is used for - Added: Full display of
in several directories throught our repo - Added: Crafted file
for automatic release signing later on - Added: Cryptanalysis of GSM has been added to
- Added: Slides on A5/1 Cracking from 26C3 have been added to
- Added: Triton Surveillance Brochure has been added to
- Added: Link to the Cryptome GSM Files (just in case you feel like hacking your mind)
- Added: Link to a new awesome Project called the "Android-CipheringIndicator-API"
- Added: Link to the portal post on XDA-Developers to celebrate our FIRST ANNIVERSARY!
- Added: Added bloatware removal to
section stating what we DO NOT provide - Fixed: Eliminated crash that appeared when disagreeing to our Disclaimer
- Fixed: Newly added APK naming code has been polished to work in the future
- Fixed: Travis CI builds should be stable and smooth now - what a rough ride!
- Fixed: Default MCC list now shows record count
03.11.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.24-alpha
- LAUNCHED: We are now officially on Aptoide and F-Droid (builds should appear shortly)
- Changed: Signing Keys have been renewed so you can make sure we officially build the APK ❗
- Changed: Reworked all Icons to be rendered in best and highest quality possible
- Changed: Switched to
PDFMtEd Inspector
to erase metadata since it is safer than justexiftool
- Updated: Revamped About-Screen through the work of our awesome developer Toby Kurien
- Updated: Rewrote a major part of the
Application Goals
andDevelopment Roadmap
- Updated: Added more great contributors to our
- huge thanks for all the hard work - Added: Skull QR Code in
folder to be printed as a sticker (use it wisely, please) - Added: Paper about Eavesdropping Method Patent by Rohde & Schwarz in
- Added: Paper about Court of Appeal judgment invalidating Rohde & Schwarz patent from above
- Added: New badges for development stage and statement against using GooglePlay
- Added: Multiple attempts to auto-rename APK file for later automatic releases (WIP)
- Added: Pseudo code for importing
- Added: SIMAlliance permission for reading SIM related features from the Open Mobile API
- Added: Integrated Coverity Scan to allow testing with static analysis tools
- Added: New Sponsors have been added to our
- feel invited to visit them - Added: E-Mail address has been added to receive Error Logs - only use on heavy crashes
- Fixed: Many string fixes and small adjustments to make usage of our App much more clear
- Changed: Refreshed high quality Sense Style Icons
- Changed: Database file name changed to
to find it much faster - Changed: Some default values have been modified to simplify debugging
- Changed:
changed to always find themainLooper
to display toasts - Changed: Map pin icons with new colours as per #166 (neighbouring cells pins in orange)
- Added: White Style Icons in High Quality
- Added: Flat Style Icons in High Quality
- Added: Neighbouring cell info will now be shown with the map if available
- Added: Phone state listener to update the map when cell info changes
- Added: Experimental "send bug log" item that reads logcat output and shares via e-mail
- Added: Threading in "send bug log" (requires new
permission, may not work on KitKat+) - Added: New error display for previously-silent error message
- Added: More code comments to make it easier for other developers to contribute
- Added: Further attempts to fix the ATCoP (still not working as it should)
- Fixed: Some strings and comments have received some more polishing
- Added: Paper about the CellSense GSM Positioning System in
- Added:
in order to support ICC (SIM) related commands - Added: New
info file to document how the DB of AIMSICD works (WIP) - Added: New
directory for files and images used for documentation
- Changed: Restructured
to allow better viewing and WIP-Release links - Updated: Fresh
of the currents state of AIMSICD as well as updated Teaser - Updated: Added a few comments to text fields in
- Removed: Erased the "Sanity Check" activity of RootTools from the launcher app drawer
- Removed: Erased thread contention
- Fixed: Solved problems with unclosed database connection
- Fixed: Edited
to fix some string on the Device Details page - Fixed: Additional icon in the launcher app drawer created by RootTools
- Removed: Erased binary JAR files to make our project become fully FOSS! ;-)
- Changed: Re-configured build to pull artifacts from Maven Central
