/CRUDdy Routes is used normally to build 4 routes, however in this task, we have used only to CREATE a conversion, to READ your conversion using 'id'. Node js together with express framework, mongodb, body-parser, and nodemon are used to develop the conversion application. To test the API the application Postman is used as a client side making requests. The Postman is used to send simple HTTP requests with custom bodies and parameters. So please install postman to this application./
#Please follow the following instruction to test the appllication:
1)First go to .../t_academic> and run the command (Please see "installing_libraries_database_parser.jpg"): npm install --save express mongodb body-parser 2)Then in the same folder run the following command (Please see "nodemon_auto_refresh.jpg"): npm install --save nodemon 3) In the same folder start your server on localhost using the command below (Please see "making_a_request_read_id.jpg"): node server.js 4)Please download and install Postman from the site 'https://www.getpostman.com/' and use it to send simple HTTP requests with custom bodies and parameters.
#Consider the inside of Postman as a REST API type to be used in the following manner
#Sending a JSON type request. Please see "making_a_request_creating.jpg".)
post 'http://localhost:8000/conversion' { title:Roman to Decimal, body:x } end
#N:B The following are already created values that are to be accessed from the mongodb. Please see "making_a_request_read_id.jpg"
get 'http://localhost:8000/conversion/:id' end