{% hint style="info" %} This document represents an architecture decision record (ADR) and has been mirrored from the ADR section in our Shopware 6 repository. You can find the original version here {% endhint %}
Some routes for the sales-channel-api and the store-api depend on a sales-channel-context-token to identify the correct context. To ensure these routes cannot be called accidentally or intentionally without a token, a route parameter is in need to distinguish open routes and those that need a token.
Every route that depends on a sales-channel-token will only be callable with such a token provided. To decide whether a route depends on a token or not the following questions should help:
- Will the automatic generation of the token be a security Issue?
- Will the automatic generation of the token lead to an abandoned entity? (e.g. the cart)
- Can every possible caller create or know the needed token beforehand? (e.g. the asynchronous payment provider cannot)
From now on, every sales-channel-api and store-api route need to be checked for above question and set the ContextTokenRequired
annotation (Shopware\Core\Framework\Routing\Annotation\ContextTokenRequired
Another decision could be to just leave the routes open. There is currently no security issue associated with context-less calls. When a call is made without a sales-channel-token, one will be generated with the default sales-channel-context. The least thing that could happen, is that someone adds an entity (e.g. a cart or a customer) accidentally to the default sales-channel-context instead of a desired custom sales-channel-context.