- Added: RootTools source so that AT Command Injector and other funky features keep working
- Added: Credits to Stericson for his awesome RootTools and his help to our project
- Added: High Quality Launcher Icons to make our App look crisp on higher density screens
- Added: Sense Style Icons in High Quality (currently discussing how to continue in Android 5.0)
- Fixed: Corrected database problems due to database connection not being handled correctly
- Fixed: Removed Apache warnings from Proguard so that Travis CI cannot complain
- Removed: Erased leftover PyGTK and NEATO Tutorials from our
section - Changed: Unified project name as "AIMSICD-Project" - we erased "IMSI-Cure" and "I'm Secure"
- Updated: New rules for Code/Syntax Highlighting have been added to our
- Moved: Api17+ stuff into separate
class to prevent verify failures on older APIs - Added:
has been added to support optionalgradle.properties
- Added: Promotion material of the Speaker Identification Field Toolkit (SIFT) added to
- Added: Master Thesis of Adam Kostrzewa about MITM-Attack on GSM added to
- Added: IMSI-Catcher Disclosure Request by several experts and researchers added to
- Added: Surveillance Catalogue by NeoSoft AG with different IMSI-Catchers added to
- Fixed: Overlapping of AT Command Injector and About page has been solved
- Fixed: Startup error and crash of Cell Info on Android 4.2 have been solved as well
- Fixed: All links on our README have been verified (please let us know if anything broke)
- Changed: Polished even more internal strings to reflect current functionality of buttons
- Changed: Switched to fresh new theme for our website which suits our project much better
- Changed: Images like Banners are now being pulled directly from our won GitHub repository
- Removed: Deleted old code of Map Viewer which had been left in the code structure
- Updated: Refreshed
and added new Images of our cool Map Viewer as well - Added: New
directory which will be expanded with awesome promotional material - Added: GSMK Baseband Firewall Patent uploaded into our
as a reference - Added: New page on Requirements in our WIKI to enable users to check App dependencies
- Added: New page in our WIKI on Privacy to ease the minds of scared contributers
- Added: Support for TRAVIS CI which will continually check if our code builds well
- Added: Ruby script to split OpenCellID CSV file into separate files for each MCC
- Added: Re-enabled slide-view for Cell Information, Database Viewer and Neighboring Cells View
- Moved: Donation Info now sits at the bottom of our README to make room for App Teaser
- Fixed: Enhanced code to remove multiple user prompts while phone had been locked
- Fixed: Enhanced code tp remove auto-starting of non-persistent service when GPS toggled
- Updated: Some restructuring done to
for better mobile view - Updated: Exspressed our teams gratitude to our new developer Toby Kurien in the
- Updated: Aligned text in
- Updated: More code cleanup done by our fabulous developer Toby Kurien
- Added: New page with Media Material in our WIKI for people wanting to spread the word
- Changed: Extracted
,Location Tracking
, andRilExecutor
into separate classes - Changed: Extracted
from the service and refactored code everywhere - Changed: Small changes made to
to include General and Technical Overview - Updated: Several small changes made to strings.xml for unified style (attempt to unify style)
- Fixed: Moved
to correct package and hooked upRilExecutor
- Fixed: Cleaned up the code to resolve title "Map Viewer" staying after switching tabs
- Fixed: Corrected Cell Tracking status - code got left out during refactoring
- Fixed: Corrected regression through which the service did not load correctly on startup
- Changed: Re-worked accelerometer detection for better battery savings. Needs lots of testing.
- Added: More tweaks and different map tile sources for the various map type settings
- Fixed: Eliminated bug which terminates the service when AIMSICD is closed
- Removed: Fully removed Google Play Services - WELCOME our new developer @tobykurien! ;-)
- Updated: Switch from Google Maps to OsmDroid (WIP), much smaller file size of APK
- Updated: OsmDroid mapview in progress - all pins added to map
- Updated: Integrated changes from upstream
- Updated: Cleaned up info window dialog box
- Added: We've got an official FAQ now. Feel free to check it out in the WIKI.
