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Collabora Online

Master: Pull request policy

Matrix Telegram Forum Website L10n Gitpod Ready-to-Code

Your own private Office in the Cloud

Get in touch 💬

Key features

  • View and edit text documents, spreadsheets, presentations & more
  • Collaborative editing features
  • Works in any modern browser – no plugin needed
  • Open Source – primarily under the MPLv2 license. Some parts are under other open source licences, see e.g. browser/LICENSE.


For many more details, build instructions, downloads and more please visit and also you can check out the SDK Documentation.

Developer assistance

Please ask your questions on any of the bridged Matrix/Telegram rooms

Join the conversation on our Discourse server at

Watch the tinderbox status (if it's green) at

Development bits

This project has several components:

  • wsd/
    • The Web Services Daemon - which accepts external connections
  • kit/
    • The client which lives in its own chroot and renders documents
  • common/
    • Shared code between these processes
  • browser/
    • The client side JavaScript component
  • test/
    • C++ based unit tests
  • cypress_test/
    • JavaScript based integration tests

Further recommended reading with build details

iOS and Android apps


See the corresponding web pages:

Releases and pre-releases

Releases and pre-release builds are made from the distro/collabora/co-24.04-mobile branch. Releases for Android and iOS are generally built from the same commit, and are tagged as a release on GitHub.

Android snapshots are automatically built once a week, but may be built more frequently if there's something new to test. iOS testflight builds are exclusively built when there is something new to test. Pre-release builds are not tagged in GitHub.

Getting changes into 24.04-mobile

You should still develop against master, even if you're working on mobile-only features. Changes made in master will be moved into the distro/collabora/co-24.04 branch according to the release schedule. Changes from the distro/collabora/co-24.04 branch are then regularly cherry-picked into the distro/collabora/co-24.04-mobile branch.

If you have a change which you want to get into mobile snapshots or releases more quickly, you should still develop it against master. When it's merged into master, you should make a backport pull request against distro/collabora/co-24.04-mobile. Please don't make pull requests directly against distro/collabora/co-24.04-mobile (i.e. without the change first being merged into master).


Head over to and follow the steps.

Admin Panel

You can access the admin panel by directly accessing the admin.html file from browser directory.

Websocket connections to admin console can be made at path: /adminws/ on the same url and port as coolwsd is running on. However, one needs a JWT token to authenticate to the admin console websocket. This is stored as a cookie with Path: /adminws/ when user successfully authenticates when trying to access /browser/dist/admin/admin*html files (HTTP Basic authentication). Token is expired after every half an hour, so websocket connection to admin console must be established within this period.

It should also be possible to do various sorts of tasks such as killing documents that are open for more than 10 hours etc. See protocol.txt for various commands. Only tricky thing here is getting the JWT token which can be obtained as described above.

Protocol description

See protocol.txt for a description of the protocol to be used over the websocket.


To integrate Collabora Online into your own solution, you can see our step-by-step tutorial, view the available integrations, understand the post message API used to customize and interact with Collabora Online, and a lot more.

Test running with integration for developers

Unless you want to test SSL itself, it is easier to go for the non-SSL option.

Setup Nextcloud or ownCloud on localhost, and install the richdocuments app. Good tutorials exist how to install ownCloud or Nextcloud, we don't repeat them here. richdocuments is called Collabora Online in the respective app stores / marketplaces / whatever.

When you have a running Nextcloud or ownCloud instance at http://localhost/nextcloud or at http://localhost/owncloud go to Collabora Online settings, and set the WOPI URL to http://localhost:9980

Then in the build tree, edit the generated coolwsd.xml and set ssl setting to false. You can run make run, and test coolwsd with the ownCloud or Nextcloud integration.

Note: if SSL is enabled in either Online or the integration, both must have SSL enabled. That is, you must access NC/OC using https:// as well as configure the Collabora Online endpoint in NC/OC as https://localhost:9980.


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