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⚠️ NOTE: This is document is work in progress, help wanted, see

This following PEP was written originally on the PyCON US by Kevin Millikin (@kmillikin) and Sergei Lebedev (@superbobry). The specification was adopted on a Sprint at Europython -> be aware it is known to be unsound and overly complex at the moment.

See also The General Status Issues.

PEP: 9999 Title: Intersection types Author: TODO Sponsor: TODO Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: xxx Python-Version: 3.12 Post-History:


This PEP proposes the addition of intersection types. They are denoted as A & B or Intersection[A, B] and they describe values that have both types A and B. Intersection types are a complementary concept to union types introduced in PEP-484.

The primary use cases for intersection types include:

  • mixin classes, which require certain APIs to be available in the class hierarchy;
  • wrapper types, which add information to the original type without monkey patching;
  • combining multiple protocols into a single structural type;
  • ad-hoc merging of TypedDict types; and
  • type narrowing in control flow.

This PEP outlines the syntax, subtyping rules, assignability, isinstance and issubclass usage, and other aspects related to intersection types.[A short (~200 word) description of the technical issue being addressed.]


PEP-484 introduced the concept of a union type, written Union[A, B] which describes values of either type A or type B.

For example,

class A: ...
class B: ...
class C(A, B): ...
class D(A): ...

# PEP-604 was introduced to allow writing `Union[X, Y]` as `X | Y`
def fu(value: A | B): ...

fu(A())  # Valid
fu(B())  # Valid
fu(C())  # Valid
fu(D())  # Valid

Intersection types provide a different (complementary) way of combining types. The type A & B describes values which have both type A and type B.

For example,

def fi(value: A & B): ...

fi(A())  # Invalid
fi(B())  # Invalid
fi(C())  # Valid
fi(D())  # Invalid

here it is valid to call fi on an instance of C, but invalid to call it with instances of A, B or D.


This section motivates intersection types using examples that cannot be easily solved with current typing constructs. [Clearly explain why the existing language specification is inadequate to address the problem that the PEP solves.]


Mixin classes often have to assume a certain API, which is not implemented by the mixin, but needs to be available in the class hierarchy where the mixin is used. For example,

class LoginRequiredMixin(AccessMixin):
    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            # calling a method of `AccessMixin`
                return self.handle_no_permission()  # Valid
        # calling a method of `View`
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)  # Invalid
        #              ^^^^^^^^ Cannot access member "dispatch" for type "AccessMixin"
        #                         Member "dispatch" is unknown

The LoginRequiredMixin is designed to be used with the View base class which defines the dispatch method. Intersection types allow expressing that directly via

from typing import Self

class LoginRequiredMixin(AccessMixin):
    def dispatch(self: Self & View, request, *args, **kwargs):
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            # calling a method of `AccessMixin`
                return self.handle_no_permission()  # Valid
        # calling a method of `View`
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)  # Valid



Another use case for intersection would be the creation of wrapper types that add more information to the original type without monkey patching

from typing import Type, TypeVar, Generic

_T = TypeVar("_T")

class Wrapper(Generic[_T]):
    wrap: Type[_T]
    enhanced: bool = True

    def __init__(self, cls: Type[_T]) -> None:
        self.wrap = cls

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ...

def enhance(cls:  Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] & Wrapper[_T]:
    return Wrapper(cls)

class X:

EnhanceX = enhance(X)

reveal_type(EnhanceX)            # Type[X] & Wrapper[X]
reveal_type(EnhanceX.enhanced)   # bool


Intersection types allow to succinctly combine multiple protocols (see PEP-544) into a single structural type. For example, instead of

from import Container, Iterable
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

class IterableContainer(Iterable[T], Container[T], Protocol):

def assert_in(target: T, it: IterableContainer[T]) -> bool:
    if item not in it:
        raise AssertionError(f"{target} does not occur in {', '.join(map(str, it))}")

users could drop the IterableContainer class and instead annotate it as Iterable[T] & Container[T].