- Added: Implemented async map building and cleaned up
- Added: Implemented
to cell tower overlay items - Fixed: Renewed default location usage
- Fixed: Stable null pointers on a clean install
- Changed: Added preference for Automatic Cell Monitoring which is now ENABLED by default
- Updated: Minor code cleanup, small visual improvements on the strings
- Added: Link of our WIKI has been implemented into to the About-Menu
- Fixed: Correct NPE experienced when trying to view the Silent SMS database contents
- Fixed: Additional check for Google Play Services prior to starting the MapViewer
- Fixed: Added MCC & MNC details Map Marker display window for local database cell information
- Fixed: Exit Button will now actually exit the activity instead of doing absolutely nothing at all
- Fixed: Use
Class & store last Location to use it for any methods that require location
- Updated: Modifed the OpenCellID methods to enable each user to request and use their own keys
- Updated: Added small clarifications to Phone Type and RIL Version within Device Information
- Updated: Added
abortOnError false
so that gradle build runs without a problem (thanks @ligi)
- Improved: Several small adjustments of our GitHub Introduction (thanks @andr3jx)
- Changed: Reverted notification behaviour to correctly launch each Status Icon as meant to be
- Updated: Better Location Services (GPS) Handling to detect if GPS was actually activated
- Updated: Rewritten AT Command Injection v2 &
to bring better level of functionality - Fixed: Corrected Cell Monitoring method to correctly update the notification icon
- Updated: Cleaned Cell Table Contents to assist with Detection Method 1
- Updated: Small tweaks to the updated neighbouring cell methods for better functionality
- Added: Initial Implementation of Detection Method 1: Changing LAC
- Added: New Papers about IMSI Privacy and Projects developing IMSI-Catcher-Catchers
- Fixed: CDMA Layout Correction to address NPE experienced by CDMA device users
- Improved: Poll the telephone manager for neighboring cell infos
- Changed: Reverted "Shell & AT Command Fragment Tweaks"
- Changed: Reverted commit that was possibly causing instability compared with v0.1.21
- Changed: Rewrote both upload and download methods of OpenCellID and requested new API key
- Removed: Heading from Layout has been erased for a much clearer overview
- Updated: Cell Classes have been updated
- Updated: OpenCSV has been updated to v2.4
- Updated: Extensive updates to the Cell Class to provide an easy system for tracking and comparison
- Updated: Neighbouring Cells have been slightly teaked based on the commit made by @rtreffr
- Added: Small banner on AT Command Injector to notify of setup and ignore any error messages
- Fixed: Corrected Proguard Settings
- Updated: Slight updates to layouts to enable correct Right to Left support
- Updated: Changed the layout of neighbouring cell information to display PSC, RSSI & Network Type
- Updated: OpenCellID Contribution Upload finished to allow the use of the API functions
- Updated: Cleaned up some database cursors that were not being closed correctly
- Added: New preference for contribution of tracked cell information to the OpenCellID project
- Fixed: Removed code that attempts to draw the MCC & MNC whilst refreshing the device information
- Fixed: Changed wording within our
to comply with the GPL and avoid confusion
- Updated: Too many small improvements of our
(enough editing for now, off to development!) - Updated:
file has been updated with the latest used code snippets - Updated:
have been updated to reflect the latest UI of HushSMS - Updated: Cell data table has been updated for correct contributions to OpenCellID
- Updated: Cell Clas & Card UI Updates to support extra data and extended functions
- Updated: Neighbouring cell methods have been rewritten to improve neighbouring cell functions
- Removed: Tested Gitter chat has fully been purged due to security issues we cannot support
- Added:
has been expanded with some links for help on GitHub Markdown - Fixed:
method has been corrected in a number of it's uses - Fixed: Tweaks Device & Service to address numerous small bugs and NPEs in isolated cases
- Fixed: Small corrections of strings within AIMSICD, including a proper version formatting
08.07.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.23-alpha
- Updated: General code clean up as well as declaration access tweaks where appropriate
- Added: Gmaps undocumented API incorporated to translate a GSM CellID into a location value
- Added: Special thanks to andr3jx for the correct data writing layout and confirmation that above method works
- Added: Primary Scrambling Code (PSC) display added to the device fragment where available
- Fixed: Wcdma CellInfo type added to getAllCellInfo method to address unknown cell type exception
- Fixed: Custom map info window corrected to return to a black background of the info window
03.07.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.22-alpha
- Updated: Drawer UI components now allow removal of all option menu items
- Updated: Tracking functions are now available through the first section of the drawer
- Updated: Items will dynamically update to reflect the current status of the tracking item
- Updated: FemtoCell tracking will from now on only be shown for CDMA devices
- Updated: Moved classes & interface files into dedicated package folder for easier maintenance
- Updated: Small updates to methods providing data from the device class
- Updated: Screenshots updated to reflect latest changes within the UI and menu structure
- Updated: User Guide updated with new screenshots and explanations on several menus
- Added: Check for devices that are returning both the CID & LAC as
value - Added: Spinner for selection of a number of timeout values to assist with AT Command responses
- Fixed: Missing check for bound service added to the MapViewer to address NPE
- Fixed: Method
is encountering an unknown CellInfo type, added log to display the error - Fixed: Corrected
class to correctly show progress bar for downloading OpenCellID data
- Updated: Screenshots updated to reflect latest changes within the UI and menu structure
- Updated: User Guide updated with new screenshots and explanations on several menus
28.06.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.21-alpha
- Updated: Moved large number of methods out of the service and into the Device class
- Added: Automatic detection system for possible candidates for AT command serial devices
- Added: Shell class added to provide ongoing root shell for correct execution of AT Commands
- Added: System will attempt to draw the system property
for the AT serial device - Added: ATCI* devices will be checked within
on MTK devices with the MT6282 chip - Fixed: Consistent background colour for text items correcting strange look in several menus
- Fixed: Corrected some items to achieve correct display on different screen sizes
21.06.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.20-alpha
- Changed: Massive revamp of the UI for the application with newer drawer style UI
- Updated: AT Command Processor is ENABLED now - huge THANKS to E3V3A! ROOT REQUIRED!
