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Releases: CubBossa/PathFinder

v4.6.0 - 1.20.4 Support

16 Feb 08:45
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Hey, small 1.20.4 update that brings all dependencies up to date.
Also fixes bug about missing pagination in editor menus

Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v4.6.0

v4.5.0 - No more ProtocolLib

17 Nov 10:37
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Hello everyone,
This is a rather big update with changes towards 1.20.2.
It also removes ProtocolLib as dependency.

PLEASE make a backup before installing. Report any issues!

Full Changelog: v4.3.2...v4.5.0

v4.4.0 - Discoverings

11 Aug 07:37
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Hey, update time again!


  • #9 /discoveries now lists all groups with a discover-progress modifier and their discovered percentage
  • #62 Don't render ALL visualizers but only those of all groups with highest prio
  • Edit mode group menus sorted alphabetically
  • #63 Message formatting improvements
  • #65 Bugfix with deleted visualizers and visualizer modifiers

Full Changelog: v4.3.2...v4.4.0

v4.3.2 - Bugfixes

06 Aug 09:34
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Hey, a series of bugfixes :D
#55, #64, #53 and increased pathfinding a lot

Full Changelog: v4.3.1...v4.3.2

v4.3.1 - Hotfix for permission issue

02 Aug 17:13
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Hey, a smalll hotfix that made /find available for non op players but not available for ops. Now, /find is available for everyone by default.

Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.3.1

v4.3.0 - /findplayer command

02 Aug 07:43
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This update introduces the requested /findplayer command. It works similar to the known /tpa feature, but instead of teleporting it will create a shortest path connection from one player to the other.
The according permission nodes are:
pathfinder.command.findplayer.request -> allow /findplayer
pathfinder.command.findplayer.accept -> allow /findplayeraccept []
pathfinder.command.findplayer.decline -> allow /findplayerdecline []

Also, the bugs #60 and #61 have been fixed.

Full Changelog: v4.2.1...v4.3.0

v4.2.1 - Group Save Fix and Performance Optimizations

30 Jul 08:43
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Hey :D
A quick update that fixes an empty DB request for every player movement and an issue where modifiers were occasionally not saved to storage.
As always, just send me a message or create an issue if anything does not work as expected!

Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.2.1

v4.2.0 - Dump Files and Particle Fixes

29 Jul 11:07
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Hey everyone!
This update comes with "dump files", which are files with all important information to your environment, so that I have some more data to reproduce errors quickly. No one has to send these files to anyone, but sending it to me when having an issue with the plugin can really help me to reproduce the problem.

Also, a bug with particle paths has been fixed: sometimes, only parts of the path were visible, and sometimes, the path first moved one edge in the wrong direction before going back to the actual target.

Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0

v4.1.0 - Fixed Scalability Issues

27 Jul 06:39
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Hey everyone,
this update comes with some performance improvements for large node databases and some bugfixes.
Make sure to report any issues to me in a DM or as issue :D thanks!

Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.1.0

v4.0.1 - Bugfix in /findlocation

23 Jul 12:38
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A bugfix for the /findlocation command, where a permanent edge to a temporary node was being created.
The error leads to redstone particles of the editmode not showing initially and to /find not working anymore.
It can be solved by deleting the loose edges from the data storage with the command

DELETE FROM pathfinder_edges WHERE (SELECT count(id) FROM pathfinder_waypoints WHERE id =  end_id ) = 0

In words: delete all edges where the referenced end node cannot be found in the waypoints table.

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1