Source: python/typing#18


PEP-673 introduced Self, a simple and intuitive way to annotate methods that return an instance of their class. If methods or attributes of intersection types return Self-typed values, they should be inferred as intersection types. For example,

from typing import Self

class Sample: ...

class Mixin:
    def me(self) -> Self: ...

a: Sample & Mixin
reveal_type(  # Sample & Mixin


PEP-589 introduced TypedDict, a way to define precise types for dictionaries with a fixed set of keys. Multiple TypedDict types could be merged into a single TypedDict type through subclassing. For example,

from typing import TypedDict

class Movie(TypedDict):
    name: str
    year: int

class BookBasedMovie(Movie):
    based_on: str

With intersection types, TypedDict types no longer need to be inherited, and can be combined in ad-hoc way:

class BookBased(TypedDict):
    based_on: str

BookBasedMovie = Movie & BookBased

Type narrowing in control flow

Type checkers employ type narrowing for certain conditionally executed code as described in PEP-647. An isinstance check, for example, can be used to narrow the static type of its first argument

x: A
if isinstance(x, B):

In the call to f, x is known to have both static types A and B. If B is a subtype of A then that static type is the same as B. But of course, A and B do not necessarily have any subtype relationship. With intersection types the static type of x can be exactly represented as A & B and the programmer can write the type annotation for f accordingly:

def f(x: A & B): ...

Type checkers actually do implement some form of intersection types internally to support type narrowing. This can be observed using a facility like reveal_type in place of the call to f above. For instance, mypy will display <subclass of "A" and "B"> and pyright will display <subclass of A and B>. Intersection types allow programmers to write this type annotation, even including more complicated cases such as:

y: Union[A, B]
if isinstance(y, C):

At the call to g, y has the static type Union[A, B] & C. (Both mypy and pyright "distribute" the union over the intersection, displaying Union[<subclass of "A" and "C">, <subclass of "B" and "C">] and <subclass of A and C> | <subclass of B and C> respectively.)


Theoretical Definition

In type theory, an intersection type can be allocated to values that can be assigned both the type σ and the type τ. This value can be given the intersection type σ ∩ τ in an intersection type system [WIKI1]. This means by using an intersection type constructor ( ∩ ) it is possible to assign multiple types to a single term. In particular, if a term M can be assigned both the type σ and the type τ, then M be assigned the intersection type σ ∩ τ (and vice versa) [WIKI2].

In other words specific to Python: Intersection is a typing composition operator similar like Union. In order for Target to be a valid (sub)type of Union[T1, T2, Tn], Target must by a (sub)type of any Tn. In contrary in order for Target to by a valid (sub)type of Intersection[T1, T2, Tn], Target must by a (sub)type of all Tn.

Python type system know concrete types as well as types defining interfaces (protocols). Furthermore python is a dynamically language with a gradual typing and language base types that behave different from normal classes. This could create a lot of ambiguities therefore the following rules are defined for the intersection type. Some of this rules were already defined PEP 483 and were discussed in the further development of this PEP.

Intuition based on sets

A simple way to understand Python static types is to think of them as describing sets of runtime objects. The type str describes the set of all Python strings. Likewise if C is a class then the type C describes the set of all instances of C including instances of its subclasses. A type annotation on a variable declares that at runtime the value of the variable will be an element of the set that the annotation describes. (Which is not necessarily true because the type system allows conversions both to and from the type Any without any runtime checks.)

The rules for subtyping sketched in PEP-483 are intended to ensure that if a type B is a subtype of a type A, then the set of values described by B is always a subset of the set of values described by A.

Union types describe the union of the sets of values of their components. For example, Union[str,C] describes the set containing all Python strings and all instances of C including instances of its subclasses. A type annotation Union[str,C] on a variable declares that at runtime the value of the variable will either be a string or an instance of C (or possibly both). This is why the operations that a typechecker allows on such a value are only the operations that are allowed on both strings and instances of C. The only safe things to do with such a value are the things that are allowed for all components of the union, that is the _intersection_ of those things to do.