- Updated: WIKI of AT Command Processor improved, please see this before using AT Commands
- Improved: Clean up and maintenance of code format, arrangement of imports and formatting style
- Removed: Unnecessary calls from methods based on fragment lifecycles
- Added: Method to the service to return the Mobile Country Code (MCC)
- Added: User preference selection of the application refresh rate
- Fixed: Corrected the list that stores neighbouring cell information
- Fixed: Modified layout for the neighbouring cells so they display now using the Card UI style
- Fixed: Change onDestory method to address the NPE some devices had when service was destroyed
- Fixed: Corrected NPE caused by null location returned during loadEntries method
- Updated: Massive revamp of the UI to nuke swiping and add a new menu button on the upper left side
- Added: App refresh rate implemented into the Device Information & Cell Information fragments
- Added: Re-added CMD Processor functions to support AT Command Injection via device terminal
19.06.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.19-alpha
- Updated: Android API version of Neighbouring Cell Information as it was broken
- Added: Local Broadcast Receiver handling OpenCellID data and ensure map markers reflect data
- Added: Cell class added to support modified API neighbouring cell data and simplify operations
- Fixed: Corrected async task calling UI methods, Database backup and restore should work now
- Fixed: Corrected naming value to correctly show our new awesome Icons
- Fixed: Modified MapViewer location logic which previously did not return any data
- Fixed: Fully removed CDMA specific location methods which caused crashes AGAIN for CDMA users
- Changed: Reverted commits that changed Silent SMS to Flash SMS. we only want to detect Silent SMS
- Changed: SMS Broadcast receiver modified to look for true TYPE 0 Stealth SMS messages
- Updated: Modified User Guide to reflect the latest changes and clarifications thereafter
- Added: Additional check for Message type indicator & the TP-PID value
- Added: Yet another additional check added as framework seems to use both in different places
- Fixed: Disabled notification alert once the application becomes visible to address persisting alert
- Updated: New explanations in User Guide to distinguish between Class 0 and Type 0 SMS
- Added: Link to the NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program
- Fixed: Corrected code values and namings for Flash SMS in multiple files
- Updated: Changed naming of Icons within AimsicdService.java
- Added: SCREENSHOTS for all our needs to explain our App - enjoy the eye candy!
- Added: Initial version of our official User Guide, will be constantly updated
- Fixed: Corrected naming of Icons to reflect the new naming scheme
- Added: Fresh Icons indicating the new threat levels "MEDIUM", "HIGH" and "RUN!"
14.06.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.18-alpha
- ATTENTION: Backup your Database prior to installing this WIP-Release!
