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base repository: DataDog/dd-trace-dotnet
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 64f40edf4df3252659a969e40b0aeee6651d1e10
Choose a base ref
head repository: DataDog/dd-trace-dotnet
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: e251d323ac246939f974e66688297ef2f0ca96f0
Choose a head ref
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -51,21 +51,24 @@ ENV DD_INTERNAL_WORKAROUND_77973_ENABLED=1
# Copy the app across
COPY --from=builder /src/publish /app/.
# Create new website we control, but keep auto-start disabled
# Create new website we control, but keep auto-start disabled, and stop IIS
RUN Remove-WebSite -Name 'Default Web Site'; \
$ENABLE_32_BIT='false'; \
if($env:TARGET_PLATFORM -eq 'x86') { $ENABLE_32_BIT='true' }; \
Write-Host "Creating website with 32 bit enabled: $env:ENABLE_32_BIT"; \
c:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd add apppool /startMode:"AlwaysRunning" /autoStart:"false" /name:AspNetCorePool /managedRuntimeVersion:"" /enable32bitapponwin64:$ENABLE_32_BIT; \
New-Website -Name 'SmokeTest' -Port 5000 -PhysicalPath 'c:\app' -ApplicationPool 'AspNetCorePool'; \
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\SmokeTest" -Name applicationDefaults.preloadEnabled -Value True;
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\SmokeTest" -Name applicationDefaults.preloadEnabled -Value True; \
net stop /y was
# We override the normal service monitor entrypoint, because we want the container to shut down after the request is sent
# We would really like to get the pid of the worker processes, but we can't do that easily
# This is all way more convoluted than it feels like it should be, but it's the only way I could find to get things to work as required
RUN echo 'Write-Host \"Running servicemonitor to copy variables\"; Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath \"c:/ServiceMonitor.exe\" -ArgumentList @(\"w3svc\", \"AspNetCorePool\");' > C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
RUN echo '$completedFile=\"C:\logs\completed.txt\"; if (Test-Path $completedFile) { Remove-Item $completedFile;};' > C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
echo 'Write-Host \"Running servicemonitor to copy variables\"; Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath \"c:/ServiceMonitor.exe\" -ArgumentList @(\"w3svc\", \"AspNetCorePool\");' >> C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
echo 'Write-Host \"Waiting 10s before starting app pool\"; Start-Sleep -Seconds 10;' >> C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
echo 'Write-Host \"Starting AspNetCorePool app pool\"; Start-WebAppPool -Name \"AspNetCorePool\" -PassThru;' >> C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
echo 'Write-Host \"Making 404 request\"; curl http://localhost:5000;' >> C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
echo 'while (-not (Test-Path "C:\logs\completed.txt")) { Write-Host \"Waiting for app shutdown\"; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1; }; ' >> C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
echo 'Write-Host \"Stopping pool\";Stop-WebAppPool \"AspNetCorePool\" -PassThru;' >> C:\app\entrypoint.ps1; \
echo 'Write-Host \"Shutting down\"' >> C:\app\entrypoint.ps1;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@@ -36,6 +37,12 @@ public static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)

await CreateHostBuilder(args).Build().RunAsync();

var completedPath = Path.Combine(
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DD_TRACE_LOG_DIRECTORY") ?? ".",

File.WriteAllText(completedPath, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString());

return ExitCode;