Similarly, intersection types describe the intersection of the sets of values of their components. For example, str & C describes the set containing all Python objects that are both elements of the set of strings and elements of the set of instances of C including instances of its subclasses. Notice that this does not require that C is a subclass of str or vice versa. There may be classes that are themselves subclasses of both str and C and so their instances will be in the intersection. There may even be several such subclasses of str and C that are not necessarily subclass-related to each other. And the intersection may be empty if there are no Python objects that are both in the set of strings and the set of instances of C.

The operations that a typechecker allows on an intersection type are the operations that are allowed on any component. That is, the _union_ of those operations.

A subtype of an intersection type should describe a subset of the set of objects described by the intersection type. Namely, this means that it should also be a subtype of all of the components of the intersection (it cannot possibly contain an element that is not contained in each of the components). An intersection type itself is a subtype of each of its components, because it describes a subset of the sets described by each component.

This set-based intuition extends to other types besides class instances. For example, we can form an intersection of a union type like (A | B) & C. The first component of the intersection is the set containing all instances of A and all instances of B. The intersection with the set containing all instances of C describes all the Python objects that are both instances of the union (either A or B) and also instances of C. This set-based intuition justifies distributing the union over the intersection (as shown by mypy and pyright above) and recognizing that it describes the same set of objects as A & C | B & C.



An intersection of types A and B should be defined using the operator A & B, or Intersection[A, B] when programmatically generating intersections.

Note that the use of the ampersand(&) operator in this context requires a grammar change, and is therefore available only in new versions of Python. To enable use of intersection types in older versions of Python, we introduce the Intersection type operator that can be used in place of the ampersand operator:

# generating intersections using the ampersand operator in new versions of Python
def f(value: A & B): ...

# generating intersections using `Intersection` in older versions of Python
def f(value: Intersection[A, B]): ...

Order and Emptiness

As for unions the order of elements of an intersection does not matter.

isinstance and issubclass

Similarly to union types (see PEP-604), the new syntax should be valid to use in isinstance and issubclass calls, as long as the intersected types are valid arguments to isinstance and issubclass.

The isinstance or issubclass check for an intersection is equal to the combined checks of all arguments passed:

class A: ...
class B: ...

assert isinstance(val, A & B) == isinstance(val, A) and isinstance(val, B)
assert issubclass(val, A & B) == issubclass(val, A) and issubclass(val, B)

It shall be noted, that following the PEP 544 about the rejected default isinstance check: If any Protocol within the intersection isn't marked with typing.runtime_checkable, isinstance will raise a TypeError.

So one possibility to fulfill an intersection is for a class to be a child of all intersected classes.


class C(A, B): ...

isinstance(C(), A & B) # True issubclass(C, A & B) # True

Basic Reductions

In order for the following rules intended for type checkers to work correctly the following reduction have to be applied to Intersections first:

  • Nested intersections shall be flattened, i.e Intersection[A, Intersection[B, C]] == Intersection[A, B, C]
  • If a (concrete or protocol) type A is a subtype of B, A shall be removed from the intersection
  • If a protocol BP defines all methods and properties of a protocol AP, AP shall be removed from the intersection
  • If the concrete class A fulfils the Protocol AP, AP shall be removed from the intersection
  • An intersection with only one element shall be normalized to the element.

Any Reduction

As PEP 483 already suggested: Any shall be removed from an Intersection, i.e. Intersection[A, B, Any] == Intersection[A, B].

% This is only a suggestion and needs to be discussed and decided in #1 % Once it was finally decided the discussion and arguments should be summarized here.

Never Evaluation

An intersection that contains either two classes that are a or are a subclass of two different internal base classes shall evaluate to Never. Examples for internal baseclasses are:

  • BaseException
  • bool
  • bytearray
  • bytes
  • complex
  • dict
  • float
  • frozenset
  • int
  • list
  • memoryview
  • range
  • set
  • str
  • tuple
  • type
There are concrete types that can't be subclassed, they are
  • a class marked with [doc]
  • typing.Never and typing.NoReturn also called bottom type
  • None

If such a type is used within an intersection this intersection shall evaluate to Never.