- Added: Database Restore added to repopulate database tables from exported CSV
- Added: Silent SMS Detection - Type 0 SMS will be intercepted and will display a system alert
- Added: OpenCellID, DB Backup & Restore have been added to main async class for better performance
- Fixed: OpenCellID download methods have been rewritten and should function correctly now
- Fixed: Device specific updates which addressed some issues being faced by users with CDMA devices
- Updated: Major revamp of our
, making it much fresher and structured - Updated: Reworked our WIKI and instructions on how to correctly submit Issues
- Changed:
- will be shown when opening Issues - Added: We now accept ANONYMOUS DONATIONS through DarkCoin! ;-)
27.05.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.17-alpha
- Updated: Better way of how AIMSICD draws and displays any SIM variable & further error handling
- Changed: Cell & Location tracking functions now require GPS location services to be enabled
- Added: Initial version of a custom InfoWindow in the Map Viewer to display further details
- Added: Record ID added to the database viewer cards
- Fixed: Reverted an update to the GMS Play Services library to solve issues with the Map Viewer
- Added: SHA-1 Checksums have been (and will be) added to all (previous) WIP-Releases
21.05.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.16-alpha
- Updated: Disabling Cell tracking will now also disable Location tracking if enabled
- Updated: Huge code cleanup and updates to a number of areas across a large number of packages
- Updated: Extension of the Samsung MultiRil to attempt hooking of the
method - Removed: Unnecessary compatibility library (positive reduction in size of the APK)
- Added: AT Command Injector (currently disabled until further testing has been completed)
- Added: Code comments to a variety of methods
- Fixed: Adressed numerous possible NPE for better stability and an increased user experience
10.05.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.15-alpha
- Updated: Map Viewer type selection moved into a dedicated Map preference fragment
- Updated: About Page completed with links functioning correctly
- Updated: Cleaned up source file structure and moved items for a more logical structure
- Fixed: Main layout alignment corrected and page order changed so Cell Information is now page 2
- Fixed: Service Persistence Preferences updated to work with the change of the preference logic
- Fixed: Multiple small issues with some device variables with Network type
06.05.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.14-alpha
- Added: Neighbouring Cell details shown on Cell Information fragment
- Added: Ciphering Indicator provided through the Samsung MultiRil method by Alexey Illarionov
- Added: Initial About-Dialog providing information about AIMSICD
03.05.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.13-alpha
- Added: Exception handling added to all methods that attempt to draw SIM specific information
03.05.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.12-alpha
- Updated: MASSIVE UI update implementing fragments to enable easy navigation through SWIPING! ;-)
- Updated: Default icon is now selected within the preferences screen
- Fixed: Solved AIMSICD crashing on HTC One M7 through several code improvements
03.05.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.11-alpha
- Updated: Consolidation of Signal Strength, Data Activity & Data State into one Phone State Listener
- Updated: Main menu updated to only display FemtoCell detection on CDMA devices only
- Added: Requirement to accept our Disclaimer (if you decline you MUST uninstall AIMSICD)
- Added: Support for NoGAPPS Maps API if you don't like to install Google Maps
- Fixed: Map Viewer Tweaks to correct issues with initial location placement and map type preferences
27.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.10-alpha
- Improved: Database Viewer UI tweaked to use a gradient colouring scheme
- Improved: Map Viewer will fall back to a default location based on MCC and the Countries Capital City
- Fixed: Resolved bug with Signal Strength Tracking icon always showing as disabled
25.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.9-alpha
- Improved: Complete rewrite of Database helper functions for better logic of updating/inserting records
- Changed: Minimum SDK version increased to 16 (JB 4.1)
- Removed: Erased depreciated methods that were required to support Android versions < JB4.1
- Removed:
usage in MapViewer allowing the use of the standard MapFragment - Removed: Erased some unneeded imports and cleaned up little bits of code
- Updated: Preferences screen to use the newer Preference Fragment
- Updated: OpenCellID data is now stored within its own table (assists in IMSI-Catcher detection)
- Added: Ability to view the current database contents using a CardUI type interface
- Added: Access to all current contents including the newly created OpenCellID data table
- Fixed: Femtocell Detection preference selection now correctly actioned on start-up
25.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.8-alpha
- CAUTION: This version will erase your existing tracking information! Please backup first.
- Removed: Removed the
as this was not being utilised at all - Added: Confirmation dialog once the database export has been successful
- Added: Lots of code & method comments so eventually a nice JavaDoc page could be created
- Added: CellInfo details to retrieve the LTE Timing Advance data (not activated yet)
21.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.7-alpha
- Added: Enabled CDMA Femtocell Detection for initial testing. (CDMA devices ONLY!)
- Added: Missing resources for Actionbar icons
- Added: GeoLocation class to provides an equation to determine a bounding radius of a given point
- Added: Option to select map type and extended the details
- Fixed: Preference change is now detected correctly by the application showing immediate changes
- Fixed: MapViewer updated to check for Google Play Services
- Fixed: MapViewer will now default to last known location (if one is available)
11.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.6-alpha
- Changed: Project changed to Gradle Build System to make use of Android Studio
- Added: Google Maps API v2 support to enable new features and gain an API Key
- Fixed: Signal strength data is now correctly overlayed on the map as well
- Fixed: Database export corrected and changed to use OpenCV library
09.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.5-alpha
- Improved: Universal Compatibility achieved via the Universal Compatibility Commit!
- Reduced functionality of AIMSICD until methods are discovered to issue AT commands.
- Improved: AIMSICD now can be installed as user application (no ROOT needed)!
- Improved: AIMSICD should now function on any device. We're open for your feedback!
- Femtocell Detection will be fully implemented for CDMA devices in the next commit by xLaMbChOpSx.
08.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.4-alpha
- Updated:
to encourage people to talk to us BEFORE hunting our developers - Updated:
to reflect latest contributions (please give me a hint if I missed someone) - Removed: Purged folder
to clean up unused code and avoid confusion - Added: SOURCES. Please actively use it. Know where your code comes from.
- Removed: Erased
. Hit us with your ideas there! - Complete revamp of our PAPERS-Directory. Make sure to grab your nightly lecture.
- Another new and fresh Iconset has been added with a pull request SgtObst. Cool! :)
- New pull request adding Service, Boot Completed Receiver, TableView and FemtoCatcher Additions
- To everyone developing here: You're doing a WONDERFUL job! THANK YOU!
06.04.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.3-alpha
- Applause to xLaMbChOpSx! He submitted a new pull request with a complete rewrite of the menu system, implementing the Actionbar, rewrite of the Device class to perform better and change it from a static class, Persistent notification was added and Database helper class was created to provide application wide support.
- The old Icons of RawPhone have been fully replaced by the great work of SgtObst. More to come soon!
- Our developers are currently working hard to find viable ways to acquire the ciphering info
- If you have good ideas or code and are a programmer, perticipate in the official development thread (only technical talk).
- Thanks to the creative work of SgtObst, we now have FRESH and NEW ICONS for AIMSICD! ;-)
- Added a
for collecting the things that are planned to be added in the long run.
31.03.2014 - WIP-Release v0.1.2-alpha
- This Release has been signed using the platform keys provided in the AOSP source
- New pull request by xLaMbChOpSx reducing the target SDK version and update the code.
- Bookmark our WIP-RELEASES and feel free to report feedback on XDA.
- New WIKI-Pages by xLaMbChOpSx explaining building and installation. HAVE PHUN! ;-)
- Team members have been crawled by IP adresses not connected to any country (probably secret agencies)
- Members of the famous company Rohde & Schwarz (leading manufacturer of IMSI-Catchers) are watching us
- We know that with our actions we already have attracked dark forces out there. See our Disclaimer!
- Just to mention it: I always have the latest copy of everything. Enjoy!
- Progress! We've merged an Intitial Development Commit by xLaMbChOpSx. HUGE THANKS!
- Added source code of RawPhone into main file tree to start off with. Throw your commits at me!
- Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored to announce our German Article featuring AIMSICD! ;-)
- THANK YOU, Mike! Bookmark www.kuketz-blog.de - a lot of awesome stuff to discover and learn!
- THANK YOU, He3556! You really are a gold nugget for this project. Keep rockin' with us!
- Beautified
and added TextSecure to the links worth checking out - Finalized article for Kuketz IT-Security Blog, last review to be done by Mike Kuketz
- App Icon + Banner for article and GitHub WANTED, ideas welcome in our Development Thread!
- Added file CONTRIBUTING to avoid neglected commits - please read it before commiting!
- Article for Kuketz IT-Security Blog by He3556 and me almost finished (still needs review)
- Cleanup of GitHub is being prepared in order to add code and commits. Stay tuned!
- The EFF and The Guardian Project have been contacted to join our quest
- Mike Kuketz of the Kuketz IT-Security Blog confirms article in the works about our project
- Creation of folder
for source code of apps to be added to 'AIMSICD' - Added source code of app 'RawPhone' to be used in the base of our own app
- XDA member 'SecUpwN' is still fire and flame for the project, this GitHub is born
- Added important files of abandoned GitHub-Projects, polished up our own Repository
- E:V:A created the preliminary developer roadmap to break down app development
- Clarification of the apps purpose and heavy discussion around IMSI-Catchers starts to emerge
- Project now actively looking for talented and interested developers to produce the PoC-App
- Initial creation of the project thread through XDA recognized developer 'E:V:A'
- Active discussion beginns and people start realizing the need for the proposed PoC-App