The reasoning behind this is that these types can't be subtyped and shouldn't be dynamically extended. Doing this early prevents issues during subtyping or assignments checks.

from typing import TypeVar, reveal_type

T = TypeVar("T")

class Enhanced:
    is_great: bool

def enhance(cls: type[T]) -> type[T & Enhanced]:
    class New(cls, Enhanced):

    return New

reveal_type(enhance(str))  # okay
reveal_type(enhance(None))  # raises a TypeError on runtime, should be flagged by TypeCheckers

It is important to note that once a type checker evaluated anything to Never within an intersection it can stop further evaluations an return Never. This way a lot of edge cases by mixin types that can't be mixed are handled easily.

Handling Callables

Every Callable within an intersection shall be treated like a def __call__() Protocol.

from typing import Protocol, Callable

MyCallable = Callable[[str, int], float]

class CallProto:
    def __call__(a: str, b: int) -> float: ...

# Type Checker should perform the following conversion
# T & MyCallable => T & CallProto

This way the overload mechanism described below can be used.

Protocol Reduction

A type checker shall combine all protocols of an intersection in the following way:

% TODO: Shall this be valid also for ABC?

  • Create a new empty protocol Merged
  • Cycle over all protocols and their attributes.
    • For each of such attributes do:
      • If: the given attribute does not exist, copy it to Merged
      • Else If: the given already exist in Merged and is a callable (function/method), mark the attribute @overloaded (if not done already) and add current attribute as @overloaded as well
      • Else:
        • If: The attribute in Merged is a (or multiple) callable(s), convert them to one __call__ protocol (if multiple callables, with overloads)
        • If: The attribute in Merged is no union make it one
        • If: Uhe given attribute is a callable and there is already a call protocol in the Union, add the given attribute as overload
        • Else: Add the given attribute to the union

Please note for @overload the sub file rules apply as described in PEP 484

from typing import Protocol, overload

class ProtoOne(Protocol):
  a: int
  c: Exception

  def foo(self, x: int) -> bool:

class ProtoTwo(Protocol):
  a: str
  b: float

  def foo(self, x: str) -> str:

class IntersectionOneTwo(Protocol):
  a: str | int
  b: float
  c: Exception

  def foo(self, x: int) -> bool:

  def foo(self, x: str) -> str:

  assert isinstance(val, ProtoOne & ProtoTwo) == isinstance(val, IntersectionOneTwo)
  assert issubclass(val, ProtoOne & ProtoTwo) == issubclass(val, IntersectionOneTwo)


The general set theory applies for handling Unions. The following rules apply

% TODO Define an alogrithm that shall be used by type checkers
  • (A | B) & C = (A & C) | (B & C)

% see #3


A type checker validating that a variable can be assigned to an intersection the following should be done:

  • check that the variable issubclass() of all concrete classes
  • ensure that the Merged protocol (see above) fits to the given variable

The differentiation between concrete types (nominal typing) and protocols (structural typing) is inherent the current Python type system and shall not be changed.

class A:

class B:

class C(A, B):

# valid since C is a subtype of all intersected types
x: A & B = C()

# invalid since the subtype B is missing
x: A & B = A()


As it is not possible to create subtypes of Unions, it is also not possible to create subtypes of Intersections.

Still a type checker needs to be able to create a virtual type internally when A && B is used. As it doesn't know anything about potential MRO of concrete classes (since the order of an Intersection does not matter), we need a different way of creating types for attributes. To do so, the type checker shall apply the algorithm described in Protocol Reduction not only to protocols but to all types given. The resulting Merged protocol shall be used internally by the type checker as representation of the the given Intersection type for all further checks.

% TODO maybe reveal_type could accepts a keyword argument, verbose that prints this protocol?


How to Teach This

[How to teach users, new and experienced, how to apply the PEP to their work.]

Reference Implementation

[Link to any existing implementation and details about its state, e.g. proof-of-